Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
It does suck not having premium, but I just can't justify spending the money on it with the game still somewhat of a mess.

Battlepacks don't disappear if you don't open them.
It does suck not having premium, but I just can't justify spending the money on it with the game still somewhat of a mess.

Battlepacks don't disappear if you don't open them.
I do get killed in places that seem odd, and hit detection can be off sometimes but I'm not noticing it being that bad. Maybe I'm just oblivious though :lol:

If you see me on over the weekend just hop into the party. I have at least 3 other friends all getting BF4 this weekend so it should be an epic noob fest with all of us. :dopey:
Most definitely. I almost joined in last night, but did some OT last night and as soon as I hit my bed I was stuck haha.
I do get killed in places that seem odd, and hit detection can be off sometimes but I'm not noticing it being that bad. Maybe I'm just oblivious though :lol:

Most definitely. I almost joined in last night, but did some OT last night and as soon as I hit my bed I was stuck haha.
Last night was epic because it was my friends first day with his X1 and then my brothers first few games of BF4. Had a blast but it will be even more fun this weekend since at least 3 of my friends will have BF4 for the first time. Really looking forward to it. Not sure if they will all have it tonight or Saturday night.
Every time I check the server browser, every server is at 1/5 on connection. Not sure why since my internet is running perfectly fine.
@ImaRobot I saw you join my game but unfortunately couldn't talk or squad up as I was playing with a friend. Maybe we can get some games in another time?

Had a great time on Hainan Resort earlier, myself and a teammate picking off about 25 enemies over a couple of minutes who were trying to get to the hotel island from the shipwreck (D on CQ Large), eventually someone figured out they weren't getting through that way and came from another side which we didn't have covered.
@Im_Lukas yup I went in for a couple of games but started getting some weird lag on Hainan so I left.

To bad we weren't in the same squad, we probably could have got a good run going. 👍

Invite me anytime :).
Having more than 700hr of gameplay, it was the first time I saw this.

weird att.jpg

Is that an assault rifle with underslung rail and the M320 attached?
GP30 is the Russian Grenade Launcher. That guy isn't using an underslung rail so it's a separate gadget.

Edit: I guess it could still be on the underslung rail.
Yes, I've used it, that's what you get when you use the underslung rail on Russian guns.

On a slightly BF4 related note, apparently I got a message from someone who said, "You are one of the stupidest player I've had to deal with. Just thought I'd let you know." Then another message saying, "like... 'one of a kind' stupid you know." I kind of want to give some dumb*** response but I won't.
I don't recall playing around this guy last night at all so I don't know what incident he's referring to nor did he give a clue.

Edit: The level of spawn camping in CTF tonight is unreal. Last night, it didn't help one team when their guy took the flag all the way back to their spawn but that was different from tonight. I need to find another game mode. CTF was fun for about a week then things started getting weird and people started taking things personal. It's amazing what people will do when their real name and picture aren't displayed.
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Had a lot of crazy games of BF4 this weekend. @ImaRobot and I were able to play a lot of games together too. At one point Saturday night I believe we had an entire crew of at least 6 players in a squad.

On Sunday I joined a friend that unfortunately only plays hardcore mode. I cant even believe the amount of camping snipers in hardcore. Holy crap that is just not an enjoyable experience for me playing hardcore. However I did actually become the MPV during one of the hardcore rounds we played. Followed by one of my worst games ever in BF4. So hardcore just is not for me.

Oh also had an issue yesterday where my right analog stick quit working. Not sure if that is BF4 related or controller related. I almost quit and reloaded the game. It kinda worked itself out eventually.

Overall it was a lot of fun. Yesterday I unlocked the M2 slam and have been truly enjoying that. I think I am now level 11 or 12 in BF4.
I was doing horrible those games, a week off got me rusty. Like you I hate hardcore and the playstyle is just to different for me to adjust too. The fact that there isnt a compass makes those call outs kind of stupid. "Sniper to the south" thats cool, what direction is south? haha.

You guys switched to FM5, and after that I was having my best rounds in a while. I went into domination, and I really like it when I'm playing solo. Its not so team dependent, and I can cap objectives rather easily by myself as the time to capture an objective is cut significantly.


