Audi R8 Meets Gran Turismo (inc Nürburgring video footage)

  • Thread starter MGR
Has anyone seen this video yet of the r8 round nord, its very poor quality but it looks like the lighting has been imroved, especially the darkness of the interior.

Looks the same. Rembemer the R8 has backlight gauges. The lighting does seem different, but I believe that is because of the camera being used.
If you B-Spec any of the race, you don't get any A-spec points:nervous:

Ahh who cares..

Oh wait. I bet GT5 will have online A-Spec points statistics and boards. .. but they will, or at least they should fix it so that when you use A-Spec it records and when you switch to B-Spec it should stop, then when you switch to A-Spec in same race again it should record again.
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Thanks. 👍

Now, what the heck is that? The track looks real, but the lightning for the track doesn't. The car interior looks real, but the lightning for it doesn't. Adding to this there is a conflict between the two different lightning environments. I just don't understand where is this taken from and what it has to do with the R8 & the nurb vid. It clearly is not the same as the other parts of the video.

I can't figure out one good reason for doing a such 'fake' clip. Someone explain me, thanks :)

I don't understand why the dials don,t move, it may have been a prototype r8or maybe they were measuring the speed with a digital speedometer, but one things for certain, thats real life footage not gt5, it even has a tax disk, plus why would it say this is real life and this is done by the computer if one was gt5 and the other gt5p. Anyone that thinks thats ingame footage is in for a real shock.
It's kind of dissapointing tho cos it really does show how far off gt5p is graphically imo.
Codename L, all I'm trying to say is have fun with GT. Don't turn it into a chore. About b-spec, try doing a 24hr race in 24 hours. I only slept for four hours when I first did mine. Get back on track with fours sleep is one memory I'll never forget. I believe THAT was Kaz's goal when he included endurance races. You just don't get the same experience when you race only few hours a day, pause, continue racing, so on and forth. If your not playing for the experience, then what are you playing for?

Why pause? You have B-Spec mode, you can switch every 3-4 hours with you and AI. In real life there are few drivers per car. It's just to much for full 24 race.
If your not in it for the experience and learning then what. Driving in a 24 hour race is no joke. That’s why it’s added in GT4, GT3 the longest race was Laguna 99 laps I loved that race. But 99 laps straight with a pause to use the bath or the lue (if I spelled it wrong sorry) is not easy. We asked for more and we got the 24hrs of Le-Mans and 24hrs of Nurburgring. That’s when we got B-Spec to be the other co-drivers but what fun in that if you can’t share that with another driver. B-spec sometime done the same lap times as you some times faster and the one thing I didn’t like about B-Spec it’s burned up the tires was to fast. If you had a setup that would allow you to have the tires under you for two pits any from 40 to 60 laps pending on car and setup. But in B-spec you pits would be way of mark messing up you whole strategy. One you get back to A-Spec you find your self in either a half lap behind or 2 laps behind. Then you would have to rework your whole strategy or keep on the same one. Driving with your family or friends is a much better trade off for me. Some of us GT members really do race and some of us have done and long endurance race. But a few of us have done a 24hrs or longer race. I’ve only done one endurance race the 25hrs of Thunder Hill. It’s was one of the most trying races I’ve been in. Driving 3 to 4 hours in a hot car is hell for 6 drivers. So if you not in it for the fun and experience and learning then in my eyes you should put GT up. Here are some links.
Since we’ve got some what of and idea that damage will be implemented along dynamic weather changing and night racing. What area will change when the changes take place? Damage is an easy one anything and every thing will be accusable to damage. Pending how we drive the cars will depend what is damage. When it comes to the dynamic weather and night racing it leaves the door wide open for number areas to change in GT5. The main area I think that will change the most is the car set up menu. Two or three more options may be added. (1) Track Temperatures reading (2) Tire Temperature Reading (3) Tire Pressure Reading (4) Brake Temperature Reading. And some other area that I won’t bring up due I don’t believe the option will be added until the next GT after the coming one. Some of you may be thinking why. Think about it, weather is the main factors when setting up your car (s).
I don't understand why the dials don,t move, it may have been a prototype r8or maybe they were measuring the speed with a digital speedometer, but one things for certain, thats real life footage not gt5, it even has a tax disk, plus why would it say this is real life and this is done by the computer if one was gt5 and the other gt5p. Anyone that thinks thats ingame footage is in for a real shock.
It's kind of dissapointing tho cos it really does show how far off gt5p is graphically imo.

