DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

How is it useless? It shows the initial pass was clean and there was no touching involved until the exit of the corner. You can see the line I took, and the line he took. I went to the curbing. There was room underneath me, so why come up to the curbing where I am?
I've seen the replay. To me it seemed like an aggressive move that early into the race. Appears the black car got its right tires into the grass causing the back end to spin which forced the car into the red one.
I've seen the replay. To me it seemed like an aggressive move that early into the race. Appears the black car got its right tires into the grass causing the back end to spin which forced the car into the red one.

Pretty much how I recall it.

The first pic shows me evading his dive bomb. The rest shows how deep he went. If it was such a proper move why was I beside you on exit? It was because you drove over your head. As well I would of been in front had I not braked longer to let him pass under and avoid him wrecking into me. He would of hit me had I not been watching him in my mirror. I usually race heavy damage and I would saved a pit stop avoiding that silly move. I had a gut feeling this guy would pull something like this so I was watching my mirror to avoid being a victim of a driver in over his head cause "he went for it" honestly thought he would have enough sense to realize he got in over his head and took that inside move and couldn't finish cause it was a bad pass and would of conceded the spot on that exit. Rather he just pushes more. Unreal really.
You braked extra early. I don't mean to brag, but you can brake late in that corner and come out high where the curbing is. If you were watching your mirrors so much why would you cut across from underneath me at first, then go up high to the curbing where I'm at? There's been passes at that point of the track in real racing. And if someone 'divebombs' the corner like you said, you take the low line and go under them. You didn't do that. I didn't divebomb the corner. I came up high and got down off the curbing because I didn't want to ride in the grass. You had a gut feeling from racing against me how many times there Owens? When have we ever crossed in previous races? What's unreal is your continuation of insinuating that you know my driving style or that I'm going to 'divebomb' corners. Your ignorance to how I race shows up every time you post. You've never raced me seriously before this series.

And the first pic shows me beside you outbraking you. It's common in racing if you didn't realize that. You were beside me exiting the corner, so why didn't you give space if you saw me go up high to the curbing? There's no reason. You tried to occupy the same space as me. You even put two tires over the curbing into the grass on the inside of the turn. Why is it that you couldn't hold your low line? I didn't lose control coming off the green strip/curbing. If you would have made that move on me, I would have got a different line out of the turn like I thought you were going to do. Instead of that, you try to cut me off when were coming out the turn. Then you rage quit because you spin at the next turn.
Seth. With out a video it useless talk.

Let it go cause this will never happen again. As I stated I won't be on track with you again. Your online persona doesn't work with me. Maybe it's me. Heck I got a bit of a temper and don't have patience for certain types. However, I can respect you as a GTP Member. Meaning don't bring the static to me and you won't hear from me.

I do apologize to others having to read this latest load of drama. Somewhere sometime someone was going to go there with this guy. Let's hope something was learned and people can better themselves from it. ;)
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Sign up sheet:
#. GTP I.D./PSN/ Car choice/

1. DA6righthand/DA6righthand/Honda ARTA NSX '06
2. Z Crazy/Z-Crazy/Honda Takata Dome NSX '06
3. UnshavenYapper/UnshavenYapper/Nissan Motul Autech GTR 08
4. Robbie2ffy/Robbie2ffy/Nissan YellowHat YMS Tomica GT-R '08
5. boshuter/boshuter/Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06
6. freshseth83/TF-110B/Nissan Stealth GT500 GTR '08
7. NaSuU/NaSsuU/Honda Raybrig NSX 06
8. awr117/redrobin347/Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08
9. Kakarot/Sinladar/Honda Stealth NSX '08
10. Toyotsupra/toyotsupra/Toyota Yellowhat Supra
11.RodeRuner1967/T-n-T-2000 Epson NSX '08

Hey DA,
I'm all moved and ready to join the season back up for round 6 at Grand Valley. If you'll have me back. :) I'll have the Epson NSX broke in to the required specs by then.
Sinladar offered to let me drive the NSX Stealth, but I backed out of the season to move and he deserves to enjoy driving it. He likes the car. :)
I really enjoyed running in your series. I hear you even added damage. Very nice move.
I'll check back in a little while. Hope to be able to come back. 👍
Owens we never had a problem before. I think we'd be fine if we raced again. You had some lag going on so I didn't think a pass was going to be a problem. I still see it as an incident and nothing more. You probably would have passed me the next lap because I hit the dirt before the back straight. I just don't see how anyone in this thread can know how I drive online because I haven't participated with them often if at all before this series. No one from Jav's GT1, or from tuning car has seen me more than 3 times. All those races had lag issues. People are quick to blame, quick to judgement. Unfortunately I don't have a way of recording video, so i took as best pictures as I could. I apologised pages ago, but I don't call people dirty drivers and comment about their personal lives. That's uncalled for, I just want to race without people jumping to conclusions.
Sign up sheet:
#. GTP I.D./PSN/ Car choice/

1. DA6righthand/DA6righthand/Honda ARTA NSX '06
2. Z Crazy/Z-Crazy/Honda Takata Dome NSX '06
3. UnshavenYapper/UnshavenYapper/Nissan Motul Autech GTR 08
4. Robbie2ffy/Robbie2ffy/Nissan YellowHat YMS Tomica GT-R '08
5. boshuter/boshuter/Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06
6. freshseth83/TF-110B/Nissan Stealth GT500 GTR '08
7. NaSuU/NaSsuU/Honda Raybrig NSX 06
8. awr117/redrobin347/Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08
9. Kakarot/Sinladar/Honda Stealth NSX '08
10. Toyotsupra/toyotsupra/Toyota Yellowhat Supra
11.RodeRuner1967/T-n-T-2000 Epson NSX '08

