DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

Some of us have kids that need to be fed, BK understood this and changed the time to 9 a.m. Pacific for Saturdays. So it wasn't 'bitching'. Try again, though.

I have kids too. It's called getting up at 6:00 and getting your act together before they wake up. Try that again. Oh and you used the "my kid grabbed my controller" excuse more than once this year. Try again.
Because my kid actually likes watching me play my game. And he doesn't get up at 6 in the morning on weekends. I didn't know my kid was yours and he acted the same, that's news to me. It's called mind your business- thought you weren't posting in this thread anymore? The chance to reply to me was too good to pass up. Gotta have that extra say.

When you know how my kid acts and what his schedule is, then you can make a claim. Until then, mind your business and don't expect explanations from me.
But you lose.

Actually Mitt is winning? So where's the logic in that statement? Another flip-flop :dunce:

You're derailing the thread with your off-topic posts. Questioning what I say like I need to lie. Acting like weve had past incidents before. Pretending to know me and my kid's schedule. Why are you here again when all you do is derail question act and pretend?
Do you guys mind taking this to PM? I'd get remarried if wanted to deal with this much bitching.
Guys can we please take the hostilities to pms please. Starting to make this thread look verry bad.
Actually Mitt is winning? So where's the logic in that statement?

Overall, Mitt is not winning. Among republicans, perhaps but not against the president. According to current polls that is...
He's not running against the president yet is he? So counting his current race he is. BTW I'm not a Mitt supporter. I don't follow his train of thought. He is a flip-flopper though. Love to see how he'll 'repeal Obamacare' when his original healthcare plan was the basis for it. Anyway. If any of you have a problem with how I drive, please tell me and I apologize if I come off too aggressive. I don't want people to get the impression like I don't make mistakes or can't take blame.
You said I was mistaken. That the penalties keep us in the 'track limits'. I said watch LeMans, they aren't the track limits. So in your words, I was wrong. Mistaken=wrong in my language. And DA- I don't have a problem with the penalties. I have a problem with consistency. At least we could leave them on or off for all the races. Not just certain rounds. That's what I was concerned about.

Sorry Seth, the penalties just define the track for those who push the limits. If you know you can go off somewhere you should take precautions to not go off. And yeah it sucks to get a penalty for a...

Dude, you have a twisted way of viewing things, I'm gonna leave it at that.
Maybe I just read too much into it? When you said that I was mistaken, I thought you meant the 'track limits' were how GT5 defined them with penalties on.
I blamed him? I said he grabbed my controller a couple times during the race which made me lose control. Thing is I was racing by myself at the time. The first time is when I came out the pits. I'm disrespectful because he came out the room with his mom and grabbed my controller? Sorry I don't follow this, you want me to lock my kid up when I race? I don't do that to my kid. He wouldn't have did this had his mom not brought him out where I'm playing. What's pathetic is that you can't acknowledge the fact that I said the same thing in the forum that I said to you. I don't need to hide anything. I took it to PM's because I didn't want to clutter the thread.

How dare you call me and my upbringing of my child 'disrespectful' to you and the other racers. How 'disrespectful' of you put words in my mouth and infer things which I never said. I never claimed he was to blame for messing my race up. I never said it was his fault. It's a game! I don't really care if I go off track while my kid comes up to me. Like I said before. You're a coward for not coming to me about things instead of trying to make it seem like I'm some dirty driver. Fix your connection issues or something so your car won't be so jumpy. You speak of disrespect, you're disrespecting me and my child by including him in your judgement of how my race goes. He doesn't influence my race. He has care, he has another parent. All of this is off topic and none of your business in the first place.

Again, 'manning up' isn't disrespecting someone's personal life or their children. So I ask you to please refrain from your comments about how I raise my kid or what goes on with him. Don't act like you know because you truly don't. Your ignorance is appalling.
Wow this like watching the same episode of a really bad reality show over and over and......................
my kid grabbed the controller on my best lap, and messed me up towards the end, so I couldn't get to the 54s like I wanted. The tires only give that good lap for once. So after you pit, your outlap then your hotlap are the only chance you get before the tires go off a little.

Well, that didn't work. Oh well...

Got it, and thanks below Wardez.
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Stop now while you're behind. You weren't the lead car in the corner. I braked later than you did. You took a different line into the corner than I did. Just because I brake late I'm in the wrong? Wow. That's not how racing woks. Take your beef with me up in PM's. No reason for it here. I got the pictures to show how you got your front right into me out the hairpin and made me loose. Just because you got hit accidentally from almost spinning me, I'm a dirty driver? :sly:

You raced me twice, and your friend boshuter aka mr.lagger was the reason behind the complaints. I didn't have any chance in your series when I was looked at with the views you and your little following have. I'm seriously not pressed. And when I tried to share my view, you didn't want to hear it. I'm 'banned' from your little get together. You speak as if you're races are the end of the world and I shouldn't be allowed to race anywhere because 'you say so'. People like you make me laugh.

Really? When was the last time you even showed up for an LMP race in BK's league? And can you tell me members in that series that have a problem? I don't think any of them that aren't foreign have an issue with how I drive.

Like I said, lag plays a lot of issues, I can't show you what you looked like on my screen, I just tell you how it is. If you can't accept that- sorry. But I'm not diving into the corner hard. I took a different line. It's called racing.

Leave me out of your latest drama, I could care less if you think I was the only reason you got banned. Your reputation on this forum is your own doing. You get into this same crap in every series you run and you always blame someone else. I've purposely stayed away from making any comments about you, either in this thread or in private, with the exception of warning DA before the season started that there would be problems if you were racing..... thanks for proving me right.
That was the race? I thought you knew the difference between qualifying and race? Like I said. I don't need to explain my personal life in the forums.

Leave me out of your latest drama, I could care less if you think I was the only reason you got banned. Your reputation on this forum is your own doing. You get into this same crap in every series you run and you always blame someone else. I've purposely stayed away from making any comments about you, either in this thread or in private, with the exception of warning DA before the season started that there would be problems if you were racing..... thanks for proving me right.

By one incident from someone lagging and complaining your point was proved? Thanks for proving my point that you were the one that said something about me and my driving. I knew it was you because you're the only one in this series that had an issue with me in the past. All those issues were in 2 separate races where you were lagging. You couldn't even hold your car straight in this last race! lol- look at this crap-





That's your buddy lagging and spinning out then jumping across both sides of the track smashing into me. Same thing he did in the RX7 race at Deep Forest, and the RM Vette race at Daytona Road. Thanks for proving my point bo.
Sad to see that Seth hasn't been taking his medication. Mental problems are truly a sad disease.

Sad to see the trolls out from under the bridge, must not be very comfortable in their own thread. They decided to live under the bridge in this thread. :crazy: I love how lag plays into people's hearts making them rage quit and blame someone else for GT5's misfortunes. My connection is as best as I can afford. And cable internet is pretty reliable. So I'm not saying I never lag, but damn, blaming me for something that clearly happens from lag isn't jumping on the bandwagon is it?
Here's what I saw with Owens' incident as well, just for the hell of it so we can get all the cards on the table-










Doesn't look bad until that last pic. Now tell me how 'dirty' of a move that was.
Unfortunately, unless you upload video, pictures of incidents are virtually useless. We need a lot more than this.