Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
So as I'm walking out of my apartment in search of a car for Simeon, some random guy driving a Bobcat pulls up right beside me and offers me a ride. So we go riding around, minding our own business then decide to complete a few gang attacks. On our way to another gang attack, he changes the waypoint to a crate drop. Long story short, he helps me get the crate after helping me fight off another gamer and the gang around the crate. I then set our waypoint to another gang attack and what do you know, we spot another crate. Long story short, since he helped me get capture a crate, I did the same for him. Without a doubt, aside from being in a lobby with friends, this is the best I've dealt with online.
I got randomly targeted by a level 120 player. 2 personal vehicles and a shotgun blast later I manage to get away. One of the vehicles Simeon wanted showed up on the map and he decided to go get it.

This was my chance....

I went to the dockyard, placed several sticky bombs in front of Simeon's garage, and waited.

I think we all know what happened next.....
Wh-why do people flip out at a player who's obeying the road rules?! What? Are they jealous of my Phantom?! My smooth turning at slow and high speeds?! My excellent driving skills?! :sly:

But seriously though. Also, why can't people respect other people's rides? I don't get it. Why do I get shotat by a player on the oncoming lane? Every time I drive, I get marked for a drive by and someone sprays their Uzi all over my door. Then do a U-Turn and chase me down.

Then they get pissed off when I sticky the hell out of their car. (It does sound a bit hypocritical, I know)

Anyway. Today I was driving about, when I get a crate inbound notification. I call for my Buzzard, and set my waypoint for the hospital helipad. Apparently a random was doing the same thing, and he was a quarter of the way up the ladder before I filled him full of lead, fearing he was stealing my Buzzard. I get up there, and there are two; one for me, one for him. Seeing as I was being an asshat, I began to apologize. Instead he started shooting at me (proper response from an illiterate) and so fearing for my Buzzard's well-being, I blew his up to kingdom come.

So as I am making my way over, I see that a random has already collected the contents of the crate. I inform the random that I was on my way to pick him up from the Hoover Dam (?). When I arrive, he shoots me out of the heli.

*and that is how it all began.... sniper warfare*

So, as we are blowing each other's brains out with rifles, two more players arrive. They see the Buzzard, and go for it. For this one instance, we [the enemy sniper and I] shifted focus and tore the two rogues apart. Once that was done, we shifted back to blowing each other's brains out. One of the rogues pulled out a rifle, while the other went for an AK. They both hid behind their cars and the battle continued.

Then long behold, the player who's Buzzard I demolished shows up in a Cargobob. The attention shifts to him and we soon demolish his Cargobob. The original crate recipent finds a car and bolts out of there. Meanwhile the battle rages on.

The Cargobob pilot leaves the game, leaving me with the rogues. The battle pursues, until the AK rogue leaves the game. Seeing as it's only me and the sniper rogue, I decide (like a moron) to bring my car over and offer him a ride. I bring my car over, and he riddles me with bullets.

So I sent him a pissed off message, and later find out in his profile that he speaks Spanish. So, I sent him a translation of my earlier message. He then leaves when I keep winning these battles. The Buzzard was long forgotten, exploded on the side of the mountain, when I tried getting away but the engine cut out.

There are many, many more stories after this, but this was the most interesting one.
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Ok. That was the best lobby I've ever been in.

It started out with me and @Imuagold repeatedly killing this one guy who tried to steal his HVY Dump. Then, we also attacked a squeaker and I grabbed a Titan. Eventually, they left.

But the story doesn't end there...

A hacker joined and gave everyone $200 million, even though I don't want any more cash. I guess he also modded my Titan I was flying because I was hitting the same speeds as the P-996 Lazer and handled somewhat the same. If I were to pull a sharp turn, I almost fell out of the sky. This lead to some crazy maneuvers and silly accidents. I got a bunch of people to fly Titans as well and at one point, there were a total of 4 Titans flying in a line through the city! We were all laughing and shouting whenever we crashed or almost hit each other. At some points, it seemed like the fighter jet handling wore off and came back. I probably flew for at least an hour.

I tried to organize a Titan meetup at Mt. Chilliad, but people were up to other stuff. :(

Then some kid tried to play chicken with me, but I refused because I was tired, plus, he was in a much more maneuverable plane.

I then accidentally crashed into either the FIB or IAA building and quit after.

