Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Apologies racers; I am not available today, Sunday.

My step duaghter has a dance recital; also watching Indy 500 :)

What a great Monaco Grand Prix 👍

Race you next Sunday!
Hey guys, sorry first of all for not replying to all of your posts in here, I just wanted to pop in and explain myself a little.

Basically as I said earlier I've been having an absoultely torrid time at work of late. It came to a head with me snapping at a collegue this morning, and I'm deeply ashamed. I've taken a break and signed myself off for a week. I'm obviously under a lot of stress right now and I thought it would be the best thing to do.

My collegue is absolutely fine. I apologised immedietly and they recognised the strain I've been under. I also want to apologise to you guys for my sporadic behavior and lack of concours management. Everyone deserves better and I'm sorry.

I need to remain positive through all this so either sometime this afternoon or tomorrow morning I will have a new combo for you. Hopefully concours can get back on track and resume normal scheduling very soon.

Thank you all for your patience. I very much look forward to seeing you out there soon :)

tis cool mate, everyone of us wiill snap at somepoint in our life's. the main thing is we'll all have our family and friends (us) to be there and support us. your not alone and can talk to anyone of us aboot anything. some of us might have counselling experience some of us might have went through the same sort of thing, but we'll stand by you.
Cheers guys I appreciate it.

I know it's a bit of a shock but it is't as bad as all that i don't think. A day later after constant comunication changes things.

I am obviously in need of some rest, but I think only positives can come from this. I appreciate the concern and I'm fine thank you.

In other news I'm just about to jump online to finish testing. New combo coming tomorrow 👍
Elise RM race results and New combo criteria updated! 👍

I hadnt realised just now but looking at the results page it looks like Crispy has been having it all his own way of late! Its starting to look a little ridiculous.. :irked: I'll be back on form this weekend though Crispy so watch out! ;) I urge the rest of you to give him what for as well. We dont need another Vettel in the works! lol.

Looking forward to this weekend gentlemen. To be honest I'm looking forward to the next three weekends ;) I have a plan, and I hope you all will like it! No questions will be answered though its a secret :D But if it proves popular it could see a radical change to the Concours format. All the while sticking to the same principles it was founded on of course. All will become clear in time 👍
Glad you feeling better now. 👍

Yeah, we got to do something about Crispy. I think I need more practice during the week.

And good choice for this weeks car. I was wondering when we were gonna use it. 👍 Glad on the Sport Softs too. :sly:
I hadnt realised just now but looking at the results page it looks like Crispy has been having it all his own way of late! Its starting to look a little ridiculous.. :irked: I'll be back on form this weekend though Crispy so watch out! ;) I urge the rest of you to give him what for as well. We dont need another Vettel in the works! lol.

Yeah, we got to do something about Crispy. seems a large target is being painted on my car :lol:, I'm going to have to watch my back from now on :nervous:

Great combo to come back with though Captain, and I'm glad to hear things are getting better for you mate 👍

Right, I'm off to get me a new M3, and to practice some extra defensive driving :sly:
Wow looking forward to this car, cant wait to use it. Ive tried the M5 and thats a beast so i should be able to drive this car without burning the rears too much lol
Right, I'm off to get me a new M3, and to practice some extra defensive driving :sly:

Haha :D You'll need to change that to extra aggressive, because i'll be way out in front buddy :sly: hehe..

In all seriousness though I dont really care who wins week in week out. I enjoy the close clean racing that you guys bring to the table for me. A win is just a bonus :)

That said the occasional victory is welcome :D .. and to be honest the racing is much closer than the results probably make it look. For example two of the last four races could of gone either way, with just one point between Crispy and myself. I really do love this club. I wish we could get a regular 16 drivers as opposed to 8 or 9 though. The experience would be all the more sweeter I rekon 👍
Haha :D You'll need to change that to extra aggressive, because i'll be way out in front buddy :sly: hehe..

In all seriousness though I dont really care who wins week in week out. I enjoy the close clean racing that you guys bring to the table for me. A win is just a bonus :)

That said the occasional victory is welcome :D .. and to be honest the racing is much closer than the results probably make it look. For example two of the last four races could of gone either way, with just one point between Crispy and myself. I really do love this club. I wish we could get a regular 16 drivers as opposed to 8 or 9 though. The experience would be all the more sweeter I rekon 👍

YEs i agree, i love the close racing here. would be great if a few more would turn up.
Me and Kamy could do a bit of advertising in WSGTC (gt500/gt300) Series, all are very good and clean racers, also we race on hard tyres so all of us hve abit of skill with harder tyres :D
What room settings do you use? I mean: Penalties, Damage, Grip ect?


