Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Ive tried burying things I can sympathise a lot with what you are saying, there is no delete button for thinking but ive found a volume control for it. I wanted to share how Ive been coping with ASD in the hope that it my be of some benefit to others. My mind can take me to bad places with repeating thought patterns that are triggered by just being around people. There are coping mechanisms that we adopt when our thinking becomes a burden these can be either negative or positive as you have alluded to substances don't help. My old coping mechanisms could cause a negative feedback to develop because I would start doing avoidance tactics or self medicating. Ive embraced what is wrong with me and integrated it I dont feel a stigma anymore which reduces a lot of the burden of self blame. The method Ive been using is fairly straight forward I get out into green spaces, and take myself out of my head completely. It's as easy as standing still in a green space with the sun on your skin doing slow breaths and focussing on on the wind through the trees or bird song. The incessant chatter of the mind eventually subsides, and you end up in an empty head space as you move into an observation rather than processing mode. At first the silence / tranquility can be interupted by the old thought rhythms coming back, dont fight them let them play out and go back to the sounds or sights immediately around you and it will pull you back again. It's incremental but slipping into observational mode and closing down repeating thoughts starts to stick more and more and it becomes like a comfy pair of slippers the more you do it. The longer you spend in the moment in observation mode the more you come to realise you are not in the past anymore, and what is dragging you down is an echo albeit a persistent one. No matter whether you are up or down mood is not fixed and the possibility of what tomorrow can be is not pre-determined by the past. Below is one of my favourite places to get out of my head. Nature is truly restorative many of the plants and trees give out chemicals that reduce blood pressure, stress, and anxiety with every breath you are getting a benefit. At least 15 minutes of sunshine, and slow breathing mindfulness can build up your resilience for a full day. What im discovering is the negativity will always be somewhere in the memory, but the more you practice resilience the less it bothers you. A good nights sleep is also hugely beneficial I only drink coffee in a morning as it doesn't leave the body quickly, its always good for your bio rhythm if you sleep at the same time every day. There's no pressure to change, it just happens so don't expect an epiphany just chip away with a daily routine, and little by little change will happen for you, anything is possible. View attachment 1196984
Thank you, I'll give this a try.
For the past week my social anxiety has gotten really bad honestly. I keep felling nauseated doing anything in public. :(
For the past week my social anxiety has gotten really bad honestly. I keep felling nauseated doing anything in public. :(
So sorry to hear that, I used to get knots in my stomach on my way to work it's no fun at all. You are not alone in feeling this way, and are doing the right thing by sharing the burden. You can mitigate some of the feelings with deep slow breathing, and focussing on small details around you when in these situations. It's possible to be biologically primed to feel this way by genetics or memory of past situations, this turns on gene's that trigger the fight or flight response. Slow breathing is the easiest way to bring the stress levels down if you can't avoid what triggers these feelings. If you can, make a time or space each day to bring down your anxiety levels by doing something that relaxes you. I find being in nature / sunshine really helps me.
If anything, try not to stress yourself too much or think too much about something negatively. Most of all, get help any way you can from your support system (even if your support system is yourself).
Originally I’ve written a response at length to this tidbit here, but some days ago I’ve deleted it out of fear for the potential risks of self-disclosure, and I’ve forgotten what I wrote precisely, but seeing as today is the World Mental Health Day, I’ll just summarize what I wrote in the deleted draft, and concur with what @JohnBM01 said in the above snippet. It seems to be something that we should all have been well aware of already, but in fact it’s not. I know for one that sometimes I still fall prey to thoughts of self-loathing, and sometimes I still interpret others’ sayings more than what they actually meant. But it’s worth remembering that more often than not the things that we consider others to be implying are actually magnitudes higher/worse than what actually crossed their minds and are deliberately intended. Besides, even if the people actually intended the meaning that’s in your mind, so what? Continuing to fixate on the negative thought isn’t gonna do you any favours; if my experience is anything to go by, it’s just gonna make you a lot more demotivated in life, and maybe even more timid in getting the thing done. So just do your conscientious bit, and I’d say that’s already good enough.
I’ve been using cannabis medicinally, in part to subdue alcoholism. I ran out of the strain that I use and others have been ineffective.
Alcohol being a natural depressant, my serotonin levels have taken a large hit after a week of daily drinking.
Grrrrrr… I’m a miserable git today.
Today (November 4) is a sad anniversary- the passing of my grandmother. Losing a loved one can seriously bring depression and anxiety in your life, especially considering how much that someone mattered in your life. My grandmother molded me and my family. Her passing away back in 2017 left a void in most of our lives. I even suffered an infection days or a week after she died. Always remember that people will come and go in your life. Cherish your friends and family because you'll never know when they'll be gone.

