"Daily" Race Discussion

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DSQing people in an online lobby for 3 penalties in a race would be terrible. A penalty system is always bound to give unfair penalties. That’s just asking for people to get DSQed for being a victim.
I didn't say get disqualified for getting a penalty for being a victim. I said getting 3 penalties for running other drivers off the track should get you a disqualification. And maybe it needs to be terrible. But it might put an end to so many rammers in the lobbies. I'm tired of getting pushed off the track and then getting a penalty for a track limit violation. That's just BS. I didn't do anything wrong, yet I get a penalty. And the one who hit me.....nothing. They're actually rewarding bad driving by doing that.

I try to race clean. If I make a mistake and hit another driver, I slow down to let them pass. Most times, it's done and over with. But sometimes I let them pass, then they slow down to get behind me and ram me off the track. I apologize in the chat afterwards, but get called.....things for doing it. I try to do the right thing, yet I get punished for it. Where's the fun in that? Where's the sportsmanship?

I try to race clean to get my DR up so hopefully I'll be put in better lobbies. Yet along comes some numbnuts who wants to ram everyone else off the track so he can take that coveted 12th position. I get a penalty, my DR suffers, and I tumble down the ranks and remain in lower, crappier lobbies.
I didn't say get disqualified for getting a penalty for being a victim. I said getting 3 penalties for running other drivers off the track should get you a disqualification. And maybe it needs to be terrible. But it might put an end to so many rammers in the lobbies. I'm tired of getting pushed off the track and then getting a penalty for a track limit violation. That's just BS. I didn't do anything wrong, yet I get a penalty. And the one who hit me.....nothing. They're actually rewarding bad driving by doing that.

I try to race clean. If I make a mistake and hit another driver, I slow down to let them pass. Most times, it's done and over with. But sometimes I let them pass, then they slow down to get behind me and ram me off the track. I apologize in the chat afterwards, but get called.....things for doing it. I try to do the right thing, yet I get punished for it. Where's the fun in that? Where's the sportsmanship?

I try to race clean to get my DR up so hopefully I'll be put in better lobbies. Yet along comes some numbnuts who wants to ram everyone else off the track so he can take that coveted 12th position. I get a penalty, my DR suffers, and I tumble down the ranks and remain in lower, crappier lobbies.
I understand your frustration. However a computer based penalty system is always bound to give unfair penalties. For example, if you get punted and push someone else, or any other scenario where the system may find you at fault, you’re at risk of getting closer to a dsq. Only having a real life steward could take into account those scenarios, and even then it wouldn’t be perfect. Developing a penalty system that works for everyone is way harder than it sounds. Even IRacing, arguably the game with the most advanced online system still has many faults.
DSQing people in an online lobby for 3 penalties in a race would be terrible. A penalty system is always bound to give unfair penalties. That’s just asking for people to get DSQed for being a victim.
Yep, we had that before. I got disqualified a couple times on BMB because people kept draft bumping :banghead:

However it can work, there are plenty cases that are clear cut. A simple mutual SR Down for the ones that aren't. Get rid of penalty zones (they only create more trouble) and carry the penalty to the finish. However when your total penalty time reaches 5 seconds, DQ out of the race.

For clear cut cases the game needs to look at what happened before instead of only looking at the outcome.

If you brake too late for a corner without any help from others punting you along, you are suspect. If you hit a car in that state, 2 sec penalty.

If you're beside another car and there is contact resulting in less than a car width left for the other car to drive in, 1 sec penalty. You always need to leave room when beside another car with one exception. At corner exit when you are more than 50% ahead. In that case mutual SR Down.

Brake checks and blocking / bad track re-entry / reckless driving. If there is nothing in front of you and you are far below the pace for that section (either brake checking, hit a wall, spun out, bad driving), 1 sec penalty when blocking the path of an oncoming car. If there are slow cars ahead, ie braking for an incident, mutual SR Down on contact.

Side contact in corners is tricky. The infamous stick a nose on the inside and use the other car to make the corner. In that case the outcome counts. If your nose contacts the back of the car ahead in a corner and you gain a position, 1 sec penalty. Except if the car ahead is trying to cut you off, that is, steering towards the inside instead of corner exit. Mutual SR Down in that case.

Hit the back of a car that is back on the throttle near the Apex, 1 sec penalty. To catch the dive bumper.
Hit the back of a car in a braking zone, also 1 sec penalty. Don't bump.

