• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Trophies have been added to the OP. Special thanks to everyone who participated this season, it's the members that make this series so great and without you guys I'd be driving my Capp in circles by myself. I hope to have something really great in store for the next season that will see us all racing together more than ever so stay tuned for details.

Congratulations again to DSG for taking the overall title. A big thanks to everyone that participated this year. I think the new format really livened things up and I'm looking forward to the next season, whatever car we may use!!!
Yeah, thanks to everyone who raced here, but special thanks to Brandon for organizing this. Unique format, weeknight races that usually start right on schedule, fun car choice etc. It all adds up and attracts the right participants. Looking forward to racing in whatever you choose to run for next season.

P.S. if anyone cares about my set-up I can post the Monaco one (which is basically the same as Rome) when I get to my ps3 later today. I don't store past tunes, so probably don't have anything else (unless there's something identifiable saved in-game).
Congratulations to all 3 podiums..!!

However, I am kind of happy, that I didn't got nowhere near to win, as I am not sure the Misses would allow me to have one of those trophies standing on my desktop :sly:

And thne a big 'Thank you' to all racers in the series, as you have made my first attempt in an online race-league a very pleasant experience.! 👍
I will be looking forward to continue racing with you all in the next season.
Trophies have been added to the OP. Special thanks to everyone who participated this season, it's the members that make this series so great and without you guys I'd be driving my Capp in circles by myself. I hope to have something really great in store for the next season that will see us all racing together more than ever so stay tuned for details.


Great trophies Brandon! 👍
Congrats to everyone. I hope to be lucky enough to participate next season. It was great reading the results.
A 👍 big thanks 👍 to Brandon for all the hard work organising the series. Looking forward to the next series, whatever form it takes.
First off, thanks to everyone for the kind comments. I really enjoy every minute of our league activities and feel like I've found a friend in each of you. My motivation for doing this is to provide a way for myself and all of you to have some clean, competitive racing without having to wade into the cess pool that is the public lobbies. Over 3 seasons we've consistently had a group of clean and courteous drivers, you guys make this group great, more-so than the Capp or myself, and for that I thank all of you. I'm not sure I've ever seen another group so willing to share their setups and give tips to drivers in need, those things foster a feeling of community that we all benefit from. So :cheers: all around. To show our appreciation, Owens, Yuri and myself will be sending out some batches of paint chips to everyone who participated in a race this season.

Now, there have been a few suggestive comments made so I feel I should probably address them to put everyone's mind at ease. For the next season I do plan on running a championship with the beautiful Alfa TZ2. But have no fear, it will have a very similar look and feel to the Capp Cup, same basic schedule and points structure, and hopefully a lot of the same members. Our beloved Capp Cup isn't going away though, I have plans in place to keep it going in a slightly less serious capacity that could potentially see Capp racing almost every day of the week!

We are also developing a format that will allow all of us to race a great multitude of different cars and formats together thought the weeks and months. The stewards and I really enjoy racing with you guys but we want to race together in more than just one car/format. With as much as GT5 has to offer it's kind of a shame to spend all of our time in the same car and I think we've come up with a great way for us to branch out while still having a single-car points championship. We are still ironing out a few of the details but are getting very close to having the foundation set. Once we have a solid plan together we'll present it to you guys for discussion and opinions so we can mold it in a way that represents the interests of the group. I'm very excited about it and I hope you guys will be too. In the meantime, we'll continue to use this thread for some general discussion and I will offer up more details about our future plans very soon.

EDIT: Everyone that finished in the top 5, send me a PM with what prize car you want. Anything from the NCD, but between the stewards and myself we have a large collection of standard cars too so if you're looking for something specific just run it by us and we'll see what we can come up with. 👍

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I feel so lucky that this is the first race series I tried via GTP. I nailed, a great group of drivers who all take it seriously enough, but not overly so and the jokes are shared as quickly as the setups. I'd race anything with you guys, it is always a blast and I have learned a lot from watching the top guys via replays.

In short count me in for whatever comes next.
I feel so lucky that this is the first race series I tried via GTP. I nailed, a great group of drivers who all take it seriously enough, but not overly so and the jokes are shared as quickly as the setups. I'd race anything with you guys, it is always a blast and I have learned a lot from watching the top guys via replays.

In short count me in for whatever comes next.

