Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

  • Total voters
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Mule is that stratosphere blue?

PS after seeing those pics I'd like to switch my colors to BLACK/BLACK
With sponsorship from BLACK*BLACK Gum, perhaps?:dopey:
Those chrome rims look amazing, got to say! I tried them on mine but they just looked black in the GT Auto thingy, I might give gold chrome rims a go, but I need to dupe it first! Lol!

Body will probably stay yellow because it's such a happy little car :)
Ok, here's what I'm seeing so from the early numbers. It actually looks like we almost need 4 races but we don't have the numbers to sustain that so there might have to be a compromise on Saturday. But so far it's looking like:

1. Tuesday at 8pm EDT (GMT-4) - I host
2. Friday at 9 or 10pm EDT (GMT-4) - Mule or Smurf host
3. Saturday at 3 or 4pm EDT (GMT-4) I host

Right now it looks like we'd have 5-6 people for each race, possibly a couple more. That's a little shy of a decent grid, but there are still several people I haven't heard from yet so hopefully we could get as many as 8 or 9 at most races which isn't bad to start off with. How is that schedule looking to everyone so far?

Also, I'm brewing a couple of radical ideas that I'd like to run by everyone if you'd like to hear them. They are a bit of a departure from the standard format (some more than others) but they would make a lot of the scheduling problems go away and possibly lead to a lot more racing and fun for everyone. Some of it depends on how serious we want to be about points and prizes though.

If this was the case I can do Saturday 3-4pm and your hosting as well Brandon that's good as well :)
Man, I woke up this morning to find 2 more pages in this thread then when I went to bed! You guys are rockin' it! Everyday I get more and more excited to do some Cappuccino racing!

Smurf, I wasn't sure if you were only available on Tuesdays or not. The thought of running a second race on Tuesday night at a later slot was something I looked at but right now I don't quite have the interest. If we get some more drivers that are looking for a later race on Tuesday then maybe we can start it up. I'll keep you on standby until we get there.

diabolicwyvern and ToXiiC, welcome and thanks for joining! I've updated your info on the registration list. Do any of the 3 times listed work for you guys?
ToXiiC, it looks like you're close to the west coast? Since this was originally your idea would you be able to be a backup host on Fridays at the later time slot for the PST drivers? Mule's onboard to serve as the host that night but I want to have a backup in case there's a night that he can't make it.

I also need a volunteer to serve as backup host for the Tuesday and Saturday races in case I have a scheduling conflict pop up on one of those nights. Is there anybody planning on running those races that has experience setting up and hosting a room, and would be willing to send me the results?


Those guys in the background look like giants next to this little car!!! lol
Was that with a fully tuned, RM, fully broken in? Because I just ran some laps on Tsukuba and ran a 1:04.289, and my car ISN'T broken in yet.

My car hasn't broken in yet but it's fully tuned
#25/Johnnypenso/Yuritardid/Lime Green Metallic/Stock Chrome Enkel SC03 Wheels

I can only do Tuesday nights and I'm glad to see it's top pick in the poll so far.
Great to see you Blind! I was going to send you an invite PM this afternoon. I think it's very likely we will have a race on either Tuesday or Sunday, so hopefully you can join! And everyone's free to compete on both days if their schedules permit.

I agree with your comments about over-testing. Before, I put too much on my plate but I learned a lot from it and hope to apply it here. Since we're only running 1 car, there shouldn't be much testing needed. There has been some debate about the qualifying format, to start I'm going to have a simple procedure and that's one of the things that needs just a bit of testing so everybody can see what I have in mind (short heat race to decide starting order for feature race).

The only other thing I want to test is tire wear so we can determine whether or not pitstops are needed. Unfortunately I can't test that until the PSN gets back up, once it's back I'll just open a room and do some long runs. Then I can make a decision about pitstops and we can get things started. I'd say the week/weekend after the PSN is back up would most likely be when we'd start the season.

We've been tossing this around for at least the last week or so and I've been able to gather valuable information from people who participated in the previous Capp Cup (and other leagues) so I think we've got things pretty much sorted out. I know I won't be able to please everyone all the time, but I think I've found happy compromises on a lot of things and this should be a lot of fun for everyone!

Now come on PSN!!!! :)


Don't know if anyone responded to the tire wear question but I can tell you that with racing softs over a half hour at GVE tire wear was not an issue. Actually, the tires never really warmed up to my recollection, they were blue or light blue the entire race at all the tracks if memory serves. I think you could run 1000 km on a pair of sports
Welcome JohnnyP! Your info has been updated on the registration list.

