Sick video man

Too bad you didn't do it from friday nights race
Yeah, I recorded the clips onto my phone earlier in the week so I'd have them, didn't have time after the Friday night race because I had to get up real early to leave. Still some good action though!
Vodas, yes I am giving out prize cars to the podium finishers, as follows
1st place: your choice up to $999,999.00
2nd place: your choice up to $500,000
3rd place: your choice up to $250,000
Let me know which car you'd like and I'll purchase it and send it to you. I can only send 1 a day so it will take a little while to get them all distributed but I'll get them to you. 👍 I also have made some certificates that you can print and hang in your trophy rooms.
I'll get the points standings in the OP updated today with final results. The final race of the season will be this Tuesday at 8pm EDT, rescheduled from this past Tuesday. After that we will have the rest of the week off but I'd still like to meet up at our normal times for some fun races, maybe practice some tracks for season 2. I'll be working on getting the second season finalized this week and hopefully we should be ready to start back up next Tuesday, July 5.
Stay tuned to this thread throughout the week as I might have a couple polls for the second season that I'll post links to here. I'll be starting a new thread for the season opener with all the details sometime later this week.
Thanks to everyone that participated this season for providing the best online racing experience I've ever had. We have a great group here and I had an absolute blast heading up the series and racing with everyone. Also, thank you for being supportive and patient with me as I learned the art of hosting a league, I think it went off really well and I've learned a lot that I will put to good use in season 2.
See you Tuesday!