Stay in the fight against depression and anxiety, and we're all in this together. Don't let depression or anxiety win.
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If you feel trapped in a corner, hopeless, worthless, or for lack of a better term- hit rock bottom... get whatever help you can. It can be tough to remind yourself that you are special and loved. Maybe surround yourself with more supporting people or go to a place where you feel happier if you have to. Just don't feel you are stuck in a downward spiral with absolutely no hope of recovering. Most demons can be overcome and can be bested.

As always, don't let depression or anxiety win.
That's interesting. Do you have a "rebound" effect of the depression worsening when it wears off?
I do feel a bit muted if I go a while without a dose. I lose focus quickly too, and to keep focused is the main reason I take it.

As a teen I abused cannabis, not really knowing how to use it properly. I became a stoner with heavy use and it contributed to a psychosis back in ‘08.

I’m much more aware of its properties and how to administer it for the most benefit these days.

The amount I take daily is about 0.1g. It’s moderately recreational as I do enjoy an hour long buzz after a dose, but once that fades away I can still attend to my business with added focus and perseverance.

I’ve mixed it a few times with some beers and the alcohol nullified it’s longer lasting effects after the initial high. It’s probably the closest thing I’ll had to a ‘clinical’ alcohol suppressant.
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. My version, though, is focusing my energy on certain things for the new year. So I want to focus more on mental health and mood. I feel I will be most productive if my mental health is intact and if I am a position where my mood will not prevent me from being successful. I suggest you all try to improve your own mood and mental health to avert things like depression and anxiety.

Don't let depression or anxiety win.
"New year, new start. Don't let last year's shortcomings dictate your future. Make the most of the new year dealing with any and all challenges. " That is what I typed up on Facebook and Twitter for Monday Motivation. The previous year is done. Time to start anew in hopes of making the new year as great as you want it to be.

Don't let depression or anxiety win.
The New Year always brings a sense of looming dread for me, as it reinforces that I've wasted another year not progressing, not making improvements and just generally being a miserable sod. I'd ignored all my friends from June until last month and purged everything (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to deliberately make it as hard as possible to get a hold of me. Suffice to say, none of them noticed. No socialising besides work and with family for more or less six months. The days were filled with going to work, coming home, playing games for a few hours (more to kill time, rather than enjoyment) before laying in bed wondering why I'm even on this planet. This obviously didn't do me any favours and I had a meltdown, to which I relayed everything to one of my closer friends.

He invited me to a big New Years party where literally everybody in our group was there. At first it was great, was lovely seeing everyone and just conversing, but after a few hours of normalcy, I just couldn't muster up the emotional energy to keep up the charade, so I spent a huge chunk of it just quietly sat with whoever was nearby. I had no stories to tell, no anecdotes, nothing to relate with because I'm just so miserable and scared that I don't attempt to do anything outside of work. I was surrounded by people, and yet it was the most alone I'd felt in ages. As dumb as it sounds, there's a bizarre comfort with being in a situation you hate, because at least you understand it; you know what you're getting, and it doesn't take any effort to do any different.

