Amazing amount of races, I have to say. Very nice. I’ll see if I could attempt to keep up with you (Or SvennoJ who I thought was in pole position concering amount of races) going into GT7 (assuming you’re moving on).

I flew around the world for a year, took a sabbatical from GT Sport
I have flown around the world at an average height of 2,500 ft, discovered many new places, all with real time and weather. Flight plans are attached if anyone is interested. Simply save the .pln file in \Users<user-name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\ and you can load them on the...
322 days, 600K km, 7146 stops.
@BenRod is a more loyal fan, he has raced 500 days more than me!
I've taken more breaks for other games, I'm a sinner
Impressive number of races
@BenRod! With almost 3x the number of victories
Interesting to compare distance driven:
I've driven 575,434.688 Km, avg 40.5 km per race
You're at 384,067.488 Km, avg 18.4 km per race
Still got you 'beat' in time driven
I've driven for 148 days, 4 hours, 39 min and 10 s, avg 15.02 minutes per race
You're at 126 days, 8 hours, 21 min and 2 s, avg 11.03 minutes per race
You are truly a race A racer

I alternate between B and C, prefer C, rarely do A and always prefer faster cars!
@graesand I think PD just gave up on the penalty system since it fundamentally can't work the way they designed it. It can only look at outcome after contact, lacking the context to determine what happened and thus not able to assign blame correctly. And they can't do shared blame since FIA opposes to that. FIA wants advantages penalized (or so I've heard) hence we got the ****** system where simply surviving a suicide bomber would net you a penalty.
Not sure why PD refused to change the SR scale to stop the yoyo effect or get rid of the DR resets to stop fast dirty drivers to mask as low DR taking easy victories, or fix the bug in matchmaking where the fastest lower SR players end up in the left over spots of rooms with the slowest higher SR players. I guess PD was too fixated on the blame side to see all the other problems.
Thus my hope is for a fully redesigned SR/DR/penalty system for GT7.
It's not to get people to move over, they could simply do a GT5, shut off the servers 6 months after GT7 comes out, if not sooner...