• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Why don't I just delete any friends from Capp Cupp that don't race in other leagues with me. I can replace them with these "room names". Then check this names to see who is in what.

Hmmm that may work.

I had mentioned that before. You can delete everyone from the Capp Cup off your list because you'll be able to join up with them in the CappCup lounge or any of the other lounges. That's kind of the beauty of this system, you can race with a whole slew of people by only adding 1-4 ID's, but still enjoy the benefits of a private lounge (no Random's). Hope you can make room for at least a couple of the ID's and feel free to delete me if you need to make room.

You can delete me in exchange for one of the rooms, I promise I won't cry... After a few days anyway.

We can comfort each other over a pint. :(
You can delete me too Owen, it isn't like we meet up outside of here anyway.

Okay, as we all pretty much have Brandon added, why don't I just slip into his lounge tonight (if that is cool with you Brand?) and use that, we can move to ORCA_Champ for Friday when people have had more chance to add and be accepted?

I've also spoken to RDAardvark and I'm going to host a US version of his Monday Night Surprise Night races at 9 p.m. EST (racing starts at 9:30 - Midnight).
I think we'll try running it in the new championship lounge, the PSN ID is ORCA_Champ.

I've added some content to the social group that goes into more detail about what the lounges are for and how we plan on using them. If you haven't joined yet, please do!

ORCA Social Group

Thanks, sorry I didn't check the social group as it was never too active last season. I'll join and try to keep taps on it. 👍

Looks like I will miss out on a lot of racing. If your not friends with the name people are in you don't enter.

To be honest this just pushes me away.

I kinda pleaded early along that this wouldn't work for myself.

Oh well. Guess if I drift away you guys know why.


Why don't I just delete any friends from Capp Cupp that don't race in other leagues with me. I can replace them with these "room names". Then check this names to see who is in what.

Hmmm that may work.

Oh shucks, our plan to get rid of Owens failed ;)

You're welcome to remove me if you haven't already done so.

I plan on deleting all my Capp friends also and am quite excited for this new lounge system, friends list should be much more organized.
I am not too excited about this new 'dedicated racing lounge' thing. Gives GT5 racing a distinct iRacing flavor, where you only race with people and that's it. I enjoy having a real person on the list, going through the list of whoever is online and if I see them racing 'following' them occasionally, etc. So 'racing lounge' is fine with me until it leads to a mass "You can delete everyone from the XYZ series". This is not to say PSN/GT5 friends list don't need to be better organized, but still...
You can delete me too Owen, it isn't like we meet up outside of here anyway.

Okay, as we all pretty much have Brandon added, why don't I just slip into his lounge tonight (if that is cool with you Brand?) and use that, we can move to ORCA_Champ for Friday when people have had more chance to add and be accepted?

I've also spoken to RDAardvark and I'm going to host a US version of his Monday Night Surprise Night races at 9 p.m. EST (racing starts at 9:30 - Midnight).

You can use my lounge if you want, I won't be around so it will be open. Are you only available to race at 9pm EST on weekdays? I'm usually in bed by 10 (work early) so I probably wouldn't be able to participate that late.

I am not too excited about this new 'dedicated racing lounge' thing. Gives GT5 racing a distinct iRacing flavor, where you only race with people and that's it. I enjoy having a real person on the list, going through the list of whoever is online and if I see them racing 'following' them occasionally, etc. So 'racing lounge' is fine with me until it leads to a mass "You can delete everyone from the XYZ series". This is not to say PSN/GT5 friends list don't need to be better organized, but still...

You don't need to delete anybody off your PSN friends list. All that discussion was directed towards Owens because he's Mr. Popular and doesn't have room for us. This system isn't really any different than if you guys just opened my lounge for practice/racing, but sometimes I like to use my lounge for other things so having a dedicated series ID keeps my lounge free.
I haven't got that many friends, so I'll not be deleting anyone.
You can use my lounge if you want, I won't be around so it will be open. Are you only available to race at 9pm EST on weekdays? I'm usually in bed by 10 (work early) so I probably wouldn't be able to participate that late.

Yeah, can't get the wheel out with my daughter running around, so I have to wait until 8 for her to sleep, so 8:30 is usually the earliest I dare guarantee that I will be online. Weekends are just not possible for me at all, we are usually running around getting what we can't do during the week done and having people over.

Sometimes I get lucky and she crashed out at 7 or 7:30. She is the boss these days :)
Yeah, can't get the wheel out with my daughter running around, so I have to wait until 8 for her to sleep, so 8:30 is usually the earliest I dare guarantee that I will be online. Weekends are just not possible for me at all, we are usually running around getting what we can't do during the week done and having people over.

Sometimes I get lucky and she crashed out at 7 or 7:30. She is the boss these days :)

Totally understandable. I'll try to stay up a little later Monday so I can at least be there for 1 race. I'd like to see how these things operate so I can host them in the future. Thanks for volunteering. 👍
I see there's still a bit of confusion around the whole Private Lobby set Hopefully I can clarify a bit.

