Chemtrails or Contrails?

  • Thread starter Poverty
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In your first post you need to use MS Paint or something to point out the different lines you are talking about.

Beyond that, it is hard to tell because you are not taking the picture from the same vantage point, but based on their angle to you and alignment with the sun it appears that they are moving away from you and toward the horizon. If the change is as significant as it appears in 10 minutes then in an hour I imagine it would be much further down. If this is the case, then I would surmise that your cloud is, well, a cloud. They can and often do form in open sky. In fact, in my area we get what they call pop-up thunderstorms where the heat and humidity in the air is such that it can start to roll in the air, almost like boiling water, and then as it rises and cools quickly it will form massive clouds, sometimes even anvil heads and spawn heavy, possibly flash flood causing, rains.

But like I said, your position was different. I just know that in the initial pic and the 10 minute later one it appears to have drifted roughly 1/3 of the way across your visible sky. Could that possibly be it in the bottom right of the second to last picture?
Good point. The trail is in another position as it is moved by the wind in the air.

Concerning the "cloud" being simply, well a cloud-again-good point. I believe you are right there.

I assumed this, as I saw countless times trails forming actually clouds, believe me, I observe that on an almost daily basis.
Congratulations, you have discovered the fact that weather changes as time passes!

Oh still not ready to give up your stupidly aggressive attitude? Lame.

Besides, we were not really talking about weather changes, but whatever.
We obviously are talking about the weather changing. You're trying to tell me that a cloud isn't a cloud, but is in fact a plume of chemicals expanding as the day went on.
Again, fail Keef. I said FoolKiller is right. You better learn reading or stay out of discussion.
Again, fail Keef. I said FoolKiller is right. You better learn reading or stay out of discussion.

And you better learn how to argue and present valid points before you start dismissing anyone that disagrees with you.
And you better learn how to argue and present valid points before you start dismissing anyone that disagrees with you.

Look at my discussion between me and FoolKiller. Everything fair and good. I believe Keef can defend himself on his own so stay out.
And don't throw any stupid alligation at me. If someone is dismissing anyone here then it is Keef (the picture he posted is proof for that), you and others of the "I have to tell him he is wrong force". I can accept that I am wrong but I need people who can discuss fairly like FoolKiller, so there you have it.
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Look at my discussion between me and FoolKiller. Everything fair and good. I believe Keef can defend himself on his own so stay out.

Who the hell are you to dictate who may or may not engage in this debate?
About the two lines in the contrail. That would be from a twin-engine jet. Each engine produces its own trail, and the usually merge as they expand, but not always.

About the cloud, it's a type of cloud that forms at a much lower altitude than where the contrail was formed. Remember that when you're looking at the sky you're looking at a field at least 8 miles deep (considering airliners up to slightly more than 40,000 feet) and considerably more if you're not looking exactly straight up. There is no way you can place something accurately in that depth by naked eye.

I know you already accepted that it's just a cloud. I'm just pointing out that the sky is not a flat surface somewhere up there that stuff gets painted on, but that's how you seem to think of it, both with this and some of your previous posts.
Look at my discussion between me and FoolKiller. Everything fair and good. I believe Keef can defend himself on his own so stay out.
And don't throw any stupid alligation at me. If someone is dismissing anyone here then it is Keef (the picture he posted is proof for that), you and others of the "I have to tell him he is wrong force". I can accept that I am wrong but I need people who can discuss fairly like FoolKiller, so there you have it.

Oh, I always thought this was a public forum.
If you want a private conversation that's what PM(Private Messages) are for. If you comment on a Public Forum, and expect to have a private conversation, you're an idiot.
Here we go again haha, sigh.

Not really. You just seem to have ignored everything that was posted above in favor of just laughing at us.

You need to get over that people will chime in when they want and how they want on a public forum, regardless of how much you want to view this as your thread. So chill out and deal with.

And as wfooshee has pointed out, you tend to be making some peculiar assumptions with how you think the sky works and cloud formation.
Not really. You just seem to have ignored everything that was posted above in favor of just laughing at us.

You need to get over that people will chime in when they want and how they want on a public forum, regardless of how much you want to view this as your thread. So chill out and deal with.

And as wfooshee has pointed out, you tend to be making some peculiar assumptions with how you think the sky works and cloud formation.

I do not think I am the one, who needs to "chill out" and especially I am not the one, who laughs at others, sorry, but your post holds no value whatsoever. Again, stop throwing alligations at me without reason.

Congratulations, you have discovered the fact that weather changes as time passes!


Who the hell are you to dictate who may or may not engage in this debate?

you're an idiot.

I believe you shoud adress your post to those members, that would be appropriate.
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Talking with you is pointless as it is much like trying to have a discussion with a 5 year old - they just say "no, YOU ARE" and that is that.

I'll come back when you've got something meaningful to contribute.
Talking with you is pointless as it is much like trying to have a discussion with a 5 year old - they just say "no, YOU ARE" and that is that.

I'll come back when you've got something meaningful to contribute.

Do so. And the same I could say about you. I show you people making fun of me and calling me idiot and you STILL persist that I am the one laughing about others. Shows how mature you really are.
I do not think I am the one, who needs to "chill out" and especially I am not the one, who laughs at others, sorry, but your post holds no value whatsoever. Again, stop throwing alligations at me without reason.


I believe you shoud adress your post to those members, that would be appropriate.

Taking quotes out of context?
That is low, really low. No person who quotes out of context deserves to be taken seriously.
Unless you guys want this thread locked and a few of you to take a holiday from GT Planet for a few days I would strongly suggest that you calm things down.

Discuss the points and don't attack the members, its a simple concept but one that seems to have been forgotten over the last few days.

The AUP is quite clear on these areas and you all agreed to follow it when you joined, so ensure you do whenever you post.

Next one to forget gets two days off.

To delight the heart of Alex p I post this video of mainstream media coverage of the so-called "chemtrail" phenomenon.

I myself have no claims to make on this issue, but note that the MSM viewpoint on it has largely to do with possible weather modification experiments. In the unlikely case this turns out to be correct, would GTP members approve of government weather modification programs without prior public consent?
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...would GTP members approve of government weather modification programs without prior public consent?

I have no doubt the U.S. gov is experimenting with weather modification and I don't have a problem with that, they're probably doing under the name of national defense. If by program you mean trying to stop hurricanes or tornados, trying to induce rain etc on a regular basis I'd like to think we would be informed.

I don't buy into the chem trail thing but isolated cloud seeding I can believe.
I don't buy into the chem trail thing but isolated cloud seeding I can believe.
Cloud seeding is nothing new. The Chinese have been doing it for a while, and England did it a little too well after WW2.
Of course it's not new, I didn't say it was :dopey:

In response to Dotini's question of "gov programs" I'll try to be more clear; I don't think the gov is loading up airliners with chemicals all the time but it's possible they are cloud seeding once in a while.
I was somewhat skeptical about the whole idea of chemtrails until recently. It started a few weeks ago when a plane at a relativity low altitude (About 12000ft) came across the the sky directly above my neighborhood leaving a long trail behind it. About a half hour later, a very strong sulfury smell engulfed my area. This had never happened before as far as I know (Then again I've never seen a plane with a trail fly that low before as well). Now although the two events may not be related, it seemed very odd to me that they happened at the times in which they did.

Then, only a few days ago, I was out on the lake in the evening, and took this picture.


Although this is only half the event, the plane spewing the trails nearly made a complete U-turn, something commercial jets never do here. This only made me more suspicious regarding what they were doing up there.
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