Audi R8 Meets Gran Turismo (inc Nürburgring video footage)

  • Thread starter MGR
Hey guys!

I am from Austria and my language is german so thought i translate some facts from that pdf data!

- The One Guy of that interview is the GermanManager of Polyphony Digitals “GT Explore Studio” in Germany for Gran Turismo 5
- For designing the R8 Polyphony sent 20 technicians und designers to Audi which made about 800 Pictures of the car. For making the lightning as real as possible they even delivered the Headlights from germany to Japan
- For the sound Polyphony Digital took the R8 to a “acoustic proofing station” to record the sound in every idling position. When you accelerate the virtual R8 it feels just like fearing as in the real one
- In Future they will become more realistic
- Maybe that’s about GT4: 700 Cars and 50 Tracks
- There will be new tuning Options
- At a few parts of the Nordschleife the sun is blinding the driver while on other parts the cockpit overcomes with shadows
- The trees are looking absolutely real
- When a driver in front of you takes off the track sand is flying against the windscreen

Sorry for my bad school English ;)

The two is nice attention to detail. I can't wait to hear sand punching the windshield, as well get blinded by the sun.. OK it will be tough, but realistic!
PD could add some SOUND effects. It may look the same as in GT5P when you only drive though the dust, now they could add some Stone sounds. It's really not much.

I also hope they add stone sounds under the car. Some PC sim racers have it, it adds a cool note.
Yeah i dont think we need to talk about the sounds. ;)
A good sound is imo one of the most important things missing so far, it would make the game way more intense, almost at the same level as dynamic weather, at least for me.
In german that thing with the dust sounds like the dust from cars going out in front of you make any effects to the windscrenn! Its written like your windscreen is dusty or something like that! i dont think the dust in prologue actually is something special like they mentioned in the article! Maybe thats something only they saw in their prologue version, i mean, we didnt saw any other cars in the video but they definitly played that! Whats making me glad in the article is just ,,in future we make it more realistic''
PLease stop comparing GT to real life. There is NO comparison. No matter how perfect GT is, it'll never be real life. If you want to experience real life, go drive for 24 hours straight in real life and experience the whole sensation of it in full 100% realism. GT is a game first, and a game should be fun. If that means that it's lenient enough after you've spent 23 hours on a single race for whatever reason (I would never do an endurance race, NEVER) it'll let you win, then I could go for that.

To me, it's simply incomprehensible that people who aren't paid an incredible sum of money to drive for even 8 hours in pure exhaustion would do so voluntarily for 24 hours and DEMAND that they be punished for it as if they were being paid millions of dollars. It's like "Hey mom! Look! I'm a weal wacecar driva now!" "No hon, you're not, put the controller down and go spend some time with your friends."

That's childish man. And in contrast to you I would like to have super-realistic damage during 24h race. If that is too much for you, well, don't do it, nobody forces you. Btw. there is always the possibility of saving during the race and even if not, I tell you again, just don't do that race.
Taking a look at the theme of saving during races, don't you see it as cheating in a way? Just like Pokemon, which I used to play a lot until I was 12, then quit, then started again two years ago and quit again, you could make your fights (in this case races) more easier by saving and restarting in case anything would go wrong.
Taking a look at the theme of saving during races, don't you see it as cheating in a way? Just like Pokemon, which I used to play a lot until I was 12, then quit, then started again two years ago and quit again, you could make your fights (in this case races) more easier by saving and restarting in case anything would go wrong.
How the hell is that cheating? Some of us have better things to do that start over and over on games. It is using the features that the developers intended us to use. It might not be what you consider "fair play", but it's certainly not cheating.
How the hell is that cheating? Some of us have better things to do that start over and over on games. It is using the features that the developers intended us to use. It might not be what you consider "fair play", but it's certainly not cheating.
SOme people take gaming very seriously I suppose. Really, if people think it's cheating, then just don't save, it's not like other people saving would affect you in any way. It just means they'll have wasted less time at the end of the day.
Well, you'd only be cheating yourself! :dopey:

Anyway, I'd imagine that this information (as old as it may or may not be) has been deliberately controlled - allowing the tension to build up to fever-pitch before E3...

I can see the situation in PD towers now:

Hunchbacked minion: "Everything is proceeding as planned, master"
KY, rubbing hands gleefully: "Excellent..."
Seriously? Not at all. But I guess it's not fair play at all. Why should a person be congratulated if they saved their way to victory in 24hs races? 👎
Seriously? Not at all. But I guess it's not fair play at all. Why should a person be congratulated if they saved their way to victory in 24hs races? 👎
You honestly think everyone on this forum has the time and energy to sit down for 24 hours and play GT5 non-stop just because it would be the "fair" thing to do? :indiff:
Seriously? Not at all. But I guess it's not fair play at all. Why should a person be congratulated if they saved their way to victory in 24hs races? 👎

I know what your saying, but you can save yor progress through championships and restart the console when you loose. It's the same here. a save interval every 3 hours and then you don't need to leave your console on overnight. My PS3's noisy and heats the room up a fair bit, its not the greatest thing to have on in your room why your trying to sleep.
I don't see what the big fuss is. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you that you have to complete GT5 100%. What so you brag on here, or so you could get that special car that will probably never get used. GT is a video game, not a chore. If your not enjoying yourself, why bother? I have enjoyed every GT that has been release state side and I have yet to complete a single one at 100%. Does this make me less of a fan? No. I do what makes me happy. If you can't complete the 24hr races in one sit down, what is the point. They are there to simulate what it would be like to race with sleep deprivation, nothing more. Why do you think they added b-spec Bob? Not to win your races for you, but to act as your relief driver for endurance races. Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT5 easier. When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it. It is not like your going to get payed real cash for it!
When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it.