The dials don’t move because the car was probably standing still when they recorded the footage of it.(not to mention there is also the possibility this is a “R8 dashboard only” we are looking at) The “Ring” footage behind the windshield is real life in my opinion. The vid feels however a (serious) bit unnatural because it’s basically a poor composite. There could be numerous reasons why they tricked that particular vid, from bad shooting planning to budget/time or technical limitations.
The dials don’t move because the car was probably standing still when they recorded the footage of it.(not to mention there is also the possibility this is a “R8 dashboard only” we are looking at) The “Ring” footage behind the windshield is real life in my opinion. The vid feels however a (serious) bit unnatural because it’s basically a poor composite. There could be numerous reasons why they tricked that particular vid, from bad shooting planning to budget/time or technical limitations.

Agreed - I think what they're trying to show us in this part is the quality of the cockpit interior in real life compared to GT5:P's interior.

I have to ask again because nobody noticed me at the first time. Did the racing driver say something about R8 handling in the game. For me R8 in game feels way too much understeery compared to reviews by top gear etc.
Agreed - I think what they're trying to show us in this part is the quality of the cockpit interior in real life compared to GT5:P's interior.


What so you don't think it was an actual car driving. It says this is real life, and then it said this is gt5p. So i takke you guys assume the footage of the track behind the dash was gt5, if that was the case why show gt5p because the difference in quality was night and day. I think the footage behind the dash was real life wether the car is really driving or not. Sorry if i've missinterpreted you oppinion, im just a bit confused to what people are actually trying to say about that clip.
What so you don't think it was an actual car driving. It says this is real life, and then it said this is gt5p. So i takke you guys assume the footage of the track behind the dash was gt5, if that was the case why show gt5p because the difference in quality was night and day. I think the footage behind the dash was real life wether the car is really driving or not. Sorry if i've missinterpreted you oppinion, im just a bit confused to what people are actually trying to say about that clip.

I'm not saying anything about the footage beyond the interior...

I have to ask again because nobody noticed me at the first time. Did the racing driver say something about R8 handling in the game. For me R8 in game feels way too much understeery compared to reviews by top gear etc.

Well, it wasn't quite answered, but somebody did offer their own opinion...

did that racing driver comment how R8 handles in game? I think it is really hard to drift R8 in game, but people who tested real car say it is easy because so little of the power goes to front wheels.

With S1 tires I find the R8 pretty easy to drift. Sure its takes a lot of input and maybe some ebrake but overall I find when I drive the car in the game and then watch the replay its pretty close to real life videos.

So I guess it depends... that driver isn't going to know all that much better than us anyway, simply because in the game he's just as much removed as we are... If he's relying solely on visual cues to drive in The Real World™, I wouldn't rate him as a driver! :P The best he can do is: "yeah, I do about 100 through that turn in the real car, too"
I have to ask again because nobody noticed me at the first time. Did the racing driver say something about R8 handling in the game. For me R8 in game feels way too much understeery compared to reviews by top gear etc.

"They got the over and understeer pretty realistic, the most important thing is still missing though, thats the "butt'o'meter" (free translation from me lol), but you cant simulate that in a game". Something like this.
I think one way you can tell the R8 is done reasonably well is that in real life it makes an average driver look fast and a fast driver real fast (so the magazines say). Similar to the Evo. Its not hard to approach its limits and it has some pretty respectable limits. I really need to get back in that Ford GT I rode shotgun in... man that was a blast.
I aint complaining to me suz looks fine,im just saying i hope gt5s consistent with it's track quality rather than some looking next gen and some looking hd versions of gt4. On the other hand fuji to me looks like crap, the graphics in gt5 are good but come on, people who think its even close to photorealistic need their eyes checking.

You sure your not playing gt4?
You sure your not playing gt4?

