- 249
- Ireland
- firstmivec
I should be there.
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I hadnt realised just now but looking at the results page it looks like Crispy has been having it all his own way of late! Its starting to look a little ridiculous..I'll be back on form this weekend though Crispy so watch out!
I urge the rest of you to give him what for as well. We dont need another Vettel in the works! lol.
Yeah, we got to do something about Crispy.
Right, I'm off to get me a new M3, and to practice some extra defensive driving![]()
HahaYou'll need to change that to extra aggressive, because i'll be way out in front buddy
In all seriousness though I dont really care who wins week in week out. I enjoy the close clean racing that you guys bring to the table for me. A win is just a bonus
That said the occasional victory is welcome.. and to be honest the racing is much closer than the results probably make it look. For example two of the last four races could of gone either way, with just one point between Crispy and myself. I really do love this club. I wish we could get a regular 16 drivers as opposed to 8 or 9 though. The experience would be all the more sweeter I rekon 👍
No mention of penalties in the OP though, so what do you set them to?
Any more questions just give me a shout...
Looking back through some posts, I am not sure that times will work seeing so many of you guys are in the UK region of the world. It will be worth a shot, but I usually can't get on until 8 or 9 Eastern time.
If it helps, with all the daylight savings in place, I know for certain I'm 8 hours ahead of Vancouver.
If you can work out your time difference to there you can work out the time difference to me. 👍
Sorry to anyone I hit last night with a lobby invite by the way. I had to dash out at short notice
I'll be out tonight but dont know for how long. I may see some of you later, otherwise the next few days should see some seat time.
It is my mates birthday this weekend though... dammit. I remember now he was talking about spending the night somewhere?! Err.. I'll get back to you. I will be back for sunday without fail though trust me!! Just dont worry if I'm not online all weekend 👍
According to a time zone converter online, I am 5 hours behind, putting the race at 3pm for me. Does that make sense to anyone? I have always been terrible with time zones.