I hope everyone feels the same way. I'm very apprehensive about messing with a good thing. The Alfa has a very similar feel to the Capp but is much easier to push hard and hang on to. The key elements of the series will remain in place, really all I'm doing is swapping out the car to something I think is a bit more enjoyable. I also plan on running the Alfa with SS tires and the "tuning prohibited" option, it will be a true "spec series" putting driver against driver on as even of a playing field as we can create. I want it to be about enjoying the car, the tracks and the competition, not about who has the most time to tune during the week. I know this won't appeal to everyone, but the Alfa is a dream to drive out of the box and I feel it's a very good candidate to run in purely stock form. Plus, it looks and sounds soooo nice. :)
The Alfa sounds soooo good too.

Anyone having troubles getting this car?

We need to work on a 65 ticket or find a good way to help others obtain this fine piece of race car.

It truly is an amazing machine. Lack of tuning going to free up mental capacity and should net better prepped drivers. ;)
The Alfa sounds soooo good too.

Anyone having troubles getting this car?

We need to work on a 65 ticket or find a good way to help others obtain this fine piece of race car.

Part of my plan will net me at least one '65 ticket that we can pass out to members in need. In the meantime I have a 900hp Toyota 7 shared that should win the Historic Bspec (Alfa is the prize car) so everyone feel free to grab it and have a go. Just be aware that Bob has a fetish for Monaco guardrails. It's well worth it to get the TZ2 (especially since it costs $10mil to purchase).
2J shared on my end. So if you Bob can't tackle the 7 try the 2J. The extra grip from that suction fan does wonders.

As well if you guys are not doing remote B spec via the Yahoo widget. Then by golly. Get started. Make second account befriend self and use that account to b spec from. You can stack all you main accounts drivers in races this way. Otherwise it's one guy per race. You miss on a lot of money that way.

As well its a set it and forget it. ;)
2J shared on my end. So if you Bob can't tackle the 7 try the 2J. The extra grip from that suction fan does wonders.

As well if you guys are not doing remote B spec via the Yahoo widget. Then by golly. Get started. Make second account befriend self and use that account to b spec from. You can stack all you main accounts drivers in races this way. Otherwise it's one guy per race. You miss on a lot of money that way.

As well its a set it and forget it. ;)

I never do remote racing or the widget (need to look into that) but Owens kindly races my Bob's remotely all the time and I have oodles of GT cash laying around. Usually have $10-15mil in my main account and another $5-10mil in my Bob's accounts (sometimes more with the 200% bonus!). I have 5 drivers shared and one on the bench (in case I want to run an actual Bspec event) and those boys work quite hard for me. :)

I will look into the details of remote racing and try to have some kind of network in place for all of us to race our Bob's so we can all be rich! :sly:
I also have 2J shared I think (it's probably not broken in though). Haven't used the widget in a looooong time, but might put it to work if someone needs moneys. How about alfa practice tonight?
Perhaps it's time for a bob championship? :)

Anyone know if you can duplicate the '65 ticket?
How about alfa practice tonight?

Sounds good to me! I already have a track list selected and have done some testing but there are 2 tracks that could use some more testing. I'll open my lounge this evening for anyone that wants to join, will post details here.

Anyone know if you can duplicate the '65 ticket?

Yes, I believe it can. When I acquire one I will distribute it to all the stewards so we can hook up anybody that needs one. 👍
How about alfa practice tonight?
Sounds good to me! I already have a track list selected and have done some testing but there are 2 tracks that could use some more testing. I'll open my lounge this evening for anyone that wants to join, will post details here.

Damn these timezones!
I'll be on for a while tonight, but you lot will probably still be at work!

What tracks have you got in mind?
Oh, that reminds me. If you've not tried Owens' "Alfa Fields" track, go download it now. An absolute treat to drive round. Really really wonderful.
Damn these timezones!
I'll be on for a while tonight, but you lot will probably still be at work!

What tracks have you got in mind?
Oh, that reminds me. If you've not tried Owens' "Alfa Fields" track, go download it now. An absolute treat to drive round. Really really wonderful.

I've been studying the 1965 World Sportscar Championship (the year the TZ2 competed) and it featured 5 tracks that we have in the game: Daytona Road Course, Monza, Spa, Nordschlife and la Sarthe. Looks like a great track list for a Vintage Alfa Championship. I'm even thinking of having the Nord and la Sarthe races run at an accelerated time so we experience a full 24 hours in the length of the race (part of it run in the dark). This is one of the things I want to test out, make sure the Alfa's headlights are up to snuff.

