Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
oh now this sounds interesting! wonder what the boss has instore for us?
quick question, what trophies do you guys have for the x10 challenge? i got bronze, silver, bronze
oh now this sounds interesting! wonder what the boss has instore for us?
quick question, what trophies do you guys have for the x10 challenge? i got bronze, silver, bronze

Not a fan of that car; only got Bronze at Monza and then gave up (for now) :)
i only went for silver on monza because i thought out of the 3 it would be the easiest not far off gold on it. might try the others next day off i get if the network ain't back online by then.
Silver, Gold, Silver. Got those a while back, and haven't attempted to get gold on the other two was all way too hectic for me :lol:

Might come back and give it a shot at some point though.
Whoopsy! .... I seem to have mistakenly clicked on the Vettel Challenge thread :P


Quick update; I've got the day off tomorrow gents, so I'll post a teaser pic of the new combo car! Testing is ongoing and race format is under review. Hopefully we'll have PSN up and running this weekend. Properly looking forward to getting back to racing 👍
I would like to sign up Captain. May not be a regular driver, but I wouldn't mind dropping in... especially if you have any plans with the Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo...
The Concours Club had an Amuse GT1 turbo weekend a couple of months ago... Even though, welcome. There are some hundreds of interesting vehicles yet to be raced.
well looks like we're waiting another week for some on-line funtimes, what to do in that time? suggestings guys
I found some good ideas of TT competition in GTPlanet from other threads and whenever I find some time I give it a go.
well i've been busy with my licences and special events as you can probably tell from the bottom of my posts, but getting bored of them now and want to race people on the ring and other places too, hopefully it won't be long till we're all tearing up the tarmac and laughing at the paint choice crispy has chosen for his car! lol
I've literally stopped playing PS3 apart from maybe a night or two a week, if I have time!! Hope I'm not too rusty when we return! :dopey:

I promised you guys a pic of the next car too, so I'll sort that out when I get in sometime later. I hope you all enjoy it. The combo still isnt complete until I've tested it online but initial feelings are good 👍

This looks like something I would like to join.

All the information you need to sign up is in posts 1-3 Steve. Have a careful read, respond in here, and you're good to go :)
Great to know that. 👍
Can't wait to go back online.

To remind us all the great fun we have and to show newcomers what it's like to race in Concurs, here's a video I uploaded. Not a concurs race, but a fun event put up by the Concours organizer.

You can see me fighting Cpt. Roh hard for a lap, side by side. Great fun. :cool:👍

hopefully it won't be long till we're all tearing up the tarmac and laughing at the paint choice crispy has chosen for his car! lol

And what's wrong with my choice of paint!?! Haha :lol:
Ok, to be fair, my Swift was a pretty putrid mix of pink and lime green :D But apart from that they're not that bad are they? :sly:

I've literally stopped playing PS3 apart from maybe a night or two a week, if I have time!! Hope I'm not too rusty when we return! :dopey:

I promised you guys a pic of the next car too, so I'll sort that out when I get in sometime later. I hope you all enjoy it. The combo still isnt complete until I've tested it online but initial feelings are good

Same here captain, haven't turned a wheel in ages, apart from a couple of hours on last weeks wrs, so I'm fully prepared to have my arse handed to me on a plate 👍:lol:

Looking forward to the next combo, and getting together with you guys again...sunday evenings have been very dull as of late. :( As for the next car, if you're still going with an RM car, would I be correct in guessing it's a car we raced quite a while back...a real 'peoples car'? :sly:

And before I forget, nice vid there Kamy, made me look forward to racing all the more. I'm gonna have to watch a few of the previous weeks race replays as well I think 👍
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Thread bump! Guys, where are you...this thread is looking a tad unloved :sly:

I'll be up for a few races later, if Sony get round to switching the UK on today. If not I'm sure they'll be some action going on during the week. Hopefully be seeing you guys on track soon 👍
ZOMG!!.. ..ahem..

I cant believe its finally here! Its time to go racing guys!! :D

I'll be home tomorrow sometime so I'll get the new combo up and I'll be online practicing as soon as possible. Cant wait to be back in action! I'll see you guys soon 👍

Great job with the video too Kamy. Was a nice little battle in that touring car lead up. Will have to try that again soon. I think the M5 needs a suitable handicap though ;)
It is back but not my GT-BlacqueJack sub account, it does not have access to online yet; waiting to get e-mail so I can change password!
if anyone is about later i'm up for a bit of racing, just message me and i'll be there asap!
had some great races with cpt disaster tonight, hopefully catch the rest of you guys soon
Hey guys, I'd be interested in joining if the numbers aren't too large already. I love the idea of an even playing field.

My PSN: diplo09 (may add a GT tag but this is it for the time being) (Im on central time)

1) I agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR
2) I have read all 3 opening posts fully
3) What day do you race on? How long are the races typically? Is participation mandatory for allowance into future events?
4) Yes, I would be more than willing to perform a tryout to show my abilities. In fact I will be on tonight shortly if anyone would like to race/drive.

I look forward to some good quality racing!
3) What day do you race on? How long are the races typically? Is participation mandatory for allowance into future events?

Hello Diplo, and Welcome 👍

We typically race on sundays at 8pm BST. Give or take an hour depending on circumstance. I try to make each event last around an hour, but they normally run into an hour and 30 mins generally, factoring in qualification and downtime between races.

Thats at the weekends anyway. There's always something going on with us lot. Normally practice for concours, but occasionally a bit of even and clean random fun too. Weekends arent mandatory, but if you want to get your name on a podium sundays are when you want to race ;)

If there's any of you guys out there right now I'm just about to set up a lobby :D Catch you in a min!
Its up!! Week 12 is up!!!!

Next Scheduled event will take place this weekend! Check the criteria and get your car.

If you need practice I should be online most nights this week. So look for my lobby and join :D

Happy Racing Campers 👍
Hope to se the regulars back on track.
Today i won't be on probably(FC Porto plays the Europa League final), but I hope to catch you guys thursday and sunday ofcourse.

My e-mail from PSN finally (over 48 hours!) came:tup:

I activated my sub account (GTP_BlacqueJack) and will be raring to go:)