Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

  • Total voters
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No problem, but I hope Snoop isn't reading this because that's the only place that I'm beating him! :dopey:
@Mule, you're for sure still a steward so everybody can PM you as well with any concerns and when the penalty system is implemented we will both review and discuss incidents. I will also be having a few more stewards for the second season, we have a consistently large enough group to warrant more officials. I already have a few people in mind, we may have as many as 5 including myself. They would serve as hosts, race stewards/replay reviewers, practice organizers, and have about as much authority as I do during practices and race events. 👍

Thanks for the input on how to handle incidents in the future. I like most of the things in TriGuy's lengthy post, between that and other feedback I think I have what I need to work out something fair and simple. I've never been in a situation where penalties were enforced so I had nothing to go on. I don't anticipate having to use them often, but sometimes just having them there can act as a good deterrent. :)

Looking forward to a great Caffiene Buzz tonight!! :dopey:

Driver A gets a time penalty of however many seconds Driver A finished ahead of Driver B +1, so Driver A will officially finish behind Driver B
I like this policy. In fact it makes so much sense, I can see why F1 hasn't implemented it! :sly: Something like that would've worked well back in Monaco for Hamilton and Massa. Lewis compromised Felipe's race in some ways, but even with the post race imposed time penalty, Lewis finished ahead of Felipe. In that instance, it ultimately paid to be the aggressor and attack to a fault, which means the penalty structure fails to effectively discourage further penalties. Your Integra series policy puts the incentive back where it should be for online racing in a game: to be quick but clean, and to not get penalized! 👍
We're finishing up qualifying for the Monaco GP, as soon as it's done I'll have a Capp room open, probably about 9:20pm EDT

Edit: Room's open! Come on out to GVE-R, it's a beautiful evening in the valley!

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My two cents...

First, I have no problem whatsoever giving Brandon or whomever is running the series, full discretionary power to mete out punishment as he/she feels is necessary to maintain fair and even racing. IMO, having a 5 infringement system as Tri suggested earlier is massive offense If someone proves in the first race he's not respectful of other drivers and after a discussion with the Race Organizer shows no sign of wanting to change or improve, he/she should be gone, no more questions asked. I don't want to wait until the fifth race to get rid of a bad seed because they'll ruin the seasons of several others along the way. Some general guidelines are fine, but I don't want a page of rules and consequences a mile long, and making it difficult to get rid of bad seeds. We're all adults here and we all understand rules and consequences and I think we should just place our trust in the organizers to do the right thing.

Second, I think complaints should be handled first between the drivers involved, and then if that doesn't work to both their satisfactions, then take it to the Organizer, but in private messages only. This isn't a democracy, we don't vote, it's up to the Organizers to decide what if anything is going to happen, and it doesn't need to be done in a public forum for everyone to throw their two cents in. If Brandon or a steward wants our opinion they can ask, otherwise we should just be racing and having fun, not moderating disputes between drivers.

Third, I think the onus should be on the complaintant to do the research on the incident in question. They should watch their own replay, note when the incident(s) occurred, and also note which GTPlanet Rules of Racing were violated and then present their case to the Race Organizers, within say 48 hours of the incident. Any longer than 48 hours, for any reason, and it's a dead issue. You weed out general and less serious complaints that way and don't burden Brandon or the stewards with a flood of "general" complaints and forcing them to wade through race replay after race replay. They aren't getting paid for this and their time is as valuable as mine or yours. You got a complaint..fine..package it up and they'll take a look at it. Otherwise, keep yer yap shut and

My two cents...well 2.02 cents Canadian
room full :( spent 2 hours today with car after last week
Brosif ur tune has made me 1.2 seconds quicker :) but its all for nothing
My two cents...

First, I have no problem whatsoever giving Brandon or whomever is running the series, full discretionary power to mete out punishment as he/she feels is necessary to maintain fair and even racing. IMO, having a 5 infringement system as Tri suggested earlier is massive offense If someone proves in the first race he's not respectful of other drivers and after a discussion with the Race Organizer shows no sign of wanting to change or improve, he/she should be gone, no more questions asked. I don't want to wait until the fifth race to get rid of a bad seed because they'll ruin the seasons of several others along the way. Some general guidelines are fine, but I don't want a page of rules and consequences a mile long, and making it difficult to get rid of bad seeds. We're all adults here and we all understand rules and consequences and I think we should just place our trust in the organizers to do the right thing.

