Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Well gents I don't feel like I've had too great a night. I've had a good look at the replay for the first race and going into the first corner the gold car in front of me puts the anchors on and so do i,but it does look like there a bump but I'm nowhere near him, his then on the grass and heading for shin roh, Unlucky mate. There's also some connection issues at the back with the White scobby (Spanish gezzer), it was all over the place.
The 2nd race was my fault, it all started clean and was good till we got to the bottom of the back straight ,I went wide on the right hand sweeper and ended up against the orange fence going too fast to do anything about it and then meet pag on the tight bit and smash into ,he when into a spin and the carnage behind probabley involve 7/8 cars.
Race 3 was good for me.
Sorry about race 2 peeps I could really do alot about it because I couldn't stop.

Also had a look at the replays. On the first race I started on the right (10th), so when we were underway I hugged the very right of the track to keep out of the way... on the approach I slowed, deano didn't slow as much and planted me into the grass beyond the track, with full brakes on and me sliding on the grass, the first corner approached and I t-boned Shinroh. I was a passenger from the rear ending.

As the say, races are lost and not won on the first corner.

A bit more caution needs to exercised on the opening laps as its not just your race you ruin but other peoples as well. We have ten or twenty lap races , you don't need to go banzai on the first corner.

The Spanish player, gerdiell needs to get his internet sorted, lagging on all 3 races, was the cause of two massive incidents on races two and three and was skipping about all the time.Not impressed with him.

Hopefully we are back on track next time!
Well dhandes don't u beat around the bush ,can some one please confirm that I smashed dhandes up the arse because in my replay my front and his back are nowhere near each other.
The Spanish player, gerdiell needs to get his internet sorted, lagging on all 3 races, was the cause of two massive incidents on races two and three and was skipping about all the time.Not impressed with him.

In the Chamonix race, I was behind you all when someone crashed and I couldn't brake soon enough to avoid the crash. On race 3, I had contact with KamyKaze, I remember. I'm so sorry Kamy!

By the way, a black car was lagging like hell for me either, but It's no prob guys. Next time I'm gonna try to fix my connection. Sorry for the incidents I've caused! :guilty:
1st race i really enjoyed the only only problem i had was when my girlfriend got me a drink she walked infront on the tv to put it down on the side i missed my breaking point and went wide which then crispy was on my arse lol

2nd race was a distaster, i saw someone go wide into the skinny bit then next minute we hit (i didnt see you sorry). Then i spun and blocked the whole bit (LOL) was a great race with damage tho lol

3rd race was fine made a mistake on the last lap on the downhill section which killed my engine which then i couldnt get up the hill very well lol

i thought it was still good fun well done shin for a great seclection of races once again.
Well dhandes don't u beat around the bush ,can some one please confirm that I smashed dhandes up the arse because in my replay my front and his back are nowhere near each other.

It wasn't a dig at you d34no, i was just explaining what happened! I've noticed a few times, that there is contact and one car appears to not touch the other. I was just saying that there must have been contact to cause me to go flying off into the grass, then into shin, all with my brakes full on.
I know for a fact that you wouldn't do it deliberately, as your always on the Mic letting people know your intentions, like I try to do (when being lapped!).
My general statement, was that, a general statement, not a personal dig.👍
I've noticed a few times, that there is contact and one car appears to not touch the other. I was just saying that there must have been contact to cause me to go flying off into the grass, then into shin, all with my brakes full on.

I've had that happen a few times too with one of my friends a few months back. From my angle, his car speared into mine and sent me straight off, and from his angle of it, my car just went straight off by contact! I think it's to do with internet lag 👍

As for your incident, I just caught sight of you in my rear view coming down the inside on the grass, and then right past my nose and into Shin :scared:

Certainly were some eventful races last night, thanks to Paginas for a great dice in race 1, although my race 2 was also a disaster as I didn't manage to avoid the accident you were involved in :lol:, and then got hit up the rear wrecking my poor Evo!

