Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

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It gets really confusing when a Canadian tries to tell a joke and the dialog contains the words mouse, house, and moose. :D
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I say "eh" a lot, admittedly.

I guess if you head out west more, instead of being surrounded by you guys on three sides of me, I'd hear it more.
Watch the christmas eve top gear special from this year and you'll have an idea of how people talk here in virginia. STRAIGHT UP HILLBILLY.
Here in the north of Ireland we tend to say 'so it is' at the end of sentences, so we do.
And I've never heard anyone say 'to be sure'!
Sorry I haven't been about very much for these races, times didn't work out as good for me as I had expected, don't know if I'll be there again tonight, but I'll give it a go :)
I've lived in Canada for 18 years, and have never heard anyone say "hoser."

By pure coincidence I learned the origin of the term "hoser" this morning. In Canada, before the days of the Zamboni, the losing hockey team would have to hose down the rink with water so there would be a fresh coat of ice for the next game. Thus, "hoser" became synonymous with the word "loser". Believe it or not, I learned that on Bob & Tom this morning. lol

Round 3 begins tonight at Grand Valley East - Reverse. This is one of my favorite tracks in the game and I think it's beautifully suited for the Cappuccino. I'm really looking forward to an exciting race tonight, but I hope we all can make it through the first set of turns cleanly! They can be very tricky, but when you find your marks you can sail through there quite quickly.

The race will be hosted in my private lounge which should be open around 7pm EDT for some pre-race practice. Qualifying will start at 8pm EDT sharp, if you're not in the room in a timely manner you will either qualify in the second group, start at the back of the pack, or watch from the grandstands, depending on how late you are. We won't be holding up the show for anyone.

Per our discussion yesterday, I'm going to make a couple minor tweaks to qualifying to try to eliminate any remaining confusion. I will ask group 1 to enter the pits and remain there as we normally do. I will have everyone wait there until the room timer in the upper right corner reaches a round number (i.e. 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, etc.) at which time I will start the timer and announce that the track is green and everybody is free to leave the pits to begin qualifying. So when a driver is on track they can glance up at the room timer and have some idea how much time they have left. If the track went green at the 2:00 minute mark then qualifying will last until the timer reads 9:00.

This way everyone knows exactly when the timer starts and how much time they have to get their laps in. Lap times at this track are in the 1:13-1:15 range so everybody should get their warm-up lap plus 5 hot laps for qualifying. Should work out great. No drastic differences from our current system, just a little more structured and provides a little more info to the drivers on track. Drivers shouldn't have to do anything different during qualifying, just follow the instructions I put in the chat box, go fast and stay clear of other drivers. 👍

Make sense? Let me know if any of you have questions. See you tonight at GVE-R!!

Im interested in this :)

#(Don't mind) Markeeez18 (Markeeez18): Blue / Black

I think we're pretty maxed out for the rest of this season, we had near full rooms every race this week and since people are running for points I want to make sure they're able to get into the room. We will be starting up the second season in a few weeks though so check back then and we'll get you registered for the Second Serving. 👍

Well it turns out that I have to make a quick Policy Resolution proposal to City Council tonight for work and probably won't be making it home in time for the race. I am scheduled to speak at 8:00 EDT but am hoping Council will keep their discussions to a minimum, allowing me to get out early. I live ten minutes from City Hall so it will be a close one. If I do make it in time it will be good fun trying to work my way to the front from last place.
Well it turns out that I have to make a quick Policy Resolution proposal to City Council tonight for work and probably won't be making it home in time for the race. I am scheduled to speak at 8:00 EDT but am hoping Council will keep their discussions to a minimum, allowing me to get out early. I live ten minutes from City Hall so it will be a close one. If I do make it in time it will be good fun trying to work my way to the front from last place.

Since Brosif is a regular and has never held up the proceedings before I've coordinated with him to let me know if he might make it. So, even though earlier I said we won't be waiting on anyone I might hold up an extra 5 minutes if he thinks he'll be there. I will only delay things if he is on his way home and thinks he can be in the race room by 8:20 or so.

Just wanted to clarify so nobody would worry about whether we'd be waiting around on 1 person or not. From here on out I will be trying my best to stick to a very rigid time schedule for the events.

I raced last week at Nurb and my name is not in the standings. I placed directly behind Mule...who consequently is also missing from the results

(I'm slow...I raced Friday and not Tuesday. The results are there! :dunce:)

On a side note, is it possible to change the color scheme of my car to the opposite colors? If not, no worries
I raced last week at Nurb and my name is not in the standings. I placed directly behind Mule...who consequently is also missing from the results

(I'm slow...I raced Friday and not Tuesday. The results are there! :dunce:)

On a side note, is it possible to change the color scheme of my car to the opposite colors? If not, no worries

You had me worried for a minute, because I know I remember double-checking how to spell your name! lol

I don't have a problem with you switching colors on your car. I do like when people stick with a color scheme through the season because we all get to know each other's cars just by sight. If I see a pink car, I know snoopykuan is near!! lol But I think this was your first race with us so nobody knows your colors yet. And it's not a huge deal anyway, several people (including myself) have changed colors at least once already. :lol:

You had me worried for a minute, because I know I remember double-checking how to spell your name! lol

I don't have a problem with you switching colors on your car. I do like when people stick with a color scheme through the season because we all get to know each other's cars just by sight. If I see a pink car, I know snoopykuan is near!! lol But I think this was your first race with us so nobody knows your colors yet. And it's not a huge deal anyway, several people (including myself) have changed colors at least once already. :lol:


On that subject, my colours for the remainder of the season are changing to Day Glow Red / Day Glow Red (basically vodafone colours). I will upload a photo of the new colour scheme later.

