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- It/It
- GTP_TheCracker
ArkanenPS. Sorry for my bad engrish.
Your Engrish is generally great đź‘Ť
ArkanenPS. Sorry for my bad engrish.
Tenacious DI think those of you who who insist that GT4 is so bad should give some details. Don't give me that "crap physics" or "tires that are completely wrong." Come right out and say what it is in english in detail, in a way that makes sense. Like McLaren's "I can't do donuts in GT4."
Wolfe2x7He's right when he says the physics are very wonky, ASM or not. Pretty much anything that involves a loss of traction is just wrong. Understeer is too severe, especially because banking doesn't help you in corners. Oversteer is just weird, because the laws of momentum and inertia are all screwed up -- even in a RWD car, your front wheels will pull you out of a drift as if you were driving a FWD car. Wheelspin affects your speed but not your direction of travel. The handbrake is useless. Donuts don't work. Wheelspin, once started, takes way, way, way too long to stop. Brake dive is way too pronounced. Initiating oversteer mid-corner in a powerful RWD car is too difficult -- in fact, you can use way too much throttle and braking mid-corner and not be punished for it. Everything about the way the cars move is lifeless and artificial, and instead of being able to feel their weight, they just feel like empty, balsa-wood mock-ups. Instead of shifting around on their suspensions, cars feel more like car-shaped bricks with wheels attached...
As he says, tuning your car can help make it handle more realistically. This is very dumb.
ArkanenThanks both of you, yes i'm new here
Hello all!
I've said some bad but true things about GT4, but it's still great as i've played GT to the end - it was my first game on PS1It only hurts that they haven't changed too much across all this years. I only hope this will end with GT5 - let's hope so...
JohnBM01What did Enthusia Professional Racing provide to compromise for better driving physics?
Tenacious DOkay, I think I've tooted around enough in Enthusia to give an unbiased fresh opinion.
1. The graphics are pretty sad. The perspective is just weird. The sense of speed at 45mph is about the same as 25.
2. The engine sounds are pretty good, but the tires are absent. I guess I'm racing on marshmallows or something.
3. You come up on a turn doing say 40mph or so, and you want to downshift to grab the corner. Well, forget it, just slide off the track and get it overwith. Thanks to the non-existent tires, you have no clue when you're on the happy edge of grip or about to loose it. Also, the same two lame Sega Rally driver cam positions are no help at all in approaching turns.
4. The car does bounce and lean a lot. But it sure doesn't have a clue when it has traction or doesn't.
5. I could have bought $20 worth of beef hotdogs and at least been able to eat my purchase.
Final verdict? You don't want to know, and I would like this post to stay here a while.
Tenacious DEdit: Well, forget Live For Speed for a while. Assigning controls is evidently some kind of April Fool's joke. Oh man...
I couldn't agree more (about the Enthusia part). The car doesn't have a clue when it has traction or not, just decides randomly.. And yes the tires do appear to be absent lol.Tenacious DOkay, I think I've tooted around enough in Enthusia to give an unbiased fresh opinion.
1. The graphics are pretty sad. The perspective is just weird. The sense of speed at 45mph is about the same as 25.
2. The engine sounds are pretty good, but the tires are absent. I guess I'm racing on marshmallows or something.
3. You come up on a turn doing say 40mph or so, and you want to downshift to grab the corner. Well, forget it, just slide off the track and get it overwith. Thanks to the non-existent tires, you have no clue when you're on the happy edge of grip or about to loose it. Also, the same two lame Sega Rally driver cam positions are no help at all in approaching turns.
4. The car does bounce and lean a lot. But it sure doesn't have a clue when it has traction or doesn't.
5. I could have bought $20 worth of beef hotdogs and at least been able to eat my purchase.
Final verdict? You don't want to know, and I would like this post to stay here a while. I guess I'll install Live for Speed and see what a few minutes of that is like before I have to sleep.
Edit: Well, forget Live For Speed for a while. Assigning controls is evidently some kind of April Fool's joke. Oh man...
This is quite wrong. The driving and physics model of GTR comes from F1 Challenge '99-'02 originally and was probably tweaked and tweaked. It's based on the physics engine made by the ISI team for their last F1 game which is F1 Challenge, just like how GT Legends is based on the physics system made by ISI for rFactor.GTR has stolen it's driving and physics model from F355 Challenge game, while philosophy of gameplay and mechanics was stolen from Grand Prix games. GTR's equatation is going like this: "Driving a race car is a mission impossible if you are not hard-core and do not obey the rules we put in" -which is a big "no-no" when making a simulation - and GTR made exactly that. And BTW, both Yu Suzuki's and Crammond's masterpieces were doing the job better then GTR.