Amongst all the crashing and chaos, I made a couple friends, but I only got one friend request. :P

It's just unfortunate that I will probably never have the same amount of fun again.
Was just in a lobby with a lv 24 random spawncamping some lower-level randoms who either didn't or couldn't fight back. It sure is a good thing I had my Rhino on call to give him a taste of his own medicine...
I've just left a room full of inbred neo-Nazis. I feel physically sick.
Worse (among others): getting constantly taken to lobbies where I am alone, like tonight. Tried joining some 25/30 deathmatches, missions, etc.. always landed in empty lobbies. Very nice, GTA! :mad:
Yesteday I got a bounty on myself so I hopped into a tank before things became nasty. As I was equalizing the world by sorting out some LSC camper, a Lazer showed up. Must have been an inexperienced pilot because I took him down with a tank. Later as my Rhino got beaten up from driving over cop cars, I decided that it would be a good idea to get a heli and land on a building to see how much interest I can attract. Another jet shows up showering bullets and rockets on the roof. Must have been the same guy as I managed to snipe him out of his flying jet. All this for a 1k bounty :D
Some level 230 user kept blowing me up with his tank. Afterwards he left his tank and journeyed out in a helicopter to NW of the map on his quest for a Bounty. I was up by the Sandy Shores landing strip and got a Buzzard. I stayed out of his radar and went up in altitude until I was high enough for him to not notice me. I dive bomb in, got a quick radar lock and blew his Maverick up. It was great, he had a mic and wondered who Jjust came in out of no where lol. Just to antagonize him more for stalking me in his tank, I repeatedly try to shoot him in his Entity with more missiles.

Had some great races last night. Started with about 6 racers at the LS Canal races with motorcycles. After a few of those, it was just us 3. my level 58, a level 12, and a 60-ish level player, all unknown to me. We had some great clean races. We had one boat race along the river by Mt. Chiliad. Then we had some fun with the R* Verified Jump, Jump, Jump race. Next was the Drift King track at by Simeon's garage at the shipyard. These 2 were new to the course,but I ran a few of these the other day, so it was 2 easy wins for me.
Earlier today I went to buy some clothes in a shop, sadly, none resembled what I was looking for. Worse enough, when I was about to leave there was an idiot in a tank outside of the shop, blasting into the shop's doors. Kept going at it for a minute or so, so I just got into a race via quick job.
If I remember correctly, you can't be killed in any shop, except for convenience stores. A couple weeks ago, I went to get a haircut because of the mask glitch. I parked my 9F Cabrio outside, and while I was sitting in a chair, selecting a hairstyle, some guy comes along and blows up my car. He then walks inside with an automatic shotgun and tries to kill me, but he can't. I patiently waited for him to stop and leave.

Eventually, he did and I called my mechanic for another car, and fled the scene before someone else attacked me.
If I remember correctly, you can't be killed in any shop, except for convenience stores. A couple weeks ago, I went to get a haircut because of the mask glitch. I parked my 9F Cabrio outside, and while I was sitting in a chair, selecting a hairstyle, some guy comes along and blows up my car. He then walks inside with an automatic shotgun and tries to kill me, but he can't. I patiently waited for him to stop and leave.

Eventually, he did and I called my mechanic for another car, and fled the scene before someone else attacked me.

lol, but I think it's possible to die in a shop, as that once happened to me while buying clothes and leaving the PS3 unattended for a while. Some guy had entered after me, then left. Then apparently returned and killed me.
I was hiding in an Ammunition store from the cops. All of a sudden the shop owner took out a shot gun and killed me.

Serves you right for not killing him as soon as you entered! I think that entering the store with a drawn weapon, or even weapon-less as long as you have a wanted level will cause the owner to shoot at you.
Anyway, wouldn't the police have come inside the store? It seems like they always know where you are, even when you are hiding in a really good spot.

Rockstar, please nerf cops.
Serves you right for not killing him as soon as you entered! I think that entering the store with a drawn weapon, or even weapon-less as long as you have a wanted level will cause the owner to shoot at you.
I always hide in stores with a wanted level and the store owners never kill you.

Anyway, wouldn't the police have come inside the store? It seems like they always know where you are, even when you are hiding in a really good spot.

Rockstar, please nerf cops.
Cops can't open doors (or walk through) doors.
Cops can't open doors (or walk through) doors.

So, whenever I play as Michael and decide "I'll smash the crap out of my Tailgater with a baseball bat today", the police show up. Then, when I run inside the house, they come inside and find me hiding in Michael's closet.
So, whenever I play as Michael and decide "I'll smash the crap out of my Tailgater with a baseball bat today", the police show up. Then, when I run inside the house, they come inside and find me hiding in Michael's closet.
Ummm....I think it only works with stores. (not the convenience stores)