Chat Anonymously with total strangers

  • Thread starter Event
Hmmmm....Mine didn't go to plan.

Stranger: hi
You: Howdy
Stranger: you're a cowboy??
You: Nah doggy, I'm a Texan.
Stranger: lol what part of texas??
You: The bottom bit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Maybe I should think these through a bit more....
Well I just got the third brazilian in a row begging me for a welsh passport, I know they don't exist but I lied and said I was from Wales so they asked logically.
Stranger: Hi.
You: Sup, home dog.
Stranger: Your a gangster?
You : Hell yeah.
*You pull out your gun and shoot the stranger*
You: Heh heh.
Well I just got the third brazilian in a row begging me for a welsh passport, I know they don't exist but I lied and said I was from Wales so they asked logically.
You can get a bi-lingual Welsh/English passport. Mine is :D

I grew to love this guy....

Stranger: m or f
You: M
You: bye
You: do you honestly get anywhere chatting up supposedly women on here?
Stranger: no, i'm actually female
Stranger: i was trying to find a guy but apparently ur not interested
You: why so quick to ask?
You: I'll stay, but most asking m/f straight away are guys looking for gals
Stranger: cuz i really want to show some ----- pics to see if people think i'm hot
You: Yeah I get that all the time
Stranger: oh well
You: what ever happened to just telling me what your wearing or not
Stranger: some people just fake it
You: some people just grab pics off the web
Stranger: well i'm wearing my school uniform so i'm not at my best
You: oh yay, a 13 year old, I can't contain my excitement </sarcasm>
Stranger: at my school, we have to wear uniforms till 12th
Stranger: its a catholic school
You: let me guess, those tarta
n skirts and skimpy white shirts?
Stranger: actually no, we have tartan skirts but have a blouse we have to put over our shirts
You: wow, like every pedophiles wet dream, who knew porn was so accurate
Stranger: how old r u anyway
Stranger: what the --------- ur problem
You: I'm 18 and you're a complete troll
Stranger: wats that
You: an internet dumbass
Stranger: oh
Stranger: well u just taught me something
You: congratulations
Stranger: and, what are u doing on this site anyways
You: I'm bored
You: why are you on here?
You: if you want to post pics go to ****ing 4chan and the /b/ forum
Stranger: so yea
You: you rage , you lose
Stranger: had my little rant
Stranger: it was fun
Stranger: even though u didn't believe me
You: how many guys have you caught with that one today?
Stranger: like 3
Stranger: and then i tricked his guy into thinking i was gay
You: what the hell did you send them?
Stranger: he saud he was from alabama and that ------- ------ --------
Stranger: lol
Stranger: porn pics
You: haha
You: should have sent --------- or something abit more gross
Stranger: yep so nice talkin to u
Stranger: From?
Me: Israel.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

...guess I've learned my lesson. So I decided to approach people with conspiracy theories:

Stranger: i always had my suspicions
You: I know
You: They're invading the planet!
Stranger: ****, brb, they're onto me

Then I realized craziness isn't special anymore these days, and turned to science:

You: Would you like to discuss the mechanics of cookie-dipping?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: if your the one dipping
You: You see, different types of milk need different dipping techniques.
Stranger: like?
You: With cow milk at 3% fat, most cookies will soak optimally with a 48° angle.
Stranger: hmm, i'll remember that
You: However, with goat milk, you'll need the cookie to be almost perpendicular to the milk's plane.
Stranger: wow....its liek rocket science
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Got a talk with someone from Suriname earlier on, was nice. Afterwards, this weird chap popped up:

Stranger: Hey.
You: Ey what up!
Stranger: I'm a guy. Means no boobs.
You: I'm a guy, but got man boobs.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I don't understand why people ask 'asl', I mean you go on Omegle because you want to be private. It's way more fun just talking random throughout the conversation.

Stranger: asl?

You: I don't see why that's relevant...

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Would you like to discuss the mechanics of cookie-dipping?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: if your the one dipping
You: You see, different types of milk need different dipping techniques.
Stranger: like?
You: With cow milk at 3% fat, most cookies will soak optimally with a 48° angle.
Stranger: hmm, i'll remember that
You: However, with goat milk, you'll need the cookie to be almost perpendicular to the milk's plane.
Stranger: wow....its liek rocket science

Absolutely brilliant. :lol:
I had an interesting chat with a girl from the Netherlands yesterday. We ended up talking for a half hour and we managed to connect on some level and I got her msn. Was quite interesting. I learned about the school system they have set up over there today from her.
For once i got really bored, and wanted to be someone diferent :D

You: hello!
Stranger: hola!
You: *Imean Hi!
Stranger: yes..
You: como estas? eng: how are you?
You: bien bien? eng:good good
Stranger: muy bien y tu? :) eng: I;m good and you?
You: de donde ers? eng: where are you from?
Stranger: de españa eng: from spain
Stranger: tu? eng: you?
You: que bien. yo soy de mexico eng: I'm from mexico
Stranger: wow
You: boy avlar en ingles porque yo asi soy mejor ok? eng: I'm going to talk english because I'm better with it ok?Stranger: ok
You: whats your age?
Stranger: 23
Stranger: yours?
You: omg i'm 23 tooo
Stranger: ahaha
You: serious
You: m or f?
Stranger: I believe you :)
Stranger: male
Stranger: and you?
You: omg I cant belive it.....
Stranger: you too?
You: no
You: I mean....
You: ....I cant belive its not butter
You: ooh ans I'm a female
Stranger: butter?
You: let me tell you some thing...
Stranger: tell me
You: can I ask you a question?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok there...
You: ...finish
Stranger: thats all?
You: yes
You: that was the question . right?
Stranger: aha
Stranger: then i dont know what to answer
You: I'm too smart to be girl and too young to be 23. I'm a 16 year old kid...and you have been rick rolled
You: ..................................... ........................................ ,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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You have disconnected.
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I had an intersting chat with a girl from Finland.. We talked for about twenty minutes about school and stuff like that and then she asked me if I had Facebook and we added each other there 👍

