@Duke: I stand corrected then (on educational quality)... but the fact that there's an institute DEDICATED to advancing ID in the science curriculum is worrying. If Bush actually did mention it... that's scary.
Kids in our (i.e.: Philippines) public and private schools are getting worse, though... and we're based on a Western system. Of course, part of the deterioration is our fault.
I'm pretty sure if you raise your kids right, they'll be good if put up against almost any student from around the world, but the general trending in the US is worrying. You guys have the biggest budget and best equipment, as well as the most comprehensively developed curriculum, but if scores in comparison to other developed countries start dropping, it means that the impetus for students to excel is not there.
I have no doubt there are smart kids in America, it's the fate of the dumb ones that worries me. A good education can make smart kids out of dumb ones. If they stay dumb, there's something wrong there.
The thing is, schools around the world are suffering from the encroachment of politics and religion into academics. Sex education in our country is still in the stone age because of Catholic influences, and I dread to think of what it's like in Muslim countries. History books are a subject of great debate in countries like Japan, Germany and the US. I was shocked to learn that my own grandmother was a POW inside the continental US during WWII, as Japanese immigrants were herded into concentration camps during the war (while Germans and Italians weren't... go figure). You would never have seen that in the history books when I was a kid.