Bugatti thread.

You are wrong actually. The reason the Bugatti didnt get off the line that well, was because of the heat. It was 50 degrees on the road. The heat effected the veyron because the veyron relys quite a bit on its turbochargers and turbochargers need to be cooled to reach their optimum power, so the turbochargers wernt working properly because of the heat, so that is why it bogged on the line. As the Veyron started to gain speed the turbochargers where being cooled thus the veyrons power kicked in and it passed the f1. If the test was done in cooler conditions then the veyron would have beat the f1 off the line and carried on till it wasnt visible. All of this is backed up because it says it in Topgears own magazine. :sly:
I can't be wrong because I didn't state the reason it bogged down and thereforde didn't contradict what you just posted :sly:. However I must confess that I wasn't actually aware of that so 👍 thanks for sharing. I just thought it was down to Hammond not launching it properly. The race was still dramatised and made closer than it otherwise would have been. It wasn't a proper test in any way, it was just a race to entertain the audience.
As posted before, the Veyron has already beat the Ferrari Enzo on a track, and not by .001 of a second either.

Top Gear Test Track? Someone has already said it's not the only track in the world.

Not it doesn't, as already said the Enzo was doing a hot lap, the Veyron wasn't. That time was taken by some guy standing at the side of the track who watched it set off and then timed how long it took for it to get back. Bugatti have enver hot lapped the Veyron around any track, any veyron's that have been hot lapped have all been done with cars somoen has bought.

That explains a lot, and if I think about it for a second, it makes a lot of sense. 👍

I don't get you, are you implying that we can only tell if it's good round corners if we shave half a tonne off it? Because I don't need to see that to know it can handle. Gordon Murray test drove a Veyron and the thing he was most impressed with was it's agility on a track. He noted that while VAG wouldn't market the car as a race car, only a super fast GT that he felt that it still managed to really shine on the track.

I wasn't trying to imply that, and Famine has already made a point about the Veyron's handling. What I meant is how the Veyron would stack against other cars without those 1000hp and those extra kg, which would put it in a good disadvantage if it lost that power, since it is what makes up for its weight (in part).

Glad you made that part clear to me. 👍
They should, for example the Veyron has a mega sound system that you will hopefully be able to tear out. I wouldn't say you would be taking a full 500kgs off the car though, I mean with a big engine, 4 turbos, 4wd and more radiators than most stately homes it will weigh a fair bit even with all the luxuries stripped. But I'd imagine you could probably get it to around 1500kg's, maybe slightly under. There's no good reason I can think of why Bugatti wouldn't let the car make use of the weight loss mod in GT.

Top Gear Test Track? Someone has already said it's not the only track in the world.
It's not the only track and there are some tracks the Enzo may pip the Veyron round, but my point was that the TopGear lap is the only track comparison we have between the two.

I understand your point about the weight now and yes, logically if you have a 1000bhp car that weight 1800kgs and a 1000bhp car that weight 1430kgs then the 1300kg car has more performance potential though top speeds wouldn't be dependant on the weight, the accelerationa nd corering speeds obviousely are. It's not as simple as that car weighs less and has as much power therefore it's better on a track. The way the car is setup plays a big part and with 1000bhp on tap having a 4wd system to put the power down is probably a big bonus. You're getting twice as much traction when putting the power down and the odds are that a 1000bhp warranty covered road car with 4wd is probably going to weigh more than 1300kgs even if it isn't a luxury car. It's not a forgone conclusion that the lighter of two similarly powereful cars will always be better in terms of performance, but the potential for it to be is there. Which I think you probably already know, but it's there for the benefit of anyone else anyway 👍.
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I can't be wrong because I didn't state the reason it bogged down and thereforde didn't contradict what you just posted :sly:. However I must confess that I wasn't actually aware of that so 👍 thanks for sharing. I just thought it was down to Hammond not launching it properly. The race was still dramatised and made closer than it otherwise would have been. It wasn't a proper test in any way, it was just a race to entertain the audience.

Yes and also Hammond didnt use launch control and didnt put it in top speed mode. That race made me fustrated:ouch: They should of done it again!!
I like how lots of people use Top Gear for references. Aren't there other people who the tested the Veyron?

Edit: thanks dancardesigner.
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Did you really, just now compare two road-legal supercars to one GP racer, and two F1 racers?

I know the technology inherits itself onto newer vehicles, but that's just...out of place. Just using the Veyron, no, let's use both of me another road car or even a racer (I've never seen one) that uses gold to cool off the engine. Or, doing the same thing show me any race car that uses a W16 engine. If those aren't advancements in the slightest I just don't know what is.

You`ve got me wrong (maybe because my english is a bit... one of is kind!) ;)

People statet in this thread, how superior the Veyron is in tearms of technology. I just wanted to say, that these 3 cars were in a league of their own, in that point.
I mean, just take the Williams with its active suspension in the year 1992... still working in the restricting formula one rules...

Sry, but it has a reason why the FW14 is called the pinnacle of the automobil industry... ;)

Now back to the topic:

Has anybody in the world raced the Veyron till now? I heared that the Veyron would kill its tyres.
Maybe thats going to be interesting in GT5, racing with the Veyron in endurance races.
I mean, just take the Williams with its active suspension in the year 1992... still working in the restricting formula one rules...

Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toyota and Citroen all had road cars with that technology before the Williams...

The FW14 also had a semi-auto gearbox (pioneered in F1 by Lotus in 1970, and on road cars as early as 1941), traction control (1971, Buick) and anti-lock brakes (first used in the 1920s, but first used in the modern form in 1978).