I did promise my friend that I'd be more vocal and willing to engage in social stuff, but so far I haven't really bothered. I was going to go with him to the gym as you always read that it has the same effect as six therapists in one for mental health or something, but I've just been skirting around it with excuses as I feel like I'd be out of place. I did attempt a few days in to the new year to be spontaneous and message a (former?) friend who I used to be really close with. She'd just completely blanked a message I'd sent a couple of years back and heard nothing from since. I let bygones be bygones and went in with no expectations, and sure enough, no response from her, so now I'm racking my brains figuring out what I've exactly done wrong, if anything at all.

I'm sad, tired, bored and frustrated with the life I'm living, but I can't fathom anything I can do that'll bring me joy or solace. Any attempt I make either goes wrong or just does nothing for me. I see all my friends being happy, getting engaged and buying houses, and I wonder what the hell I did wrong since our paths in life are all extremely similar. I can barely relate to anybody and can't even remember how to have a proper conversation at this stage. I just want something that isn't this.

Long rambling post, so thanks to anyone who even reads a third of this drivel.
The New Year always brings a sense of looming dread for me, as it reinforces that I've wasted another year not progressing, not making improvements and just generally being a miserable sod. I'd ignored all my friends from June until last month and purged everything (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to deliberately make it as hard as possible to get a hold of me. Suffice to say, none of them noticed. No socialising besides work and with family for more or less six months. The days were filled with going to work, coming home, playing games for a few hours (more to kill time, rather than enjoyment) before laying in bed wondering why I'm even on this planet. This obviously didn't do me any favours and I had a meltdown, to which I relayed everything to one of my closer friends.

He invited me to a big New Years party where literally everybody in our group was there. At first it was great, was lovely seeing everyone and just conversing, but after a few hours of normalcy, I just couldn't muster up the emotional energy to keep up the charade, so I spent a huge chunk of it just quietly sat with whoever was nearby. I had no stories to tell, no anecdotes, nothing to relate with because I'm just so miserable and scared that I don't attempt to do anything outside of work. I was surrounded by people, and yet it was the most alone I'd felt in ages. As dumb as it sounds, there's a bizarre comfort with being in a situation you hate, because at least you understand it; you know what you're getting, and it doesn't take any effort to do any different.

I did promise my friend that I'd be more vocal and willing to engage in social stuff, but so far I haven't really bothered. I was going to go with him to the gym as you always read that it has the same effect as six therapists in one for mental health or something, but I've just been skirting around it with excuses as I feel like I'd be out of place. I did attempt a few days in to the new year to be spontaneous and message a (former?) friend who I used to be really close with. She'd just completely blanked a message I'd sent a couple of years back and heard nothing from since. I let bygones be bygones and went in with no expectations, and sure enough, no response from her, so now I'm racking my brains figuring out what I've exactly done wrong, if anything at all.

I'm sad, tired, bored and frustrated with the life I'm living, but I can't fathom anything I can do that'll bring me joy or solace. Any attempt I make either goes wrong or just does nothing for me. I see all my friends being happy, getting engaged and buying houses, and I wonder what the hell I did wrong since our paths in life are all extremely similar. I can barely relate to anybody and can't even remember how to have a proper conversation at this stage. I just want something that isn't this.

Long rambling post, so thanks to anyone who even reads a third of this drivel.
I was in exactly the same boat a few years back. To an extent I still am - large social gatherings are my idea of hell; all they do is reinforce that I don't belong there. I never feel more lonely than when I'm surrounded by people.

Even classic car shows, which used to be something of a hobby, have just turned into something that kills time, because I just don't do well around so many people. According to most people, I'm loud, outspoken and opinionated, especially with cars, but in the setting of a car show/meet, I get drowned out by all the other personalities, and I just kind of fade out of conversations until nobody notices I'm not there anymore.

The only thing that really helped me was meeting the right person.