The problem with the penalty system always was, it only looks at where two cars collided and what happens after. What it needs to look at is who is deviating the most from the regular flow off the track before the point of contact. A dive bomb is very easy to detect that way. The bomber is both going too fast for where he is on the track, and misaligned with the racing line. Yet the penalty system always only looked at the outcome. And if the dive bomber would go off track as well, chances were the victim got the penalty. And now it's even worse since the dive bomber gets immunity from shortcut and wall penalties after contact.

When it's not clear cut, for example car A started braking too early, too slow for where he is on track, and car B bumps in the braking zone, mutual SR Down instead. It's not that much work to set the values for each track combo, there are only 3 combos a week.
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Yep, we had that before. I got disqualified a couple times on BMB because people kept draft bumping :banghead:

However it can work, there are plenty cases that are clear cut. A simple mutual SR Down for the ones that aren't. Get rid of penalty zones (they only create more trouble) and carry the penalty to the finish. However when your total penalty time reaches 5 seconds, DQ out of the race.

For clear cut cases the game needs to look at what happened before instead of only looking at the outcome.

If you brake too late for a corner without any help from others punting you along, you are suspect. If you hit a car in that state, 2 sec penalty.

If you're beside another car and there is contact resulting in less than a car width left for the other car to drive in, 1 sec penalty. You always need to leave room when beside another car with one exception. At corner exit when you are more than 50% ahead. In that case mutual SR Down.

Brake checks and blocking / bad track re-entry / reckless driving. If there is nothing in front of you and you are far below the pace for that section (either brake checking, hit a wall, spun out, bad driving), 1 sec penalty when blocking the path of an oncoming car. If there are slow cars ahead, ie braking for an incident, mutual SR Down on contact.

Side contact in corners is tricky. The infamous stick a nose on the inside and use the other car to make the corner. In that case the outcome counts. If your nose contacts the back of the car ahead in a corner and you gain a position, 1 sec penalty. Except if the car ahead is trying to cut you off, that is, steering towards the inside instead of corner exit. Mutual SR Down in that case.

Hit the back of a car that is back on the throttle near the Apex, 1 sec penalty. To catch the dive bumper.

The problem with the penalty system always was, it only looks at where two cars collided and what happens after. What it needs to look at is who is deviating the most from the regular flow off the track before the point of contact. A dive bomb is very easy to detect that way. The bomber is both going too fast for where he is on the track, and misaligned with the racing line. Yet the penalty system always only looked at the outcome. And if the dive bomber would go off track as well, chances were the victim got the penalty. And now it's even worse since the dive bomber gets immunity from shortcut and wall penalties after contact.
That all sounds nice but I find it extremely hard to believe the system is capable of knowing who to blame for every situation and not give an unfair penalty and not allow people to take advantage of the system and still allow good racing. There’s a reason real life motorsports don’t rely on a computer to hand out penalties. You’re never going to make a system that accounts for every situation without having too strict rules and satisfying everyone.
That all sounds nice but I find it extremely hard to believe the system is capable of knowing who to blame for every situation and not give an unfair penalty and not allow people to take advantage of the system and still allow good racing. There’s a reason real life motorsports don’t rely on a computer to hand out penalties. You’re never going to make a system that accounts for every situation without having too strict rules and satisfying everyone.
Forget about every situation. The point is to catch the easy ones, clear cut ones to stop the bad behavior.

There are a couple golden rules: Always leave room. This is very easy for an algorithm to figure out. Track edge minus car width, are you over that line pushing a car out, you're in the wrong. If there was previous contact before or you're getting pushed yourself, mutual SR Down. Stay out of those situations or suffer a little SR loss. It won't affect your race, but will eventually sort the more careful drivers from the reckless.

And no bumping in braking zones. Same there, catch the easy ones. There is a clear driving line with optimal speed through each corner. The one that deviates the most from that when contact happens (with a bit more leniency to the car in front), is at fault. If it's close, or there was prior contact, mutual SR Down.

Not penalizing any bad behavior and actually encouraging bad behavior (it's better to hit people than hit a wall or go on the grass which will give you a penalty) has led to the crap we have now.

Penalties for the certain cases, SR down for every other contact. Max 5 SR to gain per race. -2 SR for every contact with another car, -1 SR for going off track / touching walls / spinning out, on your own. You could wave that avoidance SR deduction when doing the right thing, slowing yourself down by avoiding another car. That can be detected as well, just play a bit of Forza Horizon and it will tell you all the time, great escape etc. Give it an SR up arrow when you run yourself off to avoid a car. Currently GT Sport gladly gives you a wall or shortcut penalty even though you already lose time.
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Forget about every situation. The point is to catch the easy ones, clear cut ones to stop the bad behavior.

