I went back to using WaveLab Lite. I just can't get your 90 sec grove thing to work with Cubase LE. It's a bit too intimidating. Especially the 500+ pages of the online owners manual. Problem with it was, as soon as I learn something new, I would put it to practice, and the frick'n' thing wouldn't work! Bah!
It works fine in WaveLab, so I gave up on reading the extra 500 pages (lol) and went the easy way out. Problem is, and haven't figure out how to add a new track to your grove so I can record my own track with my own jam and learn to punch in and out without recording over your tracks. So, I record my ditty on its own track while playing back yours.
Problem is, I can't sync them well. So, I guessed. As soon as I tried to record the idea I have in my head, I lost track of what I wanted to record, and did something that ended up sounding cool, until I messed up. lol
Here it is. It fits in sync with your groove the best I could get it, for now. In no way is this the final product. I'm still learning to do it. Plus, my fingers aren't up to full speed, yet. It's taking a lot longer than I anticipated, unfortunately. At least my chops are improved, but nowhere where I want them to be. I'm practicing everyday, for at least an hour. Sometimes two hours and sometimes for three. I'm also playing on four strings. LOL If I can't play on four, six ain't gonna help me out.
It ain't perfect, it ain't in sync and it ain't in tune for your jam, but at least it's there as some proof of my efforts.