Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

  • Total voters
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Ok, here's what I'm seeing so from the early numbers. It actually looks like we almost need 4 races but we don't have the numbers to sustain that so there might have to be a compromise on Saturday. But so far it's looking like:

1. Tuesday at 8pm EDT (GMT-4) - I host
2. Friday at 9 or 10pm EDT (GMT-4) - Mule or Smurf host
3. Saturday at 3 or 4pm EDT (GMT-4) I host

Right now it looks like we'd have 5-6 people for each race, possibly a couple more. That's a little shy of a decent grid, but there are still several people I haven't heard from yet so hopefully we could get as many as 8 or 9 at most races which isn't bad to start off with. How is that schedule looking to everyone so far?

Also, I'm brewing a couple of radical ideas that I'd like to run by everyone if you'd like to hear them. They are a bit of a departure from the standard format (some more than others) but they would make a lot of the scheduling problems go away and possibly lead to a lot more racing and fun for everyone. Some of it depends on how serious we want to be about points and prizes though.
Love to hear.

If we are running 5-6 drivers per race, maybe it is better to consolidate back to 2 races... And then once the numbers pick up split it back to three.

Anyway, a (very trivial) suggestion - possibly change the subject to "Cappuccino RM Cup"? I found it a bit difficult to find on first glance at the list of threads because it starts with "Race Modified". I just am hoping more people see the thread and sign up.
Schedule looks decent, I would most likely participate in two of those races each week. Myself, not taking the points and rankings too seriously, I use them mainly as motivation to finish ahead of the next person in the standings. Prizes are fun at the end of a season, but I don't think they are the only reason most of us are participating, so it's prob not necessary to spend a whole lot of your time on it
Add: another thing to consider, once psn is back up, there could very well be a great deal of new participants.
I think people are eating up all the 'black helicopter' theory's and following all the 'let's trash Sony' threads
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Good suggestion on changing the thread name, we'll see if that gets some more attention. I still haven't heard from several people so I'm hoping we'll be able to have at least 7-8 over3 nights. I'll send out some PM's and sometime tomorrow I'll add the days/times to the OP. With 3 choices I think most people should be able attend one of them since we have 3 time zones covered.

I've run into some pot-holes on my idea so I'm going to think about it a little longer before I present it. I just have too much time to think without the PSN and I don't wanna get ahead of myself. lol We'll go ahead with this structure as planned for the first 5 races and see where it goes.

Is there anybody else that has experience setting up a room and running races that would like to serve as a backup host? I'd like to have at least 3 people besides myself "on the payroll" to host races and record/send results. With this many races per week there will probably be a few scheduling conflicts so I want to have backup for the backups. :)

#38 CAMikaze (GTP_CAMikaze); Maxwell House Breakfast Blend (Blue / Orange)
Fixed. :dopey:

As for Race Day choices:
  1. Tuesday Nights: 7:30 pm EDT/2330 GMT Practice, 8:15 Qualifying/Race
  2. Saturday Afternoons: 2:00 pm EDT/1800 GMT Practice, 3:00 pm /1900 GMT Qualifying/Race
  3. Sunday Afternoons: 1:00 pm EDT/1700GMT Practice, 2:00 pm/1800 GMT Race
LOL!!! :dopey: Love it!! I encourage any and all coffee or cappuccino related jokes! I might have to go re-paint mine green and white for Starbucks! :cheers:

If you guys have any buddies or know people from other leagues that might be interested feel free to direct them to the thread and see if it might be something they'd enjoy.

The Friday night option would work well with the current ITCC season. It would make for a interesting double-header.;)
Looks like Tuesday and Friday are a lock. If somebody else can host the Friday night race I can let you guys work out what time would be best for it. I'd say if it's 10pm EDT or ealier I could participate in some of them but any later than that and it would be all you guys. I believe Mule and Smurf both said they might be available to host later races.

