• Thread starter BrandonW77
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I was really trying to make this. But after I rushed home from my brother's school function thing, I get home and forget that I packed most of my stuff away 'cause I was cleaning my carpet yesterday night. So it would take an extra few minutes to get everything set back up but I have to get ready for work soon so it's not really doable. Sorry, I'll definitely be there Saturday!

And yes I know I'm online in PSN, but I'm talking about my wheel set up. the only thing intact is my shelving, but my table (which the wheel is clamped to, is in another room)
Ack, I just missed the race putting the kids to bed. Good luck fellas, see you next week...
Here are the results from tonight's races. Congrats to iforce on the double win. That was actually quite fun, and a little less chaotic than I expected. How about that "weak" slipstream? :confused:





And, probably the worst crash in Capp Cup history!

EDIT: oh yeah, it appears one of our Cappy's went too fast and travelled back in time.

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Brandon, I think if that were real you would no longer be with us.

No doubt. My liver is still sore!

I've updated the Results and Standings posts with last nights info, quite an interesting battle brewing at the top of the points!

How was the connection/stability for everyone last night? Other than Brosif's mis-adventures I didn't notice any problems and the room seemed to be very stable. I didn't notice any lagging or surging cars. We were back in my private lounge last night (non-fixed host) and I had my lounge settings on High for race quality and Standard for voice quality, the same settings I've always used in the past. So I guess it looks more and more like our issues were just due to network congestion or server problems and not related to any of us. Hope the stability continues!
In the first race, iForce was surging slightly.
Couple of times in the bump draft he shot ahead like being shot out of a cannon. I think you were a bit laggy in the second race Brandon, but not enough to cause any problems or be unable to run with you. All in all I think the connection was good.

8/100ths between 4th and 7th in the second race...can't get much closer than that!
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I'd say the connection was much better than the past couple races. There was a tiny bit of surging but nothing out of the norm. I'd agree, it was probably the networks issues causing all our previous problems.
Fantastic racing last night, even if it was waaay past my bedtime! Some good drafting battles and bump drafting with Torzilla in the first race until I scraped the wall and ended up all on my own.
A very close finish in the second race and some excellent experience under my belt.

Oh and a lesson in car maintenance: I finished the second race with 7 horses missing. Oil light wasn't on. A quick scoot into the garage and I was back to 137hp.
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Oh and a lesson in car maintenance: I finished the second race with 7 horses missing. Oil light wasn't on. A quick scoot into the garage and I was back to 137hp.

You should never wait until the oil light comes on, just keep an eye on your horsepower. As soon as it drops you're ready for an oil change, I usually need one after every 3-4 nights of racing but I'd imagine Indy is a bit harder on the engine so it might need it more frequently.
Strange thing is, I had 137 earlier when I was in MikaelK's lounge.
As you say, Indy seems hard on the engine, especially such a wee engine. I've mislaid a couple of horses before, but never seven!

Woo hoo: This is the 1000th message in this thread. What the hell have we been talking about?:confused:
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Oh and a lesson in car maintenance: I finished the second race with 7 horses missing. Oil light wasn't on. A quick scoot into the garage and I was back to 137hp.

I always change the oil before every race in the season, its cheap, takes next to no time and makes sure my hp is at its peak. Which is good because I need all the help I can get.
I always change the oil before every race in the season, its cheap, takes next to no time and makes sure my hp is at its peak. Which is good because I need all the help I can get.

I usually change it before Tuesday's race and Saturday's race. But, I do have a backup Cappy in my garage that always has fresh oil, just in case I get caught out. 💡
I always change the oil before every race in the season, its cheap, takes next to no time and makes sure my hp is at its peak. Which is good because I need all the help I can get.

I usually change it before Tuesday's race and Saturday's race. But, I do have a backup Cappy in my garage that always has fresh oil, just in case I get caught out. 💡

:dunce: There's now a post-it note on my wheel that says 'Oil?'
If any of you don't have the DLC, I've set my lounge default to Spa and you're all welcome to open my lounge any time and have a go. Just be sure to clean the skid marks up when you're finished. 👍
I'm hoping to make Fridays race, I will be at work until about 9 pm central time, usually takes about 15 min to get home, then getting everything fired up I should be on track at the latest, 9:25 pm. I will probably miss qualifying but don't mind starting at the back. Hope to see everyone tomorrow night. 👍
I'm hoping to make Fridays race, I will be at work until about 9 pm central time, usually takes about 15 min to get home, then getting everything fired up I should be on track at the latest, 9:25 pm. I will probably miss qualifying but don't mind starting at the back. Hope to see everyone tomorrow night. 👍

Cool. We'll leave the door unlocked for ya. :sly:
I'm hoping to make Fridays race, I will be at work until about 9 pm central time, usually takes about 15 min to get home, then getting everything fired up I should be on track at the latest, 9:25 pm. I will probably miss qualifying but don't mind starting at the back. Hope to see everyone tomorrow night. 👍

I am in a similar boat. I am suppose to be at work till 10 est, 45 minute ride home. Hoping to skate out early enough to make it tonight. Probably miss qualifying, but I am good with that too.
Any setup advice on anything other than the tranny? Lower downforce, less camber/toe, etc.

For what it's worth, here's my Keep the downforce up at max. Two reasons for that. One is you only gain minimal speed on the straights but in the corners with reduced grip, any little slide costs you speed and you won't have faster laps. Second reason, the car is very unstable without the downforce both in the corners and on the straight. In traffic, in the corner, any little bump is going to send you flying because the car has very little grip without the downforce. Leave it on high, use the draft to move up, stay out of trouble as much as possible.

Second, I had my tranny set to 320km/h. Remember in the draft you are running quite a bit faster than alone, as much as 3 seconds faster. You might want to shorten it up for qualifying but for the race you shouldn't be over 8000 rpm in the draft.
I should make it tonight, changing the sleep routine of my daughter, time for her to put herself to sleep, she is growing up so quickly. In the long run this will give me more time in the evenings, but during the transition I have less, but 10 p.m. EST is late enough that I'll make it no problem, I'll just miss a chunk of practice, so you guys will have to put yourselves into the wall until I show up.
/\ your name makes me think of Super Troopers. Where he was using "meow" in place of now.

You all come back meow.
/\ your name makes me think of Super Troopers. Where he was using "meow" in place of now.

You all come back meow.

Well played sir :) watch your back tonight, that's a nice Cappy you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it (pushes over a vase)
The Race Lounge is OPEN! Qualifying starts at 10pm EDT

A reminder to everyone, when you're exiting the pits please stay on the access road until you exit onto the back stretch. Do not enter the track between 1 & 2 because it spits you right into traffic.*
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Good racing tonight guys, it's always hairy at these high speeds but I think we go through it fairly well. We had a few mystery rocket surges but besides those the room seemed very stable to me. Conrats to iforce and SCHADENFRAUDE on their victories. We'll run it one more time tomorrow and then on to Rome!





(eww, triple post)
Wanna touch base on where I had called Freaky out on sandwiching me against the wall.

After checking the replay. It was evident he was pushed over into me. So he had no choice really.

Guys be respectful today when changing lanes. Map Scale 1 and use your mirrors.

We are all guilty of it from time to time. Very tight 4 wide action makes it hard to place all cars and guess their directions.

Wanna apologize to Freaky for mentioning it live. He understands where I was thinking it was him. For my vantage point I only seen h come into me. Anyway

Not a big deal, it does make it frustrating. However it is also nature of the beast known as Oval racing.

Don't think I will make it today. Supposed to go Drag Strip. However my oldest ain't feeling good.
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