That's one lap pick up n go not a hot lap
But video of you getting those times proving no assist and no driving line required to talk smack
View attachment 112430I don't front on tires used in videos uploaded and posted in other threads last week lmfao u kidding?
Grab some RH tires set a lap post the video...
RIDDLE ME THIS(OH WRONG GUY)...If this I fact(not doubt don't know how ya did it) its just over.. batman what now??
Too bad your tune was designed around no camber or you. Would of got more out if that nice feeling.. Think I said camber after the fact is not like camber used in making the tuneoh Kay
It's a screenshot from the second video he postedRIDDLE ME THIS(OH WRONG GUY)...If this I fact(not doubt don't know how ya did it) its just over.. batman what now??
My any standard my times are not slow, even if you top it by a bit, so what, I have very little time for GT lapping got a life too, but set at it I'll knock any time..,
Same car, same driver, same track, within 5 minutes of each other, 1.351 seconds SLOWER with camber at 0.5/0.5 than with camber at 0.0/0.0 but no change in overall handling balance. Clearly there is less grip available with increased camber. The effect was much like going to one class less grippy of tire.
While you're right that camber is not set in a vacuum, there is no real-world tune on god's green earth that would not at least pick up a little bit of additional grip through corners when going from 0.0 degrees of camber to half a degree of negative camber.
Don't forget to tell them it's race mediums Jack...Hot laps my bird runs 1:25 no assistso post your 1:26 video I'll drop my 1:25 video...
Or 1:21 KTM X-Bow no assist maybe???
1:23 Aventador no assist
My any standard my times are not slow, even if you top it by a bit, so what, I have very little time for GT lapping got a life too, but set at it I'll knock any time..,
So I'm guessing it's a no on testing your tune then ? I noticed how you just glossed right over my challenge to start arguing again lolHot laps my bird runs 1:25 no assistso post your 1:26 video I'll drop my 1:25 video...
Or 1:21 KTM X-Bow no assist maybe???
1:23 Aventador no assist
My any standard my times are not slow, even if you top it by a bit, so what, I have very little time for GT lapping got a life too, but set at it I'll knock any time..,
It's a screenshot from the second video he posted0:22
Toe; -0.28/0.53
Toe; -0.36/0.53
Once I got the car to stay flat in the turns I adjusted the camber and toe some more to get the rotation for my driving style.
Depending on the car wheel diameter, +0.53 toe is around 7mm total toe in for 18 inch wheel, not an extreme value, where some street cars have up to 6mm toe in![]()
Hot laps my bird runs 1:25 no assist![]()
How are you reading the toe measurement and scale in GT... Degrees, minutes or mm's?
I've always read toe in GT as parts of a degree as this seems to be the most likely conversion given the other options don't really convert on the scale... so +1.00 in the game = 1* positive toe, or 60 minutes, or 16.8mm (and vice versa for -ve).
I checked my last alignment sheet, and factory settings on my 996 (on 18" wheels) for the rear is a total toe of +20 minutes (+/- 10 minutes), which is equivalent to 5.6mm or 0.33* of total toe at 'perfect' setting (5 minutes = 1.4mm = 5/60th's of 1 degree).
Unsurprisingly, a higher number than the MX5 settings you mentioned in your post given the instability of 911's during some weight transfer moments.
+0.33 (0.33*) would be a high setting in GT - higher than anything I have used on any tune I've ever built, and higher than any tune I've ever seen from any of the fast drivers in the seasonal TT's unless it's on a formula car... but given we don't have the same over riding requirements for safety in GT vs real life, this isn't a surprise. You can get away with a more unstable car as the penalty for crashing at high speed isn't death
+0.53 of toe (as per the tune posted earlier) on an 18" wheel is the equivalent of 8.72mm... which is an extremely high number from a real life perspective and for what my experience tells me is needed in the game.
+ve toe is something you add to make the car stable. The more you add, the less it will want to turn.
This is fine for an unstable car, but it kills speed for anything else. To be fast, you need the maximum amount of entry rotation your skill level can handle to get the car in to the apex as quickly as possible and point the car at the apex... it's one of the reasons there was such widespread use of -ve rear toe in GT5 to help get around the understeer.
A bit of +ve rear toe helps on exits (ie +0.00 to +0.10) by reducing oversteer when you want maximum forward drive, but high rear toe settings will ultimately kill your lap times.
So, whenever I see high +ve rear toe numbers (and high LSD decel settings) in a tune, I equate this with either 1) a very unstable car, or 2) unskilled drivers.
With regards to your 'replica' tunes... Older cars will have much higher positive toe numbers IRL due to poor geometry control that results in fairly large changes in camber as load changes during cornering. Modern cars have moved on enormously in this regard; multilink suspension and massive improvements in bushing design and material quality mean that the suspension geometry is much more accurately managed though the extremes of the suspensions range.
Not sure how much real life driving experience you have, but negative front toe on street cars is generally a horrible thing. You won't feel it in the game, and it might be OK on a flat/smooth track, but even a small amount of -ve front toe makes for a car that tramlines all over the place on normal roads.
