Captain America: Civil War

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The film is obviously going to come down on the side of Captain America, no matter how compelling Tony Stark's arguments are. They're clearly going to give him whatever advantage they can.
The comic kind of did that too. And Cap won the morality debate by surrendering.
The comic kind of did that too. And Cap won the morality debate by surrendering.
Plus sympathy results for being sort-of-shot (by a brainwashed Sharon). Luckily it was a magic gun which made his consciousness go back in time.
Would you expect anything less from Captain America 2? :P

It was more of a joke if anything, I mean winter solider is quite strong, but taking on Carter, Panther, Black Widow, and Tony Stark with Iron Man glove...I just don't know. I still don't think it's in the realm of Hulk power tiering issues. Since they're all not really "super" people in the sense they're not augmented like Steve or Scarlett, I guess it's plausible for him to beat them all. Well I think Black Panther is augmented for the film but not sure
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Don't forget that Bucky is augmented himself. He's got his metal arm, plus whatever conditioning HYDRA subjected him to.

The comic kind of did that too. And Cap won the morality debate by surrendering.
I'm just looking back at the previous films; I think it's a foregone conclusion that Captain America will win out. Every time someone has tried to introduce any sort of oversight, it has blown up in their faces; the World Security Council wanted to bomb Manhattan, while SHIELD was compromised by HYDRA. There's simply no way that any sort of regulation or oversight works, and just about every comic that explores the issue ultimately favours the independence of the heroes.
....One week to go. Huehuehue. {Rubs hands expectantly}

Don't worry, I won't spoil a thing. I promise.
So I imagine I'll have to start avoiding this thread over the next 10 days.

Really can't wait. I'm more excited about this than I was AoU, and the critical response just adds to that.
Just bought my ticket. *rubs hands*
That's impressive. I bought my tickets for opening day the first week of April, and all viewings were already 80% filled.
Don't forget that Bucky is augmented himself. He's got his metal arm, plus whatever conditioning HYDRA subjected him to.

I'm just looking back at the previous films; I think it's a foregone conclusion that Captain America will win out. Every time someone has tried to introduce any sort of oversight, it has blown up in their faces; the World Security Council wanted to bomb Manhattan, while SHIELD was compromised by HYDRA. There's simply no way that any sort of regulation or oversight works, and just about every comic that explores the issue ultimately favours the independence of the heroes.

The metal arm is great and all but until we know the extent of HYDRA's work on him, it's just a metal arm attached to a super athlete like those he was fighting. It's not anything more special than vibranium claws and shield. An augmented being as it's always been understood is those with abilities that can't be obtained through rigorous training.
The metal arm is great and all but until we know the extent of HYDRA's work on him, it's just a metal arm attached to a super athlete like those he was fighting. It's not anything more special than vibranium claws and shield. An augmented being as it's always been understood is those with abilities that can't be obtained through rigorous training.
It wouldn't surprise me to learn that HYDRA subjected him to a more extreme version of the training and conditioning that Black Widow went through. We know Baron von Strucker experimented on the Maximoff twins; why not Bucky, too?
It wouldn't surprise me to learn that HYDRA subjected him to a more extreme version of the training and conditioning that Black Widow went through. We know Baron von Strucker experimented on the Maximoff twins; why not Bucky, too?

Yeah but that doesn't make them augmented it just makes them peak physical condition of a human, which to normal people is amazing of course. But to a guy with super human strength to stop a helicopter lifting during full rotation...

It seems from what we do know there are two possibilities, the arm is more than just a cool metal piece but actually cybernetic in nature thus explaining why he can stop a full speed tossed shield mid flight. Or some of the other powerful stuff he does with it, like knocking someone through a semi trailer. OR he could have HYDRAs version of the super serum along with a cool metal arm. I don't doubt he experimented, my point is since we don't know there is no reason to call him augmented yet until the full story is given. Which seems like the movie will hopefully do. And maybe they'll go the way of the comic book
And kill Captain (for now) off in this Civil War, thus paving the way for either Bucky or Falcon as the next Capt. I doubt they'll go this route but they possibly could. It would make sense since they even brought in a supposed neutral party in Spider man who gets changed by the end of this event.
And kill Captain (for now) off in this Civil War, thus paving the way for either Bucky or Falcon as the next Capt. I doubt they'll go this route but they possibly could. It would make sense since they even brought in a supposed neutral party in Spider man who gets changed by the end of this event.

My train of thought was always...

Steve dies in Infinity Wars and, unless they find some way to work Adam Warlock into things and undo whatever incredibly massive amount of damage Thanos does with the gauntlet (unlikely because the sheer number of characters used in the comic would confuse the ever-living out of everyone), that's the likeliest scenario for Steve to die in.

Of course I don't expect him to die. I have the feeling he'll survive somehow.
My train of thought was always...

Steve dies in Infinity Wars and, unless they find some way to work Adam Warlock into things and undo whatever incredibly massive amount of damage Thanos does with the gauntlet (unlikely because the sheer number of characters used in the comic would confuse the ever-living out of everyone), that's the likeliest scenario for Steve to die in.

Of course I don't expect him to die. I have the feeling he'll survive somehow.

I have the same feelings too. I feel any character they build a franchise around wont have that happen. Looking at you as well Ant Man and Doctor Strange.
Yeah but that doesn't make them augmented it just makes them peak physical condition of a human, which to normal people is amazing of course.
I'm thinking more of them doing things to his subconscious and augmenting other parts of his body. Baron von Strucker's experiments brought out latent abilities buried deep within the Maximoff twins - HYDRA could have done the same to Bucky.

If this sounds very River Tam, it's probably because I just read Serenity: Leaves on the Wind.
22hours to go( 6pm showing) and I literally can not wait. I'm watching every YouTube piece right now.
I'm thinking more of them doing things to his subconscious and augmenting other parts of his body. Baron von Strucker's experiments brought out latent abilities buried deep within the Maximoff twins - HYDRA could have done the same to Bucky.

If this sounds very River Tam, it's probably because I just read Serenity: Leaves on the Wind.

Yes but that was just convincing arguments to make up for the fact the Maximoff twins were mutants in the canon universe, then retconned twice and I feel the second retcon was to in fact be usable in the MCU. I think there is more to their story too that isn't anything to do with HYDRA. Considering that it seems HYDRA has affiliation with Thanos.
Spidey broke the internet for the third time. Don't watch if some of you don't want to get spoiled. I think they nailed Spidey though.
