Whatever you do, make sure that you play with mics only. Mics make the heists about 1,000 times easier.Holding out on the Heists to do with GTP regs or friends of mine.
Also clothing + mask costs being 1.2m after the update?
That's a paddlin.
Whatever you do, make sure that you play with mics only. Mics make the heists about 1,000 times easier.
Don't be the hacker! I wound up using the glitch to be able to afford the Hydra. So far, I'm really happy that I spend $3M on that.To be honest more tempted to glitch my cash back with the LSC rebel trick
But yeah hopefully I'll get some spare time in the future and will finish the Flecca job
That's pretty much the only reason I did the Rebel glitch, I've bought everything I wanted from this update and still have around 3-4 millionThe bad - not having enough $ to buy them lol
Not exactly what you are asking, but I once got gunned down in the store by the shopkeeper while I had a wanted level online. I didn't even engage the guy either. Based of that, I'd assume that he might try to kill you as well if you attacked someone in the store.If you're inside an Ammunation and another player attacks the shopkeeper, will the shopkeeper try to kill you once they killed the other player?
The lost most of the money on the car.I had a pretty nice bounty kill a little while ago. He stopped at an ammunition (Mistake 1: always join a job and stock up there. Ammunition leaves you vulnerable.) His armored Kuruma was parked right in front of the building (Mistake 2: Never leave your car unattended unless there are no players for miles.) Threw a sticky bomb on the back, parked behind the building, waited for the car to start, and BOOM! $7,000.
Didn't charge me. It won't if you blow up a Bounty's vehicle while they're in it. Not on next gen anyway. Didn't even get a bad sport warning.The lost most of the money on the car.
Didn't charge me. It won't if you blow up a Bounty's vehicle while they're in it. Not on next gen anyway. Didn't even get a bad sport warning.
I'm surprised i've not been mentioned in here because when i get in the mood to rampage i bring the entire world to it's knees! hehe
Also, finding out your second character randomly has 20 adders full tuned to sell at 633k each time is also a wonderful discovery
I just watched a guy get an Insurgent pickup stuck in the subway tunnels with the bumpers stuck on the subway walls.
Also the free money drops were nice