Think of it like this. If you were just finding out about the Capp Cup and asked, "Where do I go to race?" until now, it would have been, "Send an FR to Brandon" and Brandon's FR list would be filled with 40 or 50 Capp Cuppers. We gather in Brandon's Lounge to race Capp's or other cars.

Now instead of friending Brandon, you friend "ORCA CappCup" and we gather there to race and practice. If you also want to add Brandon, you can, you can add anyone from the series you want, but we'd gather in the "ORCA CappCup" to race or practice etc. The only people with access to the Lounge are Capp Cuppers, same as before. Nothing is really different this way, you just go to a different lounge to race.

Now expand it even further and say you want the CappCuppers and other clean racers to gather once in a while for some PP racing, some spec racing, spot races, GT500, whatever you prefer but don't want to do it in a public lobby and all the chaos it entails. So 90 or 95 of us all join 3 or 4 different lounges who would appear on your friends list like everyone else, but access is limited to the same 90-95 good clean drivers you already know. If you want to know if anyone is in the lounge you have to click on the lounge because the little cup doesn't show under this system even when people are there.

Races will be organized by whoever wants to organize them to suit their own personal preferences. No one owns the these Lounges they are for anyone who is a member to use. Brandon and the Stewards will organize some evenings to get you pointed in the right direction but the whole idea is for it to be YOUR lounge system. It will go in the direction that the majority wants to go, based on what types of racing are most popular with the group, not what I want to do or Brandon or anyone else. We wanted to be able to race on a more frequent basis with the same good drivers in the Capp Cup and their friends if they also choose to join.

Within this same group, we'll run the Alfa Series and perhaps some Cappuccino's once in a while too. If you don't see yourself running in anything but the Alfa's then just join that particular Lounge. If you want to run other cars with people of the same mindset then join the other groups as you see fit. It will only take up space on your friends list if you want it to.

The basic premise is to do a variety of different types of racing, while avoiding the chaos that is most public lobbies, but without having to commit to a series of any kind, nor be a professional driver. In a field of 10-15 pilots there are a variety of skill levels and whether you are racing Alfa's or Spec Camaro's or some 450pp cars on SS tires, you'll find someone to run with most every race, without having to deal with Johnnynobrakes or Guywhothinkshe'sDaleEarnhardt every corner.

Although you can't kick anyone from a Lounge for dirty racing, they can be unfriended, and as far as I know, if you unfriend someone even while they are in a Lounge they disappear. There will also be a reporting mechanism in place for reporting dirty driving and you can be removed from the whole system if you are constantly in trouble. We don't expect it to be an issue however.

So if you want to race 400ppCS nights then you'll be able to set it up and promote it in front of up to 100 other clean drivers. It may turn out not be popular or it may be wildly popular, you never know. If you like GT300 cars and never get a chance to run them, organize a GT300 night. Anyone can do it, not just Brandon and the stewards.

Hopefully that makes it a little clearer...:crazy:
^^^^ Yep. If you only want to run the Alfa's then just add the ORCA_Champ lounge and you're done. Keep me on your friends list, keep everyone else on your friends list, delete us all, whatever. Basically, I enjoy racing with the members of this group more than anything in GT5 and I hate public rooms, so I'm trying to create a way for us all to race together outside of the Cappuccino/Alfa and in a way that doesn't require organization from me or the stewards. If some people have no interest in something like that and only want to race in a points series, then that's fine and you're not obligated in any way to participate in the other forms of racing.

I realize it's a bit of a departure from the norm, but we've been discussing it internally for quite some time, weighing the pros and cons and trying to decide if there was enough benefit to be worth the trouble. We've come up with a plan that we think will be worth the trouble and hopefully have some appeal to others, if it turns out to be a flop I won't pursue it after this season.

EDIT: To be clear and hopefully avoid any confusion, this is all in the very early stages of production and we're not really ready to roll anything out yet. I've asked everyone to join the social group just to help keep everyone in one place but it will be a week or two before anything official happens. You guys are just kind of getting a sneak peak so you can give me some feedback. I'll be providing more clear and detailed info as it becomes available. I'm sure there are more than a few questions right now but they'll be answered in due time. Also, rest assured that we're doing everything we can to make sure you guys don't have to do anything extra than you normally do. The only difference is that you'll never see the yellow icon above the ORCA lounge coffee cup because those ID's will never be online. So you'll have to actually click the coffee cup to see if anybody's in it. Other than that, there should be no extra work or rules for you. 👍
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Usually 2-3 hours depending on how many people are around. I open the lounge around 2 but we usually don't start any races until 30 minutes later or so, after some people join up. Hope you're able to rise early and join us! Do you have any other OZ/NZ buddies that might be willing to join us for the Alfa season or the Club races? I could push the official Saturday time slot back by an hour so you guys don't have to get up quite as early.

