"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
General question.
I have a lot of cars at least 2 times.For some I made different liveries. in race B I use the Veyron and in my old veyron I manage to drive faster than in the new one. Of course I use for both the same setting. 1tc (don't have to prove my manhood, since I'm not a man, so I can use tc, lol) and -2 on the brakes.
I experienced this, with every car that I use double. (so same car, different mileage, same setting, different livery)
Another thing, in race B I'm grouped with C/S and B/S mostly. Since a few days, the first three places are drivers who run 1:46,*** . I have the impression, that the lack of penalty and overuse of resets, makes all matchmaking off balance. On the other hand, I'm wondering, how the drivers in front of me manage those qualifying times. I make up at least 3 spots in the first lap. because of them crashing or misjudging the corners. In one race I thought those people must be on this track for the first time.
General question.
I have a lot of cars at least 2 times.For some I made different liveries. in race B I use the Veyron and in my old veyron I manage to drive faster than in the new one. Of course I use for both the same setting. 1tc (don't have to prove my manhood, since I'm not a man, so I can use tc, lol) and -2 on the brakes.
I experienced this, with every car that I use double. (so same car, different mileage, same setting, different livery)
Another thing, in race B I'm grouped with C/S and B/S mostly. Since a few days, the first three places are drivers who run 1:46,*** . I have the impression, that the lack of penalty and overuse of resets, makes all matchmaking off balance. On the other hand, I'm wondering, how the drivers in front of me manage those qualifying times. I make up at least 3 spots in the first lap. because of them crashing or misjudging the corners. In one race I thought those people must be on this track for the first time.
One of my biggest fears is out qualifying myself. That's why if I put up a good time, I make sure I can hit that time consistently before I race.
and yes, most races were nearly unbearably dirty. If my Veyron wouldn't be such a tank, the Sciroccos and other F F's would have punted me to oblivion.
By the way, is there a reason, why Danish drivers have a urgent drive to push my German ars'e off the track? maybe something happened in football or so?
One of my biggest fears is out qualifying myself. That's why if I put up a good time, I make sure I can hit that time consistently before I race.
exactly. in race C , I even break before the finish line, when I had an exceptional good time, which I wouldn't be able to reproduce.
Don’t understand why when someone is clearly faster and they overtake you they have to push you wide for no reason and constantly keep hitting you when running side by side down a straight…
Lack of skill or maturity. If someone is faster, I'll let them go. That courtesy has been extended to me a few times as well. But if the faster driver has to push another car off or side slam them in order to keep the position, then I don't consider them faster. Maybe just more bold through one sector of track than I was. I have one rule: if I can tell that contact between me & another car was more than accidental, then they will get contact back.
One of my biggest fears is out qualifying myself. That's why if I put up a good time, I make sure I can hit that time consistently before I race.
I see qualifying times as falling into 1 of 2 categories: 1) this is how I drive this track & this is going to be consistent. This tends to keep me starting 5th or deeper in the field. 2) some fluke lap that I'll never replicate. Gets me starting in the top 3, which I like. I prefer to qualify in order to hopefully avoid most of the carnage. Despite the horror stories about people's driving, you have to have a scumbag qualifying on pole in order to have problems in those kind of rooms.
I’ve certainly found that on the weekends you can get good fair racing in the morning, but after that it turns in to complete carnage.

I too find it odd that drivers have a quali time 1 second faster than my own, but in the race they are quite slow.

Also I think it’s alarming the number of drivers that don’t seem to be able to race against other none AI drivers. They seem to have one line and that’s it, I get up the inside and they turn in on me at the apex. I can’t simply disappear…!!!! You get a better corner exit and pull along side on the straight and they just keep bashing in to you, all the time slowing me and themselves down.

I could go on and on…

I’m quite new to GT sport mode and expected the standards to be a bit higher (currently high B DR)

I’m sure everyone has the same experiences time to time.

