To keep the ball rolling I got a good story from a few nights ago.
Joined a lobby, minding my own business (on the hunt to find a Speedo Van) and looking around the spawning area after I completed a job. All of a sudden, someone places a 7k bounty on me for no apparent reason which really didn't bother me and all of a sudden there are a few thirsty buggers that want the cash. Regardless I decide to do a bit of job entering and leaving to get the main stragglers of my backs (player's attention span online is very limited) and decide to head towards a spot where a sub spawns.
I hop on my bike, successfully make it towards the sub without being hassled by anyone and finally got into the mini-sub and decided to message the guy 'thanking' him for my bounty, some replies are exchanged with me being a cheeky bugger and ticked him off pretty bad.
Since I'm stuck about 375ft under the ocean looking like a normal blip, this guy decides that to steal a jet and try to kill me and claim his own cash back
The guy was a man on a mission to kill me, I was viewing him on the map and decided that once he got close to me tried to be a little bit sneaky and hide his blip, but to no avail because he can't see me in the water anywhere and he gets to the point where he jumps out of his jet into the water to try and find me
He gets another jet and tries again but to no avail.
Now more messages are exchanged, and all of a sudden I'm now a hacker/cheater because I'm in a sub underwater keeping my bounty safe
A few minutes pass and my bounty is safe and stored in the bank before someone finally kills me by ramming my sub with another sub.
I get a few kills on the person that rammed my sub, message the guy back who gave me the bounty and all of a sudden he's a modder with 7 PS3's that will 'take over' my account once I've logged off and ultimately sign off saying 'thanks for the $$$'
I think that gamer just mad that they couldn't get their cash back nor kill me in a sub
Hi everyone
I'm new to the world of GTA. I got GTA V on the 27th and couldn't bring myself to do the update, so I've been playing the story mode. I've just acquired the second safe house as Franklin (game progress around 21%). I'll start playing online soon, so you'll be seeing me here often
I think you posted in the wrong thread buddy 👍