Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
I had a nice practice yesterday.
There was one thing that troubles me though. The car I used yesterday had 0 miles on it, and since we raced I expected to has some mileage on it. Alas, it didn't. Still 0 miles.
Has anyone noticed the same or is it just me? Online races do not add on your car's mileage?
That's is correct. Free run does not add mileage. But i had about 10 online races with other racers, yet it didn't add mileage. It might be a glitch.
Last night definetely added milage to my car Sparky. To be extra safe make sure to exit the lobby properly to the main menu. Then perform a manual save before you quit the game. This is normally the best way.

I too have had nights where no milage was added as well though. But normally after a frozen lobby etc.

Looking forward to tonight gents. Brief stints with a few people over the last few days have been very exciting. Full on race will be all the better I'm sure. See you on track guys 👍
I too have had nights where no milage was added as well though. But normally after a frozen lobby etc.

The funny thing is i checked it yesterday right after I quit the online session we had. Fortunately I added some km today.
See you tonight gents.
Glad you had chance to run her in today mate, looking forward to racing you tonight 👍

Actually I have no idea how many people are going to show later. I hope there are at least 10 or so. Maybe I should of promoted my return better. Then again, the forum isnt buzzing at the best of times is it :grumpy:


Look at it :drool: My new best friend!! :D Me and this beautiful car really gelled, and it makes it into the hallowed top three cars ever for me. Its perfectly balanced, amazing to look at and goes like stink! I had one of the most consistant race meets ever last night, and I'm properly chuffed coming home to Concours :)

I had a sneaky thought to myself before last nights races, and I thought to myself, 'I have a chance this week.' First race in Rome was brilliant. I made a mistake or two in qualifying but was lucky to start 3rd. I made a perfect start and immediatly wanted to get to the front. I passed John into the first corner and focused hard. It was a few laps before I pulled out some breathing space, but once I felt safe I pounded the track putting in consistantly fast lap times.

Rome 2 was even better. I started dead last obviously, and all but two cars stayed ahead of me from the grid. I had my work cut out to achieve the same result this time around. I pushed hard, and one by one I made my way through the pack. I had planned to do a proper race report for this one, but for some stupid reason I forgot to save the replay!! Pleeeease please please, if there is anyone that be kind enough, would you get to me a copy of said replay? I'd love to watch that back! :) End result was second. By .055 seconds if I remember right. Was a brilliant race.

Monza was a bit disappointing though. However, as with both races at Rome, I kept my focus and drove to the line as fast as I could. And I think I'm right in saying, but please correct me if I'm wrong, that I achieved the fastest lap in all three races. In the end, thats what won me this race meet! My bond with this beautiful, beautiful machine.

: Week Twenty Six, Ferrari 430, Scuderia :


Second place was hotly contested. 3 people came home just 2 points behind myself on equal points tying for second. Vegard, Paginas and Crispy finished dead even, however their best results were 1st 2nd and 3rd respectively. This decided the remaining steps. Excellent race meet and race craft this week gents. Concours at its best! Almost.

I noticed while watching back the replays that there were a few good punts out there last night. Few and far between, but race ending. You dont need me to tell you that this kind of driving isn't tollerated at Concours. I heard about the drop in standards over the few race meets I wasn't here for too. Do not let this creep back into racing here. Myself and all of you both have been victims of bad driving, dont let yourself become the one that gets reported. You're all good enough and experienced enough by now!

Please excuse the slight nudge at Monza Paginas. I knew I was infront but I thought I was competely clear at lesmo. I saw you hit the gravel and I hesitated going forward. I realised very quickly if I'd of stopped there would of been a HUGE accident. I also saw you had rejoined just behind Crispy, so I continued. If I were being harsh, I'd say you could of backed out of that one. ;) What happened to you next I did not see until now.

Userme5 [PSN: Jinmuc9] recieves a warning for causing numerous collisions and driving in a too aggressive manner. No further warnings will be issued, continuing to drive this way will result in immediate and permanent exclusion from Concours.

You are new to the series Jin, I can fully appreciate the excitement, however, I gave you fair warning before we even started. Take it easy, pick your moments, drive clean and fair always!

There were a few other people too, people I've raced for a very long time, who should know better. Accidents happen, but make sure you are doing your best to avoid them. And respond appropriatly when one happens. Thank you.


This car has been put on the back burner so many times at Concours. I've been dying to bring it to you, and its finally here. The HPA tuned twin turbo TT. Astonishing, basically. I was so taken a back by this car when I first drove it, I really wasnt expecting such blistering performance. You should prepare yourselves too. Its fast, its nimble, it can cope with Cape Rings elevation changes in its sleep. Get ready gentlemen, to be propelled to top speed quicker than you can say, OHHH MYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOO....... ;)

Scheduled Event: Sunday 2nd 8pm (BST)
Track: Cape Ring North [-] Cape Ring South [-] Cape Ring Periphery [-]

Car: HPA Motorsports FT565 twin turbo Audi TT
Tyres: Sport Soft
Aero Parts: N/A
Tuning Parts: Not Allowed
Settings: Power Restrictor TBC
Traction Control: Optional
Brake Bias: Optional
ABS: Optional
Pit Stop: Mandatory


2 twenty minute races followed by 1 thirty minute race.

