"Daily" Race Discussion [Archive]

  • Thread starter LordDrift
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Yesterday I had one of the coolest races EVER on Daily C. Started P4 and ended in P2... was among the top 3 the entire race and we were SUPER close, trading slipstream, without ever having contact. I was super pumped when it ended. Not sure if Erickgtr3123 or BMdrifter are in here,... but if they are, THANKS, YOU ROCK.

Any feedback on my driving would be VERY welcome.

Here's some Monza Madness, it calmed down (for me) after these 3 laps . :)

It's from a few days ago. The Canadian account driver in the red+yellow vette ended up SR C after the race, they were the fastest driver in the room but clearly didn't fancy setting up proper overtaking opportunities. :ouch:


Haha, I've punted both Canadians starting around you off the track many times, all very much planned. The yellow vette one is new to me. 10 day old alt account. GotNoPower is that you @GOTMAXPOWER ? Alt accounts and scum bags, that sums up the state of Canadian racing :lol:
I saved the replay to make sure. No contact whatsoever.

Replays look different on each console. Replays even look different between your live race and the replay. Replays are reconstructed based on received telemetry from other cars. During a live race you deal with forward predicted cars, the replay can sync it up better but it's still not the same as you always see others cars jerking and lagging on your replay. I've had situations where there was contact in the live race, no contact on the replay.

So on their screens your forward predicted car did touch them, thus their console phoned yours with a complaint, and your spineless client accepted the punishment.
Yesterday I had one of the coolest races EVER on Daily C. Started P4 and ended in P2... was among the top 3 the entire race and we were SUPER close, trading slipstream, without ever having contact. I was super pumped when it ended. Not sure if Erickgtr3123 or BMdrifter are in here,... but if they are, THANKS, YOU ROCK.

Any feedback on my driving would be VERY welcome.

Great driving. PD should have that replay in their driving ettiqute section on how to race fairly and clean. Good positioning with no movement when fighting side by side. Pulling out of moves that could end in disaster (Ascari lap1). Working with another driver for mutual benefit.
Only 1 critisism. Lap 5 just before Ascari you bump draft him a little too close to the braking zone. But he handled it well so no foul that time.
'But has his fate hammered with SR down and loss of DR'....

The T1 penalty you at least can negate in race
It's strange sometimes it doesn't count the game and other times it does. Had at least 4 discos this week and at least 2 didn't register, it really sucks when your ratings good and they do though. Don't really care this week as I'm doing really good at 49SR now and nearly at B. So will the next game be super clean and I'll make maybe 7 SR or really dirty and I'll lose the lot?
Haha, I've punted both Canadians starting around you off the track many times, all very much planned. The yellow vette one is new to me. 10 day old alt account. GotNoPower is that you @GOTMAXPOWER ? Alt accounts and scum bags, that sums up the state of Canadian racing :lol:

Not me 👍

But it might've before, I had no idea this was even a thing but I recovered an old alt (NOTMAXPOWER) yesterday that hasn't been used for 8 years and the friends list had my main and GotNoPower on there so I'm 99% sure that was an account I used to have. It looks like if you don't use a PSN for however long the name becomes available again.
I have employed a new strategy at monza, I start shotgun on the field dont even try to keep up the with car ahead of me let him gap me by about 1.5sec by the time I get to 1st and 2nd turn cars in the grass ptly flashing everywhere I must gain about 4 to 5 spots before lesmo 1 and 2. dont fight anybody for position 5 hard 5 med dont care about wins been finishing in the top 8 of a field of 16 to 20. I think anybody that survives monza without a reset should automatically be given the S rating for the next week s races........LOL
As @Pigems says, your replay is only what you see from your point of view. That may not be what the other driver sees from their point of view. This is one of the perils of online racing: what you see may not always be what actually happened. And in fact there's no such thing is what actually happened, just a series of judgments based on consoles guessing where everyone probably is.
This shouldn't matter, since the game assigns penalties locally based on what happens locally. Unless you're saying my PS4 sends a message to yours saying you hit me and please give Famine a penalty? Seems like a dedicated packet-sniffer could hack that system.
@astrarobotica What’s up with this Bro? Wanna explain? And I don’t care if you got taken out in T1, and T2. That’s no excuse for ruining someone else race on purpose.

