Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

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There will be a formal document written up soon covering all this and I'll have everybody read and "sign" it.
LOL, you can add it as Case Studies Exhibit A under the first amendment to the Capp Constitution! :sly:

Seriously though, sounds like Johnny brought you up to speed on the whole deal. I hope it actually didn't come off as a "deal", because I wasn't looking for any penalties; I just thought it was funny and ironic that Johnny and I posted about racing conduct and penalties earlier in the thread and then we were banging into each other the very next race, so I asked him for his perspective on our collisions. Johnny is a gentleman and a scholar and I'm looking forward to more racing!
massive schmozel
David Hobbs verbiage ftw! 👍
Quick question... Why does the OP says Indy Road Course for the final race, but have the map of Cote d'Azur?
Quick question... Why does the OP says Indy Road Course for the final race, but have the map of Cote d'Azur?

Because I forgot to change the map to Indy road course apparently. Lol
If the room is full on your regular race night, send a psn msg to the host. Several of us were only there for the fun, not the points. I would have gladly backed out for anyone, had I been asked. I consider Tues my points night, but I enjoy racing you guys whenever I'm free for the other two races

I sent the host and brosif messages...obviously it didnt work.

Todays race was passable. I ran consistent 1:14s and 1:15s with the automatic. Best lap down to 1:14.3xx which is damn quick for the tranny if I do say so, plus I had no freakin draft again as I went a bit wide final corner first lap and lost out of drafting for the entire race. (I hate racing alone.)
Luckily, I was able to get pass Cami and Waznz who both spun in separate incidents. I'm thinking with the draft, this car and my auto. would have been in the high 1:13s and Im satisified knowing its possible, even if I didnt see it transpire
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Hey everyone, I've got all the results from last week updated and I'm working on the points standings. I'll post the updated points with your worst result removed so we can alll see exactly where we stand going into the final round at Indianapolis.

I have some Father's Day stuff to do today but should have everything updated this afternoon. I'll also have a practice room open by around 3 or 4pm EDT to do some running at Indy Road Course and perhaps some fun races at other tracks. So if anybody's looking to get a caffiene buzz on today just look for my lounge this afternoon!!

Yes, a Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. Hopefully your kids will let you race in peace

Thanks Tri for the kind words. Yes, it was pretty ironic that we posted about what to do in the case of a race incident and then we go and get involved in a big smash It was quite unfortunate that lag played a part in the race on Friday because I think it could have been a tremendous battle for the top 5 spots.

On my part, I've had a lot of disconnects from lobby servers even in my own Lounge when tuning alone this past week or two, so much so that I took the advice of Watermelonpunch and got me a CAT6 cable for a direction connection to my router. I am not sure what difference it will make, but already yesterday I was in my own lounge for an hour or so tuning and not a single disconnect, whereas the previous two weeks that would never have happened. Could be just a fluke who knows, but surely directly connecting has to be better than my router hovering around 75-80% connection strength. I'm on DSL through the phone line now as I have been since I got online many moons ago, and contacted Bell Canada and they said Fibre Optic service was available in my area so I'm looking into that too.

All and all it's been very good racing, about as good as you can get in an online sim I think, and I look forward to the last race at Indy where there should be lots of drafting. A big wide track, good grip there too because it's pretty flat, a huge front straight for drafting and back straight big enough for passing too, so it should make for a great finale!!
so, anybody up for some Capp's today? I should be available for some racing shortly so look for my lounge. 👍

diabolic and myself are testing for another race series, send me a message when you get the room up.
I'm hoping on GT5 now so I'll have a room open in a few.

I've updated the OP with the newest points standings. For those drivers that have 2 points divided by a "/", the front number is with your lowest race removed and the second number is total points with none removed. Not sure what exactly that tells you, but gives you some idea where you stand going into the finale. 👍

Have I been disqualified for not turning up on Saturday?
I've lost all my points! :(

NO!!! My bad man, it was complicated figuring all of this out and you must have gotten lost in my piles of papers I was using to calculate the points. I know you're on my list at home so I'll update you when I get back from work this evening. My bad, my bad, my bad. :nervous: Don't take it personally, racing with you at Nürburgring was one of the highlights of my season!! :)