Tenacious DWell Wolfe, I guess I did sort of go off on Enthusia, but all my points have some substance to them.
Tenacious D...I use the hood/windshield/roof cam position in GT4 exclusively because it's the perfect view for me. I can see the track wonderfully....No other game I'm aware of delivers this as excellently as Gran Turismo 4, not one single game. And this is what I'm going to have to have if you want me to consider any other game. Well, except Forza 2.
Tenacious DWhen I take a corner in GT4, I can sense with precision what's going on. I don't slide off the track with no warning like I do on Enthusia. That's poor game design. You don't have the car do something drastic like leave the track entirely and give the driver no clue what's going on. Real cars don't so that except on occasion.
Tenacious DEnthusia's physics seem greatly exaggerated. The bob and lurch of taking a corner at 35mph, and not all that tight a corner, seems like it's going 55. Accelerate and your nose is in the air. Let off the gas, and the nose dips almost like you hit the brakes. Taking a corner is a complete guessing game.
Tenacious DAnd what is completely infuriating to me are the absentee tires, which start screeching about a full SECOND after you loose traction. "Oh! Did I forget to let you know you were in trouble? Silly me." Tires start complaining while they still have grip. That's even more poor game design, and the worst kind.
Tenacious DConsidering what Polyphony did with an almost obsolete PS2, thanks to the stingy 4megs of video ram, GT4 was an incredible achievement. I know people complain loudly that the game won't let them do everything they want it to do like drift or do donuts, but Polyphony evidently worked the physics code to focus on driving and racing. Go outside of that, like trying to drift, and you'll probably bump your head against the physics limitations.
Tenacious DI'm growing more curious than ever about Toca 3. Maybe this is what I'd like to get to make up for that horrible Enthusia experience. I seriously believe that the "game footage" of the Miata in the Enthusia demo is actually racing video which is bit reduced to look like it's in-game. It really had me looking forward to giving those cars a run, and I was sadly disappointed at what Konami gave me instead. Meh.
Tenacious DAs for those Live For Speed helps that Arkanen and Gabkicks sent me, I appreciate it. My screen is set up exactly like yours, Arkanen, but I'm lost as to what the problem is. I think I'll delete my LFS folder and reinstall it, along with the Wingman drivers Gabs provided a helpful link to. The glimpse I got of LFS was... interesting. It seemed like a hobby project since it wasn't all that polished, but I am amazed how well it's coming along, considering it's being created by THREE PEOPLE?! Man. I bet those guys get hired or create a game company themselves.
ArkanenFor me it's simple not any simulation when you drive with cam on hood, bumper or above car. Cocpit view is more real and i hope it'll be included in next gran turismo. But maybe i'm getting this whole thing wrong, that its not driver simulation instead its car simulator hmm.....
Tenacious DWolfe, I specifically told you why it didn't seem like I was in a car. It figures you're a drifter, they always gripe loudly about GT4. Anyway...
Tenacious DIt doesn't communicate to me at all. Especially the tires, the most important aspect of taking a turn. I raced with music off.
The cars jiggle like Jell-O, and over react to acceleration and decelleration.
The cars over react to turns, unless you're crawling around turns at 20mph.
Tenacious DIn fact, just to see what would happen - and because I was getting fed up with the game - I rammed a wall doing well over 100mph, and... the car just kind of thudded to a stop without much fuss. Kind of like throwing a block into sand. Verrrry impressive physics there.![]()
Tenacious DAnyway, enjoy Enthusia. I'm not going to wee all over your picnic like some posters do and invade the Enthusia board and rant about what a piece of poo it is.
Tenacious DWell, there is another thing.
For a game that you seem to think does so many things wrong, it seems to give me the closest recreation of taking my Supra down the road of any game I've ever played. Many people who do race have praised GT4 for getting many things right that so many games leave out, and they say similar things about Forza - I still have a few issues with Forza, but one by one I'm ironing the wrinkles out.
Anyway, I think it's fascinating that dumb old Polyphony manages to put so many tangible aspects of driving and racing a car into the game that these other brilliant race game developers can't seem to get a handle on. Why that is, I don't know, but it does make me wonder how brilliant they really are. I have little doubt that one of these days, someone will remark about Gran Turismo's "arcady 3D perspective."![]()
Wolfe2x7If you want, I could make a video showcasing GT4's flaws...or would you not even care?
