Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
MadCaw appears to be baring more than his opinion in the following naked comment video.

Is he talking about letting Trump do whatever he wants with no repercussions, because then I'd agree with him.


It wouldn't be a stretch to say she's had years. Just aggressively stupid.

I agree with the criticism, but something about this stuck with me and I've been searching the phrase "prove your innocence". It does seem to be a phrase that gets used a bit among lawyers. I think it's just meant to describe having your day in court, or getting a chance to make your case to the best of your ability. Regardless, it should have been obvious how that was going to come across.
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Swan saw fit to highlight that bit, which is fine, but the full...statement? as unhinged as one would expect, and then some.
Today, our nation careens toward tyranny at an unprecedented pace. An impudent cabal of radical figures abandons all propriety in their dogged attacks on President Donald J. Trump. We have taken a decisive step away from the values that define our national character.

Every utterance that has escaped these monsters’ lips since President Trump first came down the escalator has built toward this moment; each falsehood, each misdirection, each deliberate misportrayal found its culmination in Alvin Bragg’s desperate action today.

Radical leftist interests, beholden to an elite, internationalist cabal have taken the unprecedented step of indicting President Donald J. Trump, the leading candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Every American feels today the solid grasp of the Fifth Column on his throat; henceforth, we must openly acknowledge what so many have long known: that control of our nation’s fate has long been prised from our grasp. Let anyone who celebrates this downfall of our republic be forever branded a traitor to our nation. No one who mocks the people’s will can claim the title of an American.

President Trump embodies the American people—our psyche from id to super-ego—as does no other figure; his soul is totally bonded with our core values and emotions, and he is our total and indisputable champion. This tremendous connection threatens the established order.

The fix has always been “in” against our President, but his motivation and love for the American people drove him to pursue the national excellence that his unique vision perceived lay within our reach. In doing so, he opened so many eyes to reality.

Last summer, in Tampa Florida, addressing a crowd of thousands of youths, President Trump stated that if he backed down from challenging the regime, he would have been left alone. That the regime now sheds the mask of “democracy” and unveils its true and hideous face shows how committed President Trump is to standing with the people. Every American owes him thanks.

Despite our tremendous success holding marquee protests in Manhattan for critical rightwing causes, today we remain at home. Let our silence be a condemnation of the captivity of our nation; a polemic on the state of our republic. We will not allow another Fedsurrection; we will not be pawns in the Deep State’s perpetual effort to delegitimize Americans’ fundamental right of assembly.

President Trump assured us that he was our retribution. Now we must return the rejoinder: our victory will be the joint vindication that our great President Donald J. Trump and our American people both deserve. This is Total War.
Mental illness.
Crying bitch cries like a bitch.

[Clarifying that the account is sharing the crying bitch's video to mock it.]
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Is she getting the words 'trans' and 'AR-15 owners' mixed up? That would actually make more some sense.
What's the difference between GWGB and cancel culture? He asked, rhetorically.
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Urine I would assume
I'd like to see the Venn diagram of those outraged by this and those doing urine therapy instead of getting vaccinated against Covid-19.


Actually, no, I would not like to see that.