Hopefully the penalty system in GT 7 will be better… I mean the other week I was rammed off track but managed to keep it from hitting the barrier, lost 3 places and then got a 1.5 sec penalty for not sticking to track limits… bonkers

Still, had my first pole, fastest lap and the win in the same race, so not all bad…
I think I will quit GTS... esp. on weekends it is not possible to race one clean race without carnage...
Getting sucked in to another reddit debate about what clean racing is supposed to look like, it's hopeless. The vast majority is of the persuasion, if there is a gap, dive into it. Other car should use their radar to avoid 'ballsy' moves.

There are no rules to racing, diving to the apex means you got their first, so anyone following the racing line, being ahead before turn in is in the wrong when accelerating past the apex if they hit a car diving to the apex. Still braking and pointing to the outside of the corner to take some virtual apex somewhere in the middle of the road at 2/3rds into the corner, but got to the apex first, other car must somehow brake, turn back the other way to avoid the diver.

Racing is not about slowing each other down, but that's what GT Sport has turned into. Overtakes by getting a faster corner exit, draft pass on a straight is by far the best way to overtake. Side by side in corners is a last resort, not beneficial to either and definitely no good early in the race.

When going side by side it is important to present yourself. Not jump into a gap, be close to the car you are challenging so they know you are there and you are visible on the radar. Then either out brake, concede, or share the corner. Yet in GT Sport it has turned into shoving your car into the apex while half on the grass or kerb, get to the apex first, figure out how to complete the corner later.

GT7 desperately needs to explain how to overtake safely. If that's not part of the license tests and you can just jump into sport mode again after a 2 minute video, nothing will improve. A better SR/penalty system will help, but people will just be complaining that it's not in their favor. First you need to explain the rules before trying to enforce them.
Getting sucked in to another reddit debate about what clean racing is supposed to look like, it's hopeless. The vast majority is of the persuasion, if there is a gap, dive into it. Other car should use their radar to avoid 'ballsy' moves.

There are no rules to racing, diving to the apex means you got their first, so anyone following the racing line, being ahead before turn in is in the wrong when accelerating past the apex if they hit a car diving to the apex. Still braking and pointing to the outside of the corner to take some virtual apex somewhere in the middle of the road at 2/3rds into the corner, but got to the apex first, other car must somehow brake, turn back the other way to avoid the diver.

Racing is not about slowing each other down, but that's what GT Sport has turned into. Overtakes by getting a faster corner exit, draft pass on a straight is by far the best way to overtake. Side by side in corners is a last resort, not beneficial to either and definitely no good early in the race.

When going side by side it is important to present yourself. Not jump into a gap, be close to the car you are challenging so they know you are there and you are visible on the radar. Then either out brake, concede, or share the corner. Yet in GT Sport it has turned into shoving your car into the apex while half on the grass or kerb, get to the apex first, figure out how to complete the corner later.

GT7 desperately needs to explain how to overtake safely. If that's not part of the license tests and you can just jump into sport mode again after a 2 minute video, nothing will improve. A better SR/penalty system will help, but people will just be complaining that it's not in their favor. First you need to explain the rules before trying to enforce them.
Driving like every other car is the enemy is pretty video game specific. It doesn't resemble any real ife Motorsport.

"Don't do anything to make you look bad" and other attempts at shaming like YouTube videos doesn't work. If players were knowledgeable about some Motorsports and history it probably would work. But increasingly people aren't.

Sounds silly but maybe they need to dumb it down more. Have a warning that states GT Races are based on multi-participant Motorsport not a movie car chase with bad guys.
Driving like every other car is the enemy is pretty video game specific. It doesn't resemble any real ife Motorsport.

"Don't do anything to make you look bad" and other attempts at shaming like YouTube videos doesn't work. If players were knowledgeable about some Motorsports and history it probably would work. But increasingly people aren't.