B <---------shameful :lol:
NO!!! My bad man, it was complicated figuring all of this out and you must have gotten lost in my piles of papers I was using to calculate the points. I know you're on my list at home so I'll update you when I get back from work this evening. My bad, my bad, my bad. :nervous: Don't take it personally, racing with you at Nürburgring was one of the highlights of my season!! :)

B <---------shameful :lol:

No worries - I was kidding! I just thought it was funny. :lol:
Here's a little something for everyone to chew on..... I think this was mentioned before but I don't remember who it was so I can't give credit, but what about having a multi-class Capp Cup with the regular Capp's and the RM Capp's? Kinda like a mini-le Mans style series. Slower drivers would be in the regular Capp's and if they prove to be fast enough can move up to the RM Capp's. The 2 class's would qualify with themselves, so using the system we use now Group 1 would be regular Capp's and Group 2 would be RM Capp's. This would end up grouping the faster drivers together for qualifying as well as the slower drivers together.

This is just one of the ideas I've been tossing around for the second season, I'm sure there are probably some "road bumps" I haven't thought of, but I don't think it would make things too difficult. Our drivers have already kinda naturally split into front of the pack groups and back of the pack groups, so this would give the drivers in the back of the pack groups a chance to fight for a win amongst themselves. Each class would have its own winner and points table.

What do you think? Have I gone totally :dunce:? lol

I'm a fan of the idea, but I'm not sure I really wanna drive a car any slower then the Capp's that we are currently running. :yuck:Are there any other small race cars that we could upgrade our 'GT1' class drivers to maybe?

Of course, then it wouldn't be a Capp series anymore...:dunce:
Maybe some testing with a non RM Capp is needed.
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I'm a fan of the idea, but I'm not sure I really wanna drive a car any slower then the Capp's that we are currently running. :yuck:Are there any other small race cars that we could upgrade our 'GT1' class drivers to maybe?

I wouldn't want to bring another car in, I've become very partial to the Cappuccino RM and its extended family, when I see my normal Capp sitting in my garage I can tell it wants to go play with its big brother! lol The fact that we have both versions just kinda makes it feel like a 2 class series was meant to be. :lol:

They really feel fairly similar, the regular Capp doesn't feel that much slower than the RM Capp so I think it'd still be fun. Mudd, you'll just go straight to the RM Class so you won't feel slow. haha

Like I said, it's just a thought and I wanted to get other peoples pros/cons on it to see if there were any positives or negatives to the idea.

Agreed, I edited in a second thought in while you were typing. I'd be willing to run some test runs of the idea next time there's a group of us together in a practice room, or maybe post race.
Maybe throw a FF RM car in there at low HP.

Or even a lower HP Lotus RM

B, you been in my head? Love the multi class races. Thought this idea would be great here.
I'd want to do a practice race or two, for sure. I'll try out both my Capp's on a track and see what the difference in lap times are. There is about a 35hp difference between the 2 cars, I'd guess that would be good for a 5-10 second difference in lap times. If there's a big enough difference (meaning no chance of a regular Capp being as fast as the slowest RM Capp) then qualifying would automatically work itself out and put the RM's at the front and the Reg's at the back.

I don't know, there's probably a lot of variables I'm not aware of with doing a multi-class system so maybe it's not the best idea. But I thought it was interesting enough to get some opinions on, especially if anybody has experience with a multi-class system. Food for thought.........or I guess drink for thought would be more appropriate in this case. :)

Crazy B :crazy:
Maybe throw a FF RM car in there at low HP.

Or even a lower HP Lotus RM

B, you been in my head? Love the multi class races. Thought this idea would be great here.

Gotta stay true to the Capp's! Can't bring another model in, it would just be blasphemous!!! lol
We would need some sort of system for promoting drivers from 'decaff' Capp to 'fully caffinated' RM Capp. I'm seeing possibility's in this...
....... 'decaff' Capp to 'fully caffinated' RM Capp....