Sry, but it has a reason why the FW14 is called the pinnacle of the automobil industry... ;)

There also has to be a reason why I've never heard anyone say that before. Ever.

Not least because it had nothing to do with the automobile industry - being built by Williams who aren't a car manufacturer...

Sure, it's one of the most technologically advanced vehicles of its type and time (I'd argue the Cooper T43 was more influential to F1 and, by extension, the entire business of supercar manufacture), but pinnacle of the entire automobile industry? Not a chance.
Personally, I can't get excited about the Veyron... sure it's numbers are amazing and the engineering is top draw, but it just looks so boring.

Nothing special about that a 1 litre vauxhall corsa could kill its tyres too,it all depends on how you drive it.

The tyres on a Corsa don't require a compulsary change every 2,500 miles at a cost of £26,000 per set of 4, or a complete wheel change every 7,500 miles at a cost of £29,000 for the set.
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I don't think it's particularly attractive but it is an incredible feat of engineering. I wouldn't be surprised if it finds its way onto the box graphics for GT5 either.
The tyres on a Corsa don't require a compulsary change every 2,500 miles at a cost of £26,000 per set of 4, or a complete wheel change every 7,500 miles at a cost of £29,000 for the set.

No, but you're overlooking the fact that the Corsa doesn't have tires that were formulated just for the Corsa and no other car, the Veyron on the other hand does.
Yep that EB110 in exactly that color=a dream from me since i was a little child.

And i hope no one will post the video of that russian guy destroying it. 8(

Ahh the EB110. Memories of Supercar top trumps in the playground. I specfically remember it having an awesome 0-60mph stat. Shell garages were giving out model cars in the early-mid '90s, I had models of the Lamborghini Diablo, Jaguar XJ220, Ferrari F40, Porsche 911. But the one that stood out was the EB110:)

Seriously I will cry tears of joy if the EB110 is in GT5.
Yeah I have fond memories of the EB110, I bought a 1:18 model of it (still have it), I read up on the car and even had a video (VHS) on it. 60 valve V12, quad turbo 4WD with active aero, I really hope GT5 includes it.
You know, this thread is really irritating. If we're gonna talk less about Bugatti's inclusion in GT and more about either "how boring" or "How cool" the Veyron looks or keep bringing up the stupid comparisons, then either close this thing or move it to the Automotive section. I apoligize if I sound like a complete jerk right now(might just be because I'm having a bad day), this seems more like a "Bugatti Appreciation" thread then a GT5 oriented thread.
When do we get a lambourghini , ford , mitsubishi , Subaru , Fiat etc. thread?

There already is a Lamborghini thread, and the others we don't care about because PD always has loads of them.
Im leaving my Ronny stock when I get one in GT5. I'm guessing it'll either be a Prize car for some Supercar festival or something like that, or it'll cost about 1 million Cr or more. But either way, i'll leave it stock. It already accelerates to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds and does 407 km/h top end. What more do you want? :lol:
Im leaving my Ronny stock when I get one in GT5. I'm guessing it'll either be a Prize car for some Supercar festival or something like that, or it'll cost about 1 million Cr or more. But either way, i'll leave it stock. It already accelerates to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds and does 407 km/h top end. What more do you want? :lol:

0-60 in 2.0 (Maybe even 1.7) and 320mph? :P
Ahh the EB110. Memories of Supercar top trumps in the playground. I specfically remember it having an awesome 0-60mph stat. Shell garages were giving out model cars in the early-mid '90s, I had models of the Lamborghini Diablo, Jaguar XJ220, Ferrari F40, Porsche 911. But the one that stood out was the EB110:)

Seriously I will cry tears of joy if the EB110 is in GT5.

Well said (or told lol), besides the 1990 Diablo it's probably my second-favorite car ever. I bought Enthusia only for this car, seriously. But got dissappointed, 'cause I think the game kinda sucks (at least for me). It has it's moments and features but for me it is not even near in the leage where Gran Turiso was already with GT3. :bowdown::D
Well said (or told lol), besides the 1990 Diablo it's probably my second-favorite car ever. I bought Enthusia only for this car, seriously. But got dissappointed, 'cause I think the game kinda sucks (at least for me). It has it's moments and features but for me it is not even near in the leage where Gran Turiso was already with GT3. :bowdown::D

Nice cars both of them.👍 but they aint no F40:bowdown:
Well said (or told lol), besides the 1990 Diablo it's probably my second-favorite car ever. I bought Enthusia only for this car, seriously. But got dissappointed, 'cause I think the game kinda sucks (at least for me). It has it's moments and features but for me it is not even near in the leage where Gran Turiso was already with GT3. :bowdown::D
this is off topic but Are you implying that Enthusia was not in the same league as GT3?
Maybe not graphically but Enthusia's game physics core was one of the Greatest Console simulators of all time(with a FF wheel). It was praised for that fact alone.

End off topic sentence.
The Diablo holds memories for me because when I lived in a flat when I was about 5 with my parents there was garage virtually across the road where Diablos were repaired. Recently I've seen that Diablos are still there about 13/14 years later as well as Murcielagos
That's really great, but please post it in the respective lamborghini thread next time, ok?
The tyres on a Corsa don't require a compulsary change every 2,500 miles at a cost of £26,000 per set of 4, or a complete wheel change every 7,500 miles at a cost of £29,000 for the set.
Yeah well anyone who can afford the Veyron wouldn't find it hard to pay for those tyres