- 425
- New England
- Super_Novi
there might be a problem come next patch. As reading the news from the Hotfix update there was this added at the bottom of it.
So who wants to make bets on what it is?
My guesses are the baby maker and the Negenerator or The Cradle Or The Sham (Most Likely)
All of my shotguns are pretty much nerfed, to me anyway. I have Jakobs Shotgun that, as stated by its weapon card, deals 7k-8k damage per pellet and shoots a total of 18 pellets. In practice, however, it only does 20k damage, even if all the pellets hit dead-on the enemy. Even with the Evil Smasher, all my shotguns still do terrible damage. It's like they super-nerfed them to hell. Really, the only Shotgun I ever really use anymore is the Hyperion Interfacer with my Commando. With the Legendary Soldier CM, 5 points on Expertise and Onslaught, I can run extremely fast, and even more so when I kill someone. I walk 170% faster when aiming down the sights, and 205% when I kill someone while aiming down the sights with the Seraph Shotgun. I also just got a Deputy's Badge, and now my shotgun reloads are 130% faster (including the 40% from the 5 stacks of Ready and the additional five stacks from the Legendary Soldier CM.) What's more is the majority of the stat changing pieces of the Interfacer are Tediore, making the reload around 2. I might also try the Sheriff's badge with my Gunzerker, see if the pistol fire rate stacks with Keep Firing. (so instead you would end up with 138% bonus)
And I never use The Bee, I just don't like it for the same reason with the CC. I use the Impaler with my Commando, which is EXCELLENT at trolling Savage Triggermen, Deadly Bloom with my Mechromancer, Flame of the Firehawk with my Siren, the Sponge for my second Gunzerker and the WTF shield for my first Gunzerker. I forgot what shield I was using for my Assassin, but I might try and farm the Black Hole for him.
And now in terms of modding:
I've been thinking about fusing certain weapons to make guns that are similar to the unique/legendary/pearlescent weapons from the first game.
For example:
Tiny Tina's Cobra + Chère-amie = Kyros' Power
Turn the Pocket Rocket into a Dahl SMG and you got the Torgue Gasher
Orphan Maker + Dahl-Torgue barrel (aka the Grenadier barrel used for Dahl ARs) = Dahl Jackal
Pocket Rocket + Dahl Hornet = Torgue Violator
Law + Captain Blade's Rapier OR Law * 3 = Hyperion Reaper
Hyperion Shotgun + Maliwan Infection = Maliwan Plague
Pocket Rocket + Torgue AR = Atlas Orge
Pocket Rocket + Thunderball Fists = Maliwan Madjack
whoops lol.
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