Toes are in degrees, I have chart that converts mm to degree based on wheel size
The bolded partThat is not really the case for me. High LSD decel usually used for 2 way LSD, IRL 2 way LSD are often used for competition and usually have high locking rate ( Cusco, Kaaz and ATS LSD are famous for this ) High values served it's purpose, even some 1.5 way LSD IRL do have high locking rate when braking or coasting ( 45 cam angle ), you might want to drive my Lotus Europa Special 500PP tune on comfort soft
The TMG GT86 CS V3 Cup car runs -2mm front toe ( out ) and 3mm rear toe in on 17 inch OZ wheels ( base setup from factory ) - I have TMG docs to aid in replicating some of the settings, I am currently building the replica, and so far it perform quite well. I normally use 2mm toe out on the front ( rarely use 3mm ) I have a conversion chart, and weirdly it's different than yours : +0.53 on 18 inch gives roughly 7mm toe
I don't tune to exploit GT6 physics in order to post fastest possible time, I tune ( replicas ) to get as close as possible to the real car, so it does not matter at all if the car becomes slower, as long as it's fun to drive. You should check my latest replicas, the 86GT APEXI N1 and BRZ TEIN SRC are great to drive, oh and the Lotus Europa, that car is insane fun at Brands Hatch on CS tire.
What makes me sad is camber do not work, so some of my replicas are sufferingThe GT86 CS V3 Cup will suffer as well as it has quite camber front and back
So far, most of my replica works fine using real world settings. I always use real world values when tuning in GT6 whenever possible, the result speak for themselves![]()
I suspected there was at least that potential in the YB, well doneIf I'm to assume that you've tuned your yellow bird to be quick to the fullest extent that you can, and that 1:25 for your yellow bird is a quick lap at Brands Hatch GP, then I must say that your yellow bird is... well... slow.
I have no experience with RUF's or RR cars for that matter. I bought a new yellow bird, tuned it to 600pp, racing mediums, no aids, etc etc, with the completely fixed stock suspension (which, by the way has no camber) and ran a quite sloppy 1:22.689
This took me roughly 10 minutes of tuning and 5 minutes of track practice.
I think you have other tuning issues besides camber you may want to look into, Jack...
I'd like to point out that while the GTP crowd is trying to smoke the proof camber works correctly in GT6.
I have proved it.
It was said to prove it I needed to produce a car that the camber would make faster and better driving. I've done so,
While those upset will try to add the wheel angles off the DEMO car to their set up and say it's slower, they miss the point. The setting given were for the DEMO CAR and it has stock ride height and springs, those wheel angles tuned to that.
The TEST is
Drive DEMO CAR no angles, un-drivable oversteer
Add wheel angle to DEMO CAR and the oversteer is changed to controllable understeer...
Not a tuned car at all, it's demonstrating wheel angles doing what they should.
Do some corner speed test with the DEMO CAR not your tune D-A
lol you don't understand stock Ride Height and Stock springs??
You can't even perform a simple test yet think you have figured out camber is broken??? What?!? Where have you shown anything but crap that can be chalked up to setting of all other car settings and driver.... Not one shrewd of proof, just BS theories that don't make sense and don't Cary any weight.
Even if you top a time I post, that means squat. It's still faster then many in the same cars driving with zero camb. If the camber hurt me so much I would not even get close to as fast as I am, but this all has no real relevance aside from pointing out to you and all that your point is moot.... Top my time? Big Hairy Deal, you have clearly more free time... Point being Im NOT Slower then anybody driving camber zero...
Next picture of the wheel up YB, this pic CLEARLY SHOWS me riding a front camber angle OVER 6 (near 7) degrees, if camber was really acting like positive camber, with that lean, and near 7 degrees camber, IF that camber were visually negative but broken acting positive, the car would be rolling over instead of riding the angle.. Think about that near 14 degrees pos camber from position in the pic your theory suggest, I'd be rolling on the lip of the rim rolling over, but noooooooo, rides the camber just like IRL D-A's look just like some IRL pics posted eh...
Oh and if adding minuscule amounts of camb duh should help any car as some would like to point out, what's broken??? Would that not suggest it works as should??? lol you seem not to even realize when the crap you guys post supports the apposing side, you guys just copy past before even getting through the article your stealing opinions from, and it's interpretations you post...
What is clear is GTP refuses to acknowledge any of the facts proving the consensus wrong don't even have the stones to address them directly can't dispute the evidence disproving how they theorize it's broke, and they have yet to put up any facts at all let alone prove the consensus...
One of you even says camber is in positive value as a fact because it's not marked negative, he must be confused by "Camber(-)" so the "facts" posted by you guys are not FACTS at all, it's a joke...
I'm like Mike Tyson in the early 90's fighting Mike Tyson 2014, not a fair fight. It's a group of you Trolls agains lil-O-me, even still, 10second Knock-out
I see more proving camber works, I don't see ANYTHING proving it's broken.....
Time for the Trolls pointing calling the kettle black to Troll up the thread & bury the facts in BS......
Joker Laughs