Feel free to message me if you want to chat
The New Year always brings a sense of looming dread for me, as it reinforces that I've wasted another year not progressing, not making improvements and just generally being a miserable sod. I'd ignored all my friends from June until last month and purged everything (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to deliberately make it as hard as possible to get a hold of me. Suffice to say, none of them noticed. No socialising besides work and with family for more or less six months. The days were filled with going to work, coming home, playing games for a few hours (more to kill time, rather than enjoyment) before laying in bed wondering why I'm even on this planet. This obviously didn't do me any favours and I had a meltdown, to which I relayed everything to one of my closer friends.

He invited me to a big New Years party where literally everybody in our group was there. At first it was great, was lovely seeing everyone and just conversing, but after a few hours of normalcy, I just couldn't muster up the emotional energy to keep up the charade, so I spent a huge chunk of it just quietly sat with whoever was nearby. I had no stories to tell, no anecdotes, nothing to relate with because I'm just so miserable and scared that I don't attempt to do anything outside of work. I was surrounded by people, and yet it was the most alone I'd felt in ages. As dumb as it sounds, there's a bizarre comfort with being in a situation you hate, because at least you understand it; you know what you're getting, and it doesn't take any effort to do any different.

I did promise my friend that I'd be more vocal and willing to engage in social stuff, but so far I haven't really bothered. I was going to go with him to the gym as you always read that it has the same effect as six therapists in one for mental health or something, but I've just been skirting around it with excuses as I feel like I'd be out of place. I did attempt a few days in to the new year to be spontaneous and message a (former?) friend who I used to be really close with. She'd just completely blanked a message I'd sent a couple of years back and heard nothing from since. I let bygones be bygones and went in with no expectations, and sure enough, no response from her, so now I'm racking my brains figuring out what I've exactly done wrong, if anything at all.

I'm sad, tired, bored and frustrated with the life I'm living, but I can't fathom anything I can do that'll bring me joy or solace. Any attempt I make either goes wrong or just does nothing for me. I see all my friends being happy, getting engaged and buying houses, and I wonder what the hell I did wrong since our paths in life are all extremely similar. I can barely relate to anybody and can't even remember how to have a proper conversation at this stage. I just want something that isn't this.

Long rambling post, so thanks to anyone who even reads a third of this drivel.
Feeling insular is far from unusual and trying to look outward is a difficult thing for many or most people.

And feeling isolated or alone in a big crowd is the normal for many. I know I find it difficult, even when amongst people with similar interests. In fact, you're probably not the only person in the room struggling with that, despite what it might appear.

Regarding your friend that hasn't replied - try not to spend effort on working out why. You've made the effort to get in touch, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. If they want to reply, they will.

It sounds like your friend that invited you to the new year party wants to try to help.

When I was struggling, I had a friend who contacted me regularly if I went "radio silent". It might help if you can find someone who you can trust to do the same for you. With people having such busy lives, its easy not to notice someone going quiet unless you're specifically looking out for it. But you need to find a way to be able to trust them in return and let them know things you might not feel comfortable about discussing. Whether that's a friend or someone else completely, is something which is different for every person.

I hope you can find the support you need.
I celebrated my 40th birthday yesterday. While I didn't do anything special this weekend besides cook up a special meal in the air fryer, I actually felt quite good. I was even glad to receive so many compliments and well wishes. I wanted to focus on mental health and mood for 2023. So far, I've been fairly well. Sometimes depression and anxiety hit you hard, some other times it eases off. Just make sure that depression and/or anxiety don't hit you hard enough to where you fail to function properly in life and society.