There might be a small change to the track list for the first season. There's some concern that having two narrow road courses might not be the best for these cars so I'm looking at replacing London with something different. Some people have mentioned Eiger Short Track as a good fit, and I enjoy that track so that might take the place of London on the schedule. How does that sound? Are there any better suggestions for a replacement track that would be a good fit for these cars?

Is Cote d'Azur one of the tracks you're thinking about replacing? Not a huge fan of that..

I actually like Autumn Ring Mini on small cars like this. And I like the twisty Eiger track whatever that is called.

Edit - It's Eiger Nordwand Short (maybe the same as what you mentioned in your post). I guess ARM is a bit boring so maybe ignore that comment.
With sponsorship from BLACK*BLACK Gum, perhaps?:dopey:

:lol: I ran with a john deere "sponsorship" for a couple of the miata races don't see why not :D

My donation to the race times conversation - I'll probably be able to make it to all three depending on how late it is weekday nights.
Special Stage Route 5 Clubman is a great short track that has interesting passing spots and a really long front stretch where draft passing can take place. Nice part about the draft pass is the other driver can take the position right back if you over cook going into the tunnel.

I did a league race there just before the big crash using the Clio Renalt Sports Race Cars and was nose to tail for the entire 40 laps and we finished just 3/10's of a second apart. There was plenty of passing and repassing and not any real banging going on either.
Glad I'm not alone...London is the weakest track on the list IMO. There is perhaps one passing zone there...Eiger would provide a much closer race AND its got quite a few passing opps for the risk takers among us.

Yuri-glad to see you're joined up, And agreed...If I recall none of the tracks after 35 minutes of racing provided an issue with Tire wear in season 1
Hey Brandon sign me up for this.
#27 aceboy127(aceboy127): no colors yet.
I'm of mixed opinions on London, some parts of it I like and some parts I don't. Autumn Ring Mini would be good for these cars but I've run the crap out of that track and I'm sure lots of others have too so I'm keeping it off the list.

Cote d'Azur is also known as Monaco and I plan on keeping it. I'm trying to have a little variety between the tracks, but I think Cote d'Azur/Monaco would be a great track for the season finale because it offers things that the other tracks don't and is quite a bit more challenging. We start off with Tsukuba which is quite easy and familiar and end with the more difficult and challenging track to truly separate the Champion(s).

Once the PSN is restored we will find an afternoon/evening to run a couple practice races on these tracks to make sure they are a good fit. Some tracks are great for these cars and some just wouldn't work well at all. I like some drafting, but not tons of it. I'll run a few more tracks when I get home this evening to see if I can find a good replacement for London. Clubman Stage 5 and Eiger are at the top of the list of candidates right now. I'm not a huge fan of Clubman but it would produce some good racing in these cars so it might make the cut. :)

Aceboy, you've been added. Great to have you onboard!

I'm of mixed opinions on London, some parts of it I like and some parts I don't. Autumn Ring Mini would be good for these cars but I've run the crap out of that track and I'm sure lots of others have too so I'm keeping it off the list.

Cote d'Azur is also known as Monaco and I plan on keeping it. I'm trying to have a little variety between the tracks, but I think Cote d'Azur/Monaco would be a great track for the season finale because it offers things that the other tracks don't and is quite a bit more challenging. We start off with Tsukuba which is quite easy and familiar and end with the more difficult and challenging track to truly separate the Champion(s).

Once the PSN is restored we will find an afternoon/evening to run a couple practice races on these tracks to make sure they are a good fit. Some tracks are great for these cars and some just wouldn't work well at all. I like some drafting, but not tons of it. I'll run a few more tracks when I get home this evening to see if I can find a good replacement for London. Clubman Stage 5 and Eiger are at the top of the list of candidates right now. I'm not a huge fan of Clubman but it would produce some good racing in these cars so it might make the cut. :)

Aceboy, you've been added. Great to have you onboard!

I'm gonna go on the record saying I don't want autumn ring mini. While it is a small tight track, it really begins to feel like an oval in these cars.
SSR5(clubman or full) would be really fun in these cars if not just for the "kei cars being at home" factor. 👍

PS Eiger is ALWAYS awesome for racing no matter what the cars :)

edit - All this post and I forgot to say the reason I'm talking about these tracks is because I don't want to race london :lol:
I have done some practicing (offline) with the Capp at Eiger, and as you said, racing at Eiger is always awesome. When I get home I'll do some practicing on both SSR5 courses and see what I think. Of course this testing isn't worth a whole lot since the reports are that this car is a totally different beast with online physics, but there's only so much I can do without a working PSN. It will at least give me an idea if the drafting is lacking, too much, or just right. I have to dumb down my Capp quite a bit to get it on par with the other RM Capp's in the one-make race, so I might jump into arcade mode since it does a slightly better job of matching up the cars.
The Capps in the one make races run on racing mediums, and i strongly suspect not full power, i put the same tyres on as the AI and i still walked away from them easily on the Nurburgring, unless PD really did make the AI that bad!