Second, I think complaints should be handled first between the drivers involved, and then if that doesn't work to both their satisfactions, then take it to the Organizer, but in private messages only. This isn't a democracy, we don't vote, it's up to the Organizers to decide what if anything is going to happen, and it doesn't need to be done in a public forum for everyone to throw their two cents in. If Brandon or a steward wants our opinion they can ask, otherwise we should just be racing and having fun, not moderating disputes between drivers.

Third, I think the onus should be on the complaintant to do the research on the incident in question. They should watch their own replay, note when the incident(s) occurred, and also note which GTPlanet Rules of Racing were violated and then present their case to the Race Organizers, within say 48 hours of the incident. Any longer than 48 hours, for any reason, and it's a dead issue. You weed out general and less serious complaints that way and don't burden Brandon or the stewards with a flood of "general" complaints and forcing them to wade through race replay after race replay. They aren't getting paid for this and their time is as valuable as mine or yours. You got a complaint..fine..package it up and they'll take a look at it. Otherwise, keep yer yap shut and

My two cents...well 2.02 cents Canadian

👍 This should be in the Cappuccino Constitution. :LOL:

it opened really early. I was prac with Booch...rushed out for a quick back at 8:50CST thinking the room would open in 10 minutes only to find it opened 30 min earlier. I dont understand the point of stated when qualifying will begin if the room might open at some random point before that. (I'm quite jealous of the folks who will get to run a full race tonight especially since the night I'm trying to place well is friday and not another day) Damm you folks racing each time. :banghead:
If the room is full on your regular race night, send a psn msg to the host. Several of us were only there for the fun, not the points. I would have gladly backed out for anyone, had I been asked. I consider Tues my points night, but I enjoy racing you guys whenever I'm free for the other two races
My two cents...
having a 5 infringement system as Tri suggested earlier is massive offense
None taken. As I was saying, I agree that simpler is better as long as it makes sense. All that was points for consideration by Brandon and stewards, and since I was putting it out there I figure the rationale should be explained relatively clearly.
We open the room up before quaifying for practice so everyone can have a last chance to make some tuning adjustements. The times are all posted in the OP and we followed that schedule tonight. I'm sorry you didn't make it in, this is something I'll have to address for the second season so it doesn't happen in the future. I'm not sure what to do about it but I'll figure something out.

EDIT: Diabolic, I just noticed you sent me a PM on PSN, I didn't see it until after the race. My bad man. :(

Here are the results from tonights race at Grand Valley East-Reverse. Congratulations to LancerEvo7 on catching a fortunate draft (from me!) to squeek out the win over PonyBoy. We had a full room of 16 drivers and everyone finished the race, a first for the league! It seemed like everyone had a pretty good race but I only had a view of any action for the first 2 laps. But MAN, WHAT A 2 LAPS!! Seeing that swarm of Capp's heading towards the tunnel was just awesome! Unfortunately I think I had 1 too many brewski's before the race so my performance wasn't quite up to par. lol

See everyone tomorrow around 1-1:30pm EDT!


It's been a while, but I can't make it today too - just got called to work :f
Anyway, I'm still around, didn't give up yet!

Have a great race today guys.
Congratulations to LancerEvo7 on catching a fortunate draft (from me!) to squeek out the win over PonyBoy.
I had him anyway, you just made sure he didn't get one last shot coming to the line. :D
For most of the race, Vodas and I had an epic back and forth battle, nose to tail all the way. Brosif was in the mix for a while but for some reason, he lagged a bit and lost some grip and was unable to keep up with the higher skilled

My plan was to draft Vodas and pass to the line, but he bobbled it slightly in the last corner so I figured I had my shot. I got my nose a couple of feet in front of his and then it was a drag race to the line, but he had enough juice to get me by 12/1000ths of a second!!!

Not sure if it was caused by the 16 cars but we had some lag issues. I think Brosif lost a second because of the connection issues and for sure it contributed to a second lap incident between Tri and myself, if not directly, then indirectly for sure. Tri and Brandon and I will sort it all out, as unfortunately I ran into the back of Tri and caused him to completely lose it and I went on relatively unscathed. Johnny might have to take a beating on this

Was a great, clean battle Vodas, thanks for the race!!!

^The start.

^Turn 2. I tapped both PonyStig and Brosif, but it didn't hurt any of us. Luckily we were ahead of the other 13 cars that decided to become magnetically attracted to each other and the walls.