I picked up these on Sunday, and my experience has changed dramatically. The sounds in this game are so intense when its flowing directly into your skull.
I was doing horrible those games, a week off got me rusty. Like you I hate hardcore and the playstyle is just to different for me to adjust too. The fact that there isnt a compass makes those call outs kind of stupid. "Sniper to the south" thats cool, what direction is south? haha.

You guys switched to FM5, and after that I was having my best rounds in a while. I went into domination, and I really like it when I'm playing solo. Its not so team dependent, and I can cap objectives rather easily by myself as the time to capture an objective is cut significantly.


I picked up these on Sunday, and my experience has changed dramatically. The sounds in this game are so intense when its flowing directly into your skull.

Me too!! Got a nice Sennheiser from my buddy who doesn't use it any more. Decided to try it out for gaming. What a difference! I played on the sound of my tv so from that to a good headset is awesome especially with BF4 :bowdown:
Does anybody here know if you 'reset stats', do you keep your unlocked SP guns?

I googled it and found this post:

It resets you k/d, and W/L ratios also, and I can't remember off the top of my head, but I think it reset something else as well, when I tested it. But you still get to keep your unlocks and does not reset your total number of kills or deaths, just the kills and deaths you had before you reset does not count toward your k/d.

Edit: It resets Score/Min, W/L ratio, Accuracy, and K/D ratio. All Time Statistics and all other values will be unaffected.
Thanks @Carlos, I'll Just keep it as is then.
I was just wondering if one could start all over at lvl1 again.

Being almost lvl130 and being at home with a broken foot it would give me some purpose in the game again as I'm not interested in any other game atm.
Well I just got BF4 on Xbox One due to signing up for EA Access. I tried BF3 but could never really get into it. I would love to get some tips on what to try first to have the most fun.:cheers:
Well I just got BF4 on Xbox One due to signing up for EA Access. I tried BF3 but could never really get into it. I would love to get some tips on what to try first to have the most fun.:cheers:
I dont recommend starting out with a sniper.. haha. Atleast until you learn vantage points, or just the maps in general.

Assault has some good weapons, but if you run into enemy vehicles it can be a pain, thats why I stick to an Engineer most of the time. Really, theres so much equipment, you just have to experiment with what setup you like.

I like my wire guided missles and repair tool the most

If you're on tonight, we'll get some games going. 👍
I dont recommend starting out with a sniper.. haha. Atleast until you learn vantage points, or just the maps in general.

Assault has some good weapons, but if you run into enemy vehicles it can be a pain, thats why I stick to an Engineer most of the time. Really, theres so much equipment, you just have to experiment with what setup you like.

I like my wire guided missles and repair tool the most

If you're on tonight, we'll get some games going. 👍
I'll try and do that. I can get on around 9 or 9:30.
I dont recommend starting out with a sniper.. haha. Atleast until you learn vantage points, or just the maps in general.

Assault has some good weapons, but if you run into enemy vehicles it can be a pain, thats why I stick to an Engineer most of the time. Really, theres so much equipment, you just have to experiment with what setup you like.

I like my wire guided missles and repair tool the most

If you're on tonight, we'll get some games going. 👍

If he starts with assault he can revive you and throw medic bags, maybe that would level him up faster and or easier to do than with rockets. I started with assault, then went to support and I'm now doing engineer only because I can now use my RFB (MK11 MOD 0 :bowdown:). I found engineer class to start with a real pain, the gun isn't that good... Felt more like a paint ball gun :P

With what nickname can I add you on Battlelog?
Thanks @Carlos, I'll Just keep it as is then.
I was just wondering if one could start all over at lvl1 again.

Being almost lvl130 and being at home with a broken foot it would give me some purpose in the game again as I'm not interested in any other game atm.
You could play it how I've played it recently, but you'd have to have a computer near you to keep track. What I do is open the battlelog website when I'm going to play, go to my stats, and when the weapon list loads, I click the unlocks sorting column. Then I pick the top primary weapon and handgun from that list to use in the round I'm joining. Then when that round is over, I repeat the weapon unlock sorting to see if the top of the list has changed, and if it has I pick the next weapon that shows at the top.

It mixes things up and keeps the game a bit more interesting. It's a strategy I haven't used since Bad Company 2. It's also how I got pretty decent at hitting guys from close range with a sniper rifle without needing to aim-down-sights.
If he starts with assault he can revive you and throw medic bags, maybe that would level him up faster and or easier to do than with rockets. I started with assault, then went to support and I'm now doing engineer only because I can now use my RFB (MK11 MOD 0 :bowdown:). I found engineer class to start with a real pain, the gun isn't that good... Felt more like a paint ball gun :P
Thats true, assault is probably the easiest to jump straight into. I also started with assault, but quickly moved to engineer.. I just couldnt stand the tanks.