There are a couple golden rules: Always leave room. This is very easy for an algorithm to figure out. Track edge minus car width, are you over that line pushing a car out, you're in the wrong. If there was previous contact before or you're getting pushed yourself, mutual SR Down. Stay out of those situations or suffer a little SR loss. It won't affect your race, but will eventually sort the more careful drivers from the reckless.

And no bumping in braking zones. Same there, catch the easy ones. There is a clear driving line with optimal speed through each corner. The one that deviates the most from that when contact happens (with a bit more leniency to the car in front), is at fault. If it's close, or there was prior contact, mutual SR Down.

Not penalizing any bad behavior and actually encouraging bad behavior (it's better to hit people than hit a wall or go on the grass which will give you a penalty) has led to the crap we have now.

Penalties for the certain cases, SR down for every other contact. Max 5 SR to gain per race. -2 SR for every contact with another car, -1 SR for going off track / touching walls / spinning out, on your own. You could wave that avoidance SR deduction when doing the right thing, slowing yourself down by avoiding another car. That can be detected as well, just play a bit of Forza Horizon and it will tell you all the time, great escape etc. Give it an SR up arrow when you run yourself off to avoid a car. Currently GT Sport gladly gives you a wall or shortcut penalty even though you already lose time.
You’re bound to have a bit of contact when passing. By your logic the person making the pass is at a huge disadvantage. If they make light contact it’s their fault since they went off the racing line. If the person in front turns in but the passer stays on track and contact is made it’s the passer at fault since technically there was a car width. And your system allows for people to easily take advantage. If I’m side by side with someone else in a narrow track and we both make light contact, they can simply drive off track in order to give me a penalty. If I’m behind someone in a brake zone, they can brake early or excessively so that I bump into them and I get a penalty.
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I'm doing basically the same thing as you but I do a quick tap of the brake to get lined up for the exit before the final corner of the section. It's just getting the initial entry angle and speed right for me. Any advice is welcome by me so I'll take it.

I'm using the Vantage for this race. But, I use the Vantage for most Gr.3 races as I have the most experience with it. If you use it, your results may vary. I stay in 3rd gear through the section and hug the curbs. I think 2nd gear would lose you a bunch of speed.
What sort of times are you doing? I’ll have a go at that later today. I love the last flowing chicanes though!
In the other sweeping right hander you don't even need to brake. Just lift off and start a little wide and use the inner portion of of the track/curb on exit. The turn you are talking about is basically the same, except you will probably need a dab of the brakes to take off a little speed before you turn in. I am speaking more from what I have read/watched about this layout. My ability to do these turns well is not great, despite knowing how I should be handling them, I am still not as fast on exit as I would like.

You can always go into qualifying and follow some top 10 ghosts to see their lines, or, as others noted, check out Mistah's and Tidgney's you tube track guides on you tube.

Thanks. The first one you referred to I've got solved. It's the second one, but it sounds the same approach. Since I'm doing about 135 to 140 going into the first one, I do typically brake quickly to try to get my speed down to 118. I try to maintain that through the turn and find I can accelerate off with no problem. I just don't start quite as wide as some do. Same for the final turn. I'll try just getting wider instead of cutting across the middle and trying to hug the curb.

If you feel like driving some lobbies there's a whole sector devoted to that here in the forum.
Unless I'm missing something, I've sifted through all of the lobbies off and on for days. It's typically just one to two people... or people just drifting... or people running Tomahawks. The competition seems to be balanced in the daily races (at least better than lobbies) and so I find them much more enjoyable / rewarding. I may never run a lobby again unless it's one I create / host.

I don't know why I keep trying.

I entered 1 race, and my DR dropped to D. All thanks to getting shoved off the track twice. Not something I did.....but another driver running me off the track. And one was an actual hit from behind to knock me through a chicane. He actually cut the chicane, hit me, ran me off the track, then continued on. No penalty for him.

The other was a side swipe that ran me wide, yet they stayed on the track. And as always, no penalty for the offender.

The sport mode is basically a joke at this point. I say bring back the penalties and if you hit another driver, a 1 second penalty should be given.....BUT TO THE DRIVER THAT DID THE HITTING, NOT THE ONE THAT GOT RAN OFF THE TRACK! And if you get 3 in 1 race, you get disqualified. The penalties need to be severe. Yes, people will complain. So be it. Be better at driving and/or stop using other drivers to make your way around the track simply because you're too lazy to learn the proper lines and braking points.
I don't take it sitting down. If people are driving well over their heads (especially in the early going), I make a note of their names and deliver justice. The funny thing is, after this incident... I got credited with a clean race bonus.