Gabkicksthat is very strange for you to say the sense of speed in RBR is bad for the pc. 100mph in RBR feels like 200mph in gt4 to me.
Tenacious DYeah, go ahead and make a video. I really doubt that I'm going to see anything conclusive, except "Look. You can't do donuts. You can't drift well. You can't spin out much. You can't drop a clutch." The clutch I can't help, it's an issue with many racing games, but as for the rest of those, they don't have anything to do with racing, or even driving.
Tenacious DBut what should I expect from a guy who says the GT cars jiggle like Jello, when in Enthusia, ANY change in turn or speed makes the car shake, jerk and roll around like it's on springs. Note to Wolfe: this is a description of the behavior of a car in motion, and represents the physical behavior of the vehicle. I.E. the PHYSICS. I think you're being evasive on purpose.
Tenacious DAlso, I did indeed ram cars in Gran Turismo at high speeds into other cars and walls, and the collisions were MUCH more dramatic than those in Enthusia. Jeepers...
Tenacious DI guess I'll see if I can lay out something here and see if it makes any sense.
In any game, you have a code budget. On a console, you have a much more limited budget than you do on a PC. This means you have to leave some things out of the code library, and your game won't be able to do everything you might want it to. I don't think anyone is saying that "Game X on the PS2 or XBox is perfect." The issue is, does it do the job right, or are you just being anal over trivialities.
Tenacious DThere's another thing. PC games like the NASCAR, Rally and Formula 1 games are tailored to do one SPECIFIC type of racing. These games don't do much outside of their explicit parameters. Does anyone complain because you can't drift in GTR? Does anyone grouch over the fact that you have a very narrow performance oriented game with a very narrow range of cars to play with? Now I have, but not because it's a fault of the game. I just don't like games which force you into the bleeding edge of racing, and not give you all the essentials to feel the car to the extent I need. It doesn't help a bit that Simbin uses that atrocious Starforce copy protection virus.
Tenacious DBut wait, there's more. Do you know why there's no such thing as the perfect jet fighter or perfect race car?
1. Designing a high performance aircraft or car is as much an art as it is a science.
2. Everything you design into a plane or car is a compromise. To get something, you have to give up something. If you want a fighter to turn on a dime, it can't go Mach 3. If you want it to be multirole, you have to strengthen the fuselage to carry bombs and stuff, so it'll be heavier and won't dogfight quite as well as an air superiority fighter.
This is just as true with a racing videogame, especially on a console when the clock will be running as much as 1/10th that of a PC, and the ram 1/30th.
Tenacious DHowever, games like Gran Turismo 4 Toca 3 and Enthusia show (I'm tossing an olive bone here), you can do most of what you want with the obsolete PS2 to deliver much of what a PC game running on a 3ghz rig will do. I still insist that Kazunori-sama did what needed to be done to make Gran Turismo 4 a superb driving experience which has nothing comparable on the PC, and not entirely so on the XBox. If drifting, doing donuts, drag racing and tuning with metaphysical certitude are what you have to have in order to consider a game worthwhile, then play those games and be happy. Did you guys do anything like this?
Tenacious DMustangSVT issued a challenge to many of us, and I decided to give it a try. I took the same cars in Forza and GT4 and took them around the same track (Mercedes McLaren SLR at Laguna Seca), and that impressed me more than anything how marvelously two different games delivered an excellent driving experience. They each have their own flavor, but they're very similar. I drove very similar lines and had almost the exact same times, within 0.3 seconds. I love those two games because they offer an excellently rendered driving experience. Gran Turismo does it a little better, but that's mostly due to the driving camera choices available. When their sequels come out, I have little doubt that they will both leave the racing community speechless for a while. I also expect that the PC sim crowd will diss them both, but what else is new.
Tenacious DI don't know why people insist on invading turf that they otherwise wouldn't have anything to do with to try and straighten us unenlightened folk out. You should be glad I don't go to the Enthusia section because I still feel jipped. The game is absolutely NOTHING like Konami's opening Miata demo. But if you guys like GTR, Enthusia, Live For Speed, Forza or whatever, why do you get your underwear in a bunch because the world doesn't wet itself over your theological racing splendor? Just enjoy it and gush about it on your boards, and don't feel insulted if it only has the same crowd posting every day. Gee whiz.