^PonyStig should eventually realize that I like to divebomb the outside for hairpins, and that if there isn't room, I make more room.
I remember you took out yuri exiting the tunnel with that dive bomb pass on my left Tuesday.Im betting the next time you try that pass you end up eating the wall.
Well, last night was an experience, for sure! I don't think I've ever been in a race with 16 drivers where everyone finished. I also had some lag and frame rate issues throughout the race, sometimes causing me issues. I recently got a pretty heavy duty router made for gaming and haven't had any problems with getting booted or people not being able to connect to my room in the 3 weeks I've had it, but I guess with a full room we're likely to have issues. We might try limiting the rooms to 15 in the future to try keeping the room more stable. When Brosif is running 1:14's you know there's something wrong! lol

There was also some ruffled feathers about people using mics. I can understand both sides of this, it can be very annoying when you're not using a mic and a dozen people are chattering through your speakers and you can't hear your own car. A lot of us seemed to be in an especially chatty mood last night (including one that kept singing. lol), probably because it's Friday night for most of us.........and possibly due to booze. :)

To clarify, when I say "mics off" it means during the race. There's some debate as to whether having mics off actually improves the connection or not, but with a full room anything we can do to help is good. If the chatter gets too annoying you can mute everyone's mic but mine, just click on their name in the list and then click "mute audio". Another option is to get a headset yourself and if you don't feel like chatting or listening too us you can turn the mic on and then set it on a table somewhere, this will channel all the chat audio to the earpiece so you won't hear it but you'll still be able to hear all the game sounds. 👍

As for any penalties for incidents during the race, I won't give infractions for any and every incident. It sounds like Tri and Johnny's incident was rather nasty, but unless one of them is upset about it and feels wronged by it I don't see a need to arbitrarily impose any punishment. It seemed you two discussed it civily and came to terms on your own so I consider it settled. None of us are professional sim racers and we can't be perfect all the time so incidents will always happen, it's a matter of how things are handled. If the offending driver makes an effort to give the position back and the proper apologies are made afterwards then that should suffice most of the time. The point is to encourage good sportsmanship, not penalize every incident. For any incident that was caused or influenced by lag I don't think it's really fair to impose a penalty. Johnny concedes that he was probaby too close anyway so contact was likely, but if the lag hadn't happened it might not have been as severe. Who knows. There will be a formal document written up soon covering all this and I'll have everybody read and "sign" it.

Like I've said before, overall we seem to have a great group of courteous drivers that do a great job of keeping things clean and sportsman-like. I'll have to post a video of us going into turn 1 on lap 1, with 16 cars I would have bet money that there would be a massive schmozel but the majority of us got through it very clean! It was amazing and comendable! 👍

Was a fun race. Wished I hadn't bobbled the three times when 3-6 was running for positions.
I had a great race, there were a few incidents but nothing nasty or worth bringing up. I took some pics of one because i thought it was funny, not to call anyone out.

first lap, turn 2 13/16 drivers

First lap turn 2 16/16 drivers!

Coming out of the tunnel we got kind of bunched up and i ended up nearly 90 degrees to the race track through turn 4 :laugh: It is a good thing mics were of or you would have heard "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"



I passed a lot of people who spun on turn 2, and then i touched the grass on the outside in a later lap myself and lost 4 positions!


I think i should be nearing the max hp of 137 now. I was actually able to keep up on the draft and make up some time. It was very difficult the first race i ran with a brand new engine (somehow i lost my older capp). I wouldn't think 4hp makes that much of a difference but it does when everyone is in the same exact car!
Note to the noobs. .using Quali as your first real practice run doesn't help your cause. . . lol

Hope I stayed far enough out of everyone's way. . .lol
In that first and second picture, how come everyone else is on track but I look like I'm parked in the grass for a picnic?
In that first and second picture, how come everyone else is on track but I look like I'm parked in the grass for a picnic?

you tell me!? :sly:

i did notice that people were very courteous when they went off track on turn 2 and stayed off track until there was a break in traffic. I thank you gentlemen for that 👍
Yeah I went off between turns 1 and 2 and lost like 3 spots waiting. I noticed you did too. Nice sportsmanship.
Great race today everyone. I had a great race going and thought I had a chance at fighting for a podium position. Booch/Polizei and I were in 4th and 5th and really working the bump draft for about 5 laps. Then I barely touched the grass on the outside of turn 2 close to 80mph and went for a spin, tossing my chance of even a top 5. It was great stuff though. We're headed into the final week, I'll see you everyone at my home track, Indianapolis!


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