COURSE MAKER found in recent update game code!

  • Thread starter Streeto
Textures they use are based on commercially available satellite imagery with what i presume topological maps for elevation.

What I hope for course maker besides GPS track-and-scan option is the ability to generate and manually adjust/paint such topo maps in order to control height/banking of the track, hand drawn course based on bezier curves and possibly something like object scattering brush - to get some buildings in one place and some trees in other. These would be obviously only a basic functionalities. Weather conditions, scenery style, skies, texture sets would be very nice as well.

In essence pretty much like level many game engine level editors such as cryengine or udk.

One can only hope.
Do you work at PD or are you just guessing?
I'm guessing, but it does look like they used Google earth textures. They are using some type of satellite imagery, and the company who has the whole earth captured by a satellite (besides other private/military) imagery is Google. Flight Simulator X has a google earth-like texture for earth and it makes since if PD did the same for a background.
I'm guessing, but it does look like they used Google earth textures. They are using some type of satellite imagery, and the company who has the whole earth captured by a satellite (besides other private/military) imagery is Google. Flight Simulator X has a google earth-like texture for earth and it makes since if PD did the same for a background.
It's enough to state that they're satellite / aerial images, without needing to guess who re-branded them...
@Jordan liked it.

I don't think I will ever grow tired of this meme.

One thing that would be cool in the GPS data capture thing, would be if the app also looked at the accelerometer for bumps and such in the road. In the game's course maker, we could have a setting where we adjusted how strongly this would affect the track ingame. Naturally, your car's suspension will "distort" the road's bumps when capturing it, but the game could try to take this into account.

Also, they're not really "Google's" images. Google uses data from other organizations and companies that actually have satellites capable of photographing the earth's surface. I guess many areas also have been photographed from airplanes. In either case, there aren't really many other ways to do this, so it's not exactly strange that it would end up looking like it does on google earth.
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Does it really matter? You get his point...
My point is there's a distinction between "Google Earth images" and "aerial photographs". Last I checked, there weren't any credits for Google in the game. I seem to remember reading PD took their own aerial photos for Eiger.

It shouldn't be surprising that aerial photos look like Google Earth when it is itself based on aerial photos. :P
Why stop gaming?

Did the older generation stop doing things that they enjoyed?

If they had consoles back when they were young who's to say they wouldn't be playing them now? :D

Can't be too old to have fun! :)

Commitments and working to support those commitments. Other times you just really want to rest from all that work and spending hours in front of the TV/PS3 isn't really an option. Also as you get older you start to have other hobbies as well. So unless something really significant happens in the GT World (like a course maker or full livery editor), i wouldn't really take the time to fire up GT and rather spend whatever free time i have with family/friends/dogs/real-life car.

It's not a sad thing of course, rather quite the opposite.

I can still remember the first time i played GT as a school kid on the original PS. Had to run over to my friend's place cos i was #TeamSegaSaturn. Time sure goes by quickly. I was even playing the first ever Need For Speed on the 3DO. Awesome stuff back then.
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A Course maker like in V-Rally 2 would be the best. It's very easy to implement. Create your track and let the game create the landscape arround it with choosing the layout before ( Forest, Desert, Mountains, Arctic or whatever ). I want to decide myself how long the longest straight is or how big the height difference of the track will be. The course maker in GT5 was nice but we didn't have the possibility to create the tracks we wanted. And a course maker like in V-Rally 2 isn't complicated to use.
I wonder how this game might grow once all the features have been included.

I wonder if there has been some stuff PD has been holding back on because all the pieces haven't been in place.
First they have to add all the features, cars and tracks the users most wanted to be include and after that i think there are still new things they can add.
I wonder how this game might grow once all the features have been included.

I wonder if there has been some stuff PD has been holding back on because all the pieces haven't been in place.
Wait until the course maker and the GPS are released and working well, this game might grow a heck of a lot
Many people I know they bought it more specifically for the GPS thingy
Although, any number of excuses doesn't justify waiting this long for a feature that was originally intended for release.
It's still intended for release, website says "in a future update". No time table implied, no promises have been broken yet. My opinion is that they can take as long as they want to release it, as long as we get it in tip top shape with no issues and features out the wazoo.
September 24th, 2013, Kaz
“Yes. In regards to the course maker, it is cutting it really close as to whether or not it will make it in time for day one or not for GT6. It’s definitely going to be there, but whether or not it will be available from day one I’m just not really sure right now."

Reading this and other statements that Kaz has made over time, I don't think these days he is working as close with the development team on certain parts of the project as has usually been assumed. The reality probably was that they where not even half done when he made the statement.

September 24th, 2013, Kaz
“Yes. In regards to the course maker, it is cutting it really close as to whether or not it will make it in time for day one or not for GT6. It’s definitely going to be there, but whether or not it will be available from day one I’m just not really sure right now."

Reading this and other statements that Kaz has made over time, I don't think these days he is working as close with the development team on certain parts of the project as has usually been assumed. The reality probably was that they where not even half done when he made the statement.

Sad, but true. A year and a half since that interview...
Maybe PD should had hired the Modnation guys and let them work on the course maker for GT6.

Over a year later we still haven't had any real info on course maker, no mention of its features, no screenshots, no videos, nothing.
At this point I'm not expecting much from it, maybe it will be slightly better than the course maker in GT5, who knows.