Sounds silly but maybe they need to dumb it down more. Have a warning that states GT Races are based on multi-participant Motorsport not a movie car chase with bad guys.
Yeah, what I love about the sport and what seemingly most people don't get is that it's as much a co-operative sport as a competitive one. The goal is to reach the finish, preferably in first or in a better place than where you started. Yet for most players the goal seems to be to 'win' the next corner.

The overall strategy is completely missing in the majority of races. People get downright hostile when you bump draft, just to push them ahead to catch up to the slipstream of traffic further along. Then they put all their effort into defending / blocking the corner you obviously have no interest in contesting that player on and any time gained from bump drafting is lost again, going way off the racing line through the corner.

There are still people that get it although it's rare nowadays. So awesome to find a like minded driver in a different car. Then swap positions in the right places to maximize the strength of both cars. Some corners are faster in some cars, the other car uses the slip stream to keep up and pass on the straight to be ahead in corners that car is faster in, repeat. The gap to the front melting like butter.

It's another thing I blame the AI for. It really feels like one vs all when playing against AI. I swear they work together to slow you down so their AI buddies can get ahead :lol: Teaming up with an AI car, I haven't seen a single racing game yet where that works out.

Race strategies, another area GTS has absolutely nothing on. (Maybe the Lewis Hamilton DLC talks about it? I dunno, guess not since its a time trial)
There needs to be a full course on driving etiquette before being allowed online. I genuinely think a lot of it is ignorance. GT7 will have loads of new players and will be utter carnage I’m sure due to bad habits of ramming AI out the way.
You can also have these players take a test on how to drive properly and fairly every day before the first race, most will pass it and still behave like this in the race. These are just chat traits in a totally anonymous online scene. There are no real penalties ectr. for such cases and even if there is a penalty system, there will always be players who manipulate the system with their driving style to their advantage and to the detriment of the other drivers.

I had just such cases again in Suzuka and the "greatest" one was a real "specialist".
He was on 1, but because he only used medium tires AND because he himself pushed others out and blocked them. He was significantly slower than me, but every time I wanted to overtake him cleanly somewhere, he pushed me off the track or tried to, if I hadn't slowed down every time, the race would not have ended well for me.
On lap 7, before the last chicane, he again braked far too early and far too hard. So I just let it run and gave it a nudge, or rather dosed the braking point and the braking force normally and didn't adapt it to it.
At some point I'll have enough. I'm not a driver who takes advantage of others and pushes someone out over the green in a curve and overtakes. But if you try to push me unfairly or slow me down, you will get to know me differently at some point.
After the race, the driver complained badly, but he ended up 7th, ~1m30 down, so I'm relatively cold.
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Yeah, what I love about the sport and what seemingly most people don't get is that it's as much a co-operative sport as a competitive one. The goal is to reach the finish, preferably in first or in a better place than where you started. Yet for most players the goal seems to be to 'win' the next corner.

The overall strategy is completely missing in the majority of races. People get downright hostile when you bump draft, just to push them ahead to catch up to the slipstream of traffic further along. Then they put all their effort into defending / blocking the corner you obviously have no interest in contesting that player on and any time gained from bump drafting is lost again, going way off the racing line through the corner.

There are still people that get it although it's rare nowadays. So awesome to find a like minded driver in a different car. Then swap positions in the right places to maximize the strength of both cars. Some corners are faster in some cars, the other car uses the slip stream to keep up and pass on the straight to be ahead in corners that car is faster in, repeat. The gap to the front melting like butter.

It's another thing I blame the AI for. It really feels like one vs all when playing against AI. I swear they work together to slow you down so their AI buddies can get ahead :lol: Teaming up with an AI car, I haven't seen a single racing game yet where that works out.

Race strategies, another area GTS has absolutely nothing on. (Maybe the Lewis Hamilton DLC talks about it? I dunno, guess not since its a time trial)
I think once you get to a certain level in any sport or game. The rules become greyer. So it'd be pretty hard thing to teach when nobody really has it right.
I think once you get to a certain level in any sport or game. The rules become greyer. So it'd be pretty hard thing to teach when nobody really has it right.
It's not that the rules become grayer, it's the 'divas' that will push against the rules and stretch them by complaining the loudest. Then the supposedly impartial referees have to bend the rules to appease the most popular players. It's all about the advertising money in the end.