Owens track inspired me to attempt a great track and I came up with something pleasing, built with the Alfa (and similar cars) in mind. It's shared on my profile if anyone wants to give it a go.
Well, good luck to you all and thanks for the attempt to accept me. I can barely drive straight on hard compound racing tires as it is. I can only imagine that I'd end up ruining somone else's fun on Sport Soft, regardless of how cool the car sounds. :)

I'm disappointed that I missed out on the Capp fun, but I wish you guys all the best. You seem like a good group and, had I any modicum of skill, I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys. Have happy holidays (For those taking part) and a happy new year. 👍
Well, good luck to you all and thanks for the attempt to accept me. I can barely drive straight on hard compound racing tires as it is. I can only imagine that I'd end up ruining somone else's fun on Sport Soft, regardless of how cool the car sounds. :)

I'm disappointed that I missed out on the Capp fun, but I wish you guys all the best. You seem like a good group and, had I any modicum of skill, I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys. Have happy holidays (For those taking part) and a happy new year. 👍

Don't give up until you've driven the car. It's incredibly forgiving even on SS tires and it will be at least a few weeks before we start anything up so you've got plenty of time to practice. Hope you'll give it a stab! 👍
Well, good luck to you all and thanks for the attempt to accept me. I can barely drive straight on hard compound racing tires as it is. I can only imagine that I'd end up ruining somone else's fun on Sport Soft, regardless of how cool the car sounds. :)

I'm disappointed that I missed out on the Capp fun, but I wish you guys all the best. You seem like a good group and, had I any modicum of skill, I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys. Have happy holidays (For those taking part) and a happy new year. 👍

Oh man don't be worried about the sports softs. This car grips as good or better then the Capp on race Hards. Honestly it's easier to drive as well.
Well, good luck to you all and thanks for the attempt to accept me. I can barely drive straight on hard compound racing tires as it is. I can only imagine that I'd end up ruining somone else's fun on Sport Soft, regardless of how cool the car sounds. :)

I'm disappointed that I missed out on the Capp fun, but I wish you guys all the best. You seem like a good group and, had I any modicum of skill, I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys. Have happy holidays (For those taking part) and a happy new year. 👍

Shh. They haven't evicted me from the group yet for my lack of skill so please come and join us all: We can fight for last place! Seriosuly though, don't give up before you begin. This group welcomed me from day one, showed patience with my comedy driving, helped me develop and have always delivered good clean racing.
Well, good luck to you all and thanks for the attempt to accept me. I can barely drive straight on hard compound racing tires as it is. I can only imagine that I'd end up ruining somone else's fun on Sport Soft, regardless of how cool the car sounds. :)

I'm disappointed that I missed out on the Capp fun, but I wish you guys all the best. You seem like a good group and, had I any modicum of skill, I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys. Have happy holidays (For those taking part) and a happy new year. 👍

I fourth that sentiment. The Alfa is a very forgiving car, lots of grip but the back end can kick out in a controlled fashion. I'll put mine on share if you want to send me an FR so you can try it out. There's a place for everyone here Jackwagon, from the fastest on GT5 to the average to the slowest. Most every race you will find someone at your level to battle with, and if not, then there is no better place to come to get driving and tuning tips to upgrade your skills and fun factor along with it. Check out what I said below about the Lobby Network and you'll find a place there to race the kinds of cars you'd like and probably get some good tuning advice along the way. I'm always happy to share my tuning efforts with anyone that though they

I too am up for a change of pace. I love the little Cappy but that was my 4th season in the car and while I'll miss it, I think I'll really enjoy driving the Alfa. As much as I love to tune, and I probably spend more time tuning than racing, it'll be kind of nice to just get in the car and focus on driving lines and braking, rather than running back to the pits every 5 minutes to change a setting or two.

Brandon was a little sketchy on the details, but your friendly neighbourhood Racing Director and his trusty sidekicks have been working on fleshing out the details of a plan that would feature an exclusive Lobby network for a limited number of drivers (100-200) featuring regular racing under specific themes, no pubbers to come in and crash and bash their way to an ejection, points systems, regular awards and bonuses, possibly a ranking system, all while driving the kinds of cars you all know and love in the company of drivers you know will adhere to the GTPlanet Racing Rules. And if someone sneaks in under the radar and decides to try and wreak havoc, there'll be a feedback system to handle that as well.

Basically everything you've ever wanted in GT5 but were afraid to
Sounds good to me! I already have a track list selected and have done some testing but there are 2 tracks that could use some more testing. I'll open my lounge this evening for anyone that wants to join, will post details here.