I absolutely hate DMR's. I think they are useless without a scope, and I suck when they dont have a scope so I dont take the time to even use them haha.

I actually do best with the Engineer weapons. Just aim for the head, and that fix's any lack of power from the guns :P

With what nickname can I add you on Battlelog?
I didnt see this yesterday, did you sneak it in? Either way, Here's my account. I'm not sure if you'd add it under LoadedLove or lImarobotl (those are L's :P)
Thats true, assault is probably the easiest to jump straight into. I also started with assault, but quickly moved to engineer.. I just couldnt stand the tanks.

Recently I've dealt with a few tanks by stealing them, run up to them and get the defibrillators out and a surprising amount of people will jump out allowing you to get in and drive off. If they have a gunner in the tank with them then you can't get in so I mostly use this as a last resort.
Recently I've dealt with a few tanks by stealing them, run up to them and get the defibrillators out and a surprising amount of people will jump out allowing you to get in and drive off. If they have a gunner in the tank with them then you can't get in so I mostly use this as a last resort.
I'm confused, why would they get out because of the defibrillator?
Because they're noobs.

I've had people jump out of tanks just by running up close to them.... with a gun, with a class that isn't engineer or has C4.

Sometimes you just get lucky and they don't realize you can't do anything to them, until they jump out and realize they just got trolled.
Because they're noobs.

I've had people jump out of tanks just by running up close to them.... with a gun, with a class that isn't engineer or has C4.

Sometimes you just get lucky and they don't realize you can't do anything to them, until they jump out and realize they just got trolled.
Really? I kinda thought that, but was hoping people weren't that dumb :lol:
Really? I kinda thought that, but was hoping people weren't that dumb :lol:
Really. Some people are that dumb.

I've even had times where me and another friend playing as medics would run circles around a tank on foot until the person in the tank jumped out. Another strategy is to run up to the tank and pretend you're C4ing or hitting it with the repair tool. Oblivious players won't notice you aren't actually doing anything and will hop out immediately.

Only time I hop out of a tank is to repair it in a safe location when I'm the gunner, or when someone gets at an angle that can't be hit.. but only if I'm the gunner... If I'm the driver, I'm in the tank to die.
Thats true, assault is probably the easiest to jump straight into. I also started with assault, but quickly moved to engineer.. I just couldnt stand the tanks.

I absolutely hate DMR's. I think they are useless without a scope, and I suck when they dont have a scope so I dont take the time to even use them haha.

I actually do best with the Engineer weapons. Just aim for the head, and that fix's any lack of power from the guns :P

I didnt see this yesterday, did you sneak it in? Either way, Here's my account. I'm not sure if you'd add it under LoadedLove or lImarobotl (those are L's :P)

Yes I did :D

About the tanks, that's funny :lol: I might try that out hehe
Really. Some people are that dumb.

Only time I hop out of a tank is to repair it in a safe location when I'm the gunner, or when someone gets at an angle that can't be hit.. but only if I'm the gunner... If I'm the driver, I'm in the tank to die.

Tank theft is fun, sadly people are getting wiser as time goes on but in the early days of BF3 it had a 75% success rate regardless of your class, these days I find it's more like 10%. And yeah, there's nothing more annoying than seeing one of your vehicles in the hands of the enemy, unless I'm repairing an occupied vehicle I never abandon them. Helicopters survive rough landings more often than not and if they do there's not much stopping the enemy from repairing it enough to fly it away.

I played a bit today, ended it on an easy and pretty boring rampage in a scout chopper on Floodzone. It was a case of see enemy, point at enemy, click, point at different enemy, click, reload. I actually spent more time flying around with no ammo waiting for the cooldown to expire.

People apparently don't like it when you fly your chopper down low to shoot them while they hide inside buildings.
I'm confused, why would they get out because of the defibrillator?

I'm assuming most people just think that the only person that would run up to their tank is someone who is going to do damage so they panic and jump out to shoot them. I just use the defibrillator so I'm not holding my gun and it looks like I'm doing something.

It does annoy me sometimes when they jump out because I know there will be people on my team who do the same thing.