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James2097The whole push of the evolutionist argument is that there IS undeniable evidence that evolution occurs. Thats why to me, its seriously a one sided debate. One side makes perfect sense, the other doesn't make any sense, or even present any argument thats vaguely credible, or explains the timeline of events etc (somthing I requested from a creationist point of view a while back - to no avail. Of course no one did a timeline, for the simple reason that attempting it would in effect disprove creationism in itself). That creationists continuously ignore how blase (how do I do a little line over the "e"?) they are treating rock hard evidence that goes directly against what they believe, it can sometimes make certain people (who understand the evolutionary point of view, and undeniable scientific truth it carries) feel creationists are being well... stupid. Not stupid as in general intelligence, but just stupid as in refusing to see the evidence with the WEIGHT that it truly carries, continually brushing off (the truth) with nothing more than a hand over the ear and a raise of the nose.
If it is so one sided, then why the debate? Clearly this is not the case. Most evolutionists don't have faith, but have a plethora of unanswered questions and unproven theories, but yet they 'believe' their evolution. Is this true behavior or thought processes for everyone who believes in evolution? I would think and certainly hope not. No one should make those generalizations, nor should anyone make such generalizations of "hand over the ear and a raise of the nose". Case in point, there are extremes on both sides of the debate that are as close minded as the other. There are reasons to consider both possibilities and to not discount either possibility. Preconceived ideas play a huge role in not being able to see the other persons 'point of view'. I have seen prideful atheists and prideful creationists publicly proclaim their 'truth'. With this pride comes blind acceptance of ONLY THEIR TRUTH and no one else's. Even if all the evidence in the world were presented, neither individual would budge. You calling something true doesn't make it true for me.
After my buddy and I got done working out, we were looking at his anatomy book and seeing how each muscle is connected and what each muscle enables us to do. The more I looked at it, the harder it was to accept the fact that we were not the product of chance and probability, but a product of intelligent design. I say "intelligent design" because it in some ways enables a atheist to not hear the "god" word and immediately shut down because of prior beliefs.