Standing by to offer up my guinea pig services for the evening...
I fourth that sentiment. The Alfa is a very forgiving car, lots of grip but the back end can kick out in a controlled fashion. I'll put mine on share if you want to send me an FR so you can try it out. There's a place for everyone here Jackwagon, from the fastest on GT5 to the average to the slowest. Most every race you will find someone at your level to battle with, and if not, then there is no better place to come to get driving and tuning tips to upgrade your skills and fun factor along with it. Check out what I said below about the Lobby Network and you'll find a place there to race the kinds of cars you'd like and probably get some good tuning advice along the way. I'm always happy to share my tuning efforts with anyone that though they

I too am up for a change of pace. I love the little Cappy but that was my 4th season in the car and while I'll miss it, I think I'll really enjoy driving the Alfa. As much as I love to tune, and I probably spend more time tuning than racing, it'll be kind of nice to just get in the car and focus on driving lines and braking, rather than running back to the pits every 5 minutes to change a setting or two.

Brandon was a little sketchy on the details, but your friendly neighbourhood Racing Director and his trusty sidekicks have been working on fleshing out the details of a plan that would feature an exclusive Lobby network for a limited number of drivers (100-200) featuring regular racing under specific themes, no pubbers to come in and crash and bash their way to an ejection, points systems, regular awards and bonuses, possibly a ranking system, all while driving the kinds of cars you all know and love in the company of drivers you know will adhere to the GTPlanet Racing Rules. And if someone sneaks in under the radar and decides to try and wreak havoc, there'll be a feedback system to handle that as well.

Basically everything you've ever wanted in GT5 but were afraid to

Alright. Alright. :D You (all) have convinced me. Just remember this post when I've lost all control on that last turn and accidentally careen into someone (who is probably trying to lap me) and cost them the race.

RDArdvark, I'll bet I can beat you to last place. ;)

Also, for what it's worth... Thanks.
I fourth that sentiment. The Alfa is a very forgiving car, lots of grip but the back end can kick out in a controlled fashion. I'll put mine on share if you want to send me an FR so you can try it out. There's a place for everyone here Jackwagon, from the fastest on GT5 to the average to the slowest. Most every race you will find someone at your level to battle with, and if not, then there is no better place to come to get driving and tuning tips to upgrade your skills and fun factor along with it. Check out what I said below about the Lobby Network and you'll find a place there to race the kinds of cars you'd like and probably get some good tuning advice along the way. I'm always happy to share my tuning efforts with anyone that though they

I too am up for a change of pace. I love the little Cappy but that was my 4th season in the car and while I'll miss it, I think I'll really enjoy driving the Alfa. As much as I love to tune, and I probably spend more time tuning than racing, it'll be kind of nice to just get in the car and focus on driving lines and braking, rather than running back to the pits every 5 minutes to change a setting or two.

Brandon was a little sketchy on the details, but your friendly neighbourhood Racing Director and his trusty sidekicks have been working on fleshing out the details of a plan that would feature an exclusive Lobby network for a limited number of drivers (100-200) featuring regular racing under specific themes, no pubbers to come in and crash and bash their way to an ejection, points systems, regular awards and bonuses, possibly a ranking system, all while driving the kinds of cars you all know and love in the company of drivers you know will adhere to the GTPlanet Racing Rules. And if someone sneaks in under the radar and decides to try and wreak havoc, there'll be a feedback system to handle that as well.

Basically everything you've ever wanted in GT5 but were afraid to

This is all true but there are still some unknowns with the plan so we're going to look at this thing inside and out before we do anything official. I hope to provide us with an area where we can all congregate to race whatever we want when we're not racing the Alfa's or the Cappy's. We have a great group and I think we'd all enjoy racing other things together from time to time. We just need a centralized "hangout" spot and that's what we're working on. Should be great if we can get all the details hammered out. 👍

Standing by to offer up my guinea pig services for the evening...

I was actually looking for hamsters, but I suppose a guinea pig will work. :)
You plan to teach them how to row and one to yell row?
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I have the car, I think. The Red Alfa with 139 (or some other 3 digit number emblazoned in blue on a white field), right? So, I should test this thing without any mods other than tires (tyres, if you prefer) in an online room of my choosing, yes?

When you say "no tuning" does that include downforce?

Stigs, I'll be a hamster if you need one, but you'll have to provide the jet car....
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