Unless I'm missing something, I've sifted through all of the lobbies off and on for days. It's typically just one to two people... or people just drifting... or people running Tomahawks. The competition seems to be balanced in the daily races (at least better than lobbies) and so I find them much more enjoyable / rewarding. I may never run a lobby again unless it's one I create / host.
Here you go

Edit: right now I have a thread up for a race on Jan 2
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No, your not bound to have a bit of contact in a pass. I agree that a lot of people seem to believe it, they touch or sideswipe even when there's plenty of room.
If you can't pass without making contact wait to pass...
What are you talking about?
Are you trying to tell us that when you make a pass, the other car doesn't end up off the track, and facing the wrong direction? :lol:
You must be doing something wrong.
Same here. It's just an awkward entry that I can get it right on some of the time. I know that's where I'm losing all my time for setting a good qualifying time this week.
If anyone has any tips on how to attack these corners I'm all ears.
I'm not sure if you guys have either been able to improve on your lap times, but I took a crack at it yesterday. The best I could do in my favorite cars was a 1:34.9. Broke out the META Supra & BOOM, 1:33.5. Here is what that looks like. As much as you are asking for help on how to attack the corner, the problem is I can never seem to hit that corner the same every lap. And that includes qualifying sessions. :dunce:

I just watched a video by Devon, the guy who does the IOTW videos. He wants to compare this downhill chicane to DTS's CoD. I'm sorry, but there really is no comparison. We've had DTS so many times, most of us have a rhythm through there. This is the first time for Yamagiwa II & I personally don't have rhythm through there.....yet.
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No, your not bound to have a bit of contact in a pass. I agree that a lot of people seem to believe it, they touch or sideswipe even when there's plenty of room.
If you can't pass without making contact wait to pass...
Plenty of people turn in a bit because they’re not aware until they can feel someone there.
The best I could do in my favorite cars was a 1:34.9. Broke out the META Supra & BOOM, 1:33.5.
Try some laps in the Beetle. For me it's 3-4 tenths faster than the Supra.
No idea why people are choosing the Supra. :confused:
It may have a tiny bit more speed than the Beetle, but the VW handles every single turn better. 👍

*Also, if you time your turn-ins just right, it will go through the downhill Ss at full-throttle. :D
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Another race (B)
Another punt (hard one....in the esses....spun me around almost twice)
More DR lost


Hadn't touched another car up to that point. Had made some passes and was up into 4th (from 7th). Was hoping to get a clean race award and maybe push my DR upwards, a bit. Nope!
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Another race (B)
Another punt (hard one....in the esses....spun me around almost twice)
More DR lost

It sure sounds as if you are having a terrible experience.
I found that driving like the other cars are made of Lava and being assertive and clear when defending has helped with your situation.
I even let people by if they are obviously faster, so I can follow.
Plenty of people turn in a bit because they’re not aware until they can feel someone there.
That's their fault. Focus on being clean yourself. Pass as best as you can without contact. If they hit you then there is generally nothing wrong with what you did. If they end up off out of it then they should only blame themselves. If you end up off over it then you can blame them so long as the move was clean from yourself in the first place.
It sure sounds as if you are having a terrible experience.
I found that driving like the other cars are made of Lava and being assertive and clear when defending has helped with your situation.
I even let people by if they are obviously faster, so I can follow.
That's basically how I drive. I'm a nice driver. I let faster cars go by without moving over to block.....or moving at all. I let them make the move they want to make. Sometimes, though, some moron tries to make a pass in a chicane. If I'm faster than someone, and I come up to them at a chicane, I wait. I'm not about to put myself and someone else off the track just to try and make a cool pass in a chicane. It hardly ever works out for all parties involved. But I guess that's my problem.....I'm too nice. I did run another race, but I made a mistake at that dang chicane. I got on the brakes a little bit too late and overcooked it going into the left part of the right-left-right, and wound up against the wall. I got passed by 2 others, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Although I'd made a couple passes, so I actually finished where I started; 8th.
That's basically how I drive. I'm a nice driver. I let faster cars go by without moving over to block.....or moving at all. I let them make the move they want to make. Sometimes, though, some moron tries to make a pass in a chicane. If I'm faster than someone, and I come up to them at a chicane, I wait. I'm not about to put myself and someone else off the track just to try and make a cool pass in a chicane. It hardly ever works out for all parties involved. But I guess that's my problem.....I'm too nice. I did run another race, but I made a mistake at that dang chicane. I got on the brakes a little bit too late and overcooked it going into the left part of the right-left-right, and wound up against the wall. I got passed by 2 others, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Although I'd made a couple passes, so I actually finished where I started; 8th.
It sounds like you're on the right track. With time comes race craft and you will learn to read other drivers better.
But it's good to be nice. Just don't roll over
You’re bound to have a bit of contact when passing. By your logic the person making the pass is at a huge disadvantage. If they make light contact it’s their fault since they went off the racing line. If the person in front turns in but the passer stays on track and contact is made it’s the passer at fault since technically there was a car width. And your system allows for people to easily take advantage. If I’m side by side with someone else in a narrow track and we both make light contact, they can simply drive off track in order to give me a penalty. If I’m behind someone in a brake zone, they can brake early or excessively so that I bump into them and I get a penalty.
Others have already said that you can pass perfectly fine without contact, if not wait for a better opportunity. It's not your right to pass, qualify better if you don't want to be held up by slower cars. I don't qualify and know full well, it is on me to pass cleanly avoiding all contact.

