Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I hear that Teslas are owned by the right's favorite guy. I'm surprised they aren't buying more of them!
Of course not. The moment he’ll talk about cars & things going even more eco-friendly (so his company can make more money), they’ll turn on him.
Of course not. The moment he’ll talk about cars & things going even more eco-friendly (so his company can make more money), they’ll turn on him.
Yeah this occurred to me as well. Musk is very momentarily in the good graces of the right (perhaps strategically so) but he is very far away from contemporary American conservative ideology.
Are people sick of my ****? No, it must be the algorithm censoring me.
the simpsons adult GIF
I intended to just post the initial Brigitte tweet but thought this comeback was too funny to ignore.


(As The Boss's liberal ass might put it... 🎵 But she was blinded by the light/Revved up like a douchebag, just a Trumper on the right... 🎵)
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I intended to just post the initial Brigitte tweet but thought this comeback was too funny to ignore.

View attachment 1144722

(As The Boss's liberal ass might put it... 🎵 But she was blinded by the light/Revved up like a douchebag, just a Trumper on the right... 🎵)
I had no idea that was a Bruce Springsteen song.

I'll take "A thing that won't happen" for $500.

Amazing for what passes as "news" now-a-days. But this is the problem for people who get their "news" from Facebook/Twitter, emails that start with FW;FW;FW, etc, or other social media.

In OTHER huge news, any day now, MegaMillions is going to announce that the guy who won $280 million from their lottery drawing back in May of 2020, will have to return the money so that MegaMillions can give it to ME! HUGE news, if true. High level. I'm praying. (Well, not really praying).
These guys are probably in the half of the focus group which thinks 1/4 is bigger than 1/3.
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After all the fuss over the Conservative Party's lockdown parties, Labour has been on the ropes regarding a very similar "do" at which Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner were both present (after denying Rayner's presence). Even outlets that usually sort-of-allies are on the case.

So naturally the incredible Daily Mail and Nadine Dorries twist the knife by...

Posting an article in which Starmer is clearly pictured having a curry with someone who died two years earlier.
I'll miss the Hill's cesspit of a comments section. The Disqus equivalent of The Jerry Springer Show.

Meanwhile the replies to Dorries's mistweet have been pretty scathing.

... but it hasn't stopped her doubling down by pretending an outdated news pic is a "generic stock photo":

Meanwhile it's been pointed out that Starmer opposes the non-domiciled tax status of folks like Wail publisher Lord Rothermere and has pledged to end it should he come to power. Not sure whether this has an bearing on this latest smeary attack on Keir.
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It's weird but when I skimmed past the word "executive" in that unhinged tweet I thought he was calling for them to be executed.

Funny that breaking into a live session of government with zipties and a gallows to hang the veep isn't "treason" but reporting on a leak somehow is.
It's weird but when I skimmed past the word "executive" in that unhinged tweet I thought he was calling for them to be executed.

Funny that breaking into a live session of government with zipties and a gallows to hang the veep isn't "treason" but reporting on a leak somehow is.
The wack jobs on Fox literally called the leak an insurrection of the Supreme Court. It was mind-numbing to hear live.
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It's weird but when I skimmed past the word "executive" in that unhinged tweet I thought he was calling for them to be executed.
That's just because you've been paying attention. You were expecting to see that and your brain filled in for information not taken in at a glance.
Funny that breaking into a live session of government with zipties and a gallows to hang the veep isn't "treason" but reporting on a leak somehow is.
No see that was BLM and antifa.
The wack jobs on Fox literally called the leak an insurrection of the Supreme Court. It was mind-numbing to hear live.
Not for Fox News regulars. That which has been numbed can't be numbed further.

Is it even a crime to disclose such information?
That may depend on whose disclosure. My understanding is that:

If you're talking about disclosure by involved parties, it's probably more likely to be an internal matter than a criminal one.

If you're talking about disclosure by someone not directly involved but through circumstances had access to information, the crime is probably more likely to do with the access (theft or unauthorized computer access) than the disclosure itself, but the latter may be part of the case against an actor for the former.

If you're talking about Politico, it's generally permissible to publish materials upon recept from individuals who perpetrated illegal acts to acquire them, but these materials being relevant to governmental proceedings (if these materials can reasonably said to be that) complicates matters and press freedom may not apply.

“The only criminal provision I can imagine might apply is 18 U.S.C 641,” national security attorney Bradley P. Moss told Law&Crime in an email–referring to a statute concerned with public money, reports and records.

The text of that statute reads, in relevant part:
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

Whoever receives, conceals, or retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted [shall be punished in accordance with the statute]
The statute is concerned with the “face, par, or market value, or cost price, either wholesale or retail,” value of whatever is determined to have been stolen. Penalties for stealing something worth $1,000 or less are punishable by a fine or up to one year behind bars. If the “value” of the stolen item exceeds that amount, however, a person convicted under the statute could face 10 years in prison.

“Even if that could apply as a technical matter, I remain skeptical DOJ would actually rely upon it here absent additional information, such as exchanges of money,” Moss explained.
Someone check Thomas' wife's alibi since she likes doing shady, treasonous **** behind the scenes.
Oh joy. Then nothing will be done and it will essentially be Garland all over again.