Don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
For the past week my social anxiety has gotten really bad honestly. I keep felling nauseated doing anything in public. :(
You need to realize that few people actually care about you or even notice you. You could do really embarrassing stuff (which you most likely aren't doing anyway) and hardly anyone would notice it or care enough to remember it for longer than 15 minutes. You are one grain of sand on a beach.
It would be different if you were a celebrity but aren't one I guess.
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You need to realize that few people actually care about you or even notice you. You could do really embarrassing stuff (which you most likely aren't doing anyway) and hardly anyone would notice it or care enough to remember it for longer than 15 minutes. You are one grain of sand on a beach.
It would be different if you were a celebrity but aren't one I guess.
This is a recurring theme with my girlfriend who suffers with anxiety. She's constantly worried about what people she's never met might think of her. The irony is the majority of people are too busy with themselves to notice or care about anyone else, like you said. In a sad way it's almost liberating, knowing how little the people around you care, save for a few individuals; individuals worth keeping close.
This is a recurring theme with my girlfriend who suffers with anxiety. She's constantly worried about what people she's never met might think of her. The irony is the majority of people are too busy with themselves to notice or care about anyone else, like you said. In a sad way it's almost liberating, knowing how little the people around you care, save for a few individuals; individuals worth keeping close.
Yes, its like those fish hiding in large schools that seem like an entire living organism and not individuals, there is certainly safety in masses like these. Evolving from small tribal communities into large cities and even nations dramatically increased that factor, for good - or for worse.

I find that social anxiety like that has some characteristics of narcissism, thinking all eyes are constantly on you and everybody immediately notices you even in large crowds and remembers you and what you do for eternity.
Can't help but wonder if social anxiety and narcissism are linked somehow.
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You need to realize that few people actually care about you or even notice you. You could do really embarrassing stuff (which you most likely aren't doing anyway) and hardly anyone would notice it or care enough to remember it for longer than 15 minutes. You are one grain of sand on a beach.
It would be different if you were a celebrity but aren't one I guess.
This is very true.

I used to suffer through alcohol withdrawal with anxiety so bad I couldn’t get out of bed or even look at my mobile. The realisation is that it’s likely nobody but me is aware of my shortcomings and everyone has some sort of social anxiety, otherwise they’re a psychopath.
In my case, I've been feeling quite down since the start of 2021, all because me and my girlfriend got into a huge fight which severely impacted our relationship, and yet I was afraid to actually share this with anyone here at GTP, until now.

It happened one night after I came home from a dinner party with some relatives where I was in a video call with my girlfriend and another close friend of mine, that is, until she pulled out a photo of a K-pop celebrity (actually called "Jungwon" from a group called "Enhypen") and began to give him a fake name, and made up fake dating stories about him, such as claiming to have met him online, and much later on, she and my other friend started saying mean, hurtful jokes like saying they will hang out and go on international trips with him, and that my girlfriend said that I could go "third-wheeling" with him, as if reducing me to a platonic friendship, where in fact, we were dating in a romantic relationship since 2017.

Another was that she kept on laughing and saying things like "You believe whatever you want to believe", and "Let's see how gullible you are".

This made me really angry, and shortly after, I ended up calling my girlfriend "creepy" and a stalker for continuing to claim that she is dating her K-pop celebrity crush, whom she gave a fake name and all that. I continued to call her all these names and threatened to raise my voice and yell at her if she didn't stop, and reaffirm that we were dating each other, apologized for the joke and showed me genuine love and affection. I eventually did yell at her after she posted a photo that she "just got back on a video call with the K-pop guy".

All of this culminated into a massive, heated argument during the birthday of my other friend where I decided to take my anger out on her and clash viciously by continuing to call her "creepy" and a stalker, and for everybody to join me in getting extremely angry and annoyed at her for that joke she said towards me, only for it to backfire on my end, and that this pushed a lot of my best friends away from me for quite a long time.

Few days later, she started stalking me by not talking to me on every social media platform, as well as not hanging out and hugging me, and she continues to stalk me to this very day, where this led me to have violent and negative thoughts of revenge, all so she can stop reach out to me instead, fall in love with me again, and give me all the dates, hugs and affection that anyone could ever ask for in a romantic relationship.