Good luck for the race today guys.

My Private Lounge is open for Grand Valley East-Reverse. If anybody needs some last minute practice come on out. Qualifying will start at 8pm EDT. See you on track!

I feel the need to join in! <_<

#66 Max911 (PSN: MaxPrez90) Colour: Light blue / Black with red finish
I'll keep the same colors. Who knows...the Midnight Purple could have just needed a race to warm up to crack the top 5
Here are the results of tonight's race. Congrats to BrosifDuder on coming from last place to take the victory. I think I best not say anything about this race until tomorrow, but it looks like we'll be having a penalty sytem for the second season, if not sooner..


(sorry the photo's a little blurry)

Here's the onboard video from my car during the race. It's very exciting for the first 10 laps or so, then the camera kinda got knocked over when I got pressured off the track in turn 1 so the view is a little askew. It's probably for the better, the last 4 or 5 laps of my race I wouldn't recommend watching with children in the room, it was ugly.

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I personally had a great time tonight. I'm not sure what happened in front of me, but I did pass a few spun cars. I know the three or four of us who were racing each other towards the back of the field had a blast, and that was some of the cleanest and most courteous racing I've seen. (and we all passed each other 5 or 6 times). So don't get discouraged B, I think the series is going amazingly well. With this many good racers packed onto a track that fast, there's bound to be some issues. Great race guys, I'll see ya next week!
Definitely some good racing Mudd.

We all need to remember races aren't won in one lap. Work the racer in front with out leaning on them aka making contact Make clean passes. Use some patience and show your skill as a driver. You will be much happier racer at the end of the race.

Mudd and I had a great battle. We did not finish up front. But truly I came away very happy and smiling. Why? We ran each other respectfully which led to a very good race with him. Thanks Mudd!
I think I best not say anything about this race until tomorrow, but it looks like we'll be having a penalty sytem for the second season, if not sooner..

Feel free to send me the replay if you need a neutral view/2nd opinion on anything.
Congrats to Brosif for flawless run.We were going to have a nice battle when you caught up to me once i got away from yuri and Evo but that turn 2 grass got me and i went from the lead to 3rd in one turn.I kept waiting for you and Evo to get tangled up and allow me to catch back up but that didnt happen.

That was the good now for the bad.

Qualifying-These groups need to be set by practice lap times and not by who shows up first in the room.
Had some close racing up front for a few laps. Then I got sideways going too deep after the tunnel, got tapped and spun around. Nothing you can do about it, just a racing accident, I shouldn't have been sideways, was entirely my fault. Good race Brosif, iForce and Lancer. Congrats on the come from behind Brosif.

Indy should be fun. Nice wide track, lots of room to move around, expect a couple of 3 and 4 wides in the
Qualifying-These groups need to be set by practice lap times and not by who shows up first in the room.

I feel like this has been beat to death. The game does not provide me with the info needed to release drivers by their practice times. The timing monitor sometimes provides this info, but only if everybody is on the track or in the pits, and if it's working. I can't make a rule that depends on a timing monitor which isn't always functioning. For whatever reason my timing monitor almost never works during practice. If you can provide a method for doing this that doesn't add a lot of time to the event and doesn't create a ton of extra work for me then I'm more than willing to try it. But, I find it very hard to put any weight in this argument when you continue to qualify on the first 2 rows. You were 1 tenth of a second off of pole time last night, I'd say you were doing fine.

I'm still pretty frustrated about last night's race and I'm going to hold off on most of my comments to prevent me from saying things I regret. I'll be reviewing the replay tonight to be sure my facts are straight, but I will be imposing a penalty system in the very near future. I've had multiple complaints about un-savory driving after the last 3 or 4 races and the only way to address it is by introducing penalties. I don't believe there is any intentional punting or dirty driving, but some of our drivers need to work on their "racecraft" and their patience. Remember, you are not racing against A-Spec drivers here, you are competing with real people who are trying their hardest for a good result. Overall we have some incredibly clean drivers in this series and last night had its fair share of stellar driving which I will post video examples of later today. But like they say, one bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch.

ALWAYS remember one of the golden rules of racing: It is the responsibility of the over-taking driver (meaning, the car that is attempting to make the pass) to make sure the pass is made cleanly and incident-free.

In the meantime, please take a few minutes out of your day to watch these videos about racecraft.

EDIT: To be clear, my frustrations are only with a handful of drivers (both on and off the track). The majority of drivers have given me some of the best racing I've ever experienced and the group as a whole has been a real joy to work with.

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