I'd like to see SSR5 in some form in the cup to be honest, have a little night race in there, I'd also quite like to have another street track on the calender as well, I like street races, although Eiger is a great candidate too!
I think it's a good idea to hold a couple of open lobby practices before we choose the tracks. In the series I was in with Diabolic and Camikaze a few weeks back, we held a couple of hours of open practice before the series began and it was invaluable in learning about the car and the set up. I can't stress enough how slippery the car is online even with racing softs, so I think you're going to find that racing around Eiger for example in Sports Softs is going to be like driving on ice to some degree. I don't think the car is fast enough to utilize much of the downforce it can generate. At GVE top speed was around 195 km/h entering the first hairpin with racing softs on or roughly 122 mph. At Autumn Ring it was around 170 if memory serves or about 106 mph. You'll be taking lots of corners at 60-120 km/h and there's very little df at those speeds. You'll also find that on tracks where there are slight rises, or elevation changes, the rear end has almost zero grip, and if you aren't in a straight line while going over the undulations, you will spin.

We also held open practice on most Thursday nights that was centred around the upcoming track. Sometimes it was the host that set it up and sometimes one of the racers set it up and posted the address. Worked out quite well and sometimes random lobbies were set up and a few people would wander in.

I think on Sports Softs Autumn Ring mini would be a real workout and not like an oval at all. Problem is you're going to have a tough time passing as there will be no draft passing, the straight is too short and it's tough to get a run on someone through a set of esses. Outbraking on sports softs will also be quite a challenge.

I love this little car, it's really tough to tune to get the most out of it. Most of the time you spend offline practicing and tuning are wasted though. I practiced offline before the first practice session we had in the series last time and by the second corner, realized I had to go back to square one, it really is that different.
Seems like SSR5 is rather popular amongst the group so it might very well take London's place. I like the idea of tossing a night race in too, but I'm not sure whether I'll go for Clubman or the full course yet. Some of this stuff I really can't make a firm decision until we have our online physics back, but I will set them in stone as soon as I'm able.

The feedback I'm getting for you guys that ran the previous Capp series is proving to be quite invaluable and I greatly appreciate it. Setting this up without being able to test anything with the proper online handling physics is making things a little more difficult so I'm relying on your opinions to steer me in the right direction. Everyone has been a great help so far and you all have had a fantastic attitude about things, I can't thank you guys/girl enough. 👍

Stigs, just wondering why you want to put Sports Soft and a Racing Car, albeit, not real powerful, but still a racing car. I've been running Racing Mediums which seem to work out in that they are not Qualy Stickies like a Racing Soft but still afford some modicum of grip versus running Sports Soft. I did run another Series by someone else that was using Sports Soft and frankly it was not really exciting racing but instead alot of early braking just to make tight turns.
Stigs, just wondering why you want to put Sports Soft and a Racing Car, albeit, not real powerful, but still a racing car. I've been running Racing Mediums which seem to work out in that they are not Qualy Stickies like a Racing Soft but still afford some modicum of grip versus running Sports Soft. I did run another Series by someone else that was using Sports Soft and frankly it was not really exciting racing but instead alot of early braking just to make tight turns.

This was decided in the initial thread by users stating what tire they would prefer to run, the majority said sport softs. You just like to be difficult don't you...haha.

Edit - You may find this thread very interesting as it tests & determines what GT5 tires come on cars in real life. You'll find that in real life nothing comes with with more than a "racing hard" tire, including race cars & formula one cars.
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Really this PSN down couldn't have been timed worse for us haha, I mean everything we've talked about so far can only really be speculation until we can get online and have a good mess about with everything really...
I almost threw my iPhone when i first saw another question about
Trust me guys, my apoligies for coming in late regarding the tires. Been there, done that so whatever was elected in the beginning is fine with me :)
/\ LOL!! It's ok, I don't think Smurfit was part of the first thread so he wasn't around for the lengthy tire debate. I appreciate anybody testing things and relaying their findings to me like that, and it's great to know other people are already trying to get their Capp Cup fixes!

Without being able to test the online physics I can't say much about the tires. After lots of feedback Sports Softs were chosen as a compromise and everybody seems to be ok with them so I'm sure we'll stick with those to start. With the offline physics this car feels like it's glued to the track no matter what tire it's on, but the reports are that it's very tail-happy and somewhat unforgiving with the online physics. Once the PSN is back up we'll see how the Sports Soft tires do, but I'm hoping they're a happy medium that isn't too punishing nor too forgiving so everybody can have fun but skill will still play a part in the race.

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