Hey DA,
I'm all moved and ready to join the season back up for round 6 at Grand Valley. If you'll have me back. :) I'll have the Epson NSX broke in to the required specs by then.
Sinladar offered to let me drive the NSX Stealth, but I backed out of the season to move and he deserves to enjoy driving it. He likes the car. :)
I really enjoyed running in your series. I hear you even added damage. Very nice move.
I'll check back in a little while. Hope to be able to come back. 👍

Hate to break it to you but I did not add damage although I did say I would like to run it. I've had too many bad experiences with damage to turn it on.

We'll be ready for you at Grand Valley!
Pretty much how I recall it.

The first pic shows me evading his dive bomb. The rest shows how deep he went. If it was such a proper move why was I beside you on exit? It was because you drove over your head. As well I would of been in front had I not braked longer to let him pass under and avoid him wrecking into me. He would of hit me had I not been watching him in my mirror. I usually race heavy damage and I would saved a pit stop avoiding that silly move. I had a gut feeling this guy would pull something like this so I was watching my mirror to avoid being a victim of a driver in over his head cause "he went for it" honestly thought he would have enough sense to realize he got in over his head and took that inside move and couldn't finish cause it was a bad pass and would of conceded the spot on that exit. Rather he just pushes more. Unreal really.

OwensRacing, I feel for you man. He can't admit when he is wrong and he makes poor judgement on when to pass. I have had this problem racing against him in our other series. He likes to argue over the incident and doesn't take the blame. He did it to me at Nurimburg GP trying to pass GTP_Erick when he shouldn't have and hit me cutting the corner of the shicane. I would hate to see a great driver go because of him. You are a great racer OwensRacing.👍
More bs from the peanut gallery. Why don't you stick to your division 2 racing and mind your business? The race you're talking about was filled with lag. I remember watching two people jump from 50 yards in front of me to right next to me. Call it how it is instead of throwing out your little spin on things.
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Hey guys im acing in a another series on Saturday is there any other way off starting abit later?
Yeah the time is a bit too late for me as it is right now. So starting later would be tough.

After playing around with a few different cars at La Sarthe the difference in time and attributes are pretty noticable.

While the NSX's have a straight line advantage, they are NO WAY near as easy to drive as any other car. I found myself struggling with penalties and having to back the pace down in the NSX's. They also eat tires up at a quicker pace (1 - 1.5 laps quicker) which may be significant. But afterall, was very fast if you can keep it on the road (ran the fastest by .300-.500).

I'm finding the car to beat will be the Supra. I noticed it was fairly locked down and had good straight-line speed. Also, I didn't have a problem with penalties while pushing in the car.

I didn't get a chance to lap in a GTR or the Bandai, but I assume the Bandai will get along here quite well (possibly better than the other SC 430's which I did get a chance to sample). I'm curious and will see what the GTR is good for later tonight. I suspect it will be the easiest car to drive, but also the slowest in a straight-line. I also believe it will be in the middle of the road tire wear-wise.
The tire wear is really funny. It appeared last week that the NSK's and Supra were getting the better tire wear. This week seems to be the complete opposite.

Like i mentioned earlier in the week, this should be an interesting race. I'm curious to see how well the NSX'x and Supra work together in the draft. My main concern is being able to stay within the draft on the long straights.

Should be fun
...It appeared last week that the NSK's and Supra were getting the better tire wear. This week seems to be the complete opposite.

Yeah the difference in tracks is huge. I had to completely swap out setups for this week. I normally run setups that are just slightly different from track to track. But, it was just too loose to do that here. Monza and Suzuka both benefited a car that rotated/transitioned very quickly... not the case here. That same rotation just destroyed the tires at La Sarthe. I'm finding the tighter I make my car the better the tire wear gets... to a point.
What kinda top speeds are you guys seeing? I think I'm around 290kmh on the first part of the Mulsanne straight. The 2nd and 3rd part I don't think I can reach 285. I think in mph that's around 170. And I can get 4 laps off the softs, maybe 5 if I slow it down, but the time you lose doesn't make it worthwhile.
I don't think that speed around this course will be a factor.
However the penalties will be a problem, as you can barely see the rumble strips in the dark as it is!
I am struggling to find my braking areas by using the markers alone, very hard to see and to line up the apex of the corner when you can't see it until you arrive there, usually on the wrong line:crazy:
If qualifying is in the dark there might be a shake up on the starting position. I think if you practice the track some more you'll get to know where the braking points are at. I still have some troubles when its dark because there are parts of the track that aren't lit very well. But since most of it is straights you just have to learn what speeds you reach before you hit each brake zone. That's what helps me in the dark. I'll check the speedo real fast when I'm coming up on the porsche curves especially.
I am having trouble with the Corvette Corner, the off camber turn is causing me to slide out too far and incurring a penalty in the process.:yuck:
I am having trouble with the Corvette Corner, the off camber turn is causing me to slide out too far and incurring a penalty in the process.:yuck:

I have to brake and drop a gear for the Corvette corner. Tricky turn and even harder at night since it is hard to see the inside curb.