Unfortunately GT Sport's partnership with FIA makes it just as prone to this sort of pressure to fit the rules around the star players.

Well, I give up on DT: Seaside. I did 6 or 7 races, in all of them I got dive bombed, blocked in the bus stop by recoveries and rammed off. That course is no good in reverse either, just invites more stupid moves especially at the chicane.

Back to Suzuka, at least it's a lot longer.
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The overall strategy is completely missing in the majority of races. People get downright hostile when you bump draft, just to push them ahead to catch up to the slipstream of traffic further along. Then they put all their effort into defending / blocking the corner you obviously have no interest in contesting that player on and any time gained from bump drafting is lost again, going way off the racing line through the corner.
Thankfully many who are NASCAR fans understand race techniques such as bump drafting. The catch is those who don't think you're just trying to bump them out of the way. And since PD was penalizing drivers for bump drafting in one of those SSRX Ford GT races, they surely won't use a video to explain that as a racing technique.
@Sven Jurgens I just saw the reddit discussion you referenced. I watched both perspectives and I can see both points of view. I don’t think anyone was plain dirty to be honest. The bigger issue, and this one incident is a microcosm of Daily races being ruined, is why the guy was going for that overtake so desperately anyway. He would have lost at least that place plus probably one more as he’d compromised his exit so badly. The blue car didn’t do anything wrong but GTSport being what it is he should have known someone was going to lunge in there, happened to me a bunch when I was starting. So then you have to take really defensive lines hugging the inside of every corner which just slows you down, and brings more people into a group and raises the chances of carnage further. The mentality that everyone else needs to be ‘beaten’ at every opportunity like some sort of track based call of duty is the bigger problem I think.
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Took last week off and didn't bother racing at all (aside from a single lobby race which I dominated for a change!) but I think I'll be back this week for a race or two at Barcelona. Which car is META here this week? Using the Kudosprime random car selector, you'll find me in the RCZ, Cayman and 458...
Well I did good IMHO, I got in the last A race with the TVR and won, in the next A race was the HONDA FIT @ Laguna and I won the 2nd race there. 17ed374f1cd96-dcc18152E266106780F.315B375F96579043_message_420920665567148_1644221349871.jpg
Not bad for a weekend racer with controller.
Thankfully many who are NASCAR fans understand race techniques such as bump drafting. The catch is those who don't think you're just trying to bump them out of the way. And since PD was penalizing drivers for bump drafting in one of those SSRX Ford GT races, they surely won't use a video to explain that as a racing technique.
I guess because we don't run NASCAR, we run sports car race where any contact is a no-no.

Took last week off and didn't bother racing at all (aside from a single lobby race which I dominated for a change!) but I think I'll be back this week for a race or two at Barcelona. Which car is META here this week? Using the Kudosprime random car selector, you'll find me in the RCZ, Cayman and 458...
I think the 4wd can do well here
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Took last week off and didn't bother racing at all (aside from a single lobby race which I dominated for a change!) but I think I'll be back this week for a race or two at Barcelona. Which car is META here this week? Using the Kudosprime random car selector, you'll find me in the RCZ, Cayman and 458...
I'm thinking WRX and Lancer Evo. Megane Trophy might also be good, if AWD cars aren't your thing.

After a bunch of P3 to P6 finishes at Suzuka, I started on pole in this race and led every lap - til I was coming out of the last chicane and lost the rear 😭😭

I'd gone 6 medium, 4 hard and most of the rest went hard then medium. I had a 3 second gap after my stop, but it was down to 0.8 at the start of the last lap.