My friends and I done the same thing at the Nurburgring and Le-Ma Drift. Plus it adds that area of having different drivers that don’t drive the same. So you got to get a neutral setup for all the drivers. So they all can run near the same pace.

My friends and I done the same thing at the Nurburgring and Le-Ma Drift. Plus it adds that area of having different drivers that don’t drive the same. So you got to get a neutral setup for all the drivers. So they all can run near the same pace.

We've done that too, although only 2 of us could actually drive that well, one was pretty poor, one was just appalling...

Having said that, it's impressive what a few hours straight on the Nurburgring can do for a n00b's driving...👍
We've done that too, although only 2 of us could actually drive that well, one was pretty poor, one was just appalling...

Having said that, it's impressive what a few hours straight on the Nurburgring can do for a n00b's driving...👍


You are so right the ring will break or make your driving skills Le-Ma now way. And having a fully builded cockpit, seat, belts and all would give it another challenge for our friends. YEA time to get to work YEAAA.👍👍:dopey:
Endurance races sharing between mates is a real case for GT not have damage; you can guarantee that a buddy would just total the car after handing it over to him...
That is why only true friends can drive... lol. I actually held a tournament at my house with GT5p (split screen). 8 contestants. In the end it was me (of course) vs a Korean friend (who is pro at LFS) of mine at Fuji F1 with the Vette tuned (me) vs the Amuse S2000 (Ho Chul) (tuned to the same PP) for 5 laps. What a battle. He got off to better start but I passed him at the end of the straight, then he passed me after the hairpin, then I passed him on the straight, then he lead for a whole lap, then on the final corner before the straight I ducked to the inside and held him off until the end. Good times. I can image this at night, at the ring, in the rain with damage. Evo vs STi or GTR vs GTR. GT5 can't come soon enough.
I don't see what the big fuss is. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you that you have to complete GT5 100%. What so you brag on here, or so you could get that special car that will probably never get used. GT is a video game, not a chore. If your not enjoying yourself, why bother? I have enjoyed every GT that has been release state side and I have yet to complete a single one at 100%. Does this make me less of a fan? No. I do what makes me happy. If you can't complete the 24hr races in one sit down, what is the point. They are there to simulate what it would be like to race with sleep deprivation, nothing more. Why do you think they added b-spec Bob? Not to win your races for you, but to act as your relief driver for endurance races. Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT5 easier. When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it. It is not like your going to get payed real cash for it!

Exactly. Great post BTW, well put. I personally just planned to do a 24 hour race with my friends yesterday after hearing the news that GT5 will have weather, damage and most important to me, Day/Night cycles (all of which you guys have over-analyzed so much that you now have me doubting it's plausibility). Seriously though, aside from GRID and the old Le Mans 24 hours game, what other game has that. I think that that's whats going to seriously set GT5 apart from all the competition. I really hope that when Forza 3 is unveiled at E3, GT5 will unveil their presentation right across the aisle, complete with damage models and videos of the weather package and day/night cycles just to blow Forza 3 out of the water and shut the Forza Fanboys up. :)
GTR2 has all these things (damage, weather, day/night cycles)... well except for amazing graphics... but then again for an old PC game and with some mods they are still pretty good.
You honestly think everyone on this forum has the time and energy to sit down for 24 hours and play GT5 non-stop just because it would be the "fair" thing to do? :indiff:

I'm not saying they have to do it. I would not even do it either. I'm just asking for personal opinions. Forget about all of the problems the PS3 can get. It's a very simple question: is it a honest thing to do or not? It's a No or a Yes. I'm not saying someone has to do it non-stop if they think is not honest thing to do. It's a question.

I know what your saying, but you can save yor progress through championships and restart the console when you loose. It's the same here. a save interval every 3 hours and then you don't need to leave your console on overnight. My PS3's noisy and heats the room up a fair bit, its not the greatest thing to have on in your room why your trying to sleep.

I totally agree with you. Friends used to tell me that keeping your PS2 for more than 4 hours straight was dangerous. Heck, I have heard of members here that have had it on for more than 4 days or so.

Even real 24hr races don't have the same driver for that 24hrs...

It's just a question, nothing else.

If you can't complete the 24hr races in one sit down, what is the point. They are there to simulate what it would be like to race with sleep deprivation, nothing more.

Please, write down your arguments coherently, because I can't seem to understand you, man. You seem to be on the side of the board that wants races to be able to be done in B-Spec mode as an alternative, but your arguments sound more like if you want them to be exclusively be made in A-Spec without saving.

Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT5 easier. When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it. It is not like your going to get payed real cash for it!

Man, I couldn't care less about 100% completition of a game, specially a racing game. Besides, the first sentence doesn't make sense at all:

"Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT easier." You are basically saying that doing the races all oneself is an easier thing to do than hand it over to B-Spec?

Besides, real cash? If I get to drive race cars in real life, I swear I will do it as a hobby. If people don't want to pay me, then I will say "alright, I don't care about money". I would do it because I want to, because it's something I enjoy doing (at least in the game), not because of the money.
Anyway, it would be sad for GT5 to feel like a second job. That game has always been scalable (to fit one's level, or lunacies), so I expect the next iteration to be extremely scalable.

GT was supposed to be an Otaku game, after all.
Codename L, all I'm trying to say is have fun with GT. Don't turn it into a chore. About b-spec, try doing a 24hr race in 24 hours. I only slept for four hours when I first did mine. Get back on track with fours sleep is one memory I'll never forget. I believe THAT was Kaz's goal when he included endurance races. You just don't get the same experience when you race only few hours a day, pause, continue racing, so on and forth. If your not playing for the experience, then what are you playing for?
Why pause? You have B-Spec mode, you can switch every 3-4 hours with you and AI. In real life there are few drivers per car. It's just to much for full 24 race.