Connecticut School Shooting Dec 14th 2012

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I also love how the media uses terms like "assault weapon" and "semi-automatic" to make people who don't know better think he used some super-deadly weapon during the shooting.
I just read the article after putting it off for some time due to its depressing nature.

Pretty much lost for words as to what to post. Very disturbing.
I guess this kind of applies to all these shootings, but I'll just post it here.

Mass Shootings are not on the rise, just the coverage is.

I agree with this. There were multiple shootings and a mass stabbing that happened this same day. Just the bigger the better in the media's eyes.

And just talking to my buddy in LA he said there were multiple shootings with multiple people dead today and yesterday. But you don't hear about that.
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Murder rates in general are on a decent decline(in the u.s.), and seeing as how guns are the main weapon of choice, the stats are declining for fatal shootings as well. Keep in mind the ownership totals and percentages per capita are on the rise. 👍

Here is a quick link with no brake down of gun or not for murder but the gun number should be in the 80%'s of the total.

EDIT: The media coverage has everything to do with agenda, liberal agenda to ban the evil guns, oh nooos :scared:

Point is, what is the deadliest tool and easiest to obtain for normal citizen?

Is it easier to get knife than gun? Yes

Is knife more lethal weapon than gun? No.
Depends on the gun & knife in question, as well as where on the body the injury is inflicted; it is just as likely to die from a knife wound as it is a bullet wound if the right organ is punctured. A gun only allows someone to be further away to do so.
Is it harder to get "gun license" than driving license in USA? No. (or not much harder in most states)
No, but it is harder to actually buy a gun than it is to acquire a driver's license.
Does knife stabbings occur as often as mass shootings? No.
Wrong. You'd have to be completely ignorant to believe otherwise.
Mac, on the last point, he was referring to use of guns versus knives in mass killing, not mass shooting versus stabbing like it was stated(in error).
25,000 signatures to pass?

To pass gas lol.

The current U.S. population is 314,949,949 and that petition currently has 113,448 votes. I'm sure as long as the story is in the news those votes will go up but the percentage will stay very very small, besides all that, we still live in a constitutional republic.

A bunch of people signed a paragraph long petition with 2nd grade level grammar. Does this seem like an earnest and intelligent movement to you? Many of the people who signed one petition will sign another one. Even if you added up the signatures you would still be at a paltry amount compared to the population of the US. There are still millions of Americans, somewhere around half, that do not agree with any of these petitions, there are millions of others who actively oppose what they stand for.

Doesn't matter how much support it has, recognizing human rights in our Bill of Rights are how we prevent tyranny of majority rule. The numbers are really relevant.
To pass gas lol.

The current U.S. population is 314,949,949 and that petition currently has 113,448 votes. I'm sure as long as the story is in the news those votes will go up but the percentage will stay very very small, besides all that, we still live in a constitutional republic.
Yep pretty much....

Like this..........

..... These look like those petitions that anyone can make. They can be presented but pretty much the probability of them actually going though is slim to none.

Once again I have no problem making the gun laws for rifles the same as for pistols (which they differ a lot). But to ban a entire class of weapon no just no. Whatever the excuse may be it doesn't make that right. It takes away the 2nd amement. And if they do that what else on the constitution will they ban next. We barley have free speech in public now. So i mean no to banning. Just make a equal/logical way to purchase them.

A bunch of people signed a paragraph long petition with 2nd grade level grammar. Does this seem like an earnest and intelligent movement to you? Many of the people who signed one petition will sign another one. There are still millions of Americans, somewhere around half, that do not agree with any of these petitions.

Doesn't matter how much support it has, recognizing human rights in our Bill of Rights are how we prevent tyranny of majority rule.

Exactly. If i remember correctly. One of my friends made a fake petition on one of these sites before about some random joking things. People thought it was real but it wasn't. I'll ask him if this is where he made his. I wouldn't worry to much about these ones though.
US citizens have spoken: Gun control is needed
And they've always spoken, but not how the country need gun control, as there already is gun control in place.

Anti-gun usually want guns banned from certain area, ban high capacity magazines, high-power semi-automatic rifles, require stricter background checks, etc.