I'm hoping schedules might be a little more flexible on Saturdays and somewhere around 3 or 4 wouldn't be too late for Europe or too early for the west coast. If there's a little bit of a gap between schedules maybe we could even do a double-header on Saturdays or something. Lots of people said they're available on Sunday's too so maybe we could just have an open lounge with free races then? I'm usually pretty open on Sunday's so I could have a lounge open for a few hours in the afternoon and people could come and go as their schedules permit. Since there wouldn't be points on Sunday's we could even race other cars and some custom tracks or something. I've got some wicked hill-climb courses. 👍

Hmm, I tried painting my car coffee colored but it has turned out more orange than anything. Might need to go back to white.
I just found a good bronze color for my wheels tonight, but I seriously think I'm going to paint it green with white wheels for Starbucks colors. I'm not some huge Starbucks fan, just think it's funny and I'll chuckle everytime I see it in photos. lol
sorry, i can't change my colors...i always save my paints...i've never used the ones i get

Awesome! I did a short one-make race at Laguna Seca today and took some photos. If I can find my thumb-drive I'm gonna post them here to give us a taste of what's to come! I've got to admit, seeing a whole field of these cars on the track in all different colors was pretty cool!! :)
You should definitely do the Starbucks colours before someone else does. I tried another colour.. Looked good in the garage, but on the track with sunlight it was yellow :(
Well, I've posted it here so I've got dibs! lol I'll take it to the paint shop tomorrow after work.
thanx for the PM brandon...definately still interested in running. No question about it. I was unaware a new thread had been created :dopey:

My car:

#49 Midnight Purple II/Sunny Yellow
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I just ran 5 laps with the car....ran,, 1:04.4xx, 1:04.7xx, 1:04.8xx
(I'm atttempting to upload a video replay, but I photobucket and the 1 lap registered at 123.1MB which by their standards will take till...October to load.


I'd say there's another .5 out there for me, but I'm not going to press it since the tune is changing for online play.
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Hi can everybody put their best lap times on Tsukuba circuit just to see how fast everyone can go ok I will start 1:07.170 currently
Times for tsukuba:

Was that with a fully tuned, RM, fully broken in? Because I just ran some laps on Tsukuba and ran a 1:04.289, and my car ISN'T broken in yet.
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In the first season we were definately low online, but that was with racing slicks. You should be more consistent and quicker offline than online with these cars. I remember tuning offline for the first race a few months back...then meeting up the first night and going holy 🤬. Had to retune the car in the qualifying session.
In the first season we were definately low online, but that was with racing slicks. You should be more consistent and quicker offline than online with these cars. I remember tuning offline for the first race a few months back...then meeting up the first night and going holy 🤬. Had to retune the car in the qualifying session.

I typed 1.01 on it by accedent, it was actually a 1.04, and tht was with soft sport tires.
Looks like Tuesday and Friday are a lock. If somebody else can host the Friday night race I can let you guys work out what time would be best for it. I'd say if it's 10pm EDT or ealier I could participate in some of them but any later than that and it would be all you guys. I believe Mule and Smurf both said they might be available to host later races.

I'm hoping schedules might be a little more flexible on Saturdays and somewhere around 3 or 4 wouldn't be too late for Europe or too early for the west coast. If there's a little bit of a gap between schedules maybe we could even do a double-header on Saturdays or something. Lots of people said they're available on Sunday's too so maybe we could just have an open lounge with free races then? I'm usually pretty open on Sunday's so I could have a lounge open for a few hours in the afternoon and people could come and go as their schedules permit. Since there wouldn't be points on Sunday's we could even race other cars and some custom tracks or something. I've got some wicked hill-climb courses. 👍


I can host Fridays if you want me to. No problem.
Stig, I'd prefer hosting a late night Tuesday race rather than a Friday night race. Friday nights I'm out on the town with the little woman. I know you're looking to do a early Tuesday time slot of around 8pm which should finish you up by 9pm or so. For the West Coast and Mountain boy 8pm is probably too early for them and that's why I was looking to do a 10 OR 10:30PM. I don't think it will conflict with the participants that are running your earlier race and for that matter since you indicated that one can run multiple race events, some of the early boys may want another shot at it later that night. The Wednesday night Series that I'm running right now starts at 10:30pm and we're spread clear across the US and up into British Columbia.
hey bro im gonna run gold chrome on i think black tires num 73 thanks for starting us up lets hope PSN is up soon
So yeah, here's my car. These are some of the best pics I've taken so far in the game. Especially the Photo Travel ones.





Mule is that stratosphere blue?

PS after seeing those pics I'd like to switch my colors to BLACK/BLACK
Totally. Probably gonna replace Blu Cosmo Metallizzato as my colour of choice for these series'. In fact, as soon as PSN is back, and i can dupe it without having to buy another Skyline, it's probably going on my Integra.

Similar, but I'm not liking the highlights as much as before.
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