RDA, that calendar is slick as snot. Very nice job and I think that's going to come in very handy. 👍

just got to work and am enjoying my coffee. I do have one buddy that I'm gently coaxing away from xbox and iracing to move to ps3...wish me luck lol.
Just a little bump as my original post has dropped back a few pages. I'll be in Brandon's lounge tonight around 8:30 or 9 EST. If I could get a quick interest check that would be awesome. I'll probably keep do a few short races in the Alfa until 10/10:30
I'm 99.9% sure I'll be around... His personal lounge or one of the ORCA lounges?
I should be there barring unforseen circumstances...:crazy:

JP, you should have the log in info for the ID. If you want to log in and accept FR's you'll find a shiny Alfa in the garage you can race. :sly:
Looks like I start this early, Brandon's Lounge is setup and ready. I'm just having a preflight coffee. :)
lol. pretty easy to get lost here. I have no idea what is going on. Where and when the race will be, what it will take to be competitive. How to join? Don't see myself making it to a race. Thanks for the invite though.
Yeah, this is just people messing about. Real racing isn't until the new year. If you are friends with brandon, go to his coffee cup and click on it. We are hanging out there tonight.
Don't even know Brandon, or his gamer tag so......
Got an invite from another thread......kind of
If I am not really welcome here...OK
Don't even know Brandon, or his gamer tag so......
Got an invite from another thread......kind of
If I am not really welcome here...OK

Sorry for any confusion, if you're looking for RDAardvark's Surprise Night it's not until Monday. This group is in our off season and some members are just testing for next season in my lounge.
We're going to be running the Alfa TZ2 but I don't quite have the official thread ready yet.
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Organized..Meh .. Thats the second time I have seen that without an invite attached? I assume generally these are someone elses rooms and they are already well established with a local click or crew running the show. Kind of like lobbies, only with bigger and more organized packs. Most of these people will know each other already and be comfortable with each other and not so friendly to outsiders. Figure thats why I don't see a lot of people desperate to invite new peeps. Maybe I will meet someone online someday who I like racing with and he will invite me.

"This group is in our off season and "SOME" members are just TESTING for next season in my lounge".

A lot like I expected...already....don't expect to see me trolling this thread looking for an invite any more.
So, how did the session go last night?

And yes, I'm ignoring the post above.
Organized..Meh .. Thats the second time I have seen that without an invite attached? I assume generally these are someone elses rooms and they are already well established with a local click or crew running the show. Kind of like lobbies, only with bigger and more organized packs. Most of these people will know each other already and be comfortable with each other and not so friendly to outsiders. Figure thats why I don't see a lot of people desperate to invite new peeps. Maybe I will meet someone online someday who I like racing with and he will invite me.

"This group is in our off season and "SOME" members are just TESTING for next season in my lounge".

A lot like I expected...already....don't expect to see me trolling this thread looking for an invite any more.

I have no idea where you're coming from. Because I was away from my PS3 last night and couldn't send you an invite to our testing session that means we're not friendly to outsiders? Also, I'm not aware of very many leagues that send out personal invites, the standard procedure is to create a thread saying "sign ups open" and people who are interested register for the series. We will have such a thread for the upcoming Alfa series soon but we just finished our Capp Cup season and are currently doing some testing and discussion for the next season, also standard operating procedure. If you had actually been trolling this series you'd know that we're probably one of the friendliest and most accommodating groups on GTP, we had over 25 different drivers race with us last season over just a 6 week championship.

Ok, back to some official business. I've been thinking about the format for the Alfa series, it seems like most people are in favor of some kind of double-header format. I kind of like the idea of one shorter race and one longer race but that would require a re-structuring of the points system since we couldn't award the same amount of points for both races (shorter race should have fewer points available). I've been trying to think of a good way to do this but haven't really come up with anything. Our points system was pretty solid last season and let to an exciting (if a bit anti-climactic) battle at the end of the season. Because of that I'm going to stick with two equal length races for the double-headers but I'm going to extend the length of each one to approx. 20 minutes, up from the 15 that we ran this past season. All the points and bonus points will work exactly the same as they did, bonus points for pole position and for sweeping both double-headers in a night, each race in a double-header will pay half the points of an enduro.

Now I just need to decide which races will be enduro's and which will be double-headers. I know la Sarthe is going to be an enduro, with time change. :dopey: I was originally planning to run the Nordschlife which would be a natural candidate for the second enduro but while that track is great fun to drive on it's really not the best for racing due to the narrowness and it's size. I'm thinking we should probably run on Nurburgring GP/F instead which would also be a good candidate for an enduro.

Do you guys have an opinion on the two Nurburgring tracks? It would be an exciting event at the Nurby Nord and I'd be willing to run there if everybody was up for it. Probably wouldn't do a time change though because it's just too freakin' dark. La Sarthe has enough auxiliary lighting and big reflective signs that driving in the dark isn't bad at all.
Finaly got a new Alfa after my Gt5 data corrupted so if theres a room open tomorrow ill be there :D.
Finaly got a new Alfa after my Gt5 data corrupted so if theres a room open tomorrow ill be there :D.

Good to hear! I'm planning on having a room open for Alfa testing tomorrow (Friday) night as well as Saturday afternoon so there will be at least 2 chances to get some Alfa driving in yet this week. :)
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