So yes, you are at a disadvantage passing, that's the challenge. You're already dealing with dirty air, unwanted slipstream while braking, a car blocking your view. Making a clean pass is the challenge and what it's all about.

The situations you mention can be solved. If the car ahead tries to cut you off, that is not following the regular flow to corner exit, then they are deviating from the line. For every entry vector to a corner, there is an optimal line through the corner. An algorithm can easily determine that line, and yes a lot of those line intersect. The AI can avoid each other, so the logic is there to adjust the lines on the fly to 'untangle' them. If one of the two cars deviates a lot more than the other car from both 'solutions' then that car is in the wrong and deserves a penalty. If it's not clear cut, mutual SR Down.

Some absolutes can be added as well. When entering a corner without overlap, then the car ahead has a right to the apex. If that car is not deviating excessively from his line through the corner, and you stick a nose on the inside resulting in contact, then overtaker is always wrong. When entering the corner with overlap, both cars need to leave room, also easy to determine who is getting pushed off their line the most / who is forced on the kerbs.

You say it's easy to take advantage by driving off after contact. If there is room for the other car, that is, they didn't need to go off, mutual SR Down is enough. But if you're not leaving room, you get a penalty. Or if it's a forceful sideswipe causing the other car to go off / hit a wall, also penalty. An algorithm can easily determine force and direction of impact and compare that to the flow of traffic on that part of the course.

The problem with the penalty system always was, it only looks at the outcome. Contact + car loses position / goes off / hits wall, other car must be at fault. That will never work, the game needs to look at and compare to the flow off the track.

Early excessive braking is caught by looking at the driving lines through the corner. If you're going too slow for that part of the track without any obstacles in front, you're at fault, penalty. Otherwise mutual SR Down.

When you're behind, it's on you not to hit the person in front. I've adopted a slow in, fast out strategy since it gives me minimal risk to run into the car ahead and optimal chances to pass at corner exit. I also stagger my braking, slightly to the side of the car ahead to stay out of slipstream / dirty air and if they start braking too early I don't hit them. Plus a lot of people assume I'm going to dive bomb, panic, brake too late and mess up... Contact free pass... Always brake a little early though, plenty dive to the inside in the braking zone to block you just in case, some assume I'm there to catch them, I'm not and they crash into the inside wall lol. If they're defending the inside also be prepared they might veer to the outside in the braking zone.

Swerving in braking zones with no one in front should also be a penalty imo. 0.5 sec or SR Down. It's one of the big causes of incidents on the track, but first corner rights need to be implemented to stop dive bombs.

It's tricky with a car right on your tail, sometimes it's better to let the car behind pass, that is move off the line, brake a bit early and watch the car behind bump the car off you were behind. Plenty races I simply follow a dirty driver while they clear a path :/ Eventually he'll crash himself as well and race on. That's what GT Sport has turned into. 90% of my position gains are from other people's wrecks... While getting rammed or punted off at least once per short race.

