Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

  • Total voters
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/\ LOL!! It's ok, I don't think Smurfit was part of the first thread so he wasn't around for the lengthy tire debate. I appreciate anybody testing things and relaying their findings to me like that, and it's great to know other people are already trying to get their Capp Cup fixes!

Without being able to test the online physics I can't say much about the tires. After lots of feedback Sports Softs were chosen as a compromise and everybody seems to be ok with them so I'm sure we'll stick with those to start. With the offline physics this car feels like it's glued to the track no matter what tire it's on, but the reports are that it's very tail-happy and somewhat unforgiving with the online physics. Once the PSN is back up we'll see how the Sports Soft tires do, but I'm hoping they're a happy medium that isn't too punishing nor too forgiving so everybody can have fun but skill will still play a part in the race.


As I've only toyed with it offline, I'm no expert, but I find it very hard to believe that 137 hp would be unmanageable with ANY tire :P
Well, I've had several reports from people with experience racing these little cars online that they are shockingly different with the online physics. I find it hard to wrap my head around too, but with so many reports I can't ignore them, so I don't have any pre-conceived notions about the tires on the Capp. If for some reason I find the sports softs absolutely terrible with online physics I'll try to address it, but I don't mind if they provide a little challenge. :)

Like Yuri said...if you have not raced this little car online with Sport softs before and are just doing offline practice. You are in for a treat because it may be small, but this car can be a lot to deal with...especially running in a pack. The rolling corners (turns 3,4,5) on GVE will do well to seperate the will as leaving the hairpin on t2 at Tsukuba. I remember even in racing softs going on just fine and driving.
Like Yuri said...if you have not raced this little car online with Sport softs before and are just doing offline practice. You are in for a treat because it may be small, but this car can be a lot to deal with...especially running in a pack. The rolling corners (turns 3,4,5) on GVE will do well to seperate the will as leaving the hairpin on t2 at Tsukuba. I remember even in racing softs going on just fine and driving.

That's sounds good to me :) I haven't ran these online yet and am looking forward to the challenge.
LOL...yeah what Diabolic said. I couldn't believe it myself when I first raced it online. Offline it's like driving a steel roller coaster, point it and it goes in that direction. I think the low traction even with racing softs is a function of the cars light weight and low speed which generates little downforce and probably skinny tires as well. I think another twist is that it's so light and with a very short wheelbase, so you can't feel when it's about to let loose, at least not with my DFGT, so it just sort of starts to slide and once it goes it's very hard to stop. Even the first sweeping hairpin at Cape Ring North was challenging for a lot of drivers unless you had the tune just right.

It's all moot of course until PSN is back online which I suspect is not as close as we'd like it to be.
Based on offline driving, I actually suggested that we downgrade the tires from Sport Soft to something with less grip. Based on the comments above it sounds like Sports Soft is still a good compromise and I am glad that my suggestion was thrown out. :lol:
Based on offline driving, I actually suggested that we downgrade the tires from Sport Soft to something with less grip. Based on the comments above it sounds like Sports Soft is still a good compromise and I am glad that my suggestion was thrown out. :lol:

I'm good with that! Throw on any tire! The more challenge the better!
It would be fun to have an informal night one night and throw on the dirt tires and tear it up around a dirt track.

EDIT - Assuming that the car takes dirt tires.
You guys are really making me feel good about the league with comments like this. This has been a very diplomatic group so far, we're 9 pages into this thread and there hasn't been an argument or rude words or anything negative! That is a rare thing to find, for sure! It really makes me feel like we won't have any problems overcoming any hurdles that pop up along our way.

I think by now everybody knows that I put the group's interests before my own and I won't make some weird rule or policy just because I think it's right or it's what I want to do. I think that's the key to having a good group that sticks together for many seasons. Ultimately, it is up to me to make the decisions but I try to get as much feedback from the members before I do and I think that kind of transparency will give you guys confidence in my decisions. I will never be able to please everyone, but with you guys having input and being able to see how I come to my decisions I think that will go a long way towards keeping the majority happy.

:cheers: to everyone, and happy Friday!! :)

It would be fun to have an informal night one night and throw on the dirt tires and tear it up around a dirt track.

EDIT - Assuming that the car takes dirt tires.

I hope to do some fun, non-points events like this, either with the Capp or other cars, on nights that we don't have official races. I have a plan for a time-trial/rally style race that I'd love to try out with a good group sometime.