This anger towards her very much nearly destroyed my sanity and who I am, and to this day, I am still seeking the answers I need just for her to come back to me after such a nasty joke she said. It took me a few months to realize that it really was a joke done in poor taste just to annoy me, which intensified my aggression even further, upon hearing the knowledge of some friends that the K-pop guy was indeed, really one.

Is there any romantic relationship where one is okay about pranking the other about cheating/dating someone else? Because from what I know, joking about cheating or leaving your partner is unacceptable, and unlike most of you here in GTP who seem to thrive on sarcasm, banter, or other such forms of humor, I'm very sorry that I'm not like you guys. I believe that if your humor can really hurt people's feelings, then you're not really funny.

Some others were saying that my girlfriend was just "fangirling" over a K-pop boy she was recently obsessing on. It's no surprise given that she is indeed, a huge K-pop fan, and that she is also the biggest reason why I hate Blackpink so much, other than their song, "Ice Cream". However, based on the joke she said, it obviously involved a boy group.

Others are also saying that I lack a sense of humor, that I'm not very funny, or that I've got aggression problems and need to get into anger management classes, as I have a tendency to become violent and actually threaten and/or bully others when people playfully tease me.

I believe it's partially my own fault, as I've allowed my emotions to get the best of me instead of trying to use proper communication skills to defuse the situation and actually get my girlfriend to come back to her senses the right way, which I regret the most.

As a result, I seeked the counseling from a number of close friends just in order to help me out and to give me advice on getting her to come back to me and for her to fall in love with me as her boyfriend once more, and I managed to take their advice pretty well. It's just that I'm currently in my senior year in college, so I might not have the time to plan something just as yet, like a date that serves as our reunion, as I need to finish things like my thesis.

I wouldn't want to say I'm prolonging my agony, but there are other things I must pursue for now, but I will, for sure, get back to repairing our broken relationship once I've sorted everything out. I believe that I must become a stronger and more independent individual, just as much as I want my girlfriend to be a strong, independent woman before she reconciles with me.

All in all, I just want my girlfriend to love me for who I am, unconditionally, as well for our relationship to be beautiful, and one that will last and be cherished forever.

I sometimes feel jealous of my other friends who are in relationships, simply because they always show that they are proud of loving one another, go on dates often, and are always there for one another even in their hardest times, and that their relationships reflect that of the five love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving and receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch.

Makes me realize that I want that too. Especially with my girlfriend.
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In my case, I've been feeling quite down since the start of 2021, all because me and my girlfriend got into a huge fight which severely impacted our relationship, and yet I was afraid to actually share this with anyone here at GTP, until now.
Most relationships have some amount of teasing for fun. Most have some kind of limit. My girlfriend and I constantly insult each other for fun, but we'd never joke about cheating on each other, especially in front of someone else - it's just not right. Cheating is immoral. So, I can see how her comments could embarrass or upset you, even more since there was a friend present. If she knew she was upsetting you and carried on, that's not very nice, so yes, she did go a little wrong, even if she intended it as a joke.

However, your reaction was too much. To react with aggression, name-calling and threats bordering on violence toward the person you're supposed to care about the most is wrong. You also mention wanting her to 'come to her senses' as if she is the only one who has done wrong here - I'm not sure if you genuinely mean that or if you intended something different, but perhaps she's already come to her senses. You could have very much scared her away with your behaviour. You have to accept more than a little bit of blame here. You also mention that you want her to love you for who you are unconditionally, but don't you think you have to do the same for her? A lot of what you've said makes me think you've considered your own feelings and needs a lot more than hers, and relationships don't work if you only care about yourself. I could be interpreting things wrong but it's the impression I get from what you've written.

If this happened in 2021, and you've not spoken to her for 2 years, is there even a relationship left to salvage? Do you know she hasn't moved on?

As for plans, or college, you don't need a plan. You don't need to allocate time for some grand reunion. If anything you should start soon and start small, by simply asking if you two can talk (probably via message, not a call, or video), and try to clear the air with her. If you wait until you've finished your studies, it might be too late. Part of me thinks you may both be better off with different people though.

