That never happened to me...Cops will enter Ammunation to kill you.
^ Titan + off the radar. Muahaha.
EDIT: Just checked, level 864. What a clown.
If he was a 964, I wouldn't be mad at him... because Porsche.
Last night I saw this white dot with a 2 inside of it speeding towards me near the lsc in Rockford hills. So I take out my assault rifle And the 2 would be attackers are down. I ran to their ugly red oracle before they spawned and I drove it right into lsc and sold it. Easiest 93k ever.
Kids these generations can't aim, so they use weapons with splash damage.What happened to the good 'ol drive-by? Now it's all just sticky bombs or grenades tossed at your face.
What happened to the good 'ol drive-by? Now it's all just sticky bombs or grenades tossed at your face.
What happened to the good 'ol drive-by? Now it's all just sticky bombs or grenades tossed at your face.
That Lv.118 guy is an inspiration to us all.The bad: a level 84 user blasting everyone in sight with his tank. The good: After about 10-15 minutes, I noticed someone managed to destroy his tank. Turned out it was level 118 in his own tank. I thought this other tank would go on his own rampage, but after a few minutes I realized he was mercilessly targeting this former tank owner for blowing everybody, and their cars in to smithereens. After recklessly blasting everyone earlier, and getting his own ass blown to here and back, he went to Passive Mode. Even in this so called 'safety' mode, the guy in the tank went after him and was able to pin him against buildings and he would die.