Whatever new restriction they come up with, I'm guessing that it won't do much, if anything at all, which is typical. Most of the time, it's more job-security for the media & politicians, but there will always be gullible people who eat that stuff up(not all Democrats, don't get me wrong).
No, but it is harder to actually buy a gun than it is to acquire a driver's license.

It depends on the state. In Michigan it's much easier to buy a gun then get a license. All I have to do is go into a sporting goods store, pick out a rifle, fill out a few papers, and give them some money and I can walk out with a gun. If I have a concealed weapons permit the amount of paper work is reduced. To buy a pistol it just involves getting a purchase permit at the local sheriff department and then you're good to go. It's pretty easy to obtain one too.

A concealed weapons permit isn't hard either. It's typically a 3 day class and then you wait for about 6 weeks while a board approved the request.
[Kind of off topic]
Am i right in thinking that in the state of Louisiana, you don't need any permits for rifles etc? (think it's different for concealed hand guns though).

Regarding the awful recent event, i think stricter gun laws could maybe have helped (gun safe, proper restricted storage etc), but obviously, dealing better with mental health issues amongst the populace is the only real solution.
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Ah, that's okay then. Just the normal acceptable level of mass murders...

I think the issue isn't really that they're on the rise, it's that a few class-fulls of kids can be gunned down at all.

No one is down playing how horrific this tragedy is.
No one is down playing how horrific this tragedy is.

I wasn't suggesting they were. But increased media coverage of events like this is largely irrelevant, which is what I was hinting at with my post. A class full of kids is still a class full of kids whether cameras are being pointed at them or not.
Ah, that's okay then. Just the normal acceptable level of mass murders...

I think the issue isn't really that they're on the rise, it's that a few class-fulls of kids can be gunned down at all.

Where the hell did I say it was ok? Please point it out.

The only reason it's relevant to anything is that is seems here in the US there has been an uptick this year, I posted it here as I felt it needed to be posted but didn't warrant it's own thread. I know I don't have any authority to tell someone when they can and can't post, but sometimes a person in the UK shouldn't be posting on something in the US when they have no idea what exactly that post is talking about(Or perhaps you should have researched a little first, or at least read the damn article I posted).

What I heard recently is that the nutjobs (forgive my terminology for them)

Don't apologize, that's about as close as you can get without breaking the AUP.
EDIT: The media coverage has everything to do with agenda, liberal agenda to ban the evil guns, oh nooos :scared:


Yup, there is agenda on only one side of the media. Those pesky liberals eating fried tofu in their hybrid cars.

Thankfully you have the right wing media that only speaks truth and nothing but the truth!

..and remember to eat your vitamins!
I'm never understood on this site lol, or perhaps you are just a bit fired up. Either way, you miss my humor in it all. Truth is the media is sensational, they will ride any angle possible to gain ratings, ratings generate revenue. They are reckless and irresponsible imo. Anyway... It looks like Obama rides this wave as well as he would love to take our guns.

I did enjoy the tofu hybrid part though :lol: I'm guilty as charged in that regard ;)
Where the hell did I say it was ok? Please point it out.

Calm down dear, it was a joke.

but sometimes a person in the UK shouldn't be posting on something in the US when they have no idea what exactly that post is talking about(Or perhaps you should have researched a little first, or at least read the damn article I posted).

Grow up. I can post on what I damn well please.
I'm never understood on this site lol, or perhaps you are just a bit fired up. Either way, you miss my humor in it all. Truth is the media is sensational, they will ride any angle possible to gain ratings, ratings generate revenue. They are reckless and irresponsible imo. Anyway... It looks like Obama rides this wave as well as he would love to take our guns.

I did enjoy the tofu hybrid part though :lol: I'm guilty as charged in that regard ;)

This. The media wants to get your attention so they can sell that attention to advertisers. Liberal bias? Where it makes money, yes. Conservative bias? Where it makes money, yes. Sadly there is little money to be found in having an honest discussion. This is why the Internet has been flourishing while news outlets desperately struggle to stay relevant and trusted.
but sometimes a person in the UK shouldn't be posting on something in the US when they have no idea what exactly that post is talking about

Only thing lacking here is a hillbilly accent.
Lets have a 3 way duel, I'll provide the revolvers. What the hell, make it a 4 way and I'll join too.

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