It was a mistake. I was frustrated and missed my braking point. After the initial contact I probably could have done more to avoid spinning you, but I was also awkwardly boxed in at that point. It was definitely not intentional though. I'm sorry.
This shouldn't matter, since the game assigns penalties locally based on what happens locally. Unless you're saying my PS4 sends a message to yours saying you hit me and please give Famine a penalty?
Well, obviously not me because I'm so clean :D

But in essence... yes. If Driver A's console sees Driver B hitting them and Driver A loses time/Driver B gains time, the console should communicate this to Driver B's console (well, everyone's). Driver B's console might not have seen this, because one or the other (or both) live on different planets, or have parp internet that's connected wirelessly through a trombone blasting sound pulses at a wet kettle drum, or both, but everyone's consoles agree that that's probably what happened and Driver B gets a penalty for it.

I have had exactly that happen:

Your own console rats on you a lot too. But I would like to see the replay of this happening.

Edit: This user's profile suggests he's in South Africa. That's ~150ms of instant latency to Europe, simply for the data path.

Seems like a dedicated packet-sniffer could hack that system.
I'm pretty sure that if a system exists someone will cheat it, but doing so to win a GT Sport Daily Race B seems a little low-ball for someone that devoted to shenanigans.
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Not me 👍

But it might've before, I had no idea this was even a thing but I recovered an old alt (NOTMAXPOWER) yesterday that hasn't been used for 8 years and the friends list had my main and GotNoPower on there so I'm 99% sure that was an account I used to have. It looks like if you don't use a PSN for however long the name becomes available again.

Yes I didn't think it was you because their qualifying time isn't fast enough but I've never got near enough to them in a race to watch their driving (I could on the replay I suppose) because they are not slow either and it did sound like it could be one of your accounts, so what you say makes sense. ;)

This shouldn't matter, since the game assigns penalties locally based on what happens locally. Unless you're saying my PS4 sends a message to yours saying you hit me and please give Famine a penalty? Seems like a dedicated packet-sniffer could hack that system.

Yes that's exactly what happens. Your console also tells others you have a penalty when you get in range. Ever notice how the penalty time always flashes when you come up on a new player in the distance? As far as your console is concerned, they just got that penalty.

According to PD, you are responsible for the lag affected projection of your car on other people's consoles. In essence you are responsible for as many versions of your car as there are other people in the race. Responsible for your own lag and that of all others.

And yep, your console also blabs on a laggy car hitting you, sending them a penalty even though they never touched you, and it could have all been the result of a lag spike on your end.

There are as many versions of the race playing out as there are people in the race.
It was a mistake. I was frustrated and missed my braking point. After the initial contact I probably could have done more to avoid spinning you, but I was also awkwardly boxed in at that point. It was definitely not intentional though. I'm sorry.

All good man, it happens. Sorry for parking it on every corner over the next two laps after that. :cheers:
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I did a Race B last night. Started pole, finished 2nd. The car that started 2nd showed only 1 bar and was jumping due to lag. I was showing 3.

I anticipated the movements of the car the whole way, the other car probably doing the same for me, lost a spot on T1 being extra careful. That part of the race sucked. But we worked together and pulled away from everyone else to finished with about a 5 second cushion. I was happy with the 2nd. I wouldn't want every race to be like that. But it was a good race in it's own way.
That’s my point, your replay, and their relay, maybe not show the same thing. There could have been contact from their POV, but not on yours. 👍

Example: On @Kermit_2142 ’s replay, his car didn’t jump 15 feet into the air on this corner, but on mine, he did.

And THAT is exactly why I will NEVER run a race with cones on. If you have them on, you can hit them. If not, you can't. I do use the corner markers, ( blue floating teardrops) since, with bumper cam view, I can see the apex when running tight to the pack.