I enjoyed the Monza race most. I had some battles for position with Jinmuc9 and sparky; got loose a couple of times, but only crunched the armco once; spun too with paginas right behind me; sorry! Once damaged I tried to get out of the way, but my car was hard to steer at that point; sorry Shin :)

A couple of times with Jinmuc9, we were side by side through chicanes, I needed to cut the chicane to say safe and avoid collision, so I gave back the position (your welcome :))
I enjoyed the Monza race most. I had some battles for position with Jinmuc9 and sparky; got loose a couple of times, but only crunched the armco once; spun too with paginas right behind me; sorry! Once damaged I tried to get out of the way, but my car was hard to steer at that point; sorry Shin :)

A couple of times with Jinmuc9, we were side by side through chicanes, I needed to cut the chicane to say safe and avoid collision, so I gave back the position (your welcome :))

im kinda new to "clean" used to the AI just banging into my side so i kindof adapted that chicane style...i have to admit i dont like it...and im sorry for every collision as i know my self that im :D i need to take it more racing style consists of only one thing: pass everyone as soon as possible...that may apply to the AI but its a whole different thing with human opponents...i made a miscalculation with the pitstop which ended up in costing me alot of time... anyways...lessons learned hope that i will do better next time!
Its great to hear you having fun Sparky 👍 You race nice and clean and at Concours we have lots of time for racers like you. Hope to see you on track again soon :)
I knew i wasn't going to perform any better, but i really enjoyed the consecutive overtaking i had with BlacqueJacques, race 1.

Having rarely raced the Rome track (only in seasonals and A-Spec), I forgot about the back and forth we had on the streets of Rome, enjoyed it too 👍

userme5 ; you should add/edit your profile to include: PSN: -jinmuc9 :)
My first two races were over on the 1st lap, my own fault really. Not the first time either, something I need to work on.
👍 Gary & Cap.D who I know drove very well & clean at Monza.

And I think I'm right in saying, but please correct me if I'm wrong, that I achieved the fastest lap in all three races. In the end, thats what won me this race meet! My bond with this beautiful, beautiful machine.

I don't know about Monza, but ehh... have another look at the Rome times.:sly:
My first two races were over on the 1st lap, my own fault really. Not the first time either, something I need to work on.
👍 Gary & Cap.D who I know drove very well & clean at Monza.

I don't know about Monza, but ehh... have another look at the Rome times.:sly:

I have been working on the same problem :) I have made some marked improvement; less Andy Armco and Gus Guardrail :dopey:
Rome and Monza in a Ferrari, excellent combo! Race one I managed a steady pace and got a second place result to the Captain 👍 The second race was also looking promising until lap 11 :ill: Disappointing! Monza was a fantastic race to finish with, some great clean battles and the ultimate position at the end!

:cheers: to all the clean racers!
I don't know about Monza, but ehh... have another look at the Rome times.:sly:

Oh Touché Sir!

In Monza I beat you no question :D And Rome 2 I have only just seen the replay for. Begrudgingly it gets marked up to you young man :grumpy:

But Rome 1, beaten by just 0.020 of a second!! Aghaghggaaaaa!!

:lol: I didnt even spot that the first look I had. That said and done, my lap was done from the lead, in clean air :P haha.

Anyone about tonight for TT practice?
Oh by the way.. Thanks to Cap Disaster for getting that Rome 2 replay to me 👍 Much appreciated mate.

And.... I have a proposition for somebody. A trade. Basically, I went and used my last matte black paint chip up :grumpy: So I need another one, or 10 :P My proposal is this. 2 Matte Black paint chips in exchange for one chrome (silver OR gold) or any paint of your choosing, provided I have it. OR, 5 Matte Black paint chips for 3 chromes.

I'm open to any other kind of offers just so you know. I can send you parts or race suits instead of paints if you'd like. Maybe even a cheap car, just ask ;)👍
Oh by the way.. Thanks to Cap Disaster for getting that Rome 2 replay to me 👍 Much appreciated mate.

And.... I have a proposition for somebody. A trade. Basically, I went and used my last matte black paint chip up :grumpy: So I need another one, or 10 :P My proposal is this. 2 Matte Black paint chips in exchange for one chrome (silver OR gold) or any paint of your choosing, provided I have it. OR, 5 Matte Black paint chips for 3 chromes.

I'm open to any other kind of offers just so you know. I can send you parts or race suits instead of paints if you'd like. Maybe even a cheap car, just ask ;)👍

Buy an LFA. It comes in matt black, only 375 000 cr.

And how the heck do you attach files to a PM on this site anyway?
I'll look for matt black paint chips since I have so much paint in the 'locker'; but you will have to walk me through getting them to you; I have no chrome paint chips yet :ouch:
Great practice last night guys, had a couple of really close and very heated battles. Excellent stuff.

A word of wisdom for anyone out there though, if you plan on racing this weekend you absolutely need practice in this car!! Its so fast, when you're on the limit its unbelievably hard to control. Much practice was needed for us guys to get up to speed last night, and there were still many mistakes. I'll be in this thing all week if I can manage it :D

See you on track gents. 👍