• Thread starter BrandonW77
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The Race Lounge is OPEN! One more run around the world's largest sporting facility!
Qualifying will start at 3pm EDT.
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The Race Lounge is OPEN! One more run around the world's largest sporting facility!
Qualifying will start at 3pm EDT.

Erm, you're a bit keen aren't you?
Or are we an hour out?

It's 5:15 pm here. Qualifying normally starts at 8pm.
Our clocks went back an hour last Sunday.

What time you got there?
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Erm, you're a bit keen aren't you?
Or are we an hour out?

It's 5:15 pm here. Qualifying normally starts at 8pm.
Our clocks went back an hour last Sunday.

What time you got there?

Our time changes tonight, but I'm still an hour early. Lol. Woke up from a nap and was a little groggy. :confused:

Oh well, I'll just leave it open. :sly: Qualifying will start in an hour and a half.

(wondered why nobody had showed up. Lol)
... Woke up from a nap and was a little groggy..

Woke up from a nap? In the middle of the day? I thought only old people did that!
(Well that's me at the back of the grid then:))
I love naps, have at least one every weekend. :)

Oh, the Race Lounge is now "officially" open! :sly:
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Just wanted to say thanks to RDA for sharing the setup that iForce shared with him. Made for some close racing at the front with, go figure, iForce. Owens was definitely in the mix too. I swear all I saw for a couple of hours after the event was green Capps...

I definitely had a blast. Would've popped in again today but have some real world plans to attend to. Cheers!

Great races today. Won first race by .011 with lancer.

Lancer got the win on the second. Nice move at the end to snag the win!
It was indeed some pretty good racing today, a couple incidents but I think that's inevitable in this kind of race. Considering how disastrous this would be with a bunch of Randoms, I think it shows how good of a group we have.

Congratulations to Owens and Lancer, in the second race the top 5 were seperated by less than two tenths of a second.





Sorry to bail on the second race, my PS3 gave me the black screen of death while loading after the first race... I could still hear everyone talking but had no picture and no function from my controller or wheel. I was hoping I could reset and get back before you started but I didn't make it... Sounds like I missed a great second race, I know I had a blast in the first one! 👍
The results and points standings have been updated with this weekends races. Next race is tomorrow at Rome-Reverse.
NcempB is listed as 60 points, but he has 90 :)

I'll try to hit Rome tomorrow kids permitting, either way I'll be there Friday after my second 12 hour work day of the week. Get home at 9 just in time to eat and a few laps of practice.
NcempB is listed as 60 points, but he has 90 :)

I'll try to hit Rome tomorrow kids permitting, either way I'll be there Friday after my second 12 hour work day of the week. Get home at 9 just in time to eat and a few laps of practice.

Thanks for the eagle-eye! It' been fixed and updated. And a special thanks to RDAardvark for taking care of updating Friday's and Saturday's points while I dealt with a hectic day. :cheers:
NcempB is listed as 60 points, but he has 90 :)

I'll try to hit Rome tomorrow kids permitting, either way I'll be there Friday after my second 12 hour work day of the week. Get home at 9 just in time to eat and a few laps of practice.

While you are at it, I'm listed as 161 but it's actually 261.. :drool:
The Race Lounge is OPEN! 2 12 lap races, qualifying starts at 7:45pm EDT

And no Johnny, you can't have 261 points. :dunce:
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Can't make it tonight, way too busy, I'll definitely be there on Saturday though.
Good racing tonight, I think. I spent most of my race looking at the scenery. It was nice scenery though! Congrats to iforce and DSG.





Results and Standings have been updated with last nights finishing order. Looks like some of you guys need to get on the ball and catch up with iforce, he's fixing to walk away with this thing! lol Don't wait on me to do it, I was 3 seconds off the pace last night. :dunce:

I think I've been driving the Alfa too much, my Capp just felt awful at Rome. Such a huge difference in the feeling of the 2 cars, as well as the amount of control. My Capp has become schizophrenic, on one lap it wants to understeer and on the next lap it wants to oversteer. I think I need to put it on some medication. 👍
Any DS3 players have any tips?

Get a wheel. Sorry I couldn't resist.

I wish I had your excuse Brandon, my capp felt great, awesome turn in and no sign of oversteer. I'm the weak link. There is one pivotal corner and I got it right once all night.

Nice of Brandon to slow down at the end so I could have some excitement.

Also, race 2 lol, looking in my mirrors for the fast guys, nope oh hello wall SLAM. Last. Looked like Yuri had a lapse on the next corner, saw him drop from 3rd to 10th.
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I went to log-in to my Yahoo mail this morning and saw this picture. Looks like an Alfa TZ2 on top of that pile!! :)

I wish I had your excuse Brandon, my capp felt great, awesome turn in and no sign of oversteer. I'm the weak link. The pivotal and I got it right once all night.

I have the same problem. PICNIC is a good acronym to use: Problem In Chair, Not In Cappucchino.
I think I've been driving the Alfa too much, my Capp just felt awful at Rome. Such a huge difference in the feeling of the 2 cars, as well as the amount of control. My Capp has become schizophrenic, on one lap it wants to understeer and on the next lap it wants to oversteer. I think I need to put it on some medication. 👍

I went to log-in to my Yahoo mail this morning and saw this picture. Looks like an Alfa TZ2 on top of that pile!!

Something tells me that this may become an Alfa league next season haha.
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