I finally got some racing in last night, still running Monza from the back. Got a few top 5's, with a best P2. Also got FL 4 races in a row, which made me happy, as my best time (37.7?) would have gridded me no higher than 4th, and as far back as 11th in those races. Got the FL in the Aston (twice), the GT-R, and the Vette. The Supra was also good to me. Racing wasn't bad, but there were a couple people who just had to spoil it. Last race, after my pit, and on mediums, I was up to 7th with 3 laps to go, and a 4 car group about 2 seconds ahead. Come on to the back straight, and one guy was just finishing serving a (long) penalty. I was hoping to get past before he un-ghosted, but no joy. I was coming fast, moved left for the inside, he swerved, moved right for the pass, guy .6 on my tail went left, the ghoster swerved right and put me into the wall, and I spun at 150 mph, bouncing off the wall and at least one of the cars. By the time I reset and got going I was 17 seconds down from 17th or 18th place. That got me more PO'ed that the GT-R that bump drafted me down the straight (fine) and gave me one last bump after the 200 board (not fine). Still C/C, but I'll recover tonight. I think the Aston is the safest bet, though I do like the drive I can get in the GT-R, and the brakes. It has tried to bite me getting sideways, though, so the Aston might be the way for consistency.
Must have started a game of pinball rather than GTS this evening.
Qualified 19th. (I didn't have time to try and work on my qualy lap.) However this meant I could play it safe through turn 1. So made up some places there.
Closed in on the group ahead and everyone was trying to keep it clean but also knocking seven bells out of each other. Penalties flashed up all around me. Made up several positions but then lost some as I got a .5 penalty for cutting the Rettafilo despite taking it the same as normal. Still due to other's misfortune I made it up to 13th on my pit lap. I had passed a Frenchman serving a penalty. Broke as normal and boom punted onto the beach. Thankfully kept her straight and got out without incident.
Pitted and eventually made my way back up past more penalties. A couple of laps from the end I was entering Roggia when I was hit on my rear wheel and spun eventually reversing through the righthander which gave me an easy exit from the gravel trap. In this case it was my fellow Brit.
I eventually crossed the line 14th but gained 2 spots to tyre penalties. The Frenchman had already quit so I called the Brit out. (I had also received a sorry from a German but I wasn't sure what for.) To be fair to the Brit he said sorry and blamed another car. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and wished him a better race next time. I saved the replay to look at what happened.

The Frenchman must have just been lazy or wanted to restart the 100 years war. He broke at 75 meters which even after a penalty wouldn't stop him so I think he wanted to punt me. He got 3 seconds for it at least.

The Brit. Now he was nowhere near anyone else at the time of hitting me. However I could see he was having a battle with the driver he called out. And the way it was going I could see how he was annoyed. But at this point he had passed them ages ago and was free to settle down. I think he was thinking too much about the other driver and missed his braking point. He broke on the 100 board and tried to get the car into the corner right where I was rather than using the copious escape road provided. So whilst I hope I am right about there being nothing malicious there it was bad driving to the extreme. However he was getting loads of penalties per lap and was up to 7 seconds at one point that I saw so I think he does have a bad streak to him.

I somehow got out of there with +1 SR. How I don't know.

Interestingly both the guys which hit me got a 56 drop in SR. The Brit must have been reset afterwards as he ended up on 'E' SR

So pleased in a way but if the Frenchman hadn't punted me then I would have had a top ten for sure.
And THAT is exactly why I will NEVER run a race with cones on. If you have them on, you can hit them. If not, you can't. I do use the corner markers, ( blue floating teardrops) since, with bumper cam view, I can see the apex when running tight to the pack.
It doesn't matter anymore, the physics are changed. If you hit your cone it just goes flying off or roll away. On another person's console the car coeds flying but not on tours so you don't feel it.
The only downside of having cones on is that they can be taken out and if you haven't got another marker you are in trouble.
It's funny. Race C, noone blocks. In Race B, everyone blocks, except me. Maybe I should start blocking.
I did a Race B last night. Started pole, finished 2nd. The car that started 2nd showed only 1 bar and was jumping due to lag. I was showing 3.

I anticipated the movements of the car the whole way, the other car probably doing the same for me, lost a spot on T1 being extra careful. That part of the race sucked. But we worked together and pulled away from everyone else to finished with about a 5 second cushion. I was happy with the 2nd. I wouldn't want every race to be like that. But it was a good race in it's own way.

