- 30,042
- Thailand
I’m back on track now, thanks.I meant to reply to you when you posted in the Daily Rant thread, but I hope you are feeling a bit better now.
It's disconcerting when something 'different' or unexpected comes along, and its especially difficult when its something as serious as a mental health thing.
I'm sorry I didn't finish my post now, but I would emphasise that no reply or reaction doesn't necessarily mean that a post hasn't been read and digested - and it certainly doesn't mean that folks don't care, because they do.
On a related note, I've been having a bit of a reckoning with alcohol lately, and again last week I managed to overdo it quite badly. I'm very fortunate that it doesn't stop me from working, but I do need to do something about it beyond my (clearly insufficient) private attempts at cutting down or stopping.
It's very hard when something is so deeply ingrained as drinking is in my own life, and even last night was a great example of how difficult (socially and personally) it can be... a mate invited me for drinks and dinner but I made an excuse and bailed, even though I knew he is having relationship problems with his wife. I felt guilty about bailing so I changed my mind and joined him for a few drinks... it turns out that he's OK, but he is also quite lonely and he is having problems in his marriage.
A few drinks and a good chat made us both feel alot better, and I'm glad that I changed my mind and met him. But - it totally blew apart my plan to go home and stay sober... but there you go. At the very least, I didn't drink the bottle of wine I bought on the way home.
The downer I was on was caused by alcohol. I’d slowly upped my consumption and was drinking week nights. I wasn’t getting drunk, just keeping busy with a beer or two. I guess over the last few weeks I’d accumulated a reserve in my system and the depressant effects of alcohol caught up with me in one fell swoop.
Booze interrupts my regular medications throwing me off a stable plane. As the thought of being sober terrifies me, I’m making an effort to keep the booze to minimal levels for when I’m off school.
A lot of my boozing was due to boredom. When my mother-in-law is staying, she takes all agency away from me with regards to parenting and associated chores, leaving me twiddling my thumbs and looking for beer to occupy my time.
Drinking (beer) is probably the most trivial yet destructive habit I have. I know that smoking will eventually kill me, but it’s never caused me a mental breakdown.
GTP AA, anyone? Lol