Very well, thank you. I will send mjs1985 the car before the 12th.![]()
Oh wow..sorry about you want the paints back??![]()
I will get you a 0/0 one!
Red Mugen sent. 👍
No. It's not that I could give you the car back even if I wanted to. I've just sent the other two mattes you've specifically asked for as well, and threw in another 5 tank car horns. I hope you understand why I won't give you an entry in the lottery, though, as it simply wouldn't feel right if you were to end up winning. I guess you're new, and it was an honest mistake, but be aware that there are a lot of people who are looking for 0/0 cars only, and cars with miles or switches are of little use to them.
Don't worry about it. Unless you're really desperate to get an entry in for the lottery?
Thanks for the horns and everythingI definitely understand why I wouldn't be put into the lottery if our trade was one sided. But, its not about the lottery, I just wouldn't feel right if I didn't get you the car you asked for. I have a 0/0 on my other acct, FR sent 👍
First of all, thanks for trying to fix this up quickly, but before you send me a third car, maybe you can see whether JimmyJames10 can help you out, as he hasn't sent the #77 yet (not even sure when he'll send)? If he can send me another car I don't yet have instead of the #77, I'm happy to accept the #77 from you.
I just send JimmyJames10 a PM. But, regardless, I will send you the silver...Even if its the last thing I do...
Hi mate.
Have VW Lupo GTI Cup car (J) 03 in 17 green and Nissan mm-R cup car 01 in 90 black.
Can send Wed. and Thurs. next week. Will send other cars a bit later in week.
Not sure how your schedule is but I am in no rush so whatever suits mate.
Cheers. Thanks![]()
Hey, I found out I also have #38 and #41 mm-R cup car, they are both 0/0 this time haha. I also might have #8, but Ill let you know. I'm interested in your matte and maziora paintsCan you send paints to the PSN: Green_Thought.
You mean my remote race schedule? Not very busy at all. I'll get those races done even before you get around sending those cars it would seem. You weren't referring to any other type of schedule, or?
Hey, you're next to pick a number, for the ZZII.
Wouldn't mind another couple of cars for the cup cars if thats ok with you.
I'm not in any rush but thought your schedule for trades looked pretty full.
I would like your 2 Amuse S2000. R1 04 and Street Version 04.
I would like number 60 thanks.
Cheers mate.👍
Wouldn't mind another couple of cars for the cup cars if thats ok with you.
I'm not in any rush but thought your schedule for trades looked pretty full.
I would like your 2 Amuse S2000. R1 04 and Street Version 04.
I would like number 60 thanks.
Sorry, oldbloke007, but I've never really given out either cars or tickets for any of the prize cars. Right now, I'm completely closed for anything requiring me to send cars or tickets, and I may or may not give cars or tickets for these when I re-open around mid-January. If you'd rather hold on to them, that's fine.
I'll add it to the OP. Thanks.
No worries mate.
They are on my alt so I will send them anyway. If you want to do some remote races for them thats fine if not consider them a frequent trader bonus.
Cheers mate thanks.👍
If you can live with 2 less 1000 tickets I can send you those 2 cars instead.
Sounds good.
Thanks mate.👍
Tickets were scheduled for sub. Will cars go to sub as well?
Yes thanks thats fine.
OP updated accordingly. 👍 If I get around to it I'll send an additional ticket 1000 to your sub in the holidays, as a frequent trader bonus.![]()
Hey, I found out I also have #38 and #41 mm-R cup car, they are both 0/0 this time haha. I also might have #8, but Ill let you know. I'm interested in your matte and maziora paintsCan you send paints to the PSN: Green_Thought.
I pick 81...if..I can pick a number..for the lottery -_-
No worries thanks.
I have a few other R1's on sub so one may find its way north once I have sorted things out.
Thanks mate.![]()
I haven't forgotten you!!
I will be sending the first of many (#2 red VW Beetle cup car) when I get back home later this evening.![]()
Bee, sent you the white 77 car instead, which is fine, so I sold mine.![]()
Volkswagen New Beetle cup car #2 has been sent![]()
New Beetle cup car #11 in blue sent:tup:👍
White beetle cup car sent.
I should also get my hands on the black Mugen S2000 if you want it let me know.
And I will have number 6 and 50 for the lottery. Thanks![]()
I pick numbers #39 and #3 for the lottery![]()
Hi mate.
Green Lupo sent.