Oh come on, stop being so biased, i play on 42'' pioneer hd, and yes i think the graphics are good, especially the car models but come on, it's a long way off from photo real, when your playing you don't think so much but when you see a comparison vid like that short snip from the nurburgring a few pages back it shows just how far off it is, thats all i was trying to say, and yes i maintain fuji looks crap, the colours looks like their taken from microsoft paints pallet, it's not so much polygon detail gt5p is suffering from, but textures, the hdr is messed up and the colour pallet is awfull. The models are very good, it's just a shame the models are not to the same standard as that koenigsegg that was posted a few months ago, now that was damn close to photoreal in my oppinion and the artists claim it could be rendered in gt5 on ps3. Damn i know why polyphony wont let cars roll over because they forgot to model the underneath, which is quite apparent going over that hill at eiger.
"They got the over and understeer pretty realistic, the most important thing is still missing though, thats the "butt'o'meter" (free translation from me lol), but you cant simulate that in a game". Something like this.

Seems they have do some more work on force feedback to give better information for the driver. Thanks for translation!
Oh come on, stop being so biased, i play on 42'' pioneer hd, and yes i think the graphics are good, especially the car models but come on, it's a long way off from photo real
Well, I respectfully disagree, but that's what board debates are all about.
Hey guys, while reading the pdf-document I noticed sth. 💡 In the document (btw. it is the official "finance-report-document 2008 of audi) they say the game is going to come out in 2009. Is that a sure hint? I don't know. What do you think? It's on page 13.

Here's the original: Und dieses „Gran Turismo“? Es ist eines der erfolgreichsten
Rennspiele. Über 700 verschiedene Fahrzeuge und 50
Strecken. Eine atemberaubende Grafik. Und so pedantisch
aus der Realität gescannt, dass die digitale Nordschleife an
keiner Stelle mehr als maximal fünf Zentimeter vom
Original abweicht. 2009 kommt die neue, fünfte Version
von „GT“, wie Fans ihr Spiel nennen, auf den Markt.

Here's my translation: And this "Gran Turismo"? It is one of the most important racing games. Over 700 cars and 50 tracks (i guess they're talking here about GT4...i don't know). Truly unbelievable graphics. And everything is scanned so remarkably precise that on the digital "Nordschleife" no place differs more than 5 centimeters from the original. 2009, the new, fifth version of "GT", as the fans of the series call their game, is going to hit the market.

So, I hope it's kinda "official" lol. :):dopey:
Lol well, this should clear up some confusion. Oh yeah he mention how they have several camera perspectives for the interior, looks like polyphony has being listening to us after all.

Yeah I remember I mentioned that ;) 💡

But PD had those ideas before even fans knew about Interior. So far in GT5P there are 4 angles for Interior view.

Front, Left, right, Rear

Before on GT5P DEMO there were 2 more
Front, Left, Right, Rear, Left Rear, Right Rear.

I hope there are few more. Center of the Dash camera, Hood cam, as well many more for Replays.
I just want to see someone spending 1 million credits on a large, powerful supercar, take it out onto a wet track, and wreck it on the first corner, then have to spend another hour or two acquiring enough credits to have their car repaired. :sly:

It would change the whole dynamic of the game.

Or better yet, the ability to total your car beyond repair
Yeah I remember I mentioned that ;) 💡

But PD had those ideas before even fans knew about Interior. So far in GT5P there are 4 angles for Interior view.

Front, Left, right, Rear

Before on GT5P DEMO there were 2 more
Front, Left, Right, Rear, Left Rear, Right Rear.

I hope there are few more. Center of the Dash camera, Hood cam, as well many more for Replays.
I didn't play the Demo so I don't know what those angles were, but in case some of you don't know: if you select the Left and Right views on analogic buttons, you realize they're not exact angles (the Rear one is), because with the analogic buttons while doing more or less pressure you can view more or less to the Left/Right. There's basically a 180º angle rotation for the front part of the car.
B-spec sometime done the same lap times as you some times faster and the one thing I didn’t like about B-Spec it’s burned up the tires was to fast.

I'm suprised you found B-Spec to burn up tyres faster than yourself. I could never outlast the b-spec driver between pitstops. Even when trying to slow down to comparable lap times.
B spec Bob was good with tyres for me, because pulling himself off every wall didn't scrub rubber off very fast....... :P