Aww man I feel that. It was squeaky clean from the Belgian too. At least a 3rd isn't the worst. You could have span and have been out of the top ten.
General question.
I have a lot of cars at least 2 times.For some I made different liveries. in race B I use the Veyron and in my old veyron I manage to drive faster than in the new one. Of course I use for both the same setting. 1tc (don't have to prove my manhood, since I'm not a man, so I can use tc, lol) and -2 on the brakes.
I experienced this, with every car that I use double. (so same car, different mileage, same setting, different livery)
Another thing, in race B I'm grouped with C/S and B/S mostly. Since a few days, the first three places are drivers who run 1:46,*** . I have the impression, that the lack of penalty and overuse of resets, makes all matchmaking off balance. On the other hand, I'm wondering, how the drivers in front of me manage those qualifying times. I make up at least 3 spots in the first lap. because of them crashing or misjudging the corners. In one race I thought those people must be on this track for the first time.
Your matching imbalance would be down to SR in the 80's. Seems SR has been a bit more sensitive recently and as it matches by SR first you can easily cross DR zones if you're near the border.
@Sven Jurgens I just saw the reddit discussion you referenced. I watched both perspectives and I can see both points of view. I don’t think anyone was plain dirty to be honest. The bigger issue, and this one incident is a microcosm of Daily races being ruined, is why the guy was going for that overtake so desperately anyway. He would have lost at least that place plus probably one more as he’d compromised his exit so badly. The blue car didn’t do anything wrong but GTSport being what it is he should have known someone was going to lunge in there, happened to me a bunch when I was starting. So then you have to take really defensive lines hugging the inside of every corner which just slows you down, and brings more people into a group and raises the chances of carnage further. The mentality that everyone else needs to be ‘beaten’ at every opportunity like some sort of track based call of duty is the bigger problem I think.
Yep. I fully understand why it happened and that it will happen again and again. Really what got me drawn in is him calling the moderators of the league he joined, fascists for criticizing his move then muting him when he mouthed off. It's not just that post there are two others.

The problem is the corners at Yamagiwa are just so incredibly wide which creates way too many intersecting ways to make the corner. I looked at the post from the other guy's perspective as well and compared the point of impact from both:

The teal car is still braking and turning trying to bend towards the Apex, while the Blue car is on the race line and accelerating to corner exit. The apex the blue car is aiming for is the actual apex, while the teal car will miss it an apex somewhere in the middle.

To me that looks like a dive bomb. But yeah it's GT Sport, wide corner, teal car can easily still make the corner. There's so much room to correct a bad corner entry like this.

Why I put the blame on the teal car is because he had the view of all three cars and should have realized the blue car can't see him (too far apart to show on radar) and has his attention focused on the two cars ahead he just lost position to. He's going for a return pass setting up a faster corner exit. The teal car jumps in the gap taking advantage of the blue car's slow in fast out line.

This is why I prefer all the narrower tracks, less ambiguous cases and far less room for dives.

Yesterday I ran into a sort of similar situation and I really don't know whether this was a legal overtake or not

I don't like that pass, but it looked to me like he screwed up and wasn't going to come back like that. Yet after looking at it again, it seems he was just slow through the corner, yet still had corner rights I think.

This is at the point of impact, speeds match, he's steering more sharply to get to the apex

Since our speeds are match I wouldn't have beaten him to the apex, yet did I achieve overlap legally to have a claim to the apex to go side by side? When someone makes a little mistake like that, is it 'legal' to enter the door so to say.

At the time it felt like he was trying to close a door that already had 70% of a car in it and seems like he was trying to slow me down by repeated bumping, determined to get to the inside. Yet I don't know if I was wrong or not to move in there or should I have kept braking to let him have the apex.

In 1.55 I would have gotten a penalty, that's all I know for sure :lol:
I'm thinking WRX and Lancer Evo. Megane Trophy might also be good, if AWD cars aren't your thing.
Tried the 458 on my lunch break and managed a mid 55 after a few laps. Not sure how that compares against the majority but it's a long way off the top 10 who are pretty much all in the WRX bar a single Megane Trophy...