Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Good day to all,

also read through these pages and like the spirit being present here.
If there´s place to join, I´d happily live with it.

@CaptainRoh, already sent you a friend request a few days ago, still pending ;)
My psn: awan_afuqja

Thanks and happy racing!
Rally chalenge? Well there is nothing as fun as driving up a tree...

:scared: The guy at 4.50 is SO LUCKY!! If you watch that clip a few times it becomes hilarious :lol:

Actually that just makes me wish GT had wider track boundaries like dirt. And while I'm at it,.. collision physics and damage like dirt would also be an improvement!

Oh and to everyone still wondering, added all newcomers 👍
Excellent combos Captain Cockpit Cam. :lol: I'm definitely gonna have to put some practice in here. I imagine we'll see a shift in relative pace on the different surfaces.
Excellent combos Captain Cockpit Cam. :lol:

Hahaha, love it :sly:

Seriously though Captain, this is starting to pick up really nicely, great to see lots of new names getting in on the action. Looking forward to seeing you all on track(s) this sunday.👍
Is there a list of drivers whose are going to participate in this event?

I'm looking forward to see you guys on the track!! :sly: I've never ran in a Tournament or Online Competition like this one.
I got your fr last night..Thanks

Have you decided which car you'll use this week? And from what I've read you plan on racing this Sunday the 13th?.
Thanks again
I can't wait to join in on some of these races, but I probably can't this weekend. I will be skiing for the next few days. 👍
Captain Cockpit Cam :lol:

Haha!! What Crispy said :D

Hahaha, love it :sly:

Seriously though Captain, this is starting to pick up really nicely, great to see lots of new names getting in on the action. Looking forward to seeing you all on track(s) this sunday.👍

And yes mate you're right.. Seems like we're getting a new member every day! Wont be long before we open our second lobby! :D That'll open up whole new avenues for championships I've been thinking about.

Baby steps though mate, baby steps ;)
Any opinions on the cars guys?

Do we have to stick with one car for all three races or can we chop and change?
Yeah you have to pick a car and stick with it mate. From this post I deduct you found strengths in both though? :sly: Time to put your money on one ;)

I'm going with the scooby. For the simple reason that i find its interior a nicer place to be. I also prefer the sound :D
I prefered the Scooby on the tarmac but have yet to compare them on the slidy stuff. I drove the Scoobs at Chamonix in practice mode and there seemed to be a surprising amount of grip, a lot more than I remember there being in the Loeb challenge.

Maybe it would be best to do practice online, I'm sure there's more grip in practice mode compared to other modes.
I guess i have to take the Evo then even though it's nervous and the gearing is horrible. :P

That twitchy quality could be handy on the brown stuff. Depends on your rally style. I'm sure yours in just fine finn ;) lol.

Slow and steady are the words of the day off road my friends. Like others have said, no pits at eiger or chamonix. Could be a very long race if you hit something! 👎
I guess i have to take the Evo then even though it's nervous and the gearing is horrible. :P

You won't be alone, I'll be there in my 'subtly' coloured Evo as well 👍

Gearing is a little long, and there's a fair amount of yaw wobble on the circuit straight aways, but I like it. And on the dirt it's a bit of a beast, definitely gets a big 👍 from me. :)
The guy from Finland will have a massive advantage here. It's like taking on a Brazilian in a game of football.:(
I would love to join if you guys still have more room in the lobby
My PSN is Remy_K, and i've been looking for a tournament that uses the same setting altogether, so i reckon it would be great fun.

Cheers guys!
I'll add you right now dude 👍

Also I didnt get any feedback or donations with regards to prize cars?? Is no one particularly bothered about this? I'll quote myself incase you missed it. Just let me know what you think ;)


With the success of this latest meet I've decided I would like to offer prizes to podium winners. I will be giving prizes in Race Modified or purpose built race car combos only! Such race events will be held at random also. Any help I can get from concours members would be greatly appreciated... Car donations made to myself will be stock piled and given to the victors. (One random car from each member is seriously more than enough). Hence prizes will also be totally random and will be recieved in the week after the final race meet.
Considering I have no chance of winning anything, I'm not particularly worried about it. :sly:

It's not a concern to me anyway, I enjoy the close racing more than the rewards from it. 👍
Looking forward to tonights races,let's keep clean gents this could be a real good nights racing on the different surfaces,the damage is set to heavy and on gravel /snow there ain't no pits. It's not the damage on your car but the persons you might hit.
Just a little concern of mine ,love the fact the concous is taking off and new member are joining but I can't help but feel this is going to be hard to police, how would we know if someone has got twin clutch or light flywheel.
It wasn't a problem before because we know and trust each other.
Hey Guys!
I just realized the time zone difference and I won't be able to participate, Its the middle of the afternoon for me.....I appreciate the offer and good luck
Well gents I don't feel like I've had too great a night. I've had a good look at the replay for the first race and going into the first corner the gold car in front of me puts the anchors on and so do i,but it does look like there a bump but I'm nowhere near him, his then on the grass and heading for shin roh, Unlucky mate. There's also some connection issues at the back with the White scobby (Spanish gezzer), it was all over the place.
The 2nd race was my fault, it all started clean and was good till we got to the bottom of the back straight ,I went wide on the right hand sweeper and ended up against the orange fence going too fast to do anything about it and then meet pag on the tight bit and smash into ,he when into a spin and the carnage behind probabley involve 7/8 cars.
Race 3 was good for me.
Sorry about race 2 peeps I could really do alot about it because I couldn't stop.
Unfortunately i couldn't make it yesterday. It was late and i had early wakeup today. :(

On the bright side i couldn't put the finnish rally reputation to shame either (i really suck at rallies). Subaru won? :P