I'm thinking that since we had several people who were available on Sunday's, but we're not running an official race on Sunday's, that could maybe be our "fun day" where I have a lounge open for a few hours and anybody can come and go, we can race whatever we want and just have fun. I'd love to do some kart racing or even some NASCAR racing with you guys sometime! We could discuss alternate events like that during the week so we'd have something setup and ready to run on Sunday's.

BTW, have you guys all added me to your PSN friends list so you can find my loun............oh, wait....that's right. Dang it!!! lol

"and there hasn't been an argument or rude words or anything negative!"...give us time, we havn't been on the track together yet. Lol
Those guys in the background look like giants next to this little car!!! lol

When you walk as far back from the car as possible, then zoom right in, it makes what's in the background look bigger.

Never noticed the proportions until now though. :lol:
Well, hopefully the goodwill we've created during the PSN outage will carry over to the track, and least some anyway. An RM Cappuccino is somewhat of a silly car, so hopefully nobody's going to take this so seriously that heated arguments break out because of an on-track incident. Unless that incident is intentional, of course. And if they do, I can be a pretty good mediator. :)

Off-topic, does anybody have experience with My dad and I got season passes to Mid-Ohio Race Course and we each got a free month subscription, but since he doesn't sim race I get both months. I think my computer is up to running it (barely) and I've browsed their website but I don't know anybody that's actually raced on there. It might be a good way to get my "fix" until the PSN is restored.

"and there hasn't been an argument or rude words or anything negative!"...give us time, we havn't been on the track together yet. Lol

Any problem that arises on the track can be solved on the track. :D
Well, I discovered that entering the RM Capp in the middle difficulty level of Arcade Mode is incredibly fun! I was doing 4-5 lap races and just barely winning them. It took 2 or 3 laps to get the the front, I'd really gain in the turns but they'd fight back and sometimes overtake me on the straights. It's great fun!

Some of the tracks I tested tonight*

Special Stage Route 5 Full and Clubman - I prefer Clubman because the uphill sweeper at the end of the full track is a little difficult with these little cars.

Cape Ring North - pretty fun, would be a good fit for these cars

Trial Mountain - surprised by this one, really enjoyed it and thing it would be a lot of fun!

What are your opinions of these tracks? If I had to pick one I'd probably go with Trial Mountain, but I think SSR5 Clubman would be good too. There would be some interesting drafting battles on Clubman, for sure!

*I know the offline physics are different than online and these tests aren't 100% accurate.

I'll vote for Trial Mountain, havn't tried the Capp there, buts def one of my favorite tracks. Next time I fire up the Capp, I think I'll check out Deep Forest as well.
Well, I discovered that entering the RM Capp in the middle difficulty level of Arcade Mode is incredibly fun! I was doing 4-5 lap races and just barely winning them. It took 2 or 3 laps to get the the front, I'd really gain in the turns but they'd fight back and sometimes overtake me on the straights. It's great fun!

Some of the tracks I tested tonight*

Special Stage Route 5 Full and Clubman - I prefer Clubman because the uphill sweeper at the end of the full track is a little difficult with these little cars.

Cape Ring North - pretty fun, would be a good fit for these cars

Trial Mountain - surprised by this one, really enjoyed it and thing it would be a lot of fun!

What are your opinions of these tracks? If I had to pick one I'd probably go with Trial Mountain, but I think SSR5 Clubman would be good too. There would be some interesting drafting battles on Clubman, for sure!

*I know the offline physics are different than online and these tests aren't 100% accurate.


I love all 3 tracks, but Trial Mountain would be my first pick too!👍
Deep Forest looked like it would have too many long straights for the Capp. Trial Mountain has 2 medium sized straights that are just long enough to get a good draft and setup for the following turn. It worked out very nicely, some of the most fun I've had on that track!

I took some pics tonight of the Capps, thought I'd share them with everyone.





When you walk as far back from the car as possible, then zoom right in, it makes what's in the background look bigger.

Never noticed the proportions until now though. :lol:

Here's some proportions for ya! Lol These cars really are pretty small.



Has anybody else noticed that this car is very photogenic? One of the best looking cars I've ever seen in photomode.

I spent some time in the Course Maker tonight trying to build a few courses that are geared toward Cappuccino racing and I came up with one of the best tracks I've ever made. It's on the Eifel Kart map, it features several short-to-medium length straights followed by interesting corners that require proper braking and entry. Several very good overtaking spots and a couple places to catch a good draft too.

It's called Cappuccino Raceway. Here's a pic of the layout (it's anti-clockwise):

And here's an onboard lap:
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