....literally made me LOL!! My co-worker looked at me funny....:odd:

The promoting is where it could get tricky. It would probably have to be at the end of the season because the RM grid would probably already be full. And what happens when 8 Caffeinated drivers show up but only 4 or 5 Decaf drivers show up? Lopsided grid, could get real tricky real quickly.
I had a similar idea (and might still try it), the RM class (called GT in my planning) would only have 100hp, but use Racing Soft tires and all aftermarket parts except turbos. The street class (called ST) would be 75hp on Sport Soft tires and no adjustable parts, to allow the drivers to not worry about their tunes having an effect on speed. After testing, the differences at most tracks would be about 5 seconds between the classes. The GT class would run about the same lap times as the Capp Cup cars, depending on the track.
I had a similar idea (and might still try it), the RM class (called GT in my planning) would only have 100hp, but use Racing Soft tires and all aftermarket parts except turbos. The street class (called ST) would be 75hp on Sport Soft tires and no adjustable parts, to allow the drivers to not worry about their tunes having an effect on speed. After testing, the differences at most tracks would be about 5 seconds between the classes. The GT class would run about the same lap times as the Capp Cup cars, depending on the track.

No offense but the simple thought of Racing Soft tires make me sick and I think a lot of people would be deterred from participating if they saw that tire selection. Additionally, I don't think they these cars need any less power as the speeds we are running at are already very forgiving.

Edit: Brandon, I updated all the google docs and created spreadsheets for Friday and Saturday. Check them out when you have a chance.
I had the first thought myself as I was posting that, I'll probably end up doing more testing now with different tires on both classes. :D
We would need some sort of system for promoting drivers from 'decaff' Capp to 'fully caffinated' RM Capp. I'm seeing possibility's in this...

just do half-caff. Half the people race non-rm while one half races RM, then switch.
No offense but the simple thought of Racing Soft tires make me sick and I think a lot of people would be deterred from participating if they saw that tire selection. Additionally, I don't think they these cars need any less power as the speeds we are running at are already very forgiving.

Edit: Brandon, I updated all the google docs and created spreadsheets for Friday and Saturday. Check them out when you have a chance.

@Lancer, I remember somebody proposing that plan but couldn't remember who it was. Now I remember you sending me PM's about it. :)

@Brosif, My classes wouldn't be limited on power, both the Reg Capp and RM Capp would be all parts/full power, both on Sports Soft tires. Much simpler to police that way. Again though, I haven't compared the lap times of the 2 cars, there might not be a big enough difference in lap times to make it work (depending on the track).

I'll check out the google docs. Mind if I post them in the OP for everyone to view? This is something I'd like to have as a regular feature for the second season. 👍

Are we kicking around idea for next season? If so, I like everything about the current setup. The only change in the format I would like to make is for the races to be a little bit longer, like maybe 15 more minutes.

People who signed up for a night should have first priority, no matter how late they are.

And maybe limit folks to only 1 race per week that they are signed up for? Free to race as often, but only 1 guaranteed reserve spot. This series is too popular for its own good.
Are we kicking around idea for next season? If so, I like everything about the current setup. The only change in the format I would like to make is for the races to be a little bit longer, like maybe 15 more minutes.

People who signed up for a night should have first priority, no matter how late they are.

And maybe limit folks to only 1 race per week that they are signed up for? Free to race as often, but only 1 guaranteed reserve spot. This series is too popular for its own good.

15 more minutes might be a bit much, I aim for qualifying and the race to all be done within approx 1 hour. If I can get qualifying a little more streamlined than I can add that extra time to the race. I'd like them to be just a tad longer too, but not too long.

You're right about it being too popular for its own good! This is one of the things I'm trying to figure out for the second season too. I'll probably have everyone declare their "primary night" and they will get dibs for that race but might be asked to leave on one of their non-primary nights to make room for a driver who's primary race is that night. I think if everyone declares it up front then they wouldn't get too upset if I had to ask them to leave on another night. I'd hate asking somebody to leave a race, but I really hate the idea of somebody not being able to get into their primary race like what happened to Diabolicwyvern the other night. So I'll have to work something out, and I think everybody would understand the reasoning if I have to ask somebody to leave. I wouldn't single somebody out though, I'd probably ask for a volunteer to make room for a primary driver that can't get in. But I'll also have to set a cutoff time, if a primary driver is more than 15 minutes late and the race is about to start than I'm not sure what I could do. We need everyone to try to be as prompt as possible so we can stay on schedule. 👍

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