Race 3 had a promising start, overtaking DOUQA into turn 1, but for some reason the Evo didn't want to go up the steep hill and he soon took his first place back. Made a small mistake on the downhill section in my efforts to catch up again, and damaged my front left spring...only thing was that Remy was following very closely and unfortunately got involved in my accident. Although thankfully he didn't seem to damage his car too much as he passed me on the following lap at the same steep hill that DOUQA disposed of me on 👍

Overall a pretty good set of results, 1st in race 1, dnf in race 2 and 3rd in race 3. Thanks to everyone that turned up last night, and thanks as usual to Shin for organising the events, looking forward to seeing what you're going to come up with for this week :)
It certainly was an experience, taking the quiet route up the inside,I can't believe how fast the car accelerates after a collision, with your boot firmly on the brake. I could see exactly what was going to happen, with all the cars at the first corner, I just couldn't do anything about it, I was a passenger!

The whole evening was a crash fest,that first corner was just the start.

On the warm down the Karts round the tgtt was fun,until my connection went.
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Well , sounds kinda messy . Glad l decided to sit this one out .
l really think having full damage on when braking is a problem is asking for trouble .
Just my opinion.
Post some pics I missed Sunday's races

Here's one.:)

It wasn't a dig at you d34no, i was just explaining what happened! I've noticed a few times, that there is contact and one car appears to not touch the other. I was just saying that there must have been contact to cause me to go flying off into the grass, then into shin, all with my brakes full on.
I know for a fact that you wouldn't do it deliberately, as your always on the Mic letting people know your intentions, like I try to do (when being lapped!).
My general statement, was that, a general statement, not a personal dig.👍

The race at Tsukuba I thought the same; but when I looked at my replay it was a tiny bump I received that belted me off track - a glitch/bug maybe?
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I had a couple of light taps from behind going into turn 1 at Nur'. Nothing to cause any complaint. Unfortunately though, when dhandes hit Roh he stopped pretty much dead and I ploughed into him, the guy behind in to me and so on. Both front, left rear and drivetrain damage. Was 47 seconds off the leader when I hit the first split on lap 2.

Chamonix my luck was in as after stuffing it into the wall on that tight left at the top of the hill, doing as much damage as I had in race 1, I noticed the running order reduce to 2 names. I thought it was a connection problem at first but soon realised we were restarting. Result.

Things were quiet for me from then on, except for my short battle with Crispy at the start of the Eiger race.

Didn't think I'd do so well in the rallying, but from pole it must have been a damn sight easier than following someone, especially at Chamonix. I wrecked my car many a time during free run when I came up behind someone.

Anyway thanks everyone who turned up and thanks again Captain for organizing things. 👍

Plans for next week? Howabout:
Zonda R
Nurburgring 24h
Pissing it down night race. :crazy:
Plans for next week? Howabout:
Zonda R
Nurburgring 24h
Pissing it down night race. :crazy:

:lol: Never again mate that was insane! I think I lasted 40 seconds before my first of many spins! The F1 car was even worse! Haha!!


Where to start people? Where to start?

A picture is meant to be worth a 1000 words so here are just a few from the other night.

First race turn one (not singling you out here dhande. you fault or not it shouldnt of happened. thus it gets a pic)


Pit lane at the end of lap one. 6 people involved in incidents!


Chamonix lap one. (6/13 people finished here.)


Eiger lap one. (7 here.)


This weekends racing I'm sure you'll all agree was absolutely disgraceful. There's a lot of blame being thrown around this thread but none of us are guilt free. Every week so far has seen a grievance but this week broke the camels back. I think we have to go back to basics until people regain some respect out there. No?

Seriously guys, I know its all meant to be fun and games but the fact of the matter is you all agreed to abide by the OLR when you signed up here. If you're not going to repect this sites rules then I'm going to have to get tough. I wont allow a disrespectful few to ruin the enjoyment for all.

If nothing improves next race meet this is whats going to happen
: All newcomers and problem racers will be given a second lobby hosted by a volunteer. The first lobby will continue to be hosted by myself but the only people allowed to race in it will be proven clean and fair racers. People I have experience with and trust to drive sensibly. Second lobby participants have the oppertunity to move back to lobby one, but only when you can prove to be a respectful racer.