I don't agree computers have it more difficult than stewards to come up with a solution. The computer has all the information, all the inputs, precise speed vectors, all conditions known. A steward only has disjointed camera angles to make a judgement call from. The only tricky part is the lag factor. Yet when in doubt, mutual SR Down. The more contact the lower your SR, that's how it should be.
Regarding what @Sven Jurgens was talking about the other day (matchmaking).
I had a great example at race B of how bad the formula is.
My SR dropped below 90, into the high 80s.
Next race, I'm matched against 15 D/S drivers. My rating was 40k+/S. smh
When I was mid/high-tier C, I got put into a lobby with D/C/B/A drivers. All of the SRs were S; but the DRs were all over the place. It was weird.
Didn't think the game still had new stuff in store, it did
"You could not sign up" NE-21000260, new error code.
Collect em all.

Last race I got used again. Car coming from behind, wiggles his nose on my inside bumper at the apex carrying too much speed into the last turn and nearly pit manoevers me. You can't take a corner normally anymore, dive in, slow out or hug the inside on the kerbs with nothing but grass further in...

The race before I saw it coming so went wide and let the Beetle through since I had no room to manoever with cars ahead. Bullyish aggressive driving wins. I would have passed him again before the next corner but it was the final lap and he simply blocked me to the line.

The rooms are at least all B/S, which apparently stands for ********.

Lol now I'm getting "No Daily Race events found" :banghead:
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I'm not sure if you guys have either been able to improve on your lap times, but I took a crack at it yesterday. The best I could do in my favorite cars was a 1:34.9. Broke out the META Supra & BOOM, 1:33.5. Here is what that looks like. As much as you are asking for help on how to attack the corner, the problem is I can never seem to hit that corner the same every lap. And that includes qualifying sessions. :dunce:

I just watched a video by Devon, the guy who does the IOTW videos. He wants to compare this downhill chicane to DTS's CoD. I'm sorry, but there really is no comparison. We've had DTS so many times, most of us have a rhythm through there. This is the first time for Yamagiwa II & I personally don't have rhythm through there.....yet.

Just a bit of advice, friend!

You could go tighter into T1, on the posted lap you go quite deep. Into T2/T3, don’t go up to fifth. Those two corners work fine in fourth but third is fine as well, also attack the first curb more. Over, not so much around. T4, again no need to go up to fifth there, stay in fourth until you start braking. Afterwards, in the hairpin avoid first gear, stay in second. Third bogs a bit too much. Obviously avoid the grass on exit.

Approaching the chicane, you can cut a lot here. Never go into second gear. Fourth all the way through actually works decently but so does going down to third after the first two curbs. Try braking and going down gears while going straight, not turning. And attack the curbs! Go over. You may have some laps ruined by corner cutting penalties as it’s quite tricky but it is the way to do it.

Exiting the chicane I don’t understand what you’re doing going to the right? The following long right-hander is done quite well! For the downhill section I see no purpose for sixth gear, I go fifth all the way there. Last corner can be done in a number of ways, yours is quite fine in qualifying as you get good exit speed.

Good luck!
What sort of times are you doing? I’ll have a go at that later today. I love the last flowing chicanes though!
I'm currently at a 1:34.009. I know I can be quicker but that downhill chicane is tripping me up still.
The best I could do in my favorite cars was a 1:34.9. Broke out the META Supra & BOOM, 1:33.5. Here is what that looks like. As much as you are asking for help on how to attack the corner, the problem is I can never seem to hit that corner the same every lap. And that includes qualifying sessions. :dunce:
Ok, based on the first video you posted, my entry angle for the downhill section is way too wide. I'll try and hug that curb like you did and if I can gain some time there I'll be good. It's also the consistency factor that's going to be a pain.
Just a bit of advice, friend!

You could go tighter into T1, on the posted lap you go quite deep. Into T2/T3, don’t go up to fifth. Those two corners work fine in fourth but third is fine as well, also attack the first curb more. Over, not so much around. T4, again no need to go up to fifth there, stay in fourth until you start braking. Afterwards, in the hairpin avoid first gear, stay in second. Third bogs a bit too much. Obviously avoid the grass on exit.

Approaching the chicane, you can cut a lot here. Never go into second gear. Fourth all the way through actually works decently but so does going down to third after the first two curbs. Try braking and going down gears while going straight, not turning. And attack the curbs! Go over. You may have some laps ruined by corner cutting penalties as it’s quite tricky but it is the way to do it.

Exiting the chicane I don’t understand what you’re doing going to the right? The following long right-hander is done quite well! For the downhill section I see no purpose for sixth gear, I go fifth all the way there. Last corner can be done in a number of ways, yours is quite fine in qualifying as you get good exit speed.

Good luck!
Who cares about gears? I got under 1:32 with an automatic transmission. :lol: