Poll: Forza 3 vs. Gran Turismo 5

im not bashing anyone.. I'm just telling you how i interpret what he's saying... And the way he puts stuff into context, there's a constant undertone suggesting fm3 is the pinnacle of all racing sims... To me that just means theres insecurity and he doesnt know what the competition is bringing... Namely gt5... So now he's just blurting out whatever he can to try and make fm3 look better and shine the spotlight on them a little.... And that imo is just not necessary if you know your product is good and stand behind it... All that trash talk is not necessary and doesnt make them look any better...

look at this so funny
unicorn fest! They got sweets...they're so happy, how cute :lol:
Trystan Spyder says "I wonder what people who voted the other way got."
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As I said a few days ago the tactics of Turn 10 community manager has certainly done alot more harm than good. What basically happened is word spread about Turn 10 tactics and this irritated the gaming community, so those who might not have voted for GT5 did so out of annoyance. I know for a fact some Forza veterans voted for GT5 because of the behaviour of Turn 10. So the end result is GT5 winning the poll, poll closed, Turn 10 reputation taking a nose dive.

If I was the director of Turn 10 I would be very unhappy with whats happened. From here what they should do is focus on what Forza 3 has to offer and ignore the competition. I don't understand why they keep referring to GT5 anyway because so little is known about this game and for this reason I would be wary of making such rash statements. Before taking on your competitors you need to do your homework but Turn 10 know as much about GT5 as we do (very little).

This whole voting business has left a sour taste in my mouth especially as the poll is meaningless. As I keep saying nobody will know which will be better and at the moment im planning on buying both. There will come a time when I have to choose which I want to spend more time on and based on my experiences of playing FM1/2 and GT series I would say GT5 is the more likely.

I agree 100%
When I was watching E3 Microsoft Press conference, I was impressed by Forza 3, but only thing made me pissed is that the Guy came out and start spamming us by claiming that FM3 is best HD graphics, BEST PHYSICS and other BEST STUFF I was soo pissed that they made a game in bit less then TWO!!! 2 years and still unfinished product claiming that their game is the best of everything. Heck Dirt 2 seems to have WAY better and cleaner graphics and cockpit view, same goes with new NEED FOR SPEED.

So TURN 10 might turn me off on getting that game.. But in the end I still will.. But I won't enjoy it as much.. They act like bunch of little kids claiming stuff form their A$$!!!
Maybe since GT won, Unicorn should be a GIFT to GT5 game? Even noted in full game! That would be nice!
Like I said, the idea of a car that's in-game, but the developers decided to say "Hey, instead of placing this onto the actual roster, let's only place it on Marketplace so players can bid millions of credits on it." just begets me.

Also, like I said, perhaps I'm just not looking at it the right way.
would be so funny if PD put this particular "unicorn" in GT5

this would be a hilaurious payback :D - Sadly its not possible coz there will be some licensing issues :P
I'm a big Forza fan and i disagree with what the T10 devs did on the forums. That was really stupid. Oooh vote for Forza and get a unicorn. Nobody cares about them really. Well, i don't.

I think that Forza and GT5 will be equally good games. If GT can be released sometime this cetury it would be great.
Forza 3 has a large fanbase due to the amount of things that can be created with it's features such as painting, tuning etc., which gets people really involved in it. I am a painter myself. Now be honest, you can't deny that the ability to paint your own car is a killer feature yes ? AND be able to sell the designs to other community members ? Awsome !
In GT5, you can't have this kind of community which beleive sets it apart from GT5. I'm not saying it's better, it's just a nice feature to have.

GT5 seems to have very good graphics. But i would only be convinced when they show gameplay footage you know ? I wanna see the motion blur. The sound of a V10 roaring. Show some footage Polyphony !
FM3 has already shown what it can do in game and i'm impressed. This was only an E3 demo and the graphics can only get better from here on.
Damage looked good on the GT5 trailer, but again, i wanna see it from a behind the car perspective in the game.

So which wins ? No fanboyism here. You decide.

Just to note, i will be buying both games with no hesitation.
Hopefully i won't get flamed for this and hopefully it will get approved by a mod :)
He's not saying "I'm scared", he's saying "if they do cool stuff and the community likes it, we can do it too in an update". That's a good attitude to have in a sim racer, because no one team will ever create the perfect sim.
And afterwards, they can claim that they came up with the idea for Forza 4. :P
You guys probably think I'm a Forza fanboy :P But just realise for some reason I like to stick up for the underdog, in this forum its Forza, if I were on a Forza forum, it'd be GT, but the last Forza forum I was on never had any GT bashing so I never had to :P
Then you weren't on, or probably
I see the poll has been closed!

wtg cheaters and Take 10!

"Editor's note: After numerous complaints of cheating and in-game content being offered as payment for votes, I've decided to close the poll. Way to ruin the fun for the rest of us, guys."
I see the poll has been closed!

wtg cheaters and Take 10!

"Editor's note: After numerous complaints of cheating and in-game content being offered as payment for votes, I've decided to close the poll. Way to ruin the fun for the rest of us, guys."
Yeah, it was posted in this thread last night. ;)
I didn't say you were bashing :P Though I may have accidently implied it, so sorry for that ;) I just meant to say Forza is the underdog because everyone likes to rant about it here.
Maybe if Dan "Big Mouth" Greenawalt weren't so full of himself, as well as apparently the entire Turn 10 team, we wouldn't mind. He was almost diplomatic back in Feoza 2's polishing days. Now, he's like a crack head.

Yeah, and you never read any GT bashing on any Froza boards... right...
Are they still going to have issues with the Forza game playing havoc with the XBox console?
ForzaII ruined my first 360 console so I bought a new one and actually bought another Forza II game for the new console. I'm still getting lockup on the console from the game and any other game I play on the 360 I have no problem.

With the GT5P or any GT game for the PS2 or my new PS3 console, I've never had an issue.

So to me it's important that they do something about the Forza game playing havoc with the console it's being played on and I'll but it when it comes out.
I have no issues with buying the GT5 game but I am saddened by the fact that Nascar will be on the game. I personally believe Polyphany has lowered it's standard with the advent of Nascar in it's game.
I have no issues with buying the GT5 game but I am saddened by the fact that Nascar will be on the game. I personally believe Polyphany has lowered it's standard with the advent of Nascar in it's game.
Lowered it's standard!? Hmm... :boggled:

What's wrong with adding features, and especially real life racing series?
Are they still going to have issues with the Forza game playing havoc with the XBox console?
ForzaII ruined my first 360 console so I bought a new one and actually bought another Forza II game for the new console. I'm still getting lockup on the console from the game and any other game I play on the 360 I have no problem.

With the GT5P or any GT game for the PS2 or my new PS3 console, I've never had an issue.

So to me it's important that they do something about the Forza game playing havoc with the console it's being played on and I'll but it when it comes out.
I have no issues with buying the GT5 game but I am saddened by the fact that Nascar will be on the game. I personally believe Polyphany has lowered it's standard with the advent of Nascar in it's game.

Just because you don't like NASCAR it does not mean they lower their standard. They only ADDED more Standard! I am not a huge NASCAR fan but I am hell excited for it and adding more content and game play hours.

PD never said.. OK guys WE have to take out Some Hondas racing or BMW chalenges to make room for NASCAR.. they added NASCAR in addition to full game. NASCAR will bring MORE fans to GT franchise as well WRC game, because recently there are no good WRC games out there, so more guys to come. Good thing and SMART MOVE!
I have no issues with buying the GT5 game but I am saddened by the fact that Nascar will be on the game. I personally believe Polyphany has lowered it's standard with the advent of Nascar in it's game.
Well... I have to admit that I had a similar reaction. I had it in the back of my mind when Daytona was revealed, and the discussion began to swing that way. Then when it was finally unveiled in the E3 trailer, I thought, 'Oh, NASCAR... wii...' :P

But then I recalled what a blast it is to take the cranked oval in a Ford GT or similar car doing around 200mph. And I thought, 'Ya know... it may be kind of meh to watch, but playing it... it sure is a blast!' And it really is. And while some people question the bot A.I., I think it's very similar to what I've seen in some other PC sim racers which are held up as epic standards. I think when we get over the shock, it'll be fine, although there are gonna be SO many NASCAR and redneck jokes around here... ;)

I have to agree with you on "Froza" messing up my 360 Leet. I've been typoing the name a lot because of some nails that need trimming, but I haven't felt too much like fixingf them. ;)

Bu the way, where have you been hiding! Or... are you Duke by any chance?
This was the 3rd last post on Che's wonderfull thread on by a fanboy.

" forza>Y Y= anything not forza"

Found it particularly amusing, he obviously doesnt know that 15731 votes is a larger number than 14530 (rigged) votes.

Haha since when are variables in algebraic equations capital letters?
Lowered it's standard!? Hmm... :boggled:

What's wrong with adding features, and especially real life racing series?
Some people take Top Gear too seriously I suppose... mixed with some elitism.

I don't even like nascar, but the thought of actually driving a nascar around the oval going maximum speed in a giant car pack still excites me.
would be so funny if PD put this particular "unicorn" in GT5

this would be a hilaurious payback :D - Sadly its not possible coz there will be some licensing issues :P

If there's a livery editor I'm gonna make a CNET themed Fiorano and label it "Unicorn Hunter" :mischievous: :D

I have no issues with buying the GT5 game but I am saddened by the fact that Nascar will be on the game. I personally believe Polyphany has lowered it's standard with the advent of Nascar in it's game.

I agree. For one, I'm a fan of tour racing, not nascar, and I thought a game with "GT" for a name would be dedicated to that exclusively. Not to mention that when you lose your focus (expanding into opposite types of racing), usually something goes wrong.

And before anyone gets here and blasts me for being "ignorant" or biased against nascar, let it be known that I'm also opposed to having WRC in GT. And I'm a rally fan...
If there's a livery editor I'm gonna make a CNET themed Fiorano and label it "Unicorn Hunter" :mischievous: :D

I agree. For one, I'm a fan of tour racing, not nascar, and I thought a game with "GT" for a name would be dedicated to that exclusively. Not to mention that when you lose your focus (expanding into opposite types of racing), usually something goes wrong.

And before anyone gets here and blasts me for being "ignorant" or biased against nascar, let it be known that I'm also opposed to having WRC in GT. And I'm a rally fan...
I will not bash you(although I should) I will just give you a piece of advise.

DON'T USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is it that people refuse to realize that they don't have to use every 🤬 car in the game.
Who is forcing you ? Youre passion ? If not leave the game to people who enjoy it and have a passion , gt games have been great in the past and im sure polyphony wil be way more impresive than in the past , forza go to sleep !