EDIT: Doh! Just read through the opening post again, somebody shoot me! :lol:

No mention of penalties in the OP though, so what do you set them to?
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this car will be fun, we will have close racing and it'll be a blast! just wait for monaco
Very nice choise the M3! And trial mountain is a magnificent virtual track (maybe the best of all). Monaco city course is epic of course. Very nice Shin!
No mention of penalties in the OP though, so what do you set them to?

Hi VBR 👍

To clarify the general setup of concours is as follows;

Damage: Heavy
Fuel and tyre simulation: On
Grip: Real
Aids: All off, except TC & ABS
Penalties: Off*

* We rely on an honour system here. Everyone races to a great standard and to keep it that way all other members are my eyes and ears. Any foul play, even gaining a tenth by corner cutting, (repeated and blatant violations) is reported and dealt with. Heavy damage sorts out the need for contact penalties also.

With regards to cars, the closer to stock the better. If I think its appropriate to add a little power and different tyres I do so in the pursuit of better racing. Generally though I use real life skid pad values to run cars with corresponding tyres. I try to make things as realistic as possible here.

Any more questions just give me a shout.. If you 'd like to register follow the guidelines and come on board :)
"If you wish to join please post responding to the following:
1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR?
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully?
3. Is there anything you dont understand?
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?
Post your answers along with your PSN"

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No...just curious how contacts and races will be set up
4. Absolutely
Looking back through some posts, I am not sure that times will work seeing so many of you guys are in the UK region of the world. It will be worth a shot, but I usually can't get on until 8 or 9 Eastern time.
Ok dude no worries. If you're around join in but there's no obligation to race week in week out. Come and go as you please mate 👍

About race setup; its just a matter of joining my lobby at the time outlined in the current criteria. I ask people to post their PSN so I can add them, which means you'll be able to join. I'll do that as soon as possible this evening :)
Any more questions just give me a shout...

Sounds good! Just a few more things I'd like to know: do you have chat enabled or disabled? How long are the races? Do you qualify beforehand?

Chat is enabled yes. Only a couple of guys use it but you're more than welcome.

Generally I try to make concours meets last between an hour or two. Depending on how many races there are on a particular night determines their length.

We also qualify. For the first race without fail, on the night. I sometimes reverse the grids for subsequent races but normally we qualify. This is done in free practice in the lobby.

I'll shoot you a friend request in just a second anyway. Look out for us online 👍
Cool, thanks for the swift replies!

No worries 👍

All you need do is register as outlined in post one if you want to race on sunday. And you're set :)
Looking back through some posts, I am not sure that times will work seeing so many of you guys are in the UK region of the world. It will be worth a shot, but I usually can't get on until 8 or 9 Eastern time.

Races are at noon PDT here on the West Coast of Canada, so it would be 9 am eastern daylight time Sunday morning for you; still gives you time for other things after 10:30 a.m. or so 👍

The more the merrier; love the M3; it'll be my 3rd purchase; didn't the OMRS run it in week 2, if I remember right :dopey:
According to a time zone converter online, I am 5 hours behind, putting the race at 3pm for me. Does that make sense to anyone? I have always been terrible with time zones.
If it helps, with all the daylight savings in place, I know for certain I'm 8 hours ahead of Vancouver.

If you can work out your time difference to there you can work out the time difference to me. 👍

Sorry to anyone I hit last night with a lobby invite by the way. I had to dash out at short notice :grumpy:

I'll be out tonight but dont know for how long. I may see some of you later, otherwise the next few days should see some seat time.

It is my mates birthday this weekend though... dammit. I remember now he was talking about spending the night somewhere?! Err.. I'll get back to you. I will be back for sunday without fail though trust me!! Just dont worry if I'm not online all weekend 👍
If it helps, with all the daylight savings in place, I know for certain I'm 8 hours ahead of Vancouver.

If you can work out your time difference to there you can work out the time difference to me. 👍

Sorry to anyone I hit last night with a lobby invite by the way. I had to dash out at short notice :grumpy:

I'll be out tonight but dont know for how long. I may see some of you later, otherwise the next few days should see some seat time.

It is my mates birthday this weekend though... dammit. I remember now he was talking about spending the night somewhere?! Err.. I'll get back to you. I will be back for sunday without fail though trust me!! Just dont worry if I'm not online all weekend 👍

Haha, mate it certainly has been a manic week for you hasn't it :lol:

Do not worry good sir, you know we're all fully understanding here, so relax, take it easy, go with the flow and we'll all see you on sunday for what will always...some great racing 👍

But I'll be on this evening if you do get a little seat time :D

Take it easy mate 👍
According to a time zone converter online, I am 5 hours behind, putting the race at 3pm for me. Does that make sense to anyone? I have always been terrible with time zones.

If you are in the same time zone as Montreal, Quebec Canada, or Boston Mass (Go Canucks!); your start time would be 9 a.m. eastern daylight time (noon pacific)