Is she called Stephanie by any chance?
I had the exact same chat with someone from the netherlands
Stranger: hey
You: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: 14/f/cali
Stranger: 16/m/MN
You: ehhk too old
Stranger: to old?
You: I put on my robe and wizzard hat
Stranger: too young
You: cast a level 5 enchantment on you
Stranger: thats always fun
You: I pull out my schlong
Stranger: that aint right
You: and smack your pervert behind on the face
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I asked several people yesterday as an opening line "If I were to open several windows, do you think I could end up talking to myself?"

Most told me I'm weird, or an idiot :lol:
Anyone who converses was asked if it'd be like Portal :odd:

I wonder what I can ask people today....
Some more Cookie Dipping escapades: (Madame Cubicle, may I suggest other whacko pseudo-sciences as a conversation-starter?)

There was this guy:

You: Would you like to discuss the mechanics of cookie-dipping?
Stranger: cookie dipping ehh
You: I offer hints and tips for the novice cookie-dipper.
Stranger: hope thats some new naughty term i havent heard about yet

Which left me slightly depressed: What's become of our society that even "cookie dipping" sounds naughty? After I explained the matter, though:

You: No, it's honest-to-god cookie dipping: You put the cookie in the milk and then eat it.
Stranger: only milk huh.. i feel like there are lots of different cookies
Stranger: but just one thing to dip them in
Stranger: doesnt seem fair
You: But even then - there are hundreds of animals that produce milk. I just haven't gotten round to testing them.
You: It doesn't have to be milk, actually
Stranger: ahh.. good call
Stranger: goat milk and oreos
Stranger: think you are on to something
You: You raise a fine point, too.
Stranger: i have nipples.. can you milk me?
You: I doubt that. Internet-boob-groping is still in the prototype stage.

He then disconnected. :grumpy:

However, this guy caused me to literally drop my cookie:

You: Would you like to discuss the mechanics of cookie-dipping?
Stranger: Um, YES?!?!
You: Excellent.
You: I offer hints and tips for the novice cookie-dipper.
Stranger: You startt
Stranger: Double t, mother****er.
You: Yeah, I noticed. It's awesome.
Stranger: Define cookie-dipping, for those not in the know
You: Well, I'm a classicist myself, and a firm believer that cookie-dipping involves submerging a flour-based snack into a liquid substance of some kind.
You: Most commonly: Milk and cookies.
Stranger: I see, I see.
You: For example, Oreos and cow-milk.
Stranger: Why is it that soggy is bad for most things, but good for cookies?
You: That's a good question.
Stranger: Thank you.
You: I think the answer isn't as simple as it seems.
Stranger: You're pretty much a genius, aren't you?
You: For example, I wouldn't want a soggy interior in a car - especially not if it's a convertible and it rains.
You: But then again, it doesn't rain milk, and I have yet to eat a car's seat.
Stranger: Hahah, let's make out.
You: Fine by me. I'll get the cookies.

He then disconnected too.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: This is Senor Papi from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The CIA have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you
You: Hello
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: This is Senor Papi from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The CIA have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you
Stranger: This is Senor Papi from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The CIA have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you
Stranger: This is Senor Papi from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The CIA have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you
Stranger: This is Senor Papi from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The CIA have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


It was all over before I got a chance to respond. Nice to see the CIA protecting minors. :dunce:
I got a similar guy like that once, he kept insisting he worked at omelge and was going to call the police for my non-existent illegal pedophilic language. I just kept replying that he was a really rubbish actor so he swore at me a few times then continued accusing me of bad language.
I said his game was weak and he finished it by copying the rick roll and disconnecting.
I met all kinds of unsavoury characters tonight. around 2pm the place is buzzing with the dutch and the finnish. I met some nice people, exchanged msn with a few. Its nice talking to people from other countries.
OMG So Cool

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
&#9556;&#9552;&#9552;&#9552;&#9552;&#9559; &#9835;
&#9553;&#9616;&#9600;&#9600;&#9612;&#9553; &#9835;
&#9553;+_ ºº&#9553;
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

But in Omegle the thing is in line properly.
Seem to be a lot of Finnish, Brazilian, and Asians... I met this cool Korean girl, and some Finnish girl, and a lot of Taiwanese girls... good for practicing my rusty Chinese-typing skills! Plus, Asian girls love white guys :D

OMG So Cool

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
&#9556;&#9552;&#9552;&#9552;&#9552;&#9559; &#9835;
&#9553;&#9616;&#9600;&#9600;&#9612;&#9553; &#9835;
&#9553;+_ ºº&#9553;
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

But in Omegle the thing is in line properly.

Oh dear god I love this :D

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