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There have been rumors floating that China has just sent aircraft violating Taiwanese airspace. Can anyone confirm?

I imagine that the governments allowed this monopoly to occur in Taiwan specifically to force a diplomatic status quo but it's pretty ridiculous that all the companies agreed to it as well, chasing profits rather than their own production security. If this invasion were to happen soon, literally all the world's electronics companies would flop overnight as they'd have zero production capacity and no product to deliver.
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Pelosi has arrived in Taiwan, and now we wait to see what happens.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday, defying stern warnings from Beijing against a visit that China’s Communist Party regards as a challenge to its sovereignty.

Mrs. Pelosi, the highest-ranking U.S. official in a quarter-century to visit the island, which Beijing claims as part of its territory, is set to meet Wednesday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and legislators in the self-ruled democracy.

Chinese officials, including leader Xi Jinping in a phone call last week with President Biden, have warned of unspecified countermeasures should Mrs. Pelosi’s Taiwan visit proceed.

I think the US is probably taking the "🤬 around and find out" approach here especially since last night there were B-52s, F-16s, and Reapers showing up on ADS-B. America is bad at a number of things, large scale warfare against a conventionally enemy that doesn't practice guerilla warfare isn't one of those things. A war with China would be incredibly bloody and terrible for the world as a whole, but in no scenario do I see China winning or coming out ahead. War would absolutely cripple the country and with all the other issues going on in China at the moment, the people might turn on the government rather quickly.

I'm also not sure how China would even go about invading Taiwan. They won't get air superiority and with all the anti-ship missiles, their amphibious armada would be sitting ducks. Never mind the US Navy would absolutely decimate them, especially if there are multiple carrier groups involved. Sure, China could use nuclear weapons but nuking Taiwan would be a game-over scenario for China. Even launching missiles at Japan or South Korea would end poorly for the nation.

At the end of the day though, I suspect China won't do anything except saber rattle and the US will come out ahead because it'll have exposed some of China's BS. I do hope I'm not wrong though.

As for Pelosi's visit? I don't particularly like her and I think she's incredibly corrupt, especially when it comes to insider trading, but I don't disagree with this move. Taiwan doesn't belong to China no matter how much it thinks it does and a foreign dignitary can meet with other leaders if they so choose.
Xi is under pressure to do something just now. He is set to attend a once in 5 years meeting to be reinstalled as maximum leader, but he is looking weak, impotent and marginalized at the moment. He has a small range of choices, the worst of which might be overflying Taiwan with a very large number of jets, or seizing one of Taiwan's small islands.
Xi is under pressure to do something just now. He is set to attend a once in 5 years meeting to be reinstalled as maximum leader, but he is looking weak, impotent and marginalized at the moment. He has a small range of choices, the worst of which might be overflying Taiwan with a very large number of jets, or seizing one of Taiwan's small islands.

Let's not kid ourselves here, Xi is not under any concern that he is not going to be "reinstated".
Pelosi has landed in Taiwan, despite China's heavy sabre-rattling
International tensions be damned, I was actually kind of hoping they would shoot her down.
International tensions be damned, I was actually kind of hoping they would shoot her down.
That probably wouldn't look good for those betting to avoid World War III.
There are icicles in hell right now:

I didn't think I would see "GOP Senators" and "Back Pelosi" in the same sentence without the words "do not" in between them.
If China wants to go to war, they probably have Russia as an ally (eh) and the rest of Asia will most likely grab their weapons to join the USA and Taiwan.
There are icicles in hell right now:

I didn't think I would see "GOP Senators" and "Back Pelosi" in the same sentence without the words "do not" in between them.
Or "bare".
If China wants to go to war, they probably have Russia as an ally (eh) and the rest of Asia will most likely grab their weapons to join the USA and Taiwan.
If China wants some kind of face-saving military escalation, they might try it by proxy, i.e., funneling drones and other weaponry to Russia for immediate use in Ukraine.
If China wants some kind of face-saving military escalation, they might try it by proxy, i.e., funneling drones and other weaponry to Russia for immediate use in Ukraine.
That won't save anything. The fact Russia is struggling with Ukraine is on levels of Italy in North Africa failure.
As for Pelosi's visit? I don't particularly like her and I think she's incredibly corrupt, especially when it comes to insider trading, but I don't disagree with this move. Taiwan doesn't belong to China no matter how much it thinks it does and a foreign dignitary can meet with other leaders if they so choose.
I was wondering what fruits our calamitous adventures at home would bear, I guess this would be it. I never thought we'd see the day that another nation would outright threaten the US for visiting another nation. Yet, here we are, a nation that is as divided as it is vulnerable...

The infuriating part for me is watching all of the buffoonery at play by those in power that are clueless to the overall impact to our nation...and even if they DID have a clue, they seem to lack the moral alignment to care. I understand that this is humanity doing human things and all but, damn, narcissism and greed will be the downfall of us all. :banghead:

Can't give up, tho...:cheers:
According to headline news, China is encircling Taiwan with military ships carrying out live-fire exercises. Meanwhile a US Navy carrier group is approaching the island.

Mad Magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman. Photo courtesy Mad Magazine
There are some sneaky reports and rumours here and there that something is brewing in Beijing, and Winnie the Pooh has been placed under house arrest.

Just a brief reminder that the CCP (and therefore the whole of China since you CANNOT separate the two since every organisation is required to include party members and CCP oversight or it ceases to exist) continues to commit genocide EVERY SINGLE DAY.
If you erase all sources of existence of a race, including written and the internet, and keep it erased, you are committing genocide every single day until they are reopened.

As painful as it would be, we should not in my opinion be buying ANYTHING from the CCP (again any organisation operating legally has to include CCP members or it is shut down, therefore EVERY organisation in China is by definition also related to the CCP) while it continues to commit genocide. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
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