I have been doing race B this week - Group 4 at Fuji.
  • Got to see @rhcpeppers.
  • The death announcement of the FF is premature. There is definitely a mix of cars and the Jag F-Type and the McLaren 650s are prominent but there are others. VW Sirocco (FF), a car I have only tried once before (and discounted), has faired better than the other FFs after the nerfing.
  • What is with swerve blocking? It feels/is very wrong. It is not literal blocking but involves swerving to inhibit the draft for the racer behind. It requires multiple moves on the straight. Do not like it. Don't know how to combat it.
  • A racer introduced me to bump drafting on the straight as a teamwork thing to create more distance to the trailing pack. It was new for me but he intimated that part of the "thing" is that the bumped car might miscalculate his brake point. Good to know self-interest is the motivator otherwise "charity" and racing tend to not mix. :sly:
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I have been doing race B this week - Group 4 at Suzuka.
  • Got to see @rhcpeppers.
  • The death announcement of the FF is premature. There is definitely a mix of cars and the Jag F-Type and the McLaren 650s are prominent but there are others. VW Sirocco (FF), a car I have only tried once before (and discounted), has faired better than the other FFs after the nerfing.
  • What is with swerve blocking? It feels/is very wrong. It is not literal blocking but involves swerving to inhibit the draft for the racer behind. It requires multiple moves on the straight. Do not like it. Don't know how to combat it.
  • A racer introduced me to bump drafting on the straight as a teamwork thing to create more distance to the trailing pack. It was new for me but he intimated that part of the "thing" is that the bumped car might miscalculate his brake point. Good to know self-interest is the motivator otherwise "charity" and racing tend to not mix. :sly:
For breaking the draft, I will do one move off my line, then usually come back to optimal. My biggest pet peeve is swerving to block after a penalty or error. I really wish PD would keep cars ghosted if someone is coming from behind with a high closing rate. Either that, or penalize anyone that makes a quick steering move that results in a rear end collision. And you shouldn't get penalized if hit from behind into another car. It doesn't seem like it should be so hard. All the data is in the game.
It doesn't matter anymore, the physics are changed. If you hit your cone it just goes flying off or roll away. On another person's console the car coeds flying but not on tours so you don't feel it.
The only downside of having cones on is that they can be taken out and if you haven't got another marker you are in trouble.
@Pigems once mentioned you can pause while on straights and turn them off and back on quickly . I’ve been doing that since then :cheers:
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It's funny. Race C, noone blocks. In Race B, everyone blocks, except me. Maybe I should start blocking.

Please invite me to your race C p!ease. It's just seems to have got back to block or punt after a couple of good days of racing and I am getting increasingly tired of it. Think I might be done for the week and I hope we have better racing next week (though I know that probably a false hope).
Great driving. PD should have that replay in their driving ettiqute section on how to race fairly and clean. Good positioning with no movement when fighting side by side. Pulling out of moves that could end in disaster (Ascari lap1). Working with another driver for mutual benefit.
Only 1 critisism. Lap 5 just before Ascari you bump draft him a little too close to the braking zone. But he handled it well so no foul that time.

Woah, thank you!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to look through and give feedback.
I have been doing race B this week - Group 4 at Suzuka.
  • What is with swerve blocking? It feels/is very wrong. It is not literal blocking but involves swerving to inhibit the draft for the racer behind. It requires multiple moves on the straight. Do not like it. Don't know how to combat it.

Better racers than me may have a better answer, but my mindset is that I'm not going to chase someone around for a slipstream. If I didn't need it to catch them, then I can pass them without it too. I also think its a trap to get you out of position to make a mistake and let them get more separation. I try to respond to it only to trigger their little dance and get that person off the line that I want to use for the next turn to set up my pass. At Monza, there is a long game to this as I may not close enough to make the pass on Curva Grande, but if I do it right, I can get on their bumper out of the Lesmos to pass them before Ascari. The danger is it can compromise you from behind if someone is slipping off of you and you don't have one. I just try to live to fight another day in that situation as three or more cars swerving for a slip is almost sure to be a disaster, so I'll give up a spot...for now.
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