I know it sounds childish, but act like one, get treated like one.

Risk takers. There are far too many people taking ridiculous risks. Full damage is meant to be a deterant!! Why are so many people driving like there will be no concequences? Did anybody read the whole of the opening posts? Acceptable behavior in this series is clearly outlined for all to see. I suggest you read it again.

Connection problems. If you're having them, dont race!! How can you possibly race clean and fair when your connection is unstable? Do you think its fair to ruin another guys night? 2 guys? 3 guys? Stop being selfish and sort it.

All that in a ramble in a tasty nut shell?.. Shape up, or ship out. Its that simple.

Now, for fear of continuing to sound like a moaning old arse I'm going to stop right there. There's no need for anyone to repsond, just read it, do it! and move on.

Ok. Now thats off my chest I invite you all to check out the opening posts for updates. Week 3 results are in and its not so clearcut as I thought it would be. Yes there is a Subaru at the top, but both the second and third step are occupied by the Evo. I think a rematch is on the cards in the future ;) New event schedule is up, and you will also find any information you need to recap on. As usual, if you have any questions or suggestions please dont hesitate to type. 👍

Lets make this week a belter ;)
The race at Tsukuba I thought the same; but when I looked at my replay it was a tiny bump I received that belted me off track - a glitch/bug maybe?

I think that may have been me. :scared: You were in front of me coming into the added chicane, and on my screen at least, appeared to go wide enough for me to stick my nose in. However as soon as I did so, you shot back on line into my front fender and then way off into the opposite wall. Even if we had collided fairly, you wouldn't have really gone anywhere at all, at most gotten a little loose. I accounted it to minor lag and kept going, but it definitely is a bug that needs to be looked at. The tiniest collisions that would be not even noticeable offline end up causing huge wrecks online. 👎

Edit: This week's combo looks awesome. :D I'll definitely be there for this one. 👍
Glad to see an earlier race time. Unfortunately my friend is having a birthday party the previous night so i'm not sure if i'll be alive that sunday. :)

Does the car come stock with those tuning parts?
All above seems fair enough. I'm sure most people will agree that once the first corner is out the way things settle down quickly and there are no further major incidents. This weeks tracks look good, nice long tracks which should help.
Glad to see an earlier race time. Unfortunately my friend is having a birthday party the previous night so i'm not sure if i'll be alive that sunday. :)

Does the car come stock with those tuning parts?


Its my mums 50th party on saturday too!! :scared: Difference is I HAVE to be alive for concours lol.

As for the car no, all the parts I listed have to be bought. The car comes with fixed sports suspension and a close ratio gear box as standard, and no one is to buy any drivetrain parts either. Basically up the power, tweak the downforce, and come racing 👍

As a rematch for the subaru and the evo you may consider the 05 versions only with Race Modification and some tires installed. Great fun to drive. 👍

PS: I should really practice that turn one in Fuji with this car, and so everybody should. It's such a tricky corner.
Sunday, the Daytona 500 is on, but that's watching and I'd rather race with you guys 👍

I hope to be there :dopey:
Driving this car at Fuji brings me right back to my Prologue drifting days. :dopey:

Seriously though, my tires lasted 5 laps on my last session. :scared:

Edit: Nevermind, just turned ABS back on and went 10 laps going faster. Darn.
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So the races coming up on Sunday start at 11am EST for me. If your in a different country and stuff, how can i be sure to find to the right room to participate in this? That would be fun in a race where the cars are pretty equal.
So the races coming up on Sunday start at 11am EST for me. If your in a different country and stuff, how can i be sure to find to the right room to participate in this? That would be fun in a race where the cars are pretty equal.

Pretty equal? ... Dude the cars should be identical! Everyone is meant follow the current criteria model here. If I find out somebody isnt they will be kicked from the club. Its all about equal racing at concours 👍

Lucky for me you've expressed an interest just after last weeks poor show too, and so it gives me the perfect opportunity to show everyone the new membership procedure. Basically you just have to respond to the following with a post in this thread for all existing members to see.

