Just consider, for a second (and probably not much longer than that) how much time it took this person to construct this. To be this neurotic about imaginary problems is like a full-time job's worth of mental and physical energy. I don't think I could honestly find the time to display my mental illness with such pizazz.Who the hell drives around with this kind of **** in the back of their truck? lol
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Which one of these is the child bride, again?
I suspect he picked it up at his local Nutjobs "Я" Us store. Okay, second's up.Just consider, for a second (and probably not much longer than that) how much time it took this person to construct this.
This horrifying
Darn, I was hoping it was still legal to do illegal things while running for President.
This is right above "my post threatening to kill you all was clearly satiric parody and Twitter should reinstate my account immediately" and "anyone who doesn't hate trans people is a pedophile 'cos I said so" in the GOP playbook."We're gonna pretend you did the thing we want to do because that makes it ok for us to do it".
I didn't realise that this is in response to Trump actually telling other candidates to stand aside and hand him the nomination because reasons.
I didn't realise that this is in response to Trump actually telling other candidates to stand aside and hand him the nomination because reasons.
I didn't realise that this is in response to Trump actually telling other candidates to stand aside and hand him the nomination because reasons.
I didn't realise that this is in response to Trump actually telling other candidates to stand aside and hand him the nomination because reasons.
Just one more than the carrot coloured Caligula is calling for.I wholeheartedly agree that "people should drop out".
Modern American conservatism is mental illness.
Reminds me of this (edit: Link doesn't work - google landscape urbanism bull**** generator)What the what? Did Ben Shapiro write this? Leaving the worst of that aside... what is it with the pseudo-intellectual word soup that so often gets used to make absurd arguments. Like you'll just assume they must have a good reason for their conclusion because they made it hard to follow.
Birth control makes people invest less in their children and society? Uh... no.
Living in a civilization obligates you to have children so that they can live in it? Uh... no.
People are "atomized" because they don't have kids? Uh... no.
If this guy has kids, and I hope not because yikes, I see a future where he is "atomized" by them for posts like this.
Here's the start of the magic.Reminds me of this (edit: Link doesn't work - google landscape urbanism bull**** generator)
Can somebody please help me make a similar generator for Ben Shapiro content?
When the countdown to the plan’s reveal reached zero, Lindell premiered a video touting new technology capable of detecting nearby wireless internet connections.
He then proceeded to fly one of these wireless monitoring devices into the Springfield Expo Center — mounted on a drone.
Lindell demonstrated the capability of the device — a WMD, for short — to detect cellphones, printers, computers and other devices connected to local networks.
He hopes to use the devices to detect suspicious internet connections in polling places, working off the debunked theory that vote tabulation machines are connected to the internet.
If present-day Bradley Cooper had got the role of Patrick Bateman instead of Christian Bale
A look that says "Please don't click on that folder".