At the end of the day, I don't know anything about you or your relationship other than what I can tell from your post so I'm probably not qualified to make any real judgement. I'm sorry if I've been brutal, but it's what I think, based on what you've told us. To cut a long story short, if you want her back, you've got to say sorry, and try not to react the same in future. By all means explain that she's upset you too, but you can't get violent with your loved one.
Pretty numb at the moment.

Had a bit of a meltdown on Friday morning, missed work, and spent the weekend in a disconnected state.

Haven’t really pieced myself together yet. Everything seems distant. It’s not a form of depression I’ve experienced before.

Thankfully it’s rather mild and with any luck my meds will rectify the glitch in a short time.
Just wanted to pop in here and say: you matter, you belong, you are a good person, you're good enough! 👍

(Team neurodivergent here)
Pretty numb at the moment.

Had a bit of a meltdown on Friday morning, missed work, and spent the weekend in a disconnected state.

Haven’t really pieced myself together yet. Everything seems distant. It’s not a form of depression I’ve experienced before.

Thankfully it’s rather mild and with any luck my meds will rectify the glitch in a short time.

Hey you, sat there outside your life, looking for the pieces you can't see

looking for meaning, looking for reason

Hey you... out there getting lonely, getting distant

Don't give in, without a fight.
A serious of really bad life changing events just happened, atop of the usual awfulness. Pretty much my worst fears just came true.

My last 8 years were a struggle and disaster on every front but now things got a lot worse. I can suffer pain, I can endure hardship, I can deal with a constant flow of setbacks - I can fight - god knows I have done so for almost a decade now but something has been gnawing at me for a couple years and its only getting stronger - and that is the question - what for? The few meaningless and banal pleasures in my life are absolutely overshadowed by high magnitude tragic events that constantly happen in my life, especially recently. Those little pleasures are worth nothing and are utterly forgettable.
I have no children I owe responsibility, nobody depends on me, I don't value anything highly enough that I could call it a ''dream'' or something worth fighting for.

I endure pretty bad things on a daily basis and have no answer to the question why I do it, other than maybe spite or maybe simple routine. Hope ran out a long time ago and if life has ever been beautiful, that's gone too.
Can't even drink because of chronic health issues.

Eh, just wanted to rant, guess I'm starting to become melodramatic.
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Pretty numb at the moment.

Had a bit of a meltdown on Friday morning, missed work, and spent the weekend in a disconnected state.

Haven’t really pieced myself together yet. Everything seems distant. It’s not a form of depression I’ve experienced before.

Thankfully it’s rather mild and with any luck my meds will rectify the glitch in a short time.
I meant to reply to you when you posted in the Daily Rant thread, but I hope you are feeling a bit better now.

It's disconcerting when something 'different' or unexpected comes along, and its especially difficult when its something as serious as a mental health thing.

I'm sorry I didn't finish my post now, but I would emphasise that no reply or reaction doesn't necessarily mean that a post hasn't been read and digested - and it certainly doesn't mean that folks don't care, because they do.


On a related note, I've been having a bit of a reckoning with alcohol lately, and again last week I managed to overdo it quite badly. I'm very fortunate that it doesn't stop me from working, but I do need to do something about it beyond my (clearly insufficient) private attempts at cutting down or stopping.

It's very hard when something is so deeply ingrained as drinking is in my own life, and even last night was a great example of how difficult (socially and personally) it can be... a mate invited me for drinks and dinner but I made an excuse and bailed, even though I knew he is having relationship problems with his wife. I felt guilty about bailing so I changed my mind and joined him for a few drinks... it turns out that he's OK, but he is also quite lonely and he is having problems in his marriage.

A few drinks and a good chat made us both feel alot better, and I'm glad that I changed my mind and met him. But - it totally blew apart my plan to go home and stay sober... but there you go. At the very least, I didn't drink the bottle of wine I bought on the way home.
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