1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR?
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully?
3. Is there anything you dont understand?
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?

Post your answers here along with the PSN you wish to use. If you answer correctly I will add you so you can join my lobby. You will also have no excuse for poor driving 👍


Test laps will be performed just before the first race. Anyone can shadow or spectate the new members but it will be me and a select few who are designated to drive in close proximity. The idea is to drive a few formation laps at close to full speed. If new members break formation repeatedly and/or cause damage to to the pack they will be considered a risk and made to sit out. Any existing members I choose to participate in formation laps will also be subject to these guidelines!.

Also, if anyone wants to join and I'm not around please point them in the direction of the OP's. No more information is needed, if they have read properly they should be posting here in accordance with this new format. Which I will now copy into post two 👍

Any questions guys?
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Test laps will be performed just before the first race. Anyone can shadow or spectate the new members but it will be me and a select few who are designated to drive in close proximity. The idea is to drive a few formation laps at close to full speed. If new members break formation repeatedly and/or cause damage to to the pack they will be considered a risk and made to sit out. Any existing members I've chosen to participate in formation laps will also be subject to these guidelines!.

Any questions guys?

I would like to make those test laps Capt, I honestly think I gotta improve my movements to avoid crashes or incidents and don't blind myself with the victory...

By the way, I'm going to switch my router back to the living room in Important Races, because in PC I've a really good connection, but in PS3 I've only 1 Megabyte. I think that's because I was so laggy in the last race guys. But I never had problems with that till now lol.
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PSN: wildaeros

I think I may have already been added so I'm not sure if I am still considered a new member but...

1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR?
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully?
3. Is there anything you dont understand?
So do I just join your lobby at the time specified and will then receive further instruction? Am I looking at the right place? The next race is on the 20th, and is in the Gran Turismo 350z RS?
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?
Scheduled Event:[/B] Race One Sunday 20th. Lobby opens 4pm (GMT). Race Two Sunday 20th. Lobby opens 9pm (GMT).
Track: Fuji GT [25] Daytona Road [25]

Car: Gran Turismo 350Z RS
Tyres: Sports Medium
Aero Parts: N/A
Tuning Parts: Rigidity Improvement. Stage3 weight reduction. Stage3 engine tuning. Intake manifold. Racing filter. Exhaust manifold. Titanium Race exhaust.
Settings: Downforce. Front 5. Rear 8.
Traction Control: Optional
Brake Bias: Optional
ABS: Optional

Happy Racing Campers 👍


Can we install the fully adjustable transmission?
I would like to make those test laps Capt.

Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?

Noted 👍

So do I just join your lobby at the time specified and will then receive further instruction? Am I looking at the right place? The next race is on the 20th, and is in the Gran Turismo 350z RS?

Exactly right 👍

Can we install the fully adjustable transmission?

But this one is wrong! :P As Talon said, its not in the parts list, so none of us are using it. All cars should be identical!!

Speaking of the car how are you all finding it? I think its one of my favourites in the game to be honest. I drove it in prologue on occasion, and testing it for this weeks concours was the first time I drove it in GT5. Like I say though I'm absolutely loving it. The way it looks. The way it sounds (omg!!). And the way it drives! I love it, from the ground up!! :D Should provide some close racing too. Here's a quick snap from a little practice session:

Yep, it is a great car for sure. I'm having some oversteer problems, but that is almost certainly down to the fact that I hardly ever race on either of these tracks, and they have some of the strangest braking sections in the game for me. Great car though. :P

One thing though, do you guys notice a strange "garble" type sound after you shift? It sounds strange to me. :odd:
One thing though, do you guys notice a strange "garble" type sound after you shift? It sounds strange to me. :odd:

Yes I was practicing online Tuesday and noticed occasional 'garbled' sound too; I'll see if it still there after the update Friday.

Captain Roh If you still wish to join please post responding to the following:
1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR?
Yes, always 👍

2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully?

3. Is there anything you dont understand?
Yes; can you change rims/wheels to the ones you can paint? Note WRS EDK moderator said painted wheels OK for WRS

4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials?


Cheers, race you Sunday :)