Captain America: Civil War

  • Thread starter andrea
you can call it not breaking the internet, but overall, when it happened, it did break the internet.
Then the internet is a cheap date, easily amused by minor things. My seven month-old niece is harder to entertain.
you can call it not breaking the internet, but overall, when it happened, it did break the internet.

They've done it. Marvel may have actually put me into a position where I can't speak unfavorably of anything they do.

...Unless they royally screw Thanos up. That'll be unforgivable. :lol:

If they do that, then everything they've done will have been for nothing in my eyes. However, I'm a Thanos fanboy, like I am a Darkseid fanboy. Only other person I find as cool as Thanos is Doom.
Spiderman is incredibly annoying. He's like that seventh-grade kid who latches onto the twelfth-graders and is oblivious to the fact that he doesn't really belong there. He's only in there to even out the two sides in the first place anyway.
Spiderman is incredibly annoying. He's like that seventh-grade kid who latches onto the twelfth-graders and is oblivious to the fact that he doesn't really belong there. He's only in there to even out the two sides in the first place anyway.

Not much different than comic book Spider man 80% of the time. With on 20% being serious moments or feels. RIP Uncle Ben.
I walked in on the end credit(I guess the 2nd). I'm going to enjoy the tales of Spider-Man. No way they can stuff it up now.
Spiderman is incredibly annoying. He's like that seventh-grade kid who latches onto the twelfth-graders and is oblivious to the fact that he doesn't really belong there. He's only in there to even out the two sides in the first place anyway.

So he's completely as he should be, then? Awesome. I have the feeling you went in with a preconceived notion, and when it was confirmed you only turned your nose up at it even more than you probably already had.

If they do that, then everything they've done will have been for nothing in my eyes. However, I'm a Thanos fanboy, like I am a Darkseid fanboy. Only other person I find as cool as Thanos is Doom.

Oh, absolutely. I'm trying to keep the expectations kind of low, but with something as profound as this I just don't see how they can...

Cleverly work around many of the things that paint Thanos as having been mad with power all in the vein of impressing a woman.

Infinity Gauntlet is a macabre love story, after all. :lol:
Spiderman is incredibly annoying. He's like that seventh-grade kid who latches onto the twelfth-graders and is oblivious to the fact that he doesn't really belong there. He's only in there to even out the two sides in the first place anyway.

Uh... Isn't that basically what he should be ?
Not much different than comic book Spider man 80% of the time. With on 20% being serious moments or feels.
It's one thing to be light-hearted, but this Spiderman is just plain annoying. I genuinely wondered if Stark's plan was to unify everyone by introducing them to him because they'd all hate him.

So he's completely as he should be, then?

I don't know - is he supposed to be a complete pain in the arse?
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It's one thing to be light-hearted, but this Spiderman is just plain annoying. I genuinely wondered if Stark's plan was to unify everyone by introducing them to him because they'd all hate him.

Once again a pretty authentic Spiderman then, I think this is a case of more you than them.

I don't know - is he supposed to be a complete pain in the arse?

Like I said.
Hate to see your reaction to a Deadpool comic.
If they're anything like the film, I would probably have no problem with them. I can appreciate Deadpool's smart-arse streak, just as I can appreciate Tony Stark being a pain in the neck at the best of times. But if the Spiderman of the comics is anything like the Spiderman of Civil War, I wouldn't be able to stand him because he's so irritating.
So he's completely as he should be, then? Awesome. I have the feeling you went in with a preconceived notion, and when it was confirmed you only turned your nose up at it even more than you probably already had.
I had a feeling somebody was going to complain about something about this movie. I'm glad everyone else seems to have enjoyed it though.
Don't get me wrong - I did enjoy it; I just felt that Spiderman was an unnecessary addition, completely out of place, and irritating to the point where he detracted from the overall quality of the film.
I can make a case for excluding half the cast. Wanda, Vision, Hawkeye, Crossbones, Black Panther, War Machine. Could have benched them all.

The way AoU was told, made plenty sense. Cap:Winter Soldier told a good story. The way Civil War is told, the could have inserted Thor, Hulk, Wasp, etc. and it still would have told the story with Cap as the core.
I was entertained and can't wait for the next solo character movies. We can no longer expect anything less from here on.
War Machine
I'm not so sure about that.
Stark needed to experience the consequences of his actions. One of the big themes of the film is the way the heroes have a double standard; so long as they are saving the world, collateral damage is par for the course, but as soon as it affects them directly, they abandon their principles - and yet they are well within their means to go after the likes of Zemo, even though Zemo comes from the same place.

Captain America needed to have a similar experience, though.

Black Panther
Also not convinced.
The end of the film clearly sets up the Secret Avengers, even if they don't put a name to it. It's one of the things that the film executes really well: the conflict between Rodgers and Stark is not really resolved one way or the other. They can exist in a state of perpetual stalemate, never really trusting one another, but staying out of each others' way.

But for that to work, the Secret Avengers need somewhere to operate from beyond the reach of the world - Wakanda.
Your point about Spidey. If he were to never be in another cross over, this is his history of having been an honorary member of the Avengers. Just like the comics, this has happened in his lifetime. I feel it is necessary to include him in this film. The way the story is written.

In my eyes, the movie was perfect. My points about excluding certain characters holds true as well. Even with the points you made.(For the sake of being unable to use the Spoiler function on my phone). Just the same, I can see things playing out in the solo movies, in the same manner as you pointed out.

The average viewer wouldn't see your points. The movie could have played out exactly like the comic. Meaning the exact catastrophes and exact brawl as the comic and it would be the same tone as this movie.

Put it this way, an opportunity came for a crossover when Sony/Columbia needed a fix for the mess they made. Making the movie without Spidey, would have left things a little empty in the MCU.
Your point about Spidey. If he were to never be in another cross over, this is his history of having been an honorary member of the Avengers. Just like the comics, this has happened in his lifetime. I feel it is necessary to include him in this film. The way the story is written.
I'm not opposed to the inclusion of Spiderman in general. Just this version of Spiderman because he's so damn annoying.

In my eyes, the movie was perfect.
It's definitely one of the stronger MCU films, but I think that The Winter Soldier was much better.
The main problem is Zemo. On the one hand, he's interesting in that he proves the double standard of the heroes. He and Tony Stark have the same reaction to a personal tragedy, and yet Stark's reactions are somehow excusable because he is an Avenger. But on the other hand, Zemo is boring and predictable; his plan hinges on Bucky, Rodgers and Stark all being in the same place at the same time, and to get them there, he relies on a specific set of circumstances playing out, even though he has no control over them. I detest these plots that call for the villain to so accurately predict the heroes' actions that they can then factor these actions into their plans ao that the heroes unintentionally support them. They mistake convoluted thinking and luck for cunning and intellect.
Otherwise ...
I found T'Challa interesting. I'm very curious to see where Marvel takes his character, seeing as how Wakanda is reaching out to the world, and the kind of balancing act that T'Challa will need to perform now that the Avengers are under his protection.

I'm also curious to see where they go with Bucky. I would be inclined to keep him in stasis for now, and have him wake up in a world where Thanos is in command of the Infinity Gems, the Avengers have fallen and Earth has been overrun by the Chitauri. He becomes the new Captain America before being found by Doctor Strange and pulled into a new reality, since I think Doctor Strange is going to revolve around quantum entanglement.
(For the sake of being unable to use the Spoiler function on my phone).
Do you mean you can't create a spoiler?

Just type in the code. Put brackets [] around "spoiler" at the beginning and then "/spoiler" in brackets at the end of the section you want to spoiler.

I'm not opposed to the inclusion of Spiderman in general. Just this version of Spiderman because he's so damn annoying.

You make it sound like
he goes all fanboy around the other heroes. That's about right. He's a teenager who stumbled upon powers and is trying to be a hero with no idea what to do. He looks up to the Avengers as role models. Picture a teenage boy meeting his bigger-than-life hero. That's early years Spider-Man anytime he has a team up.
Do you mean you can't create a spoiler?
I think he means that creating a spoiler on a tiny phone touch screen because it's hard to reach the "[" and "]" virtual keys.

Whatever Spider-Man (note hyphen) takes away from this movie (and I strongly doubt he will) his aunt will add back. she's got to be the most isually appealing Aunt May since Mark Millar's Trouble series LOL.
I think he means that creating a spoiler on a tiny phone touch screen because it's hard to reach the "[" and "]" virtual keys.
Must not be iOS then. Easy to find on that keyboard.
Can't believe I have to wait till next Wednesday to see it, friends living in Europe are all seeing it today.