Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Holding out on the Heists to do with GTP regs or friends of mine.

Also clothing + mask costs being 1.2m after the update?

That's a paddlin.
Holding out on the Heists to do with GTP regs or friends of mine.

Also clothing + mask costs being 1.2m after the update?

That's a paddlin.
Whatever you do, make sure that you play with mics only. Mics make the heists about 1,000 times easier.
Whatever you do, make sure that you play with mics only. Mics make the heists about 1,000 times easier.

To be honest more tempted to glitch my cash back with the LSC rebel trick :lol:

But yeah hopefully I'll get some spare time in the future and will finish the Flecca job :P
To be honest more tempted to glitch my cash back with the LSC rebel trick :lol:

But yeah hopefully I'll get some spare time in the future and will finish the Flecca job :P
Don't be the hacker! :lol: I wound up using the glitch to be able to afford the Hydra. So far, I'm really happy that I spend $3M on that.

The only really half entertaining fact I have to contribute to the thread is that I was in a separate team from my brother and both teams did the Pacific Standard heist. His team started about two hours before mine did, and my team wound up finishing first. I wound up dealing with a ton of raging for hours just because his heist group started first and ended last.
I am loving the Insurgent, I spent about 15 minutes last night just driving full speed around Los Santos ramming every NPC car I could hit & it never broke down or even started smoking. It barely even slows down when you hit cars :D
I'm getting really sick of infection mods. Someone just brought one into a private lobby I was in that spawns Christmas Trees near apartments, and and one of the damn trees almost got me killed in a public lobby I was thrown into because it was right in front of my apartment door.
The bad - Insurgents
The good - sniping said insurgent driver and passenger multiple times after their vehicle explodes.

FYI, I have a tank on my main, and an armed insurgent on my second to grief these Insurgents (PS4)

The good - unlocking those Heist vehicles after helping some randoms with their heists.
The bad - not having enough $ to buy them lol
I had a pretty nice bounty kill a little while ago. He stopped at an ammunition (Mistake 1: always join a job and stock up there. Ammunition leaves you vulnerable.) His armored Kuruma was parked right in front of the building (Mistake 2: Never leave your car unattended unless there are no players for miles.) Threw a sticky bomb on the back, parked behind the building, waited for the car to start, and BOOM! $7,000.
If you're inside an Ammunation and another player attacks the shopkeeper, will the shopkeeper try to kill you once they killed the other player?
If you're inside an Ammunation and another player attacks the shopkeeper, will the shopkeeper try to kill you once they killed the other player?
Not exactly what you are asking, but I once got gunned down in the store by the shopkeeper while I had a wanted level online. I didn't even engage the guy either. Based of that, I'd assume that he might try to kill you as well if you attacked someone in the store.
I had a pretty nice bounty kill a little while ago. He stopped at an ammunition (Mistake 1: always join a job and stock up there. Ammunition leaves you vulnerable.) His armored Kuruma was parked right in front of the building (Mistake 2: Never leave your car unattended unless there are no players for miles.) Threw a sticky bomb on the back, parked behind the building, waited for the car to start, and BOOM! $7,000.
The lost most of the money on the car.
What I love to do is transfer all the money to my other character if I wanted to go on a rampage in a tank with say, @gtuned in his Insurgent I can and won't pay a single dime for destroying players' vehicles.

Honestly, clearing out an entire lobby of aggressors is the most entertaining past time in GTAV, second only to racing/drifting.
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Didn't charge me. It won't if you blow up a Bounty's vehicle while they're in it. Not on next gen anyway. Didn't even get a bad sport warning.

I'm pretty sure it applied to last gen as well.

For a while, you also could actually blow up people's cars without getting penalised if you destroyed them with a tank shell, but that got eventually patched.

It was good thing to know when someone tried to use their Adder as a shield back then. :mischievous:
I suppose I'll recount the tail of my first successful dogfight in GTA Online.

I was flying south from Sandy Shores, down towards the airport in my Hydra. I check the map, and this rank 57 is flying towards me in a jet of some kind. He locked on with homing missiles, but I dodged them by doing a nose dive. Completing the loop, I came around behind him. He was just ahead of me and to the right. At this point, we were over the ocean, close to the docks. Swapped to cannons, used my rudder to turn towards him, and hit him a couple times. His Lazer started smoking. He bailed. Even though I had no intent on killing him after he jumped out, he still went in passive.
Well had a good story from a few days ago, and I'm gonna greentext because major ceebs writing this all out :P

>finish job
>spawn with cargobob
>hook personal vehicle and fly back towards LS
>get towards LSC on the east side
>player goes off radar, lol okay
>hear jet sounds behind me
>hold down R3
>jet suicide bomber with hidden blip
>slight decent and sharp right, fails his attempt
>fly towards hospital
>player swoops around with jet to line up and suicide bomb one last time
>drop car on road
>ascend from dropping car to height where I can ditch cargobob
>watches radar to see how far away player is
>Jet approaching very fast
>ascend a little higher with bob
>jump out
>jet hits bob
>big explosion with le james bond escape
>Stavingo killed player
>player has left

It was fun while it lasted though :lol:

Also, finding out your second character randomly has 20 adders full tuned to sell at 633k each time is also a wonderful discovery :D
Also, finding out your second character randomly has 20 adders full tuned to sell at 633k each time is also a wonderful discovery :D

I was messing around as my low rank 13 character the other day, buying heist clothes for them when, suddenly, a silver Aestorope is behind my while I'm in my yellow Elegy, and they start shooting. So I floor it and they somehow catch me and ram me into the freeway, with a bus almost destroying my Elegy and knocking it on it's roof. We then continue to have a 20 minute DM with no one dying, apart from daily commuters. Then he gets out an RPG and starts blowing stuff up. I take this opportunity to kill him with my marksman rifle and then a Valkyrie shows up! I run into the tunnels across the freeway and a Black Granger follows me in. I check the minimap and there are 6(!) players surrounding me! I take out the Granger, which sends it flying down the tunnel. I take it an when I get out at the sewers the Valkyrie fires on me, so I get into a nearby Bison and floor it down the sewer. The Valkyrie gets a lucky shot on the gas tank, and it goes up in flames, so I jump out. Then a Savage shows up but this one helps me out, taking out the Valkyrie and the Carbonizarre that is flying down the river. Just an average day in Los Santos!
Flew to the top of the Maze Bank Tower in a chopper. Got out and suffered the passive mode glitch (Enabling passive in a vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, and it disables without me doing anything) yet again. I didn't think anything bad would happen and I went AFK. I came back a minute later, just as a guy knifed me. -_-

Respawned and sent him text message: "k"

He landed on the street next to me in a severely damaged Annihilator. I gave him a sarcastic thumbs up and left.

Two people in the lobby, I drive around in my newly acquired Kuruma and see the other blip speeding towards me. I drive around the blocks in circles for a bit to make out his intentions and surely he's trying to pursue me, so having no will to get into a fight I drive to my newly acquired apartment by the beach and watch through the window as the guy, who by now a has a 5k bounty on him, stands in front of the garage, aiming at the door and probably waiting for me to drive out. He buzzess the door several times and walks away before I can let him in (because I'm a polite neighbor). Then I thought, well, let's have it his way. I exit my apartment through the main door while he's still by the garage, go around the corner, kill the bastard, claim the bounty and go back in the apartment. He then knocks on my door again and I let him